Memorandum from The South West Regional Assembly (CRED 34)


The Select Committee's inquiry into the effect of the credit crunch on current housing policies is a timely and important investigation. Within the time allowed for the call for evidence the South West Regional Assembly, which involves all 51 local authorities and Social, Environmental and Economic partners, in its role as Regional Housing Body, would like to contribute the following points:


· There should be greater flexibility in using Regional Housing Pot funds to provide new affordable housing. This could include pulling forward funds and changing tenure mix towards affordable housing. The distribution of any funds pulled forward or changes to agreed regional targets must be informed by Regional Housing Bodies. This would allow regions to balance risks to the overall delivery of affordable housing targets, and take into consideration their Regional Funding Advice (RFA).

· The South West region is keen to ensure that it increases affordable housing delivery, particularly to ensure an increased output of rented housing. This will enable more families losing their homes due to repossession to be housed.

· The Regional Housing Body welcomes the Government's consultation on Community Land Trusts as one way to increase the provision of affordable housing, although it is concerning that implementation through this mechanism may be a long way off.

· The Select Committee should be mindful that Regional Housing Bodies will be undertaking further work as part of the current RFA round to assess the implications of the credit crunch for the allocation of funding. As part of this process Regional Housing Bodies will be working with delivery organisations, such as local authorities, registered social landlords and other partners, to effectively prioritise funding in the region. The RFA will be submitted to Government at the end of February 2009.

· The South West Regional Housing Body, in advising Government on local authority Regional Housing Pot allocations for 2009/10, has promoted the funding of private sector renewal works which improve the energy efficiency of homes. This type of work will be a key long-term measure in helping minimise the effects of the credit crunch, especially for those living in or close to fuel poverty.


· The Select Committee should be aware that the role of Regional Housing Bodies remains uncertain in future as a consequence of the Sub National Review - particularly with respect to the Homes and Communities Agency. The South West Regional Assembly and South West Councils believe that local authorities must play a crucial role collectively deciding priorities for the region in future.


Finally, please be aware that the South West Regional Housing Body will be developing an action plan to help regional and local organisations deliver the region's housing priorities throughout the credit crunch.


November 2008