Memorandum submitted by the Centre for
Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS), Newcastle University
Almost 20 years on from the Audit Commission's
(1989: 1) description of the then government's approach to addressing
urban problems as a "... patchwork quilt of complexity and
we are now in the midst of another concerted attempt by Government
to make sense of and tidy up the sub-national governance of economic
development and regeneration. This is a challenging task made
all the more difficult by being undertaken in a UK context following
a period of uneven devolutionary change and cross-cut by new and
existing scales of institutions and spatial policies at the sub-regional,
city-regional, regional and pan-regional levels as well as the
economic slowdown. The current endeavour has taken the form of
the Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration
led by HM Treasury, Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory
Reform and the Communities and Local Government department and
the consultation Prosperous Places: Taking Forward the Review
of Sub National Economic Development and Regeneration[81]
(hereafter SNR).
We recognise that SNR is emergent "policy-in-the-making",
containing some potentially radical steps for government across
a range of geographical levels, and represents a laudable attempt
to establish a clearer framework replete with challenging opportunities
for RDAs, local authorities and other existing and emergent spatial
institutions. Our purpose here is to raise some key issues for
debate and reflection as part of the process of addressing sub-national
economic development and regeneration policy and governance. The
issues comprise the dominance of growth-oriented national economic
policy over redistributive spatial policy, the marginal and fragmented
nature of spatial concerns within central government, the multiple
and under-specified geographies, the problematic search for the
appropriate spatial scales for policy, the recurrent "wicked
issues" of multi-level and multi-agent co-ordination and
working at between and across particular spatial levels, the potential
overburdening of local authorities and the national but limited
regional and local accountabilities. Each issue and potential
responses are discussed in turn below.
1. Growth-oriented national economic policy
over redistributive spatial policy
SNR and spatial policy more generally are dominated
by the economic focus of government policy. Led by HM Treasury,
economic policy is informed by orthodox neo-classical economics
and its founding assumptions, including individual actors' economic
rationality and markets as the most efficient allocation mechanism
for scare resources, and uses productivity as a proxy for competitiveness.[82]
Rather than acknowledging an explicit role for the public sector
as an actor involved in positively shaping spatial development,[83]
"market failure" is interpreted as the only justifiable
rationale for state intervention to ensure or improve the functioning
of markets for goods and services, labour and capital. Making
markets work better is the aspiration through improving information
flows, promoting competition and ensuring responsive and flexible
market actors, especially on the supply-side. Without a "market
failure" rationale, this approach suggests, government agency
locally and regionally risks the "crowding out" of private
sector investment and "government failure" from inefficient
policy choices. Enshrined in HM Treasury's Green Book, the assumption
is that spatial policy effects can be "essentially unproductive"
or "zero-sum" because they are distributional.[84]
That is, spatial policy expenditure in one area can make improvements
only at the expense of other areas because of displacement and
"crowding out" effects. Informed by "new economic
geography" research,[85]
however, HM Treasury has begun to recognise that spatial policy
and "place" matter through the positive (or negative)
externalities and spill-overs arising from the geographical distribution
of economic activities. This view has stirred a growing recognition,
albeit from a modest start, of the spatial dimension to interventions
and the potential of spatial policy to contribute to national
economic growth and prosperity.
SNR fits squarely within HM Treasury's "new
regional economic policy"[86]
that explains the spatial disparities between regions and within
regions primarily in terms of differences in productivity and
shortcomings in the supply-side of regional or local markets and
business climate. This analysis has led to a policy focus upon
addressing the "5 drivers" of productivity (skills,
investment, innovation, enterprise and competition) at the regional
and local levels as the means of releasing and realizing economic
potential better to contribute to national economic productivity
and growth. There is no national "top-down" spatial
policy but rather a "bottom-up" approach, wherein decentralised
institutions are encouraged more flexibly to tailor policy to
local and regional needs and circumstances within an enabling
national framework of "devolved decision-making".[87]
National economic growth has been prioritised in the context of
global economic competition where success may only be achieved
by diversified, innovative, open and well-connected spatial economies
building economic specialisation, realizing their potential based
upon their particular indigenous strengths and moving up the economic
development ladder toward higher value-added and more sophisticated
economic activities. SNR appears to emphasise this national focus
upon the economic growth and efficiency of "areas of opportunity"
to a much higher degree than its acknowledgement of the social
and spatial equity questions of tackling spatial disparities and
entrenched "areas of disadvantage". It might even be
argued that the earlier vintage of language of associated with
market-led approaches and "trickle-down" has been replaced
with that of a newer language inspired by "new economic geography"
and "spill-overs" while the central intent remains much
the same. Discussions of balanced spatial growth and development
have been consigned to an earlier era.
While SNR connects so strongly to the prevailing
dominance of national economic policy over spatial policy it fails
to recognise and develop cogent responses to the salient critique
of the Government's "new regional economic policy" emergent
in recent years. First, national economic policy and its subordinate
spatial policy are heavily focused on economic growth, albeit
with some relatively weak traces of sustainability, at a time
when the importance of wellbeing, quality of life and broadened
notions of spatial "development" beyond that which is
captured by increases in economic indicators and productivity
targets such as Gross Value Added per hour worked are beginning
to be recognised.[88]
Second, conceptually and analytically, the "new regional
economic policy" betrays the largely aspatial and narrow
view of the orthodox neo-classical economist and draws upon a
narrow evidence base, especially given the long history of research
on urban and regional economics in the UK.[89]
Research and methods for examining national productivity problems
are transposed unproblematically to the regional level and virtually
every malady is reduced to a problem of productivity amongst workers
and firms. Redistributive forms of spatial policy have been caricatured
as ineffective "old" regional policy and the UK has
been effectively repositioned firmly in line with the international
trend toward the abandonment and weakening of the state's redistributive
functions and the embrace of forms of spatial policy that focus
less on national redistribution of growth and more on giving regions
and localities the responsibility to generate their own growth.[90]
Yet, orthodox neo-classical economics with a
limited understanding of spatial context and dynamics can only
ever provide weak and partial explanations of spatial issues.
The government's diagnosis of spatial disparities, for example,
underplays the importance of the demand-side and the number of
firms and jobs in places (employment has only belatedly been acknowledged
as a 6th "driver" of productivity), ignores land and
property constraints, overlooks the importance of spatial industrial
structure in shaping productivity levels of value added per head,
neglects the significance of spatial divisions of labour in the
geographical distribution of types of functions, jobs and occupations
associated with economic activities[91]
and portrays a simplistic and narrow conception of the public
sector's role in spatial development.[92]
The orthodox approach to "market failure" and "making
markets work better" offers only an ahistorical and simplistic
analysisnotably without even recognition of the Keynesian
analysis of cumulative and unequal forms of economic growth.[93]
In a geographical frame, path dependencies set in train by the
historical layering and patterning of economic activities in places
play a crucial role and efficiently functioning markets can exacerbate
rather than ameliorate spatial disparities; for example, labour
responding to price signals and migrating from less prosperous
places taking their spending power and demand for local services
elsewhere, further accelerating localised economic contraction
and decline. Indeed, certain interests have actually called for
such processes to be supported and even accelerated.[94]
Lastly, while SNR recognises the importance
of the economic success of London as a "global city"
and concedes that the economic gap between it and the rest of
the England and the UK has increased, the relationships and linkages
between London and the Greater South East "super-region"[95]
are not tackled because of the dominance of national growth concerns
over spatial policy. Put bluntly, spatial policy interventions
are sanctioned that support rather than inhibit the growth of
the London "super-region" and its contribution to national
economic prosperity, while the equity dimensions of this are overlooked.
This rationale underpins the substantive direct and indirect spatial
effects of the unprecedented levels of public infrastructure investment
being made to contain the diseconomies of growth and agglomeration
in London and the Greater South East. In addition to the Sustainable
Communities Growth Areas in Thames Gateway, Milton Keynes and
South Midlands and Ashford, high levels of public investment are
evident in the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, Terminal 5 and a further
potential runway at Heathrow airport, the expansion of port facilities
at Felixstowe and new facilities at Shellhaven on the Thames Estuary,
the trans-London Crossrail line and the 2012 Olympics. While it
might be argued that London and the South East's share of population
justifies its prioritisation, it is probable that these high,
unprecedented and rising levels of infrastructure investment are
more likely to generate rather than ameliorate inequalities in
public investment per capita across the UK. Together, such central
government investment for the UK's main city-regional growth centre
and lack of coherence of the sub-national governance of economic
development across England has been met with calls for some kind
of an integrated "Spatial Plan for England", mirroring
those in London, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (and many
other places in Europe) and providing more than the sum of the
Regional Spatial Strategies of the eight English regions in setting
out a set of spatial development priorities for England as a whole.[96]
What might be done to ameliorate this domination
of spatial policy by growth-oriented national economic policy?
First, drawing upon analysis of their definition and meaning,
open up debate and reflection on which forms of sub-national "development"
and "regeneration" are deemed appropriate. Sustainable
development is in the original RDA remit, for example, and will
come to the fore more strongly in the context of Integrated Regional
Strategies wrestling to reconcile economic, social and environmental
issues in the search for sustainable development in a era of climate
change. Second, explore ways to achieve a better balance between
economic efficiency and growth nationally, regionally and locally
and social equity in spatial policy that does not further fuel
spatial disparities at a range of geographical scales. The life
chances and welfare of people are better served by more spatially
equitable access and provision of the nation's resources. Third,
draw upon the wider and historical regional and urban economics
research and evidence base in conceptualising, analysing and developing
policy. Last, rather than assuming and/or waiting for market-led
dispersal, better understand and shape the relationships between
the London and Greater South East "super-region" and
the rest of the UK,[97]
for example, through an initiative such as the TCPA's "Spatial
Plan for England".
2. Spatial concerns marginal and fragmented
within central government
While spatial concerns have undergone a highly
uneven renaissance in government thinking and public policy in
the last decade, SNR tends to reinforce the view that they remain
marginal and fragmented at the centre of government. Any ascendancy
in spatial concerns in central government we might interpret as
part of HM Treasury's wide influence and its strong focus on productivity
growth to the exclusion of other considerations. Here, "regions"
have been accepted as functional units or containers within which
"market failures" and interventions for the five productivity
drivers could be addressed and "neighbourhoods" are
seen as the localised areas within which the regeneration of deprived
communities could be tackled. Policy examples include the regional
economic performance Public Service Agreement, resource growth
and increased flexibility for RDAs, and the various neighbourhood
renewal institutions and programmes. SNR's emergence, however,
signals the concern in government to better understand and tidy
up the sub-national governance of economic development and regeneration
in England. As part of this endeavour, its aspiration is for clearer
objectives and responsibilities within central government. Yet
it is seeking to undertake this task in the context of, first,
a tighter public spending round which imparts an emphasis upon
streamlining decision-making, minimising bureaucracy and rationalising
and co-ordinating strategy and funding effectively and, second,
a visibly worsening economic situation which is likely to have
highly uneven regional consequences. In turn, these developments
are occurring in circumstances where spatial policy remains of
marginal concern to a central government which presumably sees
a lack of obvious and short-term political dividends from getting
spatial policy right.
SNR is hampered in its task of streamlining
the sub-national governance of economic development and regeneration
by the recurrent problems of centralism and departmentalism characteristic
of the Whitehall model of public administration and the particular
history of the British civil service. Despite more than a decade
of attempts at "joining-up", spending departments working
within a centralised system of Treasury-defined targets tend to
continue to work within focused "silos" and find it
hard to connect and integrate their policy concerns with those
of other, similarly managed, government departments.[98]
Compounding this problem, important spending departments remain
to varying degrees "spatially blind" to the geographical
implications of their decisions and actions even when they orchestrate
delivery agents regionally and locally, for example in higher
education sector R&D, especially in the context of a more
"knowledge-intensive" economy, and centralisation tendencies
are replayed, for example in the current reorganisation of post-16
education and training. Further disconnection is evident in the
lack of linkage and integration between the influential HM Treasury-commissioned
independent reviews of spatial aspects of growth management issues
addressed in recent reports, for example Eddington (Transport),
Barker (Planning) and Leitch (Skills),[99]
and the spatial policy work in key government departments. Such
important reviews have provided tangible ways of enhancing sensitivity
to spatial questions that might have been expected to have been
taken up more readily in government departments.
Where spatial concerns are more central to individual
departments they have been historically fragmented. In their most
recent incarnation, this has been between the Department for Business,
Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) as the sponsor Ministry
for RDAs, the Communities and Local Government (CLG) department
andlargely without a mention in SNR despite its spatial
responsibilitiesthe Department for Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs (DEFRA). The Devolved Administrations largely have
their own spatial policy arrangements in the context of devolution.
The lack of overall weight given to spatial concerns at the centre
has been reinforced by this fragmentation and by the relatively
small size and weak positions of the nominally "spatial"
departments vis-a-vis other larger and/or more powerful departments
in their relations with HM Treasury. CLG, for example, has the
strongest claim to the spatial brief at the centre through its
responsibilities for local government and regeneration at neighbourhood
and community level to increase economic inclusion and reduce
worklessness as well as its connections with BERR for RDA funding.
CLG's emergent (although somewhat eclectic) "economics of
place" agenda is a project to use "place" as an
amenable focus and language to show how government policy connects
and interacts in specific areas and to cement spatial concerns
at the heart of government.[100]
While laudable, it remains at an early stage in constructing the
powerful and convincing analytical framework and evidence base
necessary to demonstrate and cement spatial concerns in HM Treasury
and other Departments' strategies and delivery plans. There is,
then, still much work to do formally and informally to change
the culture of some Whitehall departments and to make the case
for greater spatial sensitivity and its effectiveness in helping
to deliver on core departmental targets.
What might make government take spatial concerns
more seriously and begin to co-ordinate and integrate their working
more effectively in the centre? First, continue what SNR has started
by encouraging a higher priority and greater coherence for spatial
concerns at the heart of government. Second, support more research
and the construction of a stronger evidence base to demonstrate
and support the effectiveness of building a spatial dimension
into the business of government departments to show how it facilitates
the process of reaching their own core targets and, through joint
agreements, better connects and integrates public policy across
departments. Further development, for example, might be considered
of the gains and insights from the Regional Funding Allocations
process. Third, establish a Cabinet Minister post and portfolio
and standing Cabinet Committee working cross-departmentally with
a specifically spatial remit. Fourth, establish a commitment for
all government departments to consider the spatial implications
of their public service agreement targets and policy frameworks.
This might draw upon existing work on "region proofing"
but incorporate a broader geographical frame of reference across
spatial levels, for example city-regions, localities and neighbourhoods.[101]
Last, establish a rolling "Lyons Review" or a permanent
central government unit with responsibility to oversee and shape
the pattern and dispersal of public sector activity[102].
3. Multiple and under-specified geographies
SNR contains multiple and poorly specified geographies.
Reference is made to at least seven different spatial units or
entities existing at the sub-national level, including "regions",
"sub-regions", "cities", "city-regions",
"localities", "neighbourhoods" and "communities".
In addition, there is also use of the more general term "places".
This openness and lack of clear prioritisation of specific spatial
entities appear to be part of the deliberate and pragmatic strategy
at the heart of SNR. The Local Government Minister, John Healey,
states that the "principle" and "invitation"
within SNR is for sub-national spatial entities to explore, develop
and co-operate to find the spatial arrangements that work best
in unlocking economic development potential in their particular
This lack of geographical specification in SNR
raises some issues. First, SNR deliberately deploys the broad
term "sub-national" or even "spatial" policy
to encompass the diversity and variety of geographical entities
that might emerge.[104]
In the context of a faltering regionalisation and regionalism
project, a vacuum has emerged into which has flowed rival spatial
governance concepts competing for attention and support.[105]
Yet their inter-relationships are little discussed in SNR. What,
for example, are the spill-over impacts and policy externalities
on specific localities and/or regions of an ambitious city-region
forging ahead on strategies for economic development, housing,
planning, transport and skills for its own particular area?[106]
How do adjacent local authorities connect, shape or react to such
initiatives? How do places determine where they fit into an emergent
spatial institutional architecture from which they might be effectively
excluded? Where does the political authority and decision-making
power lie to answer such questions? Second, the different spatial
entities have different institutional histories and contexts.
"Region" resonates with Government Office Regions and,
for example, the shared PSA between HMT, BERR and CLG, BERR's
sponsorship of RDAs and CLG's housing, spatial planning and RDA
scrutiny responsibilities. Alongside, city-regions and sub-regions
have gained currency, especially as a result of their purported
economic growth potential and ability to encourage local authority
co-operation particularly across existing administrative boundaries.
"Neighbourhoods" and "communities" remain
the preserve of CLG and are explicitly linked to economic, social
and environmental regeneration. Such complexity and variety of
spatial entities is part of SNR's motivation. Indeed, flexibility
is broadly welcomed in preference to any more rigid, top-down
universal template. But this raises some difficult questions.
By simply mirroring the institutional landscape how can SNR help
decide whether and how regional, city/city-region, sub-regional
and neighbourhood policy are substitutes or complements? The avoidance
of overly strong prescription from the national centre accords
with the "bottom-up" approach but is it too open and
flexible? Is it a recipe not to rein in but to extend and continue
the very issues of fragmentation, overlap and duplication SNR
is seeking to address? Indeed, the perceived encouragement of
city-regionsalbeit falteringby government has stimulated
representations from interests associated with some specific spatial
units feeling excluded from such an agenda, including areas such
as rural, former industrial, seaside, suburbs as well as other
non-core cities, towns and shire counties.[107]
Third, the thorny issues of boundaries and the
delimitation of spatial entities are sidestepped within SNR. There
is a welcome recognition of the importance of functional spatial
areas, for labour markets, commuting and transport for example,
that typically extend beyond administrative boundaries. But the
responsibility for deciding how these geographies might emerge
and cohere on the ground is left to those spatial institutions
with the initiative to work it out and put in place cross-institutional
arrangements. This approach is markedly uneven and risks reinforcing
asymmetries and inequalities amongst sub-national institutional
actors and their geographies by encouraging those areas with already
the most established levels of co-operation to deepen their collaboration
further for mutual gain. This might offer a potential boon for
"areas of opportunity" and/or those with strong histories
of joint working but it is potentially much harder for those localities
with few "areas of opportunity" and/or histories of
antagonism, rivalry or conflict, although common problems and
shared adversity might perhaps provide the basis for co-operation.
What might be considered, then, to address the
multiple and under-specified geographies in SNR? First, acknowledge
the value and provide some more worked through examples of the
potential variety of geographical units and their inter-relationships,
drawing upon international research and experiences. Deeper research
is required on issues of subsidiarity to identify the lowest appropriate
level for appropriate spatial policy interventions in particular
contexts. Second, reflect upon and demonstrate how more polycentric,
distributed models and multi-level inter-relationships between
spatial entities at whichever geographical scale can be constructed,
drawing upon international experience. Last, provide more central
support and resources to remedy the markedly uneven capacities
and spatial disparities shaping the ability of spatial institutions
actively to participate in constructing new spatial arrangements.
4. The problematic search for the appropriate
spatial scales for policy
SNR continues the government's problematic search
for the appropriate spatial scales for policy. The devolving decision
making agenda has sought to get decisions made at the "right"
spatial level by devolving powers and responsibilities in line
with outcomes in specific functional areas, for example transport
in functional labour market areas. The idea is that an "optimal"
scale exists for different spatial policy interventions and, once
identified, responsibilities can be allocated to institutions
in line with economic impacts. But the question of which kind
of policy at which spatial scale is deceptively complex and difficult
to answer if we take geographical context and spatial interdependencies
seriously. The notion of an "optimal" scale for specific
policy types again betrays the orthodox neo-classical economists'
approach, language and relative neglect of the complexities of
spatial context and dynamics. Geographical context and spatial
interdependency mean that for any given functional policy sphere
numerous "appropriate" scales might be identified because
of the specific and particular attributes of places in which policy
interventions unfold and because the spatial impacts of policies
typically spill-over and generate knock-on effects to places both
adjacent and further afield from the places where policies are
being delivered across and between geographical scales.[108]
In other words, context makes a difference to the appropriate
scale for policy in specific cases and outcomes can be effectively
Depending upon its particular configuration of economic assets
and potentials as well as institutional capacities, for example,
a specific place may deem innovation policy a regional, sub-regional
or city-regional concern. Other policy interventions have deliberately
sought to work across scales in a wider spatial approach, for
example neighbourhood regeneration effectively seeks to link deprived
communities to economic opportunities at city, city-region or
sub-regional scales, notwithstanding the need for appropriate
linkage mechanisms.[110]
Such complexities emerge even without introducing issues of institutional
competition and turf wars over specific policy domains.
Following this argument through, it could be
envisaged that different policy foci could find an "appropriate"
and effective home across and between ranges of different spatial
levels depending upon their geographical context. This creates
a more complex but arguably more realistic picture of the typically
overlapping spatial extents and scales of policyfor example
concerning housing, labour and retail markets, industrial sectors,
sustainable eco-regions and so onwhich may vary in their
specific spatial extent across the country and with which spatial
policymakers have to deal rather than searching for the "one-size-fits-all"
scale for a particular kind of policy intervention. Indeed, regional
actors are interpreting the shift towards a more "bottom-up"
policy framework as a signal that central government has recognised
that different policies will manifest themselves differently in
different regions.[111]
In seeking the "optimal" scale for specific policy interventions
government appears torn between a desire for economies of scale
in developing strategy and policy for a particular functional
area and its "devolved decision-making" agenda which
is seeking to facilitate greater responsiveness to local and regional
circumstance. A tension which raises the further question of the
"appropriate" level of spatial policy for whom? The
policy makers and deliverers or the objects and subjects of policy?
What might be done to address the problematic
search for the "optimal" spatial scale for specific
policy interventions? One possibility is to adopt a more open
approach alive to the diversity and variety of spatial policy
interventions that the greater acknowledgement of geographical
context and spatial interdependencies introduces, recognising
the value of being flexible about policy interventions at the
national, regional, sub-regional and local scales. This openness
potentially sits more comfortably with the more flexible approach
to institutional arrangements suggested and encouraged in SNR.
5. Recurrent "wicked issues" of
multi-level and multi-agent co-ordination and working
SNR is bedevilled with the recurrent "wicked
issues" of horizontal and vertical integration and co-ordination
between specific institutions and policies working at, between
and across particular spatial levels. While central government
might want clearer roles and better or enhanced co-ordination
across geographical levels, the central question remains of how
to make a complex system of multiple agents acting across and
between different spatial scales and geographical areas work to
deliver desired policy outcomes? Centrally, SNR is about "de-cluttering",
re-fashioning and even dismantling some parts of the regional
tier and making the local and the sub-region the "key building
blocks" of regional strategy.[112]
The aims are to provide clearer objectives, streamline decision
making and reduce the number of strategies and funding streams.
Notably, this includes a number of changes welcomed by regional
and local institutions, including: transforming RDAs into strategic
and programme-focused bodies capable of establishing clearer spatial
priorities; integrating the RES and RSS into the single and overarching
Integrated Regional Strategy to provide a clearer framework for
aligning institutional plans and influence regional investment
decisions; supporting more robust and rigorous analysis of the
evidence base to provide the objective advice for decisions about
priorities and interventions, especially at wider spatial scales
spanning existing administrative boundaries; and, more robust
and systematic evaluation and monitoring.
Despite the proposed changes, there remain a
number of significant issues. First, the SNR represents the recasting
of centre-region-local relationships within a centrally orchestrated
framework dominated by the national economic growth orientation.
The shadow of centralisation is still evident with central government
departments working to PSA agreement targets with differing degrees
and levels of sympathy for local and regional discretion and flexibility.
Moreover, there is little or no mention of the role of Government
Offices, despite their expertise and experience in regional working
and coordination particularly as they move toward a more strategic
Devolved decision making is prioritisedover and above any
"positive discrimination from the centre for less prosperous
where reliability and confidence in regional and local actors
can be ensured by the centre. Second, in line with the open geographies
and non-prescriptive approach of SNR, no clear authority or "power
is set out amongst the different levels. This raises the thorny
issue of who then decides on priorities, especially on the substantive,
boundary spanning and, sometimes controversial, issues of spatial
planning concerning employment sites, housing and infrastructure.
Third, capacity and confidence is slow to accrue and learn amongst
especially newly empowered local and regional institutions in
the context of the long term legacy of centralisation in the sub-national
governance of economic development and regeneration in England.
Such issues are not to be underestimated given
the magnitude of the challenges for regional and local actors
in SNR. Even for RDAs that have become more sophisticated in learning
the effective utilisation of evidence, rationales, prioritisation,
differentiation of RESs to match particular regional circumstance
and partnership working, for example, SNR represents serious challenges
of changing into strategic bodies, developing the new Integrated
Regional Strategy (IRS) and working to a framework agreed by local
council leaders, assuming spatial strategy and housing responsibilities
and working out how to delegate to sub-regions and local authorities
where they can deliver on core RDA targets unless a strong case
exists for maintaining responsibility and resources at the regional
level. Attempting to distinguish institutional roles between strategy
and delivery at and between regional and local levels, for example,
will be difficult when local authorities will be participating
in strategy development and providing leadership for spatial prioritisation.
Another perennial challenge is how to get individual local authorities
to think beyond their own territories and work in the wider interests
of the broader spatial entitiescity-regions, sub-regions
and/or broader regionsto which they belong.
What then might be considered to ameliorate
the "wicked issues" of multi-level and multi-agent co-ordination
and working at the sub-national level? First, continue the redistributive
devolved decision making agenda in meaningful ways while reflecting
upon the role of the centre in the context of a more growth-oriented,
decentralised model of spatial policy. Second, in outlining examples
of how a variety of plausible institutional arrangements might
emerge, better explain how issues of political authority and decision
making power are addressed. Third, learn to live with fragmentation
and complexity by deepening understanding of institutional roles
and responsibilities and developing skills for integration and
inter-scale working. Fourth, better align and connect local performance
indicatorsemployment and worklessness, education and skills,
infrastructure investment, creating an attractive business environment
and narrowing the gapwith regional performance indicatorsGVA
per hour worked, employment rate, skills, R&D and business
start-ups. Last, provide greater specification of what kinds of
capacity needs to be enhanced amongst which institutions and at
which spatial levels. The full range of capacity, for example,
cannot be effectively enhanced at all levels and might involve
choices being made in particular contexts about the most appropriate
level for institutional capacity building and leadership.
6. Overburdening local authorities?
SNR presents some serious and stretching challenges
for local authorities which may risk overburdening them. Local
authorities and their potential collaborations and groupings are
centre stage in SNR. This reflects the international trend of
decentralisation for economic development, the national HM Treasury
agenda and the CLG desire for local authorities play a more active
role in achieving economic productivity and growth set out in
It also follows the recent devolution of regeneration funding
and some business support and regeneration functions from Scottish
Enterprise to local authorities in Scotland.[117]
Changes for local authorities will include a leadership role in
the new arrangements, especially leading on co-operation and resource
pooling between local authorities across existing administrative
boundaries through voluntary Multi-Area Agreements with collective
economic development targets (no spatial entity for these is preferred,
although statutory arrangements might be entertained at the sub-regional
level) and an enhanced scrutiny role over RDAs and (sub-)regional
transport bodies. Linking the skills and jobs agendas, local authorities
will gather new responsibilities for devolved 14-19 education
and skills funding and the establishment for new local employer-led
skills and employment boards as well as fulfilling the duty to
undertake the new statutory "local economic assessment"
that will form the basis of their respective IRS and take account
of their sub-regional contexts, for example adjacent areas of
growth and decline.
SNR represents substantive, even transformational,
opportunities and challenges that risk placing new strains on
local authorities and are beset with a number of largely unresolved
issues. First, the reinforced role of local authorities as economic
actors locally emphasises their need to balance this economic
responsibility with their duty of wellbeing from the Local Government
Act 2000, attempting the complex and difficult job of connecting
the economic to the social and environmental implications of development
locally envisaged in Lyons' "placeshaping" agenda.[118]
Second, whilst delivering their statutory duties, local authorities
have to develop the capacity to lead and to manage strategic programmes
of activity to achieve outcomes in a refashioned regional framework
with more local partners and cross-boundary working, demonstrating
and proving their capacity to manage delegated resources from
the RDAs. Third, local authorities often remain "under-bounded"
by administrative boundaries not co-terminous with their spatial
reach or footprint in housing, labour and other economic markets
and public policy domains, especially transport. MAAs may offer
some potential to address boundary spanning issues, although these
may be time consuming to construct especially in areas without
capacities and histories of joint working and may only marginally
supplement the kinds of activities local authorities already have
the powers to undertake. Fourth, new actors are being introduced
into the already crowded local institutional context with which
local authorities have to manage and interface, for example City/Economic
Development Companies and the local and regional arrangements
of the new Homes and Communities Agency. Fifth, SNR offers some
modest enhancement of fiscal capacity through specific measures,
predicated on local asset bases and increased local economic growth,
but fails to enhance their local revenue raising powers and fiscal
flexibilities in line with local government internationally.[119]
Last, little is said about the role and purpose of regional local
government associations in the light of the new Regional Leaders'
What might prevent any undue overburdening of
local authorities as part of the SNR process? First, recognise
local authorities' unique role in broadening sub-national development
beyond the narrow economic growth agenda better to incorporate
social and environmental concerns locally and using "place"
as an integrating focus for spatial concerns. Indeed, lessons
might be learnt in national central government from local authorities
as their experience accumulates under the new institutional arrangements.
Second, recognise the potential risks of overburdening local authorities
in SNR and provide appropriate levels of resources and support
to help them develop the capacities to deliver on their refashioned
roles in the new context, for example to undertake the kinds of
far reaching and strategic assessments that will prove useful,
to work with reshaped and new partners locally and to demonstrate
the capacity to manage delegated funding streams from the regional
level. Last, revisit the balance of funding between central and
local government in the context of SNR.
7. National but limited regional and local
SNR largely continues national but limits regional
and local accountabilities in the proposed new institutional arrangements.
More broadly, it fails sufficiently to connect the governance
of economic development and regeneration to reflections upon the
wider questions of sub-national accountability in national constitutional
Finding more appropriate forms of regional and local accountability
has become a struggle and, while the RDAs have become the focus
of current debate, the regional and local levels are replete with
other Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) and other arms-length
public organisations currently outwith the purview of regional
and local democratic structures. SNR does nothing to change the
accountabilities of RDAs and local government through the Ministers
of their respective departments to Parliament. At the national
level, Ministers for Regions are potentially welcome but their
role is as yet unclear, particularly how they will be able meaningfully
to articulate regional concerns in the centre and ensure the centre
takes account of the differentiated spatial implications of government
policy. As a complement, Parliamentary Regional Select Committee(s)
might have an important scrutiny role, despite the constitutional
difficulties of their establishment, and mirror the way territory
can help provide a focus for considering questions of public policy
integration, as demonstrated for many years by the Welsh and Scottish
Affairs Committees.
Local and regional accountability appears rather
more limited and weaker, raising serious concerns about whether
what SNR proposes will provide the clear accountability and scrutiny
arrangements desired to strengthen governance. How the RDA Board
and local council leaders' forum relationship works will be key,
especially the extent to which local authority leadership is able
to agree on wider spatial interests and priorities, achieve consensus
on IRS and formally scrutinise the RDAs as well as leading on
establishing likely new thematic sub-groups and sub-strategies
to share and support the work of the RDA. Planning will be at
least one contentious area where such weak structures of accountability
will be exposed, especially in the process of better integrating
the RSS and RES within the new IRS and in the emergent context
of the new national Infrastructure Planning Commission. The new
arrangements emphasise the legitimacy of local authorities but
does the interface between the RDAs and Leaders' Forum provide
enough clarity and transparency on where the strategic priorities,
choices and difficult decisions have been taken? Or, does it risk
replicating the weak and uneven forms of accountability exercised
by Regional Chambers in their respective regions?[121]
How will the RDA and Regional Leaders' Forum relate to any emergent
city-regional boards? Will the Regional Leaders' Forum ultimately
isolate and denude the role of RDAs in the wake of strong, multi-purpose
and democratically accountable local authorities co-operating
across administrative boundaries? More broadly, SNR contains no
mention of whether and how the new arrangements will extend their
purview over existing NDPBsthe "quango state"
and its "democratic deficit" that animated campaigners'
support for Government plans for Elected Regional Assemblies back
in 2002.[122]
Moreover, where and how do other local and regional actors have
their say? Will it only be through more general consultation processes
structured by the RDA and Leaders' Forum? Little is said about
how the RDAswith everything else they have to dowill
ensure the meaningful engagement of civil society and "economic
and social partners" such as business, trades unions and
the voluntary sector despite the experience of the Regional Chambers
in developing engagement mechanisms to experiment with appropriate
forms of participatory democracy.[123]
SNR is in danger of providing a weak attempt to resolve profoundly
difficult questions about the state of local and regional democracy,
which are connected to even larger questions about the state of
representative democracy in the UK.
What then might better address the limited regional
and local accountabilities on offer in SNR? First, nationally
provide more clarity on the roles of Ministers for Regions and
Parliamentary Regional Select Committee(s). Second, clarify how
the RDA and Regional Leaders' forum will work and inter-relate,
how existing NDPBs will be held to account regionally and locally
and how civil society and other stakeholders will be given voice
in the new arrangements. The aims should be to develop stronger
and more robust regional and local arrangements that will ensure
coherency and transparency for the new sub-national governance
settlement envisaged in SNR.
This contribution has sought to identify some
of the key issues arising from the SNR for economic development
and governance in England. In particular, we are concerned about
the dominance of growth-oriented national economic policy over
redistributive spatial policy, the continued marginal and fragmented
nature of spatial concerns within central government, the multiple
and under-specified geographies contained in SNR, the problematic
search for the appropriate spatial scales for policy, the recurrent
"wicked issues" of multi-level and multi-agent co-ordination
and working at between and across particular spatial levels, the
potential overburdening of local authorities and the national
but limited regional and local accountabilities. For each issue,
we outline potential ways forward that might help to capitalise
on the opportunities presented by SNR and address some of its
problems and risks.
19 September 2008
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