1 Introduction
Our inquiry
1. Since 1998 the Government has produced regular,
usually annual, reports on human rights, and the Foreign Affairs
Committee has subsequently published its comments on these. The
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) published its Annual
Report on Human Rights 2008 in March 2009.[1]
2. In conducting our annual inquiry into human
rights, based on the FCO's report, we have this year adopted a
slightly different approach to that of previous years. In addition
to reviewing the matters dealt with in the FCO's report, which
broadly relate to the work of the FCO in relation to promoting
human rights in other countries, we decided to consider a
number of further issues, which might be summarised under the
heading of the responsibilities of the FCO for securing the
human rights of British citizens and others overseas.
3. When we announced the launch of our inquiry
on 2 April 2009, we stated that these issues would include:
- The case of Binyam Mohamed
- Allegations of UK complicity
in torture
- Extraordinary rendition (including
the possible role of Diego Garcia)
- Transfer of prisoners in Iraq
and Afghanistan
- Allegations of abuse at the
British Embassy in Iraq
- The oversight of contractors,
including private security companies, employed by the FCO and
UK Posts overseas
4. In the event, our inquiry has been limited
in its scope by the House of Commons sub judice resolution
which states that "cases in which proceedings are active
in United Kingdom Courts shall not be referred to in any motion,
debate or question".[2]
This is a self-denying ordinance designed to prevent things said
in, or published by, the House from intruding upon the fair and
proper conduct of cases in the law courts. We took advice from
the House of Commons authorities on individual cases that should
not be discussed as a result. These included the case of Binyam
Mohamed, on which we therefore do not comment in this Report.
As a result of sub judice concerns, one of our oral evidence
sessions (at which we heard evidence from Amnesty International,
Human Rights Watch and Reprieve) was held in private, on 10 June
2009. We expressed our intention to put subsequently as much as
possible of the transcript of that session in the public domain,
but reserved the right to sideline parts of it to comply with
the terms of the sub judice resolution.[3]
A sidelined version of that transcript is accordingly published
with this Report, as are sidelined versions of some of the written
evidence we received. We hope that in future, at the conclusion
of the legal cases in question, it may be possible to publish
full versions of all the oral and written evidence we have taken.
5. In addition to this oral evidence heard in
private, we also took evidence in public from Amnesty International
and Human Rights Watch, also on 10 June. We then took evidence
in public from the Foreign Secretary, on 16 June. We are grateful
to all those who submitted written and oral evidence to us.
6. As a consequence of our decision to deal in
this Report with the additional matters we have referred to above,
our discussion of the contents of the FCO's report is not as full
as it has been in previous years.
The FCO report: key human rights
7. In previous years we have made suggestions
as to how the FCO could improve the format of its Annual Report
on Human Rights. We believe that the structure of the 2008 Report
strikes a good balance between, on the one hand, addressing major
countries of concern, and, on the other, discussing thematic issues.
We recommended last year that the key issues of women's rights,
children's rights, and the promotion of democracy should be given
greater prominence in the next edition of the FCO report.[4]
We are pleased that the FCO has accepted this recommendation.
We consider below two further issues which we believe would benefit
from receiving thematic treatment in future editions of the FCO
8. The right of freedom of association,
including the right to belong to a free trade union, is of great
importance, yet is under threator in some cases does not
exist at allin a number of countries. In our Report we
make specific comments on this subject in relation to China/Tibet,
Colombia, Sudan and Zimbabwe. We note, for instance, that Colombia
is reputed to be one of the most dangerous places in the world
to be a trade unionist.[5]
The enforcement of International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions,
setting out minimum standards in relation to freedom of association
and collective bargaining, discrimination, forced labour, and
child labour, is also a matter of great concern. The FCO's report
refers to limitations on freedom of association in a number of
specific countries, but does not set out what action the FCO is
9. Another important topic which receives scant
attention in the FCO's report is that of progress towards full
implementation of the Harare Declaration. The Declaration,
agreed to by Commonwealth countries in 1991, contained a commitment
to respect fundamental human rights. The Commonwealth Ministerial
Action Group monitors the extent to which individual Commonwealth
countries have upheld the values of the Declaration, and recommends
measures for collective action in cases where countries are deemed
seriously or persistently to have infringed the Harare principles.
Recent cases where countries have been suspended from the Commonwealth
for such infringements have been those of Fiji (suspended in December
2006) and Pakistan (suspended in November 2007, re-admitted in
May 2008).[6] The FCO's
report contains a short passage dealing with the Harare Declaration,
but in our view a more detailed analysis, setting out what action
the FCO is taking to secure Commonwealth members' adherence to
the Harare principles on a country-by-country basis, would be
10. We conclude that the FCO's
inclusion in its report of extensive sections on what steps it
is taking to promote equality and democracy, including women's
and children's rights, is welcome. We recommend that next year's
report includes what the FCO is doing both to extend the right
of freedom of association, and to achieve progress amongst Commonwealth
countries in implementing the human rights provisions of the
Harare Declaration.
1 Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Annual Report
on Human Rights 2008, Cm 7557, March 2009 Back
Standing Orders of the House of Commons, Public Business, 2009,Appendix
1 (page 165), http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200809/cmstords/2/2.pdf
Q1 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Ninth Report of Session 2007-08, Human
Rights Annual Report 2007, HC 533, para 12 Back
See para 198 below. Back
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Annual Report on Human Rights
2008, Cm 7557, March 2009, pp 58-59 Back