Commons Journal 265 |
Session 2008-09
[No. 44 Thursday 12 March 2009 ] The house met at 10.30 am. PRAYERS. 1 Private Bills [Lords]: Manchester City Council Bill [Lords] and Bournemouth Borough Council Bill [Lords]: Revival Motion (Standing Order 188B relating to Private Business) Order read for resuming the adjourned Debate on the Question (15 January), That the promoters of the Manchester City Council Bill [Lords] and Bournemouth Borough Council Bill [Lords], which were originally introduced in the House of Lords in Session 2006^07 on 22 January 2007, may have leave to proceed with the Bills in the current Session according to the provisions of Standing Order 188B (Revival of bills). Objection taken (Standing Order No. 20(2)). Debate to be resumed on Thursday 19 March. 2 Private Bills: Canterbury City Council Bill, Leeds City Council Bill, Nottingham City Council Bill and Reading Borough Council Bill: Revival Motion (Standing Order 188B relating to Private Business) Order read for resuming the adjourned Debate on the Question (15 January), That the promoters of the Canterbury City Council Bill, Leeds City Council Bill, Nottingham City Council Bill and Reading Borough Council Bill, which were originally introduced in this House in Session 2007^08 on 22 January 2008, may have leave to proceed with the Bills in the current Session according to the provisions of Standing Order 188B (Revival of bills). Objection taken (Standing Order No. 20(2)). Debate to be resumed on Thursday 19 March. 3 Protection of Children: Progress Report Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, That she will be graciously pleased to give directions that there be laid before this House a Return of the Progress Report, dated 12 March 2009, of Lord Laming on the Protection of Children in England._(Chris Mole.) 4 Questions to the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills 5 Business Question (Leader of the House) 6 Statement: Lord Laming's Progress Report on the Protection of Children (Secretary Ed Balls) 7 Public Accounts Resolved, That this House takes note of the 30th, 36th, 39th to 41st, 43rd to 49th, 51st and 57th Reports of the Committee of Public Accounts of Session 2007^08, and of the Treasury Minutes on those Reports (Cm 7493, 7522 and 7545)._(Mr Edward Leigh.) Page 217 2008-09 Volume 265 Back to top 8 Use of the Chamber (United Kingdom Youth Parliament) Motion made and Question proposed, That this House welcomes the work of the United Kingdom Youth Parliament in providing young people with an opportunity to engage with the political process and bring about social change; notes that many hon. Members from all parts of the House are actively involved in the work of the UK Youth Parliament; and accordingly resolves that the UK Youth Parliament should be allowed for this year alone to hold its 2009 annual meeting in the Chamber of this House._(Chris Bryant.) 9 Royal Assent The Deputy Speaker reported that the Queen had signified Royal Assent to the following Acts under the Royal Assent Act 1967: Appropriation Act 2009 Northern Ireland Act 2009. 10 Use of the Chamber (United Kingdom Youth Parliament) Question again proposed, That this House welcomes the work of the United Kingdom Youth Parliament in providing young people with an opportunity to engage with the political process and bring about social change; notes that many hon. Members from all parts of the House are actively involved in the work of the UK Youth Parliament; and accordingly resolves that the UK Youth Parliament should be allowed for this year alone to hold its 2009 annual meeting in the Chamber of this House. At 6.00 pm, the debate stood adjourned (Standing Order No. 9(3)). Debate to be resumed tomorrow. 11 Public Petition A Public Petition from residents of Tarporley and surrounding areas relating to Planning and Development (Cheshire) was presented and read by Mr Stephen O'Brien. 12 Adjournment Subject: Flooding in Somerset (Mr David Heath). Motion made and Question proposed, That this House do now adjourn._(Mr Dave Watts.) House adjourned without Question put (Standing Order No. 9(7)). [Adjourned at 6.33 pm until tomorrow. ] Other proceedings Lords Messages 13 Consolidated Fund Bill The Lords agree to the Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill, without Amendment. 14 Northern Ireland Bill The Lords agree to the Northern Ireland Bill, without Amendment. Explanatory Notes to Bills 15 Protection of Children (Encrypted Material) Bill Explanatory Notes to the Bill to be printed (Bill 18^EN). 16 Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill Explanatory Notes to the Bill to be printed (Bill 39^EN). Page 218 2008-09 Volume 265 Back to top Reports from Select Committees 17 Public Administration (Select Committee on) (1) Justice denied? The Government's response to the Ombudsman's report on Equitable Life: (i) Sixth Report, with written evidence, to be printed, with the Formal Minutes relating to the Report, and written evidence reported and ordered to be published on 29 January, 10 February and 11 February (HC 41); (ii) Written evidence; (2) Ethics and Standards: Further Report: Government Response to the Third Report from the Committee: First Special Report, to be printed (HC 332); (3) Civil and Public Service Issues: Evidence, to be printed (HC 352); (4) Leaks and Whistleblowing in Whitehall: Written evidence, to be published; (5) Outside Appointments to the Senior Civil Service: Written evidence, to be published; (6) Executive Pay in the Public Sector: Written evidence, to be published (Dr Tony Wright). 18 West Midlands Regional Select Committee Richard Burden reported from the West Midlands Regional Select Committee, That he had been chosen as Chairman of the Committee. Sitting in Westminster Hall The sitting began at 2.30 pm.
Subject: Future strategy on race equality. Resolved, That the sitting be now adjourned._(Chris Mole.) [Adjourned at 3.28 pm until Tuesday 17 March. ] APPENDIX Papers presented or laid upon the Table: Papers subject to Negative Resolution: 1 Criminal Law Crime (International Co-operation) Act 2003 (Designation of Participating Countries) (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) Order 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 613), dated 10 March 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary Jacqui Smith). 2 Education Education (Student Loans) (Repayment) Regulations 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 470), dated 1 March 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary John Denham). 3 Family Proceedings (1) Family Procedure (Adoption) (Amendment) Rules 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 638), dated 10 March 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary Jack Straw); and (2) Family Proceedings (Amendment) Rules 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 636), dated 10 March 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary Jack Straw). Page 219 2008-09 Volume 265 Back to top 4 Housing Approval of Code of Management Practice (Residential Management) (Service Charges) (England) Order 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 512), dated 4 March 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary Hazel Blears). 5 Lord Chancellor Discipline of Judges (Designation) Order 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 590), dated 5 March 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary Jack Straw). 6 Magistrates' Courts Family Proceedings Courts (Children Act 1989) (Amendment) Rules 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 637), dated 10 March 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary Jack Straw). 7 Police Police Pension (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2009 (S.R. (N.I.), 2009, No. 79), dated 2 March 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Mr Secretary Woodward). 8 Probation Polygraph Rules 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 619), dated 10 March 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary Jack Straw). 9 Terms and Conditions of Employment (1) Flexible Working (Eligibility, Complaints and Remedies) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 595), dated 10 March 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum and an Impact Assessment (by Command) (Mr Pat McFadden); and (2) Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 592), dated 10 March 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Mr Pat McFadden). Other Papers: 10 Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Minute, dated 12 March 2009, concerning contingent liabilities in relation to business support packages (by Command) (Mr Pat McFadden). 11 Health Government Response to the First Report from the Health Committee, Session 2008^09, on NHS Next Stage Review (by Command) (Cm. 7558) (Secretary Alan Johnson). 12 Naval and Marine Pay and Pensions Naval and Marine Pay and Pensions (Pay) Order 2009, dated 11 February 2009 (by Act) (Mr Secretary Hutton). 13 Protection of Children: Progress Report Return to an Address to Her Majesty for a Return of the Progress Report, dated 12 March 2009, of Lord Laming on the Protection of Children in England (by Resolution, this day); to be printed (HC 330) (Secretary Ed Balls). |
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