2 Defining capability
The four-legged stool
12. The 'METS principle' describes capability as
the combination of Manpower, Equipment, Training and Support.
Within the JHC, an analogy has been drawn between helicopter capability
and a four-legged stool. In evidence to us, Rear Admiral Johnstone-Burt
explained that, for the purposes of planning for between 15 and
20 years of sustainable capability on operations, each leg of
the stool (people, support, training and aircraft) "must
be as strong and as long as each other; otherwise, the stool will
fall over."[20]
He added that "there are strengths and fragilities in each
stool depending on the aircraft type we are talking about, but
one leg that is probably the least robust is the people",
by which we took him as meaning manpower levels.[21]
We found this analysis persuasive.
13. The Rear Admiral's identification of people as
'probably the least robust' did not come as a great surprise.
Manning is not a challenge exclusive to the helicopter fleets,
but we did learn that the frequency with which personnel are being
deployed to high-intensity operations is having an effect on retention.
Rear Admiral Johnstone-Burt told us that "The manning situation
as a whole for all our crewair crew, ground crew and engineersis
okay and we are managing, but we are at maximum stretch and there
are hot spots in certain areas depending on the fleet we are talking
about."[22] He identified
Apache pilots and engineering technicians as areas in particular
need of improvement. Although each of the Services have different
harmony guidelines, the JHC has its own, "a rule of five,
so it is one on four off".[23]
Rear Admiral Johnstone-Burt instituted the 'rule of five' "because
it was sustainable and robust and I could guarantee that with
20% on operations and 80% doing other things I could ensure that
was a robust, enduring capability at this tempo for the next 15
to 20 years."[24]
The JHC harmony guidelines reflect both the high level of activity
and commitment to training and leave, both of which are essential
for the purposes of performance and retention. To illustrate the
consistently high level of activity, the Chinook fleet has been
on operations almost continuously for 25 years.
14. The intensity and tempo of current operations
create great demands in terms of support, and keeping helicopters
serviceable and available for operations is a key challenge for
the MoD to face. Closer working with industry is, by all accounts,
paying dividends, but problems do exist with, for example, the
number of spares for certain newer helicopters. The National Audit
Office's report on Support to High Intensity Operations
states that over the last two years the MoD has delivered "on
average 5% above its target for serviceable helicopters to support
operations" but that this has come at the cost of "availability
of United Kingdom-based helicopters since 2006 [being] on average
11% below the Department's target, reflecting the priority the
Department gives to equipment deployed on operations".[25]
Rear Admiral Johnstone-Burt commented to us that "we talk
about ourselves being on what we call a campaign footing. My focus
has been exclusively on delivering success in Afghanistan and
Iraq."[26] Such
prioritisation is entirely appropriate, but it should be noted
that the stretch placed on resources is such that delivering increased
capability to theatre is not without cost.
15. One such cost is in the time, manpower and aircraft
available for training, particularly larger-scale or more demanding
training scenarios. The particular areas identified in the course
of the evidence we took where current tempo is impacting upon
training were littoral (ship to shore) manoeuvre and large-scale
amphibious operations. Rear Admiral Johnstone-Burt said that being
able "to land and take off from moving decks in rough seas
by day or night" was a "core capability because if necessary
we need to do that come what may. We are just keeping the flame
alive in that sense, but we need to work at it."[27]
It is very difficult to practice moving of large numbers of Royal
Marines from sea to shore at a time when demands on their time,
and of the necessary helicopters, are so great.
16. This leads to the fourth leg of the stool: the
helicopters themselves. Much of the debate around the issue of
helicopters takesas we have doneas its starting
point the forecast reduction in the size of the fleet. In its
written memorandum to us, the MoD attributes the reduction to
"changes in the way the Department delivers battlefield capabilities".[28]
The MoD gives three examples. The Gazelle, a light helicopter,
has an out of service date (OSD) of 2012 and will not be replaced.
The MoD has 22 Gazelle in the fleet. The Search and Rescue Sea
Kings (Mks 3/3a and 5) will be replaced by a joint PFI with the
Maritime and Coastguard Agency. Lastly, the MoD points to "changes
in technology and support solutions [
] which allow us to
provide greater capability with fewer helicopters or through the
use of other assets such as UAVs."[29]
The MoD bases its plans for the configuration of the Department's
future helicopter fleet on "an assessment of the optimum
mix of platforms (both helicopters and other non-rotary platforms)
to meet capability requirements."[30]
17. Each of the steps intended to improve the operational
capability of helicopters as set out in the MoD's memorandum are
quite sensible. However, none of them account for the quite substantial
reduction in medium and heavy lift, namely the support helicopters
which move troops and equipment around the battlefield. We make
an assessment of the future of the support helicopter fleet in
the next chapter.
18. The MoD suggests in its memorandum that (in some
cases, at least) it will be possible to deliver "greater
helicopter capability with fewer helicopters".[31]
This rather counter-intuitive type of argument is often brought
up during discussions of military technology in terms of firepower.
Indeed, the Minister gave the example of the comparison of a Lancaster
bomber with a Joint Strike Fighter.[32]
He went on to ask
Does it mean that eventually we can have just
one or two combat aircraft or helicopters in operation? Of course
not. There comes a point when the graph begins to curve rather
sharply and you no longer get advantage by replacing numbers with
improved technology and effect.[33]
We are glad that the Minister recognises that improved
technology, whilst welcome, is only part of helicopter capability.
We set out the three elements of capability in the table below.Table
1: Three elements of helicopter capability
| Description
| The technical specification of the helicopter, as expressed in terms of its ability to lift, move (in terms of range and speed), and fire (if applicable). In this sense, as technology improves, newer types of helicopter become more capable. Individual capability can be increased by upgrades and new procurements.
| The ability of the helicopter fleet to support the operations of the UK Armed Forces. It depends on two things: the type capability of the constituent helicopters and the numbers in service and 'effective'. Together with individual capability, corporate capability is the 'input' of helicopter capability. Corporate capability is increased by increasing the size of the effective fleet.
| The ability of deployed helicopters to contribute to operations, or the Minister's 'outputs'. Typically expressed in terms of availability or 'flying hours', operational capability is increased through improving the support arrangements for helicopters through, for example, closer working with industry, greater availability of spare parts or by having more ground crew able to maintain them.
What is 'more'?
19. Brigadier Abraham told us that "Helicopters are like
money in your bank account. If you are asked whether you would
like some more the answer is always yes. Do you have enough to
do what you have to do? The answer is yes."[34]
However, 'what you have to do' is a very flexible concept, and
several highly credible sources have made clear that the current
lack of tactical lift is limiting operations. In its report on
Support to High Intensity Operations, the NAO expands on
the Brigadier's point, stating that "In Afghanistan, senior
commanders on the ground have sufficient helicopters to undertake
their key tasks, but greater availability of these helicopters
would give them more flexibility in the planning of deliberate
offensive operations."[35]
During our inquiry into readiness and recuperation, Lieutenant
General Sir Graeme Lamb KBE CMG DSO, Commander Field Army, told
us that "if I were a commander in Task Force Helmand and
had another five Chinooks I would have a chance to manoeuvre in
another way."[36]
This may appear to be a mere truism, but over the course of our
inquiry we have sensed that senior commanders have been reluctant
to admit that manoeuvres in-theatre are in any way being limited
by the size of the deployed fleet. In other words, Brigadier Abraham's
statement is only true up to a point. The MoD insists that all
that is needed is to squeeze a bit more availability out of the
fleet and increase the flying hours. However, its duty to make
the best use of public money means that the MoD should be doing
this anyway - striving to improve availability and efficiency
for their own sakes, irrespective of the benefits.
20. We raised
the question of numbers and tactics with the Minister, who responded
I agree that there are certain minimum numbers
that you tend to need for any particular tactical purpose, but
I do not agree that two airframes are always better than one.
For example, I do not suppose for a moment that two Gazelles are
better than one Apache. That would be crazy. One Apache is probably
better than 10 Gazelles.[37]
Such a suggestion would indeed be crazy. It would
also be a category error, confusing the discrete questions of
individual and corporate capability. In its written
memorandum, the RAeS argued that "one helicopter can only
be in one place at any one time so a reduction in total numbers
of helicopters deployed represents a dilemma for a field commander."[38]
21. We do not believe that the question of helicopter
capability can be properly answered without reference to the size
of the fleet. We are concerned that operational commanders in
the field today are unable to undertake potentially valuable operations
because of the lack of helicopters for transportation around the
theatre of operations. We are also concerned that operational
commanders find they have to use ground transport, when helicopter
lift would be preferred, both for the outcome and for the protection
of our forces. Furthermore, we are troubled by the forecast reduction
in numbers of medium and heavy lift battlefield helicopters, which
will make this worse. We have an additional concern in respect
of the apparent lack of training that is taking place for amphibious
20 Q 128 Back
ibid. Back
Q 108 Back
Q 109 Back
Q 114 Back
National Audit Office, Support to High Intensity Operations,
HC 508, Session 2008-09, para 1.16 Back
Q 122 Back
ibid. Back
Ev 58, para 1.22 Back
ibid. Back
ibid. Back
Ev 58, para 1.22 Back
Q 178 Back
ibid. Back
Q 138 Back
National Audit Office, Support to High Intensity Operations,
HC 508, Session 2008-09, para 1.21 Back
Oral evidence taken before the Committee on 3 February 2009 for
it's inquiry into Readiness and recuperation of the Armed Forces,
HC (2008-09) 122-i, Q 103 Back
Q 177 Back
Ev 49, para 5 Back