Commons Journal 265

Session 2008-09
Chronological Index
Alphabetical Index - Part I
Alphabetical Index - Part II

[No. 78 Monday 18 May 2009 ]

The house met at 2.30 pm.


1 Questions to the Secretary of State for the Home Department

2 Speaker's Statement: Members' allowances

3 Opposition Day: Leader of the Opposition (11th allotted day (Standing Order No. 14))

(1) Skills in the Recession

Motion made and Question proposed, That this House regrets the Government's failure to deliver the skills training and education needed if the economy is to emerge stronger from the recession; condemns the incompetent management of further education colleges' capital projects; is concerned that the percentage of young people not in education, employment or training has risen significantly since the start of the decade; notes the concerns of training providers that funding allocations for 2009^10 will not support current apprentices to the end of their training; is disappointed that an estimated 1.4 million adult learning places have been lost since 2005; and urges the Government to set out, in consultation with the Association of Colleges, clear criteria for the prioritisation of funding for college building projects, to provide support for more Masters degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects during the downturn, to fund learners over the age of 25 in level 3 STEM skills and to help apprentices at risk of losing their places to find new employers or new training places._(Mr David Willetts.)

Amendment moved, in line 1, to leave out from `House' to the end of the Question and add `notes the Government's belief that in a recession it is important to give people the skills they and their employers need to recover from the downturn; commends this year's Budget for investing #1.2 billion in creating jobs and providing training to young people who have been unemployed for 12 months; further notes that there are now more 18 to 24 year-olds working or engaged in full-time education compared to 1997; commends the Government for its sustained investment in skills with record numbers of people now receiving training, far more than was originally planned for this year; further commends the Government for spending over #5 billion on adult skills this year, helping three million learners, and for increasing investment in higher education by 24 per cent. in real terms since 1997; further notes that the Government is prioritising helping people to gain employability skills; further notes that the Train to Gain budget has risen to #925 million this year; further notes the budget for apprenticeships is over #1 billion this year and that there are 250,000 starts planned; commends the Government for confirming that no current learner will lack the funds to complete their course; further notes that this Government is spending #2.6 billion on further education capital projects over this spending review period; and further notes that Sir Andrew Foster has recently produced an independent review of the Building Colleges for the Future programme.'._(Secretary John Denham.)

Question put, That the original words stand part of the Question (Standing Order No. 31(2)).

The House divided.

Division No. 131.

Ayes: 195 (Tellers: Mr John Baron, Mr Philip Dunne).

Noes: 277 (Tellers: Ian Lucas, Mr Frank Roy).

Question accordingly negatived.

Question, That the proposed words be there added, put forthwith (Standing Order No. 31).

Question agreed to.

The Deputy Speaker declared the Main Question, as amended, agreed to (Standing Order No. 31(2)).

Resolved, That this House notes the Government's belief that in a recession it is important to give people the skills they and their employers need to recover from the downturn; commends this year's Budget for investing #1.2 billion in creating jobs and providing training to young people who have been unemployed for 12 months; further notes that there are now more 18 to 24 year-olds working or engaged in full-time education compared to 1997; commends the Government for its sustained investment in skills with record numbers of people now receiving training, far more than was originally planned for this year; further commends the Government for spending over #5 billion on adult skills this year, helping three million learners, and for increasing investment in higher education by 24 per cent. in real terms since 1997; further notes that the Government is prioritising helping people to gain employability skills; further notes that the Train to Gain budget has risen to #925 million this year; further notes the budget for apprenticeships is over #1 billion this year and that there are 250,000 starts planned; commends the Government for confirming that no current learner will lack the funds to complete their course; further notes that this Government is spending #2.6 billion on further education capital projects over this spending review period; and further notes that Sir Andrew Foster has recently produced an independent review of the Building Colleges for the Future programme.

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(2) Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust

Motion made and Question proposed, That this House calls for an independent inquiry under the Inquiries Act 2005 into the failings of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust._(Mr Andrew Lansley.)

Amendment moved, in line 1, to leave out from `House' to the end of the Question and add `notes the independent report by the Healthcare Commission which identified severe failings at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust and the follow-up reports by the National Clinical Director for Emergency Care and the National Clinical Director for Primary Care which state that Stafford Hospital's accident and emergency department is now safe but that further improvements must be made at the Trust and lessons learnt by the whole NHS; further notes that the hospital has offered independent reviews of clinical records to all concerned; agrees that at the present time it would not be appropriate to establish an independent public inquiry; further agrees that management and staff at the hospital must remain focused on delivering high quality patient care; and further agrees that an independent public inquiry could add undue delay to implementing the recommendations of the above reports and therefore to the hospital delivering high quality and safe services for the local community.'._(Mr Ben Bradshaw.)

Question put, That the original words stand part of the Question (Standing Order No. 31(2)).

The House divided.

Division No. 132.

Ayes: 217 (Tellers: Mr John Baron, Mr Philip Dunne).

Noes: 260 (Tellers: Barbara Keeley, Mr Dave Watts).

Question accordingly negatived.

Question, That the proposed words be there added, put forthwith (Standing Order No. 31).

Question agreed to.

The Deputy Speaker declared the Main Question, as amended, agreed to (Standing Order No. 31(2)).

Resolved, That this House notes the independent report by the Healthcare Commission which identified severe failings at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust and the follow-up reports by the National Clinical Director for Emergency Care and the National Clinical Director for Primary Care which state that Stafford Hospital's accident and emergency department is now safe but that further improvements must be made at the Trust and lessons learnt by the whole NHS; further notes that the hospital has offered independent reviews of clinical records to all concerned; agrees that at the present time it would not be appropriate to establish an independent public inquiry; further agrees that management and staff at the hospital must remain focused on delivering high quality patient care; and further agrees that an independent public inquiry could add undue delay to implementing the recommendations of the above reports and therefore to the hospital delivering high quality and safe services for the local community.

4 Statutory Instruments: Motion for Approval

Motion made and Question put forthwith (Standing Order No. 118(6)), That the draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Agriculture and Rural Development) Order 2009, which was laid before this House on 1 April, be approved._(Mr Bob Blizzard.)

Question agreed to.

5 Business of the House

Ordered, That, at the sitting on Wednesday 20 May,

(1) the Speaker shall put the Questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on the Motion in the name of Secretary Hazel Blears relating to Planning: National Policy Statements not later than three hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Motion; such Questions shall include the Questions on any Amendments selected by the Speaker which may then be moved; the Questions may be put after the moment of interruption; and Standing Order No. 41A (Deferred divisions) shall not apply; and

(2) the Motion in the name of Mr David Cameron relating to the Communications (Television Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 2009 may be proceeded with as if Standing Orders Nos. 16 (Proceedings under an Act or on European Union documents) and 17 (Delegated legislation (negative procedure)), were applicable thereto._(Mr Bob Blizzard.)

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6 Members' Allowances

Motion made, That Mr Nigel Dodds be discharged from the Committee on Members' Allowances and Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson be added._(Rosemary McKenna, on behalf of the Committee of Selection.)

Objection taken (Standing Order No. 9(6)).

7 Public Petition

A Public Petition from members of City Gate Church, Brighton relating to Mother to child transmission of HIV was presented and read by David Lepper.

8 Adjournment

Subject: UK Government funding for the construction of a new crossing over the River Forth (Willie Rennie).

Resolved, That this House do now adjourn._(Mr Bob Blizzard.)

[Adjourned at 10.47 pm until tomorrow. ]

Other proceedings

General Committees: Reports

9 First Delegated Legislation Committee

Miss Anne Begg (Chairman) reported the draft Carbon Accounting Regulations 2009, draft Carbon Budgets Order 2009 and the draft Climate Change Act 2008 (2020 Target, Credit Limit and Definitions) Order 2009.

General Committees: Appointments

The Speaker appoints the Chairman of General Committees and members of Programming Sub-Committees, and allocates Statutory Instruments to Delegated Legislation Committees.

The Committee of Selection nominates Members to serve on General Committees (and certain Members to serve on Grand Committees).

10 Equality Bill (Programming Sub-Committee)

Members: Vera Baird, Mr John Baron, Lynne Featherstone, Nia Griffith, Mr Mark Harper, Stephen Hesford and Barbara Keeley.

11 Equality Bill Committee

Members: Mr Oliver Heald discharged and John Howell nominated in substitution.

12 Third Delegated Legislation Committee (Draft Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Establishment of Conservation Board) (Amendment) Order 2009 and the draft Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Establishment of Conservation Board) (Amendment) Order 2009)

Members: Sir Paul Beresford discharged and Mr John Gummer nominated in substitution.

13 European Committee B in respect of European Union Document No. 16162/08, relating to Free Movement of EU Workers

Members: Mr Anthony Steen discharged and Mr David Heathcoat-Amory nominated in substitution.

Reports from Select Committees

14 Business and Enterprise Committee

Automotive Assistance Programme: Evidence, to be printed (HC 550-i) (Peter Luff).

15 Children, Schools and Families Committee

Training of Children and Families Social Workers: Evidence, to be printed (HC 527-i) (Mr Barry Sheerman).

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16 Communities and Local Government Committee

(1) Planning Policy Statement 6: Town Centres: Evidence, to be printed (HC 517-ii);

(2) Supporting People: Written evidence, to be published

(Dr Phyllis Starkey).

17 Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee

Energy efficiency and fuel poverty: Third Report, with written evidence, to be printed, with the Formal Minutes relating to the Report (HC 37) (Mr Michael Jack).

18 Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills Committee

(1) Putting science and engineering at the heart of government policy: Evidence, to be printed (HC 168-v);

(2) Science Question Time: Evidence, to be printed (HC 169-ii)

(Dr Ian Gibson).

19 Public Accounts (Committee of)

Supporting Carers to care: Evidence, to be printed (HC 549-i) (Mr Edward Leigh).


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers subject to Affirmative Resolution:

1 Limited Liability Partnerships

Draft Limited Liability Partnerships (Application of Companies Act 2006) Regulations 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum and an Impact Assessment (by Command) (Mr Pat McFadden).

2 Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism

Draft Terrorism Act 2006 (Disapplication of Section 25) Order 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary Jacqui Smith).

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

3 Immigration

Immigration (Passenger Transit Visa) (Amendment) (No. 4) Order 2009 (S.I., 2009, No. 1233), dated 17 May 2009 (by Act), with an Explanatory Memorandum (by Command) (Secretary Jacqui Smith).

Other Papers:

4 Bank of England

Report and Financial Statements of the Bank of England for 2009 (by Command) (Yvette Cooper).

5 Culture, Media and Sport

The Isle of Man Digital Switchover Help Scheme: A Scheme Agreement Between Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and the British Broadcasting Corporation (by Command) (Cm. 7612) (Secretary Andy Burnham).

6 Health

Government Response to the Third Report from the Health Committee, Session 2008^09, on Health Inequalities (by Command) (Cm. 7621) (Secretary Alan Johnson).

7 Miscellaneous (No. 5, 2009)

Multilateral Protocol, done at Paris on 12 July 1974, on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (by Command) (Cm. 7626) (Secretary David Miliband).

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Prepared 11:47 on 4th August 2011