Memorandum 21
Submission from the Royal Academy of Engineering
1. This submission is based on first-hand
experience gained by The Royal Academy of Engineering (Note 1)
from its study on Educating Engineers for the 21st Century
(Note 2) : through its National Engineering Project (NEP) and
through its support for the launch of the 14-19 Diploma in Engineering
in the London Boroughs of Southwark and Lambeth ( Note 3). The
Academy is also undertaking further research on experience-led
engineering degrees and has embarked on a further study on Engineers
for Enterprise for DIUS resulting from Lord Sainsbury of Turville's
recommendation in The Race to the Top his review of Government
Science and Innovation policy (Note 4).
2. This submission has been reviewed by the Academy's
Standing Committee for Education and Training (SCET) and reflects
the policies and practices which they have developed and/or recommended.
The views expressed below are based on experience gained in engineering
and technology only.
3. The process of selection for admission
to most Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) seems to work reasonably
well. The engineering departments of the research oriented universities
suffer the well publicised difficulties that the A level examination
grades currently do not discriminate sufficiently among the upper
quartile of candidates so that heavy reliance has to be placed
on interview references or other indicators of engagement in engineering
such as participation in extra-curricular engineering activities
such as those operated under the Academy's Best Programme. It
is hoped that the reintroduction of the A star grade will go some
way to ease this problem. Otherwise it is anticipated that additional
testing might have to be introduced as is already occurring in
some universities for mathematics and physics candidates. Many
believe that the selection process would be improved considerably
if the Examination Boards could make full disclosure of actual
performance on individual examination modules available to Admissions
4. The Academy is keen to broaden access to the
engineering profession in particular in encouraging more women
and ethnic minorities (Note 3). The Academy has gone to considerable
lengths to ensure that the content of the 14-19 Diploma in Engineering
will meet the requirements for entry to Higher Education (HE).
The NEP is also establishing good practice for the development
of appropriate Foundation Degrees and the delivery of HE through
the FE Sectors.
5. In order to meet the Government targets
for skilled personnel in the Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) sectors it will be necessary to continue
the drive to encourage more of our able youngsters to continue
with STEM subjects in school, college and university and ultimately
enter the STEM professions. The establishment of the High Level
STEM Strategy Board is an effective start to implementing the
Government strategy in this area and every effort must be made
to ensure that it is properly resourced and implemented.
6. In addition, the work of HEFCE and more
recently HEFCW in widening participation in STEM subjects must
be acknowledged. HEFCE in particular has demonstrated significant
commitment in this area. The Academy's London Engineering Project
has demonstrated that engineering can be positioned as a viable
career choice in the minds of young people regardless of their
background, ethnicity or gender. The 14-19 Diploma in Engineering,
with its strong uptake in more disadvantaged areas of England
is well placed to offer such students clear pathways into the
engineering profession.
7. A major finding of the Academy's Educating
Engineers for the 21st Century study is that the prestige
and funding of teaching in research-active engineering departments
has been compromised by a disproportionate emphasis on the research
output of staff as a consequence of the Research Assessment Exercise
(RAE). This has had serious repercussions on two levels: not only
has the quality of current teaching been adversely affected, academic
staff also now have little time or incentive to develop the type
of new course content that will be needed in the future.
8. Remedial action is required to ensure that
high quality teaching is perceived as central to academic career
prospects and suitably rewarded through both remuneration and
promotion. Appropriate measures would include: the provision of
adequate funding for undergraduate teaching; the development of
quantitative "best practice" criteria for assessing
teaching quality, a task that could be devolved to the Engineering
Subject Centre (engSC); and the inauguration of high profile award
schemes by the professional institutions and other national and
international engineering bodies to recognise and reward excellence
in engineering teaching.
9. Amongst the most important findings of
the study were the close correlation it showed between the views
of industry and the universities on the major issues concerning
undergraduate engineering education and the confirmation it provided
of the enthusiasm of the universities for closer collaborative
links with industry. University engineering departments, for instance,
overwhelmingly concurred with the view that their courses need
to provide more experience in the application of theoretical understanding
to real applications of the type encountered in industry. The
primary means of satisfying this objective is through effective
design and project work in which students can see the opportunities
and the necessity for innovation. But in turn such work makes
a number of demands of its own including the provision of pertinent
case study material from industry and the availability of adequate
up-to-date laboratory facilities within the universities themselves.
Further the teaching on such courses is far more labour intensive
than traditional classroom lecturing. With current pressures on
research performance (see 7 above) many engineering departments
would be unable to provide additional teaching resources. There
is also the issue of funding, which is currently a cause of great
concern within the university engineering community. Engineering
courses used to be funded by the HEFCE at a rate of twice the
basic unit of resource, but over the period 2003-04 this ratio
was reduced to just 1.7. However a consensus exists within the
universities that this allocation needs to be at least 2.5 and
possibly as much as three times the basic unit if engineering
courses are to meet future requirements for enhanced design and
project work.
10. Nevertheless the overall picture also
contained some strongly positive elements. Nearly three fifths
of the academic respondents, for instance, were exponents of the
CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate) approach to learning
and teaching which puts an emphasis on articulating and solving
problems rather than analysis, a highly appropriate approach for
engineers. Around three quarters also expressed support for the
introduction of new types of engineering course, such as biotechnology
or nanotechnology. In addition just over half reported they had
had contact with at least one or other of the HEFCE-funded Engineering
Subject Centre (engSC) or the UK Centre for Materials Education.
11. Following Lord Sainsbury of Turville's
recommendation (7.17) in his review of Government Science and
Innovation Policy (Note 4) DIUS has asked the Academy, in collaboration
with the engSC to undertake a study for the further development
and implementation of experience-led engineering degrees. This
is now underway and will report by November 2009.
12. The Academy's SCET members commend the
excellent work being undertaken developing the transcript system
in line with the Diploma Supplement requirements under the Bologna
process and welcome the additional detailed information this would
provide for engineering graduates, their employers and their Engineering
Institutions. However, they feel that this should supplement rather
than replace the current Honours classification system.
13. The International recognition for UK qualifications
in engineering has been hard won and well established for many
years through FEANI in Europe and the Washington Accord agreements.
This is the responsibility of the Engineering Council UK working
with the Engineering Institutions. Together they have established
a register of individually accredited university courses, based
on the current Honours system, which meet the academic requirements
of engineers to ensure that they can proceed to qualify as Chartered
and Incorporated engineers. The four level Honours gradation (First,
Upper Second, Lower Second, Third) system and the Pass degree
are well understood by all stakeholders and there is no evidence
that Examiners have any difficulty in administering this system.
Employers find it a useful, simple metric of great use in the
early recruitment process where they do not wish to be overburdened
by large quantities of transcript data.
14. The members are also particularly sensitive
to the high esteem in which UK engineering qualifications are
held internationally and the large number of overseas students
who elect to study here. The award of a UK Honours degree is held
in high regard in many parts of the world and is considered to
be greatly superior to a mere pass degree. This distinction should
not be sacrificed.
No comments to make.
1. The Royal Academy of Engineering [RAEng]
brings together over 1200 distinguished engineers, drawn from
all the engineering disciplines. Its aim is to promote excellence
in engineering for the benefit of the people of the United Kingdom.
2. Full details of the study and the supporting
materials can be found at:
3. The NEP started with the London Engineering
Project pilot in Southwark in late 2005. This will work with five
universities and 50 schools over 4.5 years. The pattern will be
repeated, modified and enhanced, as appropriate, in six regions
in England over the next ten years. The NEP supports schools with
their raised profile for SET by providing students with access
to hands-on SET activities in class, residential and other SET
learning events out of school and a system for mentoring of students
with a capacity for higher education and ability in SET. This
attention paid on schools and groups so-far unengaged in engineering
is seen as key to strengthening the engineering profession in
the long-term. The NEP is led by the Royal Academy of Engineering
with the generous initial support of the Higher Education Funding
Council for England (HEFCE).
4. "The Race to the TopA review
of Government's Science and Innovation Policies" Lord Sainsbury
of Turville (HM Treasury October 2007).
November 2008