Global Security: Afghanistan and Pakistan - Foreign Affairs Committee Contents


Wednesday 25 February 2009  Page
Professor Theo Farrell, Professor of War, Department of War Studies, King's College London and Colonel (retired) Christopher Langton OBE, Senior Fellow for Conflict, the International Institute for Strategic Studies Ev 1
Professor Shaun Gregory, Pakistan Security Research Unit, University of Bradford, and Sean Langan, British journalist and documentary film-maker Ev 10

Wednesday 25 March 2009
Dr Jonathan Goodhand, Lecturer, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and Elizabeth Winter, Researcher and Social Scientist, Adviser to the British Agencies Afghanistan Group Ev 19
David Mansfield, Freelance Consultant and Fabrice Pothier, Director, Carnegie Europe Ev 29

Tuesday 21 April 2009
James Fergusson, Journalist and author, Christina Lamb, Foreign Affairs Correspondent, Sunday Times, and David Loyn, International Development Correspondent, BBC, and author Ev 36
Dr Sajjan Gohel, Director of International Security, Asia-Pacific Foundation-, London, Dr. Stuart Gordon, Lecturer, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, and Daniel Korski, Senior Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations Ev 45

Thursday 14 May 2009
Rt Hon Lord Malloch-Brown, Minister of State, and Adam Thomson, Director, South Asia and Afghanistan, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Ev 56

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