submitted by Bristol Home Educators
The following summarises our
concerns about the conduct & contents of the review.
· The terms of reference for the review are
· The review was not independent.
· The review & its recommendations conflate
education, welfare & safeguarding issues.
· Home education (HE) is seen as an anomaly, not as a
valid, legal choice that parents choose to fulfil their duty.
· Contributions to the review were misrepresented in
its final report.
· The review was heavily biased against HE &
towards predetermined change.
· Recommendations encompass a fundamental shift in
responsibility for a child's education from parent to State.
· Recommendations encompass a fundamental shift in the
relationship between the State & home life.
· The recommendations will not make children safer,
and may make them more vulnerable to abuse.
· The recommendations may prejudice people against
legitimately choosing HE.
· The recommendations are
incompatible with some well-established, researched & proven educational
This submission has been endorsed
by a group of Bristol home educators and their children. Between us, we have a wide and varied
experience of HE & are dedicated to our duty to provide our children with a
'suitable' education. We are active
members in a thriving, social & educational local HE network.
· In
recent years Government has made repeated attempts to enforce 'robust'
systems on home educators through repeated policy reviews & consultations
which are disproportionate to our situation or any risks to our children. The majority of outcomes have resulted in
either the proposals being dropped, or modified significantly & have
amounted to harassment of home educated families & a massive waste of
public funds. These are taking up disproportionate amounts of time &
energy. Conclusions from previous
consultations have been that current legislation is adequate & where properly
applied is appropriate & proportionate.
· Mr.
Badman is fully entrenched in the school system at a strategic level & has
had a close working relationship with the DCSF in the not distant past (having
had funding fast tracked from the DCSF while working as Managing Director,
Children, Families & Education in Kent).
He embarked on the review with predetermined assumptions, having
publicly stated during its course that the status quo will not prevail &
that changes will be brought about. He
cannot be seen to be independent.
· The
DCSF states: 'Parents have a well
established right to educate their children at home & Government respects
that right. There are no plans to change
that position.' This
statement is misleading by omission.
Parents also have a well-established right as to how they educate their
children. Their statement gives the
impression that no major changes will take place as a result of this
1.1.2 The review will investigate: 'The barriers to LAs and other public
agencies in carrying out their responsibilities for safeguarding home educated
children and advise on improvements to ensure that the five Every Child Matters
outcomes are being met for home educated children'
Overcoming barriers does not require new legislation but a common sense,
professional approach by LAs & public agencies in implementing current
legislation. On 12th March,
2009, Lord Laming , while speaking about his review of Children's Services,
said that child protection reforms needed to help prevent tragedies like the
deaths of Baby P & Victoria Climbie already exist but must be put into
· No
legislation states that home educators must ensure the five ECM outcomes for
their children. The DCSF website states,
ECM objectives 'cover the universal services which every child accesses.' They are terms of reference for LA's to work
are NOT terms of reference or goals for any child to attain or be assessed upon. Government has no legal basis to investigate
whether ECM outcomes are being met within the context of home education. 'The extent to which claims of home
education could be used as a cover of child abuse such as neglect, forced
marriage, sexual exploitation or domestic servitude and advise on measures to
prevent this'
· This
term is illegitimate & is prejudicial against home educators. It's discriminatory to ask this question of
home education when not asking it, for example, of all persons of certain
ethnic/cultural origins, of all parents with children on school summer holidays
or of all parents of preschool-age children.
To do so would, of course, be ludicrous!
· There
is no evidence to warrant the investigation of this term. There have been many attempts to link high
profile abuse cases to home education.
None have stood up to scrutiny. 'Whether any changes to the current regime
for monitoring the standard of home education are needed to support the work of
parents, local authorities and other partners in ensuring all children achieve
the Every Child Matters outcomes.'
· LAs are
not legally obliged to monitor the standard of home education (HE). HE is part of family life; it is not a public
body. Any 'monitoring' done is at the
LA's discretion, without guidelines & is ultra vires. It is illegitimate to ask for information
that LAs are not required to keep. It is
more likely that LAs who are not in favour of HE will 'monitor' its provisions,
biasing the investigation towards those in favour of legislating against HE as
it stands.
· There
is no legal 'standard' for home education provision. There is a requirement that it be full time
& suitable to the age, aptitude & any special needs of the individual
child. This term suggests & endorses
that the illegal monitoring of something that does not have to exist in law is
taking place.
Parents are NOT 'partners' in the education and welfare of their
children; they are the SOLE proprietors of that position. Agencies only have
legal duties where they have reasonable cause to suspect that a parent is
failing in their legal duty.
1.1.3 REVIEW METHODOLOGY 'Map existing practice & consider the
effectiveness of different monitoring home education from an Every
Child Matters perspective.'
· There is no right or duty to monitor home
education for anything, not least ECM issues. It is unacceptable to conduct a
review on terms which seek to identify best practice of something which is
· 1.2.1 'It is
unacceptable that so many people have had to make FOI requests to get at the
evidence unpinning paragraph 8.12. We still await the evidence.
· 1.2.2 Deadlines
were given to all parties for representations to be submitted to the
review. On 18 September, months after
the review was published, the DCSF granted Mr. Badman extra time to gather
evidence for the Select Committee Inquiry into his report. He has requested additional information from
LAs only. Not only is this practise
highly dubious, giving additional weight to LA's already disproportionately
high influence, but it also indicates that his conclusions as to the outcome of
the review were predetermined & that he'll go to any lengths to 'prove'
them. There should be no need for more
data if, as Mr. Badman states, LA evidence 'provided persuasive evidence for
change.' The DCSF is granting Mr.
Badman special privileges while dragging their heels in responding to
outstanding FOI requests from home educators.
· 1.2.3 No home
educating parent was on the expert panel. This does not tally with a Government
that wishes to listen to the public and empower them.
1.2.4 There
were no home-educated children on the panel (who could be more 'expert'?).
1.2.5 The panel
was heavily weighted on the side of the education system & 3rd
sector agencies. There was scarcely
anyone with experience, proper knowledge or understanding of HE. Considering that HE was the topic of the
review, it would have been more appropriate for the balance of influence to
have been reversed.
· 1.2.6 There is
implicit prejudice in the selective, misrepresentative quoting used in the
Badman Report.
1.2.7 One
example: the report includes a lengthy
quotation from the Church of England that expresses their concerns about HE.
However, it fails to mention their overall conclusion:
1.2.8 'We have seen no evidence to
show that the majority of home educated children do not achieve the five Every
Child Matters outcomes, and are therefore not convinced of the need to change
the current system of monitoring the standard of home education. Where there
are particular concerns about the children in a
home-educating (family)
this should be a matter for Children's Services.'
1.2.9 Nor does it mention their statement 'Prevention of abuse under the cover of home
education seems to be the main reason for this review, & in making it so,
has the effect of tarnishing the reputation of the many parents who choose to
home educate their children....'
1.2.10 These omissions serve to deliberately
misrepresent the views of the Church of England's views of home education.
· 1.2.11
Recommendations based on responses of only 25/159 LAs. Completing questionnaires was, unbelievably,
not mandatory, considering the enormity of the subject. It's likely that LAs with 'problems' with HE
would be the ones to respond.
Considering the weight given to LAs input into the review, this makes it
extremely biased towards their perception of HE.
· 1.2.12
Questions on the LA questionnaires were structured so as to give
misleading data & were in some cases ultra vires.
1.2.13 'Total
number of electively home educated children not known to be receiving suitable
education' would include figures on children who may be receiving 'suitable
1.2.14 'Number
not cooperating with monitoring so no assessment can be made' is ultra
· 1.3.1The
Review claims that:
1.3.2 "... on the basis of local
authority evidence and case studies presented.... the number of children known to
children's social care in some local authorities is disproportionately high
relative to the size of their home educating population."
1.3.3 This statement is misleading & implies
that these children are at risk. Being 'known' does NOT equate to being at risk
of abuse.
1.3.4 The review rightly points out that
the number of parents opting for HE is unknown. Given that the size of the HE
population is unknown, it is impossible to calculate the proportion. In effect, the statement is meaningless.
· 1.4.1 The
review fails to make a strong case for its recommendations. There is little
argument supported by review evidence. Where evidence is presented, there is an
absence of critical analysis. Instead there is opinion. For example, the review says 'I believe
...' 16 times.
· 1.4.2 The
recommendations are not logically consistent with the limited evidence.
1.4.3 The
review says that many LAs are not performing adequately, but then recommends
they have more powers. Without an analysis of why they are failing, this would
seem an inappropriate measure.
1.4.4 The Review recognises the
diversity of home educators, but fails to take this in to account in its 'one
size fits all' recommendations.
· 1.4.5 The
Review is inconsistent in how it treats research. It claims that the sample
sizes for some studies were too small for its findings to be generalised to the
whole population. Yet it quotes from a qualitative study on reasons why parents
home educate (Hopwood,V.,O'Neill, L., Castro G. and Hodgson, B. (2007) The
Prevalence of Home Education in England: A Feasibility Study, DfES,
Research Report 827) that is based on an opportunistic sample of 18 parents in
nine areas; and references another small scale study (Kendall S. &
Atkinson, M (2006) Some perspectives on home educated children, NFER)
based on 21 interviews with local authority staff in 16 areas.
Recommendation 1
· 1.4.7 The
requirement annually to seek permission from the LA to home educate removes
parents' responsibility for providing children with an education 'at school or
otherwise', instead placing that duty in the hands of the LA, who will delegate
it to parents who they deem suitable (Recommendation 23). This makes home
educators vulnerable to LA prejudice about different educational and lifestyle
· 1.4.8 The
recommendations erect discriminatory barriers to entry for those considering
1.4.9 The
requirement that parents complete plans and submit to visits within weeks of
beginning to home educate will be an intimidating barrier to entry; many
families take some time to establish the educational philosophy and style which
will suit them.
1.4.10 The
well-documented necessity for a 'deschooling' period after removing a child
from school is not accommodated.
1.4.11 The
proposal that 'schools should retain... pupils on roll for a period of 20
school days' makes it possible for schools to put pressure on families not
to proceed with HE. It is unclear whether a child deeply unhappy at school
would be forced to endure a further 20 days of it, or whether caring parents
removing their children from a traumatic situation would be vulnerable to
truancy prosecution.
· 1.4.12 The
requirement to provide detailed plans of what our children will be learning in
the next year, plans against which our children's attainment will be measured,
is contradictory to the well documented and effective practice among home educators
of child-centred, personalised, responsive, informal learning. Home educators
whose patterns are more formal, following curricula and regularly producing
'educational product', are also unhappy at the lack of flexibility and
responsiveness permitted by such a requirement.
1.4.13 Mr.
Badman states that 'the school must provide to the appropriate officer of
the local authority a record of the child's achievement to date and expected
achievement... together with any other school records.' Apart from the
potential for schools to provide false or misleading information, it is
parents, meeting their duty to educate their child, who should be provided with
all school records, not the State.
Recommendation 2
1.4.15 'That
the DCSF review the current statutory definition of what constitutes a
'suitable' and 'efficient education in the light of the Rose Review of the
primary curriculum, and other changes to curriculum assessment and definition
throughout statutory school age..... should take account of the five Every Child
Matters outcomes...., should not be overly prescriptive but be sufficiently
defined to secure a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum'
· 1.4.16 In case
law, the definition of a 'suitable' and 'efficient' education is
well established. Mr. Badman's proposals for a 'broad, balanced, relevant
and differentiated curriculum' would not necessarily optimal for an
individual child, and may well be incompatible during any given year with the
self-directed path of an autonomously home-educated child.
Recommendation 3
· 1.4.18 'That
all local authorities analyse the reasons why parents or carers chose elective
home education' sees home education as an anomaly to be explained.
Providing a child's education is the parents' duty & their reasons for
choosing one of several valid routes are no business of the State! Reasons for choosing HE would only be the business of
the State if HE were an inferior last resort, to be prevented wherever
possible. We are afraid that this unwarranted assumption may underlie the
Badman review, calling all of its findings into question.
Recommendation 7
· 1.4.20 The
requirement to allow unknown LA staff into our homes, without probable cause,
& to interview our children alone, without probable cause, fundamentally
shifts the relationship between the State and the home, and between the State
and the family. It will make children
confused & vulnerable to illicit approaches by adults.
· 1.4.21 In
having the 'right of access to the home' and 'the right to speak with
each child alone if deemed appropriate or, if a child is particularly
vulnerable or has particular communication needs, in the company of a trusted
person who is not the home educator or the parent/carer' so that 'officers
will be able to satisfy themselves that the child is safe and well',
education & child protection are conflated.
Educational provision can be ascertained through written correspondence;
the explicit purpose of these compulsory visits would be to check for
abuse. HE is an educational matter, NOT
a welfare issue. It is inappropriate to
consider welfare issues in a home education review. At any rate, Mr. Badman has admitted in his
report: 'I can find no evidence that
elective home education is a particular factor in the removal of children to
forced marriage, servitude or trafficking or for inappropriate abusive
activities....this view is supported by the Association of chief Police Officers.'
1.4.23 An
abused child is highly unlikely to confide in a stranger on a short annual
visit. Many abused children's suffering goes unnoticed at school for years,
despite familiar adults seeing them regularly. Before moving towards
legislation which treats home educators as particularly dangerous to children
and which fundamentally infringes their civil liberties, it would be
appropriate for the DCSF firstly to produce evidence that home educators are
indeed particularly dangerous (Mr. Badman concluded that he had not found such
evidence), and secondly to produce evidence that their proposed regime of
surveillance would uncover such abuse. Someone who has been abusing their child
since birth is unlikely to register them as home educated. Someone who
deregisters their child from school under suspicious circumstances should be
referred to Social Services by the school.
1.4.24 The
proposed compulsory visits could be damaging to children - not only those with
special needs, but any children who would prefer not to be scrutinised alone by
strangers with the power to force them to attend school. It is often easy for
those in the child protection industry to forget how much harm they do simply
by investigating and invading the lives of innocent families.
1.4.25 These
invasive powers will not be applied to the families of schooled children or to
· 1.4.26 Children
learning informally would have their learning restricted (and thus damaged) by
being forced to 'exhibit' to LA staff
(who, at present, are almost all ex-teachers or ex-OFSTED inspectors, and thus
are heavily invested in school-style learning).
2.1 The review
reflects a fundamental ignorance of & bias against HE. Its illegitimate terms of reference should,
in themselves, render the review null & void.
September 2009