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House of Commons
Session 2008-09
Publications on the internet
Communities and Local Government Committee Publications

Communities and Local Government - Memoranda

CONTENTS: Housing and the Credit Crunch

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Armand Toms (CRED 01)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Nordic Enterprise Trust (CRED 03)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Ann Petherick (CRED 07)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by CgMs Consulting Ltd (CRED 09)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Yorkshire and Humber Assembly (CRED 12)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Residential Landlords Association Limited (CRED 14)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Royal Town Planning Institute RTPI (CRED 16)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Places for People (CRED 22)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Carodon District Council and Cornwall Citizens Advice Bureaux (CRED 24)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Anchor Trust (CRED 29)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Care & Repair England (CRED 32)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Elderflowers Projects Company Ltd (CRED 33)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by South West Regional Assembly (CRED 34)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by Association of Chief Police Officers - Crime Prevention Initiatives (CRED 45)

Housing and the Credit Crunch Memorandum Submitted by National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) a division of the National Federation of Property Professionals (NFOPP) (CRED 51)

Memorandum from Adrian Cole FRICS (CRED 55)

Memorandum from Defend Council Housing (DCH) (CRED 58)




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