Memorandum 107
Supplementary evidence from Lucy Davidson[381]
My peer group at Anglia Ruskin University in
Chelmsford consists of 14 female students aged between 26-46 years
of age most of whom have small children. The flexible extended
nursing course has enabled some of us to be able to access higher
education for the first time. After I had attended the above meeting
I sought the opinion of my peer group in relation to the questions
Q122. (Chairman): What makes a good university
It was felt that several factors influenced
our university experience such as site resources, course delivery,
teaching staff, peer group support and financial support (Davidson,
Q130. (Chairman): How much information
did you have about your course before starting and were you particularly
interested in the course content?
All students were sent information on their
initial application specifying course content, delivery and available
resources and following acceptance on to our course this information
was reiterated again in writing and verbally (Davidson, 2009).
As a group we were very interested in what we
were committing to (Davidson, 2009).
Q232. (Mr Marsden): Was it the course
or the university that attracted you?
It was agreed that it was the course that attracted
us to Anglia Ruskin University (Davidson, 2009).
Q233. (Mr Marsden): Different levels of
Educational qualifications vary amongst my student
group and range from degree level to GCSE level and this has resulted
in a diverse group with different learning needs (Davidson, 2009).
However, all students have successfully passed all required elements
up to this point and received teaching that is appropriate to
their learning needs (Davidson, 2009).
Q237. (Mr Boswell): Contact hours.
All students on the extended nursing course
are required to attend university or placement for 3-4 days every
week (excluding school holidays) for relevant lectures, specific
study days or group review meetings (Davidson, 2009).
Outside of these normal university days students
are able to arrange contact time with lecturers for further support
and all of the students on my course have been encouraged to seek
extra contact time regardless of their previous educational qualifications
(Davidson, 2009).
Q250. (Dr Iddon): Should lecturers be
actively researching their own topic?
All students agreed that lecturers should be
interested in the topic they are teaching and aware of current
research (Davidson, 2009).
Q268. (Ian Stewart): In the current economic
climate is it still worth going to university?
All students were in agreement that the current
climate would not deter them from going to university in fact
it probably highlighted the need for higher qualifications (Davidson,
Q269. (Ian Stewart): Should there be a
national bursary scheme?
It was felt that more information was required
before reaching a decision as many students were dependent on
the nursing bursary in order to pay for childcare and travelling
costs (Davidson, 2009).
Davidson, L. 2009. A Discussion between Bluebell
Group Nursing Students and Lucy Davidson at Anglia Ruskin University
in Chelmsford, at 09.30 on 10 February 2009.
April 2009
381 Nursing Student, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford,
following the oral evidence session on 9 February 2009. Back