2 Rendition
Definitions of rendition and extraordinary
11. There is dispute over the definition of "rendition"
and "extraordinary rendition". The House of Commons
Library has supplied a helpful analysis:
Definitions of 'Extraordinary Rendition' and 'Rendition'
do not exist in international law; they are political terms of
art. The phrase 'Extraordinary Rendition' is generally used to
describe activities involving the clandestine and deliberate transfer
of terrorist subjects to foreign countries for interrogation using
torture, inhuman or degrading treatment in order to gain intelligence
for the 'war against terrorism'. The process exists entirely outside
normal, formal extradition proceedings. It is also referred to
as 'torture by proxy' or 'outsourcing torture'.
In contrast, while 'Rendition' is also used to refer
to cases while individuals are transferred to other jurisdictions
outside normal legal processes, the term generally implies that
torture is not used.[7]
12. The House of Commons Library adds that:
The distinction is important because although they
are often used interchangeably, Extraordinary Rendition would
almost certainly always be illegal under international law, while
there are some instances of rendition which, under some interpretations
of international law, may be regarded as legal.[8]
13. The British Government does draw a distinction
between two types of rendition, as set out in its most recent
human rights report:
If we were requested to assist another state in a
rendition operation, and our assistance would be lawful, we would
decide whether or not to assist taking into account all the circumstances.
We would not assist in any case if to do so would put us in breach
of UK law or our international obligations. [
UK policy on [
] extraordinary rendition is
categorical: we unreservedly condemn any rendition to torture.[9]
14. Other witnesses in our inquiry argued that
this distinction is a false one. Clive Stafford Smith, Director
of Reprieve, told us:
I wish someone could tell me what the difference
is. As a lawyer, the legal term is kidnapping. Rendition is one
of these euphemisms that we have seen far too many of in this
whole process [
] I think that we should just get back to
the rule of lawif you want to move someone involuntarily
from one country to another, you use legal procedures.[10]
Kate Allen, UK Director of Amnesty International,
people are being moved outside of the due process
of lawoutside of any methods of extradition. We, at Amnesty,
have absolute clarity that rendition is illegal, as is extraordinary
rendition. Just because you do not torture people does not mean
that snatching them off the streets in one country, putting them
on your plane and taking them to another country without any due
process somehow becomes legal.[11]
Benjamin Ward, Associate Director of Human Rights
Watch, told us:
the argument about rendition to justice is a bit
of a red herring. It is put forward as an example where, because
in some instances it produces outcomes that may be deemed acceptable,
it means that one should not take an unequivocal position against
rendition as a whole. One should not fall into that trap. It is,
as my colleagues have said, kidnapping or abductionwhatever
the outcome may be.[12]
15. In this Report we use the term 'rendition'
to refer to the transfer of individuals to other jurisdictions
outside normal legal processes. 'Rendition' in this sense may
or may not be 'extraordinary rendition' in the sense in which
that term is commonly used, i.e. rendition for the purposes of
US policy on extraordinary rendition
16. In previous Reports we have examined allegations
that the United States has regularly practised extraordinary rendition
and that the 'rendition circuit' included a series of CIA prisons
known as "black sites", alleged to be located in Eastern
Europe, Asia and elsewhere.[13]
In a speech on 6 September 2006, President Bush admitted that
the CIA operated a network of secret detention centres.[14]
The USA does not deny having used rendition but has denied using
torture. On 5 September 2006 the then US Secretary
of State, Condoleezza Rice, said that "the United States
does not transport, and has not transported, detainees from one
country to another for the purpose of interrogation using torture."[15]
US policy has now substantially shifted. In an Executive Order
issued on 22 January 2009, President Obama ordered the establishment
of a special task force to consider policy options for transfer
of prisoners, to assess rendition and other policies to ensure
they comply with US obligations, and to assess policy on interrogation.
He also ordered the CIA to close "all existing detention
facilities" and prohibited their future use. The task force
is due to report to the President within 180 days.[16]
We have previously expressed concern that the definitions of torture
used by the US and UK have differed in relation to techniques
such as waterboarding.[17]
President Obama has now stated that he believes waterboarding
to be torture.[18]
17. Some of our witnesses expressed continuing
concerns about US policy. Kate Allen told us that "we still
see the ability to use rendition in transitory detention, so although
there have been some progressive moves, we have not seen the complete
end of rendition and its use in temporary and short-term measures."[19]
Benjamin Ward expressed concern about "the military commissions
and proposals for administrative detention".[20]
Clive Stafford Smith told us that there was still much that needed
to change:
there is an awful lot that he is not doing. He is
one person who has a lot of poisoned chalices to deal with. Let
us be clear: rendition is still going on and it will continue
to go on. The business of closing CIA prisons is chimerical because
the vast majority were not CIA prisons and they still exist. For
example, the two people rendered by the British to Afghanistan
are still being held in secret detention, and we don't know what
their names are. President Obama is no more likely to make that
public than President Bush was. An awful lot of work remains
to be done, and a lot of the prisons that we have dealt withthat
in Djibouti, for example, and I am sure that we will talk a little
about Diego Garciastill exist. They are not CIA prisons
but are very active. We delude ourselves if we think that Obama's
first few pronouncements have solved the problem. [21]
18. Our witnesses further criticised the stance
taken by the UK in relation to the US. Kate Allen told us that
the UK Government have been consistently slow to
articulate their position on some of the abuses of human rights
by the American Administration. It would be very good if pressure
was brought to bear for them to articulate their position on transitory
detention, [
] on the issues that Clive has raised, and on
some of the disquiet that we still have about the content of US
Army field manuals, and some of the permitted techniques that
remain there. It would be interesting and useful to hear the UK
Government say what they think about those issues, given that
background of being consistently reticent on such matters.[22]
19. However, Benjamin Ward noted that the election
of President Obama provides an opportunity for the UK Government
"to point to Washington and say, 'Look, now there is an opportunity
to really draw a line under what has been happening in the past
five or six years,' and to put in place some really effective
measures to deal with it."[23]
20. We conclude that the shift
in attitude of the new US Administration on the definition of
torture and in its approach to extraordinary rendition is to be
welcomed. We recommend that, in its response to this Report, the
Government supplies us with a full assessment of whether, in its
opinion, the present US policy in relation to secret and transitory
detention and permitted interrogation techniques fully conforms
to international human rights standards as interpreted by the
UK policy on extraordinary rendition
21. We have set out in paragraph 13 above the
FCO's statement of its policy on assisting "rendition".
The FCO adds:
We have not approved and will not approve a policy
of facilitating the transfer of individuals through the UK to
places where there are substantial grounds to believe they would
face a real risk of torture.[24]
22. It has been alleged that the UK Government
has not fulfilled these commitments. In July 2007 the Intelligence
and Security Committee (ISC) reported on rendition in the wake
allegations that the UK Government has not done enough
to ensure that the UK is not involved in such operations, and,
furthermore, that it has not sufficiently investigated these allegations,
which might be counter to its obligations under UK and international
law [
] There have also been allegations of direct involvement
in these operations by the UK intelligence and security Agencies
and by Her Majesty's Government more widely.[25]
Clive Stafford Smith was emphatic that "there
is zero probability that the British officials did not know about
rendition and were not complicit in it."[26]
Kate Allen was less categorical, concluding that:
I think that at a minimum what we see is a complete
lack of grip by the British Government in terms of who is passing
through British territory. We see a lack of control. We have
seen false information given to Parliament on this issue, and
we see a rather passive response by the UK Government in asking
the American Administration, but not being able to look at their
own records, being very minimalist in the questions that they
are asking and the definitions of rendition that they are using."[27]
Initial denials of UK involvement
in extraordinary rendition
23. On 20 January 2006, the then Foreign Secretary,
Rt Hon Jack Straw MP, summarised the results of a search of files
stretching back to 1997 which revealed four rendition requests
made by the US, all in 1998. Of these, two had been accepted and
two had been rejected. [28]
On 21 February 2008 the present Foreign Secretary, Rt Hon David
Miliband MP, provided additional details of the two accepted requests,
stating that "they were renditions to the US system, and
there were full legal rights for the accused in those cases".[29]
The Intelligence and Security Committee has identified the individuals
and concluded that these were so-called 'renditions to justice',
not extraordinary renditions.[30]
Mr Straw told the House that, apart from these two cases, "there
was no evidence of detainees being rendered through the UK or
its overseas territories since 1998." The Government thereafter
insisted on a number of occasions, including in evidence to us,
that this remained the position and that US assurances could be
relied upon.[31]
Rendition flights through Diego
Garcia in 2002
24. An allegation which was, over a period of
years, repeatedly rejected by the Government was that the UK Overseas
Territory of Diego Garcia (British Indian Ocean Territory) has
been used for detention and rendition.[32]
However, in a statement on 21 February 2008 the Foreign Secretary
admitted that, contrary to previous assurances, Diego Garcia had
been used for rendition flights when, on two occasions in 2002,
a US plane with a single detainee aboard refuelled at the US facility
on the island. Neither detainee was a British national or a British
resident. Mr Miliband said that one detainee was taken to Guantánamo
Bay whilst the other was released, and neither detainee was "taken
to a secret detention facility or subject to water-boarding or
other similar forms of interrogation".[33]
Subsequently, in answer to a Parliamentary Question, the Government
revealed that both men have now been released.[34]
In his February 2008 statement, Mr Miliband stated that he had
made clear to the US:
first, that we expect them to seek permission to
render detainees via UK territory and airspace, including overseas
territories; secondly, that we will grant that permission only
if we are satisfied that rendition would accord with UK law and
our international obligations; and thirdly, how we understand
our obligations under the UN convention against torture. Secretary
Rice has underlined to me the firm US understanding that there
will be no rendition through the UK, UK airspace or overseas territories
without express British Government permission. [35]
25. In his February 2008 statement the Foreign
Secretary announced that officials would compile a list of flights
where the FCO had been "alerted to concerns regarding rendition
through the UK or our overseas territories".[36]
A list of 391 flights was subsequently passed to the US Government
on 15 May 2008 and published on the FCO website.[37]
On 3 July 2008 the Foreign Secretary announced that "the
United States Government confirmed that, with the exception of
two cases related to Diego Garcia in 2002, there have been no
other instances in which US intelligence flights landed in the
United Kingdom, our Overseas Territories, or the Crown Dependencies,
with a detainee on board since 11 September 2001."[38]
Andrew Tyrie MP suggested to us that the review did not provide
sufficient assurances:
This list did not include flights through UK airspace
that did not land at UK airports and the Foreign Secretary failed
to ask the US to confirm whether any of the flights on the list
were 'rendition circuit' flights. He appeared not to know whether
the US had cross-checked the list of flights with their own records
before providing renewed assurances on this issue.[39]
We discuss the issue of "empty
flights" in paragraphs 42 and 43 below.
26. The Government has claimed to have only limited
information about the flights that landed on Diego Garcia in 2002
and the individuals in question. When we questioned the Foreign
Secretary about why details of the cases had not been published
by the Government he answered that "we have no confirmation
of their names, and that is why we have not put them into the
public domain".[40]
In answer to a Parliamentary Question by Andrew Tyrie MP, the
FCO Minister of State, Bill Rammell MP, stated that "We have
very limited specific information about these flights and, despite
enquiry, have not been able to establish further details that
would be essential for purposes of further investigation."[41]
Mr Tyrie told us that "the implication is that the US is
withholding information about these flights" and that this
information would be essential for investigation of whether criminal
offences were committed.[42]
27. From the information provided, Reprieve believe
that have identified one of the men rendered through Diego Garcia
in 2002 as Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni. They urge that the Government
should clarify further what it knew of his apprehension, transfer
and treatment, whether British personnel had contact with him
and provide details of assurances sought by the UK regarding his
treatment.[43] Clive
Stafford Smith told us that evidence for this assertion was "pretty
much indisputable" but that the Government had failed to
respond to the claim. He believes the second prisoner was Shaikh
Ibn Al-Libi but told us that "we are by no means certain."[44]
28. We conclude that it is unacceptable
that the Government has not taken steps to obtain the full details
of the two individuals who were rendered through Diego Garcia.
We recommend that the Government presses the new US Administration
to provide these details, and that it should then either publish
them, or explain the reasons why it considers it would not be
in the public interest to publish them.
In our 2008 Report on Overseas Territories we noted
that the US lease on Diego Garcia is due to expire in 2016. The
FCO told us that the 1966 Exchange of Notes which established
the agreement would "continue in force for a further twenty
years beyond 2016", unless it was ended by "either government
giving notice of termination, in accordance with its terms".[45]
However, at that time, Ministers had not discussed the possibility
of terminating the lease or altering the terms of the agreement
to increase UK oversight of activities on the Island.[46]
Referring to the acknowledge rendition through Diego Garcia, Andrew
Tyrie MP has argued that "if the agreements in place were
not breached, then they appear inadequate for the purpose of preventing
British involvement in extraordinary renditions."[47] Clive
Stafford Smith also told us that
there is no doubt that it violated that agreement,
but it violated a lot of other things. British law applies in
Diego Garcia, notwithstanding what some other people have said.
It has very interesting aspects. In fact, the law provides for
a Diego Garcia supreme court that is meant to apply British law,
of which there is no such thing. [
]The whole process has
been one to skirt the law[48]
29. We questioned the Foreign Secretary about
whether the use of Diego Garcia for rendition flights would breach
the terms of the agreement between the UK and the US on the use
of the island. He told us:
In our view there should be consultation. I think
there was consultation about a previous casethere were
a couple of cases in the 1990s. That is certainly the procedure
that now exists [
] the US Administration
have said that they will consult us if they ever want to use it.
So they obviously share that view.[49]
He did not believe that there were grounds to examine
the terms of the agreement that govern the use of the island,
If the American Administration were now saying that
they did not need to consult us, that would be a prima facie
case for reviewing the arrangements. I am sure in 2016 we will
want to look at whether they are adequate for the times; there
is no limitation on that. In respect of the use of Diego Garcia
for rendition there is an absolutely clear position from the British
Government and the American Government about the appropriate way
to act. In that respect, there is no lack of clarity.[50]
30. We conclude that the use
of Diego Garcia for US rendition flights without the knowledge
or consent of the British Government raises disquieting questions
about the effectiveness of the Government's exercise of its responsibilities
in relation to this territory. We recommend that in its response
to this Report, the Government indicates whether it considers
that UK law has effect in British Indian Ocean Territory, and
whether it considers that either UK law or the agreements between
the US and UK over the use of BIOT were broken by the admitted
US rendition flights in 2002.
31. The Intelligence and Security Committee's
July 2007 report on rendition commented that:
We are concerned that Government departments have
had such difficulty in establishing the facts from their own records
in relation to requests to conduct renditions through UK airspace.
These are matters of fundamental liberties and the Government
should ensure that proper searchable records are kept.[51]
The Government has admitted that flight records from
Diego Garcia covering the period during which renditions are known
to have occurred through the island have been destroyed.[52]
In its submission, Reprieve questioned why accurate records were
not kept and argued that the Government should make available
details of how, why and by whom records were destroyed.[53]
When we asked the Foreign Secretary whether the Government would
be willing to do this, he replied: ""I have never been
asked that before and there is no proposal to do it."[54]
He stated that on Diego Garcia since 2008 "all flight records
are now held by the British representative"[55]
and outlined his intention to make improvements in record keeping:
The record-keeping systems that have to be improved
are partly a matter of what happens on the base and partly a matter
of what happens back in London. In respect of all detainee issues,
there is now a central point in the Foreign Office for arranging
that, and I think that is the right way forward.[56]
32. Non-commercial, non-state flights do not
require permission to land in the UK.[57]
Redress has previously suggested that the law covering the use
of civil aircraft for rendition and the procedures for authorising
the entry of 'state aircraft' into UK territory should be assessed.[58]
They comment in particular that although many rendition flights
are designated as 'civil' flights, they might more accurately
be described as 'state' flights and therefore should require more
explicit authorisation.[59]
Benjamin Ward was
supportive of the initiative by the all-party parliamentary
group on rendition to create a permission system for rendition
flights, including for overflights, similar to that which exists
already in extradition cases under the European Convention on
Extradition. That proposal was put forward to the Government in
2006 and, as far as I am aware, nothing ever came of it. Obviously
that would not entirely eliminate the risk of transfers, but effectively
requiring a transferring state to certify, in advance, what opportunity
the prisoner had had to challenge any risk of human rights abuse
that they might be subject to would make it much more difficult
and much less attractive to use UK territory and UK airspace for
such transfers. It would be a very important and symbolic change
and it is not clear to me why that was not taken up.
33. We conclude that, in the
light of the controversy over the use of British Indian Ocean
Territory for purposes of rendition by the US, it is important
that full records of flights through the territory are kept, and
retained for an indefinite period. We conclude that it is to be
welcomed that the British representative on Diego Garcia now keeps
flight records. We recommend that the Government discloses how,
why and by whom the records relating to flights through Diego
Garcia since the start of 2002 were destroyed. We further recommend
that the Government provides, in its response to this Report,
full details of its record-keeping and record-disposal policy
in relation to flights through British territory, particularly
BIOT, and state for how long it now retains such records. We recommend
that, in its response, the Government addresses the question of
whether it considers that current aviation law and aircraft identification
procedures are sufficient to identify flights which may be carrying
out rendition both through Diego Garcia or elsewhere through UK
34. The lack of historical flight data makes
it very difficult to test allegations that the two flights in
2002 do not represent the full extent of Diego Garcia's involvement
in the rendition circuit. It is claimed that the island was used
by the CIA as a 'black site'. During our inquiry into Overseas
Territories it was further alleged that ships in or near the island's
territorial waters had been used to hold detainees and facilitate
rendition.[60] Such allegations
include the following:
- US Army General Barry McCaffrey,
former head of Southcom, has stated twice in public that Diego
Garcia has been used by the US to hold prisoners, stating in a
radio interview in May 2004 "We're probably holding around
3,000 people, you know, Bagram Air Field, Diego Garcia, Guantánamo,
16 camps throughout Iraq."[61]
- In October 2003 Time magazine
reported that the Al-Qaeda operative known as Hambali had been
interrogated on the island.[62]
- A former senior American official
told Time magazine in July 2008 that "a CIA counterterrorism
official twice said that a high-value prisoner or prisoners were
being held and interrogated on the island. The identity of the
captive or captives was not made clear."[63]
- In August 2008, the Observer
reported that former American intelligence officers "unofficially
told senior Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón that Mustafa
Setmarian, a Spanish-based Syrian accused of running terrorist
training camps in Afghanistan, was taken to Diego Garcia in late
2005 and held there for months."[64]
- Reprieve allege that Abu Zubaydah
and Khaled Skeikh Mohammed, currently held at Guantánamo,
were also held on the island.[65]
- The Observer has reported that
Manfred Novak, the United Nations special investigator on torture,
told the paper that "he had talked to detainees who had been
held on the archipelago in 2002, but declined to name them."[66]
35. In its 2008 Annual Report on Human Rights
the FCO stated that:
The US government denies having interrogated any
terrorist suspect or terrorism-related detainee on Diego Garcia
since 11 September 2001. They have also informed us that no detainees
have been held on ships within Diego Garcia's territorial waters
over that period, and that they do not operate detention facilities
for terrorist suspects on board ships.[67]
36. We asked the Foreign Secretary whether this
assurance extended to the use of Diego Garcia as a victualling
point for ships outside its territorial water which may have been
used for renditions. He stated that "we have no information,
either of vessels inside territorial waters being used for rendition
or of supplies from Diego Garcia going to ships outside the territorial
waters.[68] The FCO state
that such re-victualling would be "highly unlikely to occur"
The territorial waters of Diego Garcia extend to
3 nautical miles. Replenishment at Sea [
] requires a stable
transfer system between the two vessels concerned. This would
usually be provided by an auxiliary vessel. No such vessels are
currently berthed in Diego Garcia and consequently all vessels
have to come into port to be replenished.[69]
The Foreign Secretary undertook to supply us with
an assessment of whether, under the US/UK agreements on the use
of BIOT, the British Government's prior consent would
be required for the use of the territory as a re-victualling point
for vessels outside territorial waters. He later told us that:
Under the UK/US Exchange of Notes which govern the
use of the British Indian Ocean Territory for Defence purposes,
the US undertakes to inform the UK of intended movements of its
ships in BIOT territorial waters in "normal circumstances".[70]
37. We conclude that it is a
matter of concern that many allegations continue to be made that
the two acknowledged instances of rendition through British Indian
Ocean Territory in 2002 do not represent the limit of the territory's
use for this purpose. We further conclude that it is extremely
difficult for the British Government to assess the veracity of
these allegations without active and candid co-operation from
the US Administration. We recommend that the Government requests
the Obama Administration to carry out a further, comprehensive
check on its records relating to the use of BIOT with a view to
testing the truth of the specific allegations (including those
set out in paragraph 34 above) relating to rendition through the
territory. We conclude that it is unsatisfactory that the Government
is not able to give us a categorical assurance that re-victualling
of ships anchored outside BIOT's territorial waters by any vessel
from BIOT, for purpose of assisting rendition, has not occurred.
We further conclude that it is unsatisfactory that the US has
only undertaken to inform the UK of the movement of ships in Diego
Garcia's territorial waters in normal circumstances but not in
all cases. We recommend that the Government requests the US Administration
to supply details of any movement of ships in Diego Garcia's waters
since January 2002 that were not notified at the time to the UK
authorities, and seek assurances that at no point were these or
other vessels used for re-victualling of vessels outside Diego
Garcia's territorial waters which were being used for purposes
of rendition.
38. The Government has repeatedly demonstrated
a willingness to accept US assurances in relation to the use of
BIOT for rendition flights. A report from the Council of Europe
in 2007 criticised the Government for having accepted these assurances
"without ever independently or transparently inquiring into
the allegations itself, or accounting to the public in a sufficiently
thorough manner".[71]
The 2007 ISC report on rendition exonerated the Government from
this charge, but did so before the revelation in February 2008
about the use of BIOT for rendition purposes.[72]
In our own Report on the Overseas Territories, published in July
2008, we concluded that "it is deplorable that previous US
assurances about rendition flights have turned out to be false."
39. The Foreign Secretary continues to argue
that US assurances, such as those given by former Secretary of
State Condoleeza Rice, can be relied upon:
I have had assurances, as I say, at the highest level
that there are no cases beyond those two, and also that if there
was any desire on the part of the United States to use Diego Garcia
for so-called extraordinary rendition, or for any kind of rendition,
the British Government would be consulted.
We can be confident that our closest intelligence
and foreign policy ally seeks to honour its trust with us in all
respects. The degree of intelligence co-operation that exists
between the US and the UK is of a unique standard and standing.
It is based on mutual trust. It is not only one-way traffic. The
US Government understand the importance of transparency and full
openness with us. When the Secretary of State of the United States
gives you her word, you take it very seriously. [73]
40. Mr Miliband argued that:
It was certainly proactive on the part of the US
to notify us in the first place of this new evidence that arose
in February 2008. That did not emerge because I had been in touch
with them about a particular casethey came to us. They
were clearly proactive in that instance. I think that they have
subsequently looked hard at their own systems, but they have been
clear with me, in a way that I have then reported in full to Parliament,
about the limits of their use of Diego Garcia. [74]
The Foreign Secretary assured us that in future the
US would seek agreement for use of Diego Garcia for rendition
Just to be clear, the information came out because
the Americans found it; they found it and they told us. We said,
very clearly, that our understanding of the agreement in respect
of Diego Garcia was that there had to be agreement. They subsequently
said, "We give you absolute assurance that, in all future
cases, there will be; we will see that agreement." So there
is no mystery about that.[75]
41. We reiterate our previous
conclusion that it is deplorable that previous US assurances about
rendition flights through Diego Garcia have turned out to be false.
We further conclude that the basis of trust in subsequent US assurances
about the use of BIOT has been undermined. We recommend that the
Government outline what practical action it is taking to ensure
that it has full sources of information about US rendition activity
on BIOT.
Empty flights and the use of
UK airports
42. In our last human rights Report we commented
on the use of UK territory by aircraft on their way to conduct
rendition operations or returning empty from such operations.[76]
In its response to that Report, the Government stated that it:
does not consider that a flight transiting UK territory
or airspace on its way to or from a rendition operation constitutes
rendition. Nor do we consider that permitting transit or refuelling
of an aircraft without detainees on board without knowledge of
what activities that aircraft had been or would be involved in,
or indeed whether or not those activities were unlawful, to be
unlawful in itself. There are more than two million flights through
UK airspace annually. It would be unreasonable and impractical
to check every aircraft transiting UK airspace on the basis that
it may have been, at some point in the past, and without UK knowledge,
involved in a possible unlawful operation. Instead an intelligence-led
approach is and must be employed.[77]
In his submission, Andrew Tyrie MP pointed out that
the list of flights which was sent to the US in May 2008 "did
not include flights through UK airspace that did not land at UK
airports". He added that "the Foreign Secretary failed
to ask the US to confirm whether any of the flights on the list
were 'rendition circuit' flights. He appeared not to know whether
the US had cross-checked the list of flights with their own records
before providing renewed assurances on this issue."[78]
43. We reiterate our earlier
conclusion that the Government has a moral and legal obligation
to ensure that flights that enter UK airspace or land at UK airports
are not part of the rendition circuit. We acknowledge the practical
difficulties in the way of monitoring all empty flights transiting
UK territory or airspace. We recommend that the Government, in
its response to this Report, sets out options for more effectively
establishing whether flights, including those by civilian aircraft,
are on their way to or from a rendition operation.
The UN Convention on Enforced
44. The UK has not signed the UN Convention on
Enforced Disappearances but told us that it played a "supportive
role" in the drafting process.[79]
The Convention was adopted by the UN General Assembly in December
2006 and will come into force once ratified by twenty Member States.
At present 81 states have signed the Convention, but only ten
Members States (Albania, Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, France, Honduras,
Kazakhstan, Mexico, Senegal and Uruguay) have ratified it. [80]Amnesty
International recommended that signing the Convention should be
a priority for the UK:
We would be pleased if the British Government would
sign it. It is one of the few signatures, in terms of Europe,
that is not on that convention. The British Government suggest
to countries such as Sri Lanka and Pakistan that they might like
to sign up to the convention. It would be interesting if this
Committee would ask the Foreign Secretary what discussions he
has had with the US Administration about this convention and whether
any of those discussions are getting in the way of the British
Government signing up to the UN convention on enforced disappearances.
45. The FCO told us that
The Government is currently examining the potential
impact of the Convention on the law of the United Kingdom. In
particular, lawyers are analysing the extent to which common law
provisions may need to be replicated in statute law, and the introduction
of one or more specific criminal offences. If the Government
decides to ratify the Convention, these changes to the law would
require primary legislation, which would be introduced when Parliamentary
time allowed. Decisions would also need to be taken in due course
on whether the United Kingdom required any reservations or declarations
upon ratification. The complexity of these issues under consideration
does not permit a deadline to be set at this time for completion
of this analysis.[82]
46. We recommend that the Government
complete its analysis of practicalities of signing the UN Convention
on Enforced Disappearances as soon as possible. We further recommend
that, having been supportive of the Convention at the drafting
stage, the Government should declare its intention, in principle,
to sign.
7 House of Commons Library, Standard Note on Extraordinary
Rendition, March 2006 Back
Ibid. Back
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Annual Report on Human Rights
2008, Cm 7557, pages 16-17 Back
Q 6 Back
Q 12 Back
Q 13 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Sixth Report of Session 2004-05, Foreign
Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism, HC 36; Foreign
Affairs Committee, Fourth Report of Session 2005-06, Foreign
Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism, HC 573; Foreign
Affairs Committee, First Report of Session 2005-06, Human Rights
Annual Report 2005, HC 574; Foreign Affairs Committee, Third
Report of Session 2006-07, Human Rights Annual Report 2006,
HC 269; Foreign Affairs Committee, Ninth Report of Session 2007-08,
Human Rights Annual Report 2007, HC 533; Back
Bush admits that terrorist suspects were held in secret prison
network, The Times, September 7 2006 http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/law/article630672.ece
FCO, Response to the Foreign Affairs Committee's Third Report
of Session 2006-07, Human Rights Annual Report 2006, Cm
7127, para 45 Back
White House Press Release, 22 January 2009 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Ninth Report of Session 2007-08, Human
Rights Annual Report 2007, HC 533, para 53 Back
Obama: 'I believe waterboarding was torture, and it was a mistake',
The Guardian, 30 April 2009 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/apr/30/obama-waterboarding-mistake
Q 2 Back
Q 2 Back
Q 2 Back
Q 2 Back
Q 3 Back
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Annual Report on Human Rights
2008, Cm 7557, pages 16-17 Back
Intelligence and Security Committee, Rendition, Cm 7171,
July 2007, para 2 Back
Q 3 Back
Q 3 Back
HC Deb 20 January 2006, Col 38WS Back
HC Deb 21 February 2008, Col 558 Back
Intelligence and Security Committee, Rendition, Cm 7171,
July 2007, para 44 Back
See Foreign Affairs Committee, Third Report of Session 2006-07,
Human Rights Annual Report 2006, HC 269 and Government
response to Foreign Affairs Committee report on Human Rights Annual
Report 2006 Back
HC Deb 21 February 2008, Col 547 Back
HC Deb 12 February 2009, col 2002W Back
HC Deb 21 February 2008 Col 547 Back
HC Deb 21 February 2008 Col 547 Back
HC Deb 3 July 2008, col 58 WS Back
Ev 64 Back
Q 95 Back
HC Deb 26 February 2009 Col 948W Back
Ev 64 Back
Q11 Back
Q 11 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Seventh Report of Session 2007-08,
Overseas Territories, HC 147, para 49 Back
Ibid., para 60 Back
Ev 64 Back
Q 9 Back
Q q 99-100 Back
Q 101 Back
Intelligence and Security Committee, Rendition, Cm 7171,
July 2007, page 17 Back
HC Deb 6 November 2008, c688W Back
Q 109 Back
Q 110 Back
Q 109 Back
Intelligence and Security Committee, Rendition, Cm 7171,
July 2007, para 188 Back
Redress, The United Kingdom, Torture and Anti-Terrorism: Where
the Problems Lie, December 2008, page 28 Back
Redress, The United Kingdom, Torture and Anti-Terrorism: Where
the Problems Lie, December 2008, page 30 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Seventh Report of Session 2007-08,
Overseas Territories, HC 147, Ev 182, 203 Back
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4924989 ; http://www.reprieve.org.uk/static/downloads/Microsoft_Word_-_2009_05_20_FAC_Submission_DG.pdf Back
The Terrorist Talks, TIME magazine, 5 October 2003 http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1101031013-493256,00.html
US Used UK Isle for Interrogations, TIME magazine, 31 July 2008
US 'held suspects on British territory in 2006', The Observer,
3 August 2008 Back
US 'held suspects on British territory in 2006', The Observer,
3 August 2008 Back
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Annual Report on Human
Rights 2008, Cm 7557, page 17 Back
Q 104 Back
Ev 51 Back
Ev 51 Back
Council of Europe Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights,
Alleged secret detentions and unlawful inter-state transfers
of detainees involving Council of Europe Member States: a second
report, June 2007, page 16 Back
Intelligence and Security Committee, Rendition, Cm 7171,
July 2007, para 210 Back
Qq 96, 98 Back
Q 97 Back
Q 110 Back
Foreign Affairs Committee, Ninth Report of Session 2007-08, Human
Rights Annual Report 2007, HC 533, para 47 Back
Government response to Foreign Affairs Committee, Ninth Report
of Session 2007-08, Human Rights Annual Report, Cm 7463,
para 23 Back
Ev 64 Back
Ev 52 Back
Q 6; Ev 76 Back
Ev 52 Back