Annex 2: Sessional Information
The Committee was
nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2005.
It had 14 Members
and held 46 meetings. These included 1 meeting held concurrently
with the Foreign Affairs Committee (abbreviated to (FACM) in the
attendance table below) and 6 "Committees on Arms Export
Controls" meetings held concurrently with Business and Enterprise,
Foreign Affairs, and International Development Committees (abbreviated
to (CAEC) in the attendance table below).
Arbuthnot, Mr James (Chairman)
Borrow, Mr David S
Crausby, Mr David
Gilroy, Linda
Hamilton, David
Hancock, Mr Mike
Havard, Mr Dai
Holloway, Mr Adam
Jenkin, Mr Bernard
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Jones, Mr Kevan
Key, Robert
Rennie, Willie (discharged 21.1.08)
Smith, John
Younger-Ross, Richard (added 21.1.08)
Overall Attendance:
| Meetings attended
41(including 1FACM and 1 CAEC) out of 46
26 (including 1 FACM and 4 CAEC) out of 46
36 (including 2 CAEC) out of 46
37 (including 1 FACM and 6 CAEC) out of 46
17 out of 46
22 out of 46
22 (including 1 FACM) out of 46
26 (including 1 FACM) out of 46
40 (including 1 FACM and 4 CAEC) out of 46
30 out of 46
24 out of 46
38 (including 1 FACM and 2 CAEC) out of 46
10 out of 12
17 out of 46
15 (including 1 FACM) out of 28
68.2 %A
Not including
CAEC meetings.
Total number of meetings:
| 46 |
Of which: |
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken
| 22 |
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private
| 1 |
Number of wholly private meetings
| 17 |
Number of concurrent meetings with other committees
| 7 |
Other activities | |
Informal meetings (including overseas visitors)
| 17 |
Conferences/Seminars hosted
| 1 |
Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during
the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr Sibylle Bauer*, Paul Beaver, Rear Admiral Ric
Cheadle CB DL, Professor Michael Clarke, Major General Tim Cross
CBE, Professor David Kirkpatrick, Dr Andrew Rathmell, Rear Admiral
David Snelson and Air Marshal Philip Sturley CB MBE.
*Specialist Adviser to the Business and Enterprise,
Defence, Foreign Affairs, and International Development Committees
in their joint inquiry into Strategic Export Controls.
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers | 5
Other Ministers | 3
Members of the House of Lords (of whom one was a Minister)
| 3 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Ministry of Defence |
16 |
Other Government departments comprising:
| |
Home Office | 1
Cabinet Office | 1
Department of Health |
1 |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
| 2 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 41 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
15.11.07 | Paris, FranceA
| Holloway | 1
| Seminar on Naval Defence
| £600.86 |
16-17.12.07 | Naples, ItalyA
| Arbuthnot, Crausby |
1 | Conference of the Chairmen of Defence Committees of the Member States of the European Union
| £2,873.80 |
2-3.6.08 | Brussels, BelgiumA
| Jenkin | 0
| Conference on NATO in the next decade
| £554.51 |
22-26.6.08 | Bahrain and Iraq
| | 1 |
Inquires into UK operations in Iraq and the Iran hostages incident: the lessons learned
| £23,266.38 |
5-9.7.08 | Pakistan and Afghanistan
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Crausby, Havard, Holloway, Jenkin, Jones, Younger-Ross
| 2 | Inquiry into UK operations in Afghanistan
| £47,223.38 |
8-9.9.08 | St Malo, FranceA
| | 0 |
Sixth Summer Defence Conference of the National Defence and Armed Forces Committee of the French National Assembly
| £636.80 |
20-21.9.08 | Regensburg, GermanyA
| Jenkins | 1
| Operation COOP SPIRIT |
£1,894.50 |
26-27.10.08 | Paris, FranceA
| Arbuthnot, Crausby |
1 | Conference of the Chairpersons of Defence Committees of the Member States of the European Union
| £1,506.00 |
Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
9.11.07 | MDHU Frimley Park, HampshireA
| Arbuthnot | 1
| Inquiry into Medical care for the Armed Forces
| 0 |
16.11.07 | MDHU Portsmouth, HampshireA
| Hancock | 1
| Inquiry into Medical care for the Armed Forces
| £15.50 |
23.11.07 | MDHU Northallerton, North YorkshireA
| Jones | 0
| Inquiry into Medical care for the Armed Forces
| £34.40 |
23.11.07 | MDHU Derriford, Plymouth, DevonA
| Gilroy | 0
| Inquiry into Medical care for the Armed Forces
| 0 |
12.2.08 | MDHU James Cook University HospitalA
| Jones | 0
| Inquiry into Medical care for the Armed Forces
| 0 |
24.4.08 | Port of Southampton
| Borrow, Gilroy | 0
| Committees on Arms Export Controls
| £232.80 |
29.4.08 | Armed Forces Careers Information Office, Holborn, London
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Crausby, Hamilton, Jenkin, Jenkins, Jones, Younger-Ross
| 2 | Inquiry into Recruiting and retaining Armed Forces personnel
| £97.85 |
14-15.5.08 | AgustaWestland, Yeovil, Somerset
| Arbuthnot, Hamilton, Jenkin, Jenkins, Key
| 2 | Familiarisation visit
| £1,503.26 |
19.5.08 | HMS Raleigh, Torpoint, Cornwall
| Jones | 1
| Inquiry into Recruiting and retaining Armed Forces personnel
| £603.00 |
19.5.08 | Army Training Regiment Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire
| Arbuthnot | 1
| Inquiry into Recruiting and retaining Armed Forces personnel
| £83.32 |
20.5.08 | Salisbury PlainA
| Jenkin, Jones | 1
| EU Battlegroup exercise
| £614.60 |
14.7.08 | Farnborough Air Show
| Arbuthnot, Jenkin, Jenkins, Key, Smith
| 3B
| Familiarisation visit |
£459.00 |
1-2.10.08 | Defence Equipment & Support, Abbey Wood and Porton Down, Salisbury
| Arbuthnot, Gilroy, Jenkin, Jones, Key
| 3 | Familiarisation visit
| £1,526.10 |
15-16.10.08 | Defence Academy, Shrivenham
| Arbuthnot, Borrow, Crausby, Havard, Holloway, Jenkin, Jenkins, Key, Smith
| 10C
| seminar | £5,000 (estimated outturn)
Travel in a representative capacity
B Includes
1 specialist adviser
C Includes
4 specialist advisers
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2007-08)
| Date of publication
| Government reply
First Report: UK land operations in Iraq 2007
| 110 | 3.12.07
| Received 4.2.08: published as Second Special Report Session 2007-08
Second Report: Costs of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan: Winter Supplementary Estimate 2007-08A
| 138 | 5.12.07
| Received 4.3.08 |
Third Report: UK/US Defence Trade Cooperation Treaty
| 107 | 11.12.07
| Received 21.2.08: published as Third Special Report Session 2007-08
Fourth Report: The Iran hostages incident: the lessons learned
| 181 | 14.12.07
| Received 4.3.08: published as Fourth Special Report Session 2007-08
Fifth Report: Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2006-07
| 61 | 28.1.08
| Received 28.2.08: published as Fifth Special Report Session 2007-08
Sixth Report: The work of the Committee 2007
| 274 | 31.1.08
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: Medical care for the Armed Forces
| 327 | 18.2.08
| Received 22.4.08: published as Sixth Special Report Session 2007-08
Eighth Report: Operational costs in Afghanistan and Iraq: Spring Supplementary Estimate 2007-08B
| 400 | 10.3.08
| Received 9.5.08 |
Ninth Report: The future of NATO and European Defence
| 111 | 20.3.08
| Received 14.5.08: published as Eighth Special Report Session 2007-08
Tenth Report: Defence Equipment 2008
| 295 | 27.3.08
| Received 2.6.08: published as Seventh Special Report Session 2007-08
Eleventh Report: Ministry of Defence Main Estimates 2008-09
| 885 | 7.7.08
| Received 1.10.08: published as Ninth Special Report Session 2007-08
Twelfth Report: Scrutiny of Arms Export Control (2008): UK Strategic Export Controls Annual Report 2006, Quarterly Reports for 2007, licensing policy and review of export control legislation
| 254 | 17.7.08
| Cm 7485, published 3.11.08
Thirteenth Report: The contribution of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to ISTAR capability
| 535 | 5.8.08
| Received 3.10.08: published as Twelfth Special Report Session 2007-08
Fourteenth Report: Recruiting and retaining Armed Forces Personnel
| 424 | 30.7.08
| Received 1.10.08: published as Eleventh Special Report Session 2007-08
Fifteenth Report: UK operations in Iraq and the Gulf
| 982 | 22.7.08
| Received 29.9.08: published as Tenth Special Report Session 2007-08
First Special Report: The work of Defence Estates: Government Response to the Committee's Fifteenth Report of Session 2006-07
| 109 | 23.11.07
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: UK land operations in Iraq 2007: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2007-08
| 352 | 21.2.08
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: UK/US Defence Trade Cooperation Treaty: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2007-08
| 375 | 3.3.08
| Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: The Iran hostages incident: the lessons learned. Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2007-08
| 399 | 26.3.08
| Not applicable |
Fifth Special Report: Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2006-07: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session
| 468 | 3.4.08
| Not applicable |
Sixth Special Report: Medical care for the Armed Forces: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2007-08
| 500 | 9.5.08
| Not applicable |
Seventh Special Report: Defence Equipment 2008: Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report of Session 2007-08
| 555 | 17.6.08
| Not applicable |
Eighth Special Report: The future of NATO and European defence: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2007-08
| 660 | 19.6.08
| Not applicable |
Ninth Special Report: Ministry of Defence Main Estimates 2008-09: The Government's Response to the Eleventh Report from the Committee, Session 2007-08
| 1072 | 27.10.08
| Not applicable |
Tenth Special Report: UK operations in Iraq and the Gulf: The Government's Response to the Fifteenth Report from the Committee, Session 2007-08:
| 1073 | 29.10.08
| Not applicable |
Eleventh Special Report: Recruiting and retaining Armed Forces Personnel: The Government's Response to the Fourteenth Report from the Committee, Session 2007-08:
| 1074 | 3.11.08
| Not applicable |
Twelfth Special Report: The contribution of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to ISTAR capability: Government response to the Committee's Thirteenth Report of Session 2007-08C
| 1087 | 5.11.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: UK national security and resilience
| 718-i | 19.6.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: UK national security and resilience
| 718-ii | 27.10.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Iraq and AfghanistanD
| 1145-i | 3.11.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2007-08
| 1168-i | 11.11.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2007-08
| 1168-ii | 18.11.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Defence Equipment
| 1198-i | 24.11.08
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: UK national security and resilience
| | 20.5.08
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Defence Equipment
| | 18.11.08
| Not applicable |
Government response published as Memorandum in the Committee's
Eighth Report (HC 400)
B Government
response published as Memorandum in the Committee's Eleventh Report
(HC 885)
C Jointly with the Business and Enterprise,
Foreign Affairs and International Development Committees
D Jointly with the Foreign Affairs Committee
Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes
of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting
of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website
Date | Subject
4.3.08 | Eight, on consideration of the Chairman's draft Report on The future of NATO and European Defence.
Committee reports were debated on 1 occasion in Westminster
Hall. Further details can be found in the Committee's Sessional
Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry
during the Session
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Defence Equipment | 3
Iraq and Afghanistan |
1 |
Medical care for the Armed Forces
| 1 |
Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2006-07
| 2 |
Ministry of Defence Annual Report and Accounts 2007-08
| 2 |
Recruiting and retaining Armed Forces personnel
| 4 |
The future of NATO and European defence
| 2 |
The Iran hostages incident: the lessons learned
| 1 |
UK national security and resilience
| 2 |
UK/US Defence Trade Cooperation Treaty
| 1 |
Total | 22