Patient Safety - Health Committee Contents

List of further written evidence

The following written submissions were received after the publication of Patient Safety: Written evidence, HC 1137, Session 2007-08. They are reproduced with the Oral evidence in Volume II of this Report.

1  Department of Health (PS 01A, 01B, 01C and 01D )

2  The Health Foundation (PS 21A and 21B)

3  National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) (PS 39A and 39B)

4  Care Quality Commission (PS 41A)

5  Royal College of Nursing (PS 44A and 44B)

6  Royal College of Physicians (PS 47A)

7  Patients Association (PS 50A)

8  Healthcare Commission (PS 52A and 52B)

9  Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) (PS 56A)

10  Royal College of Psychiatrists (PS 68A)

11  Orde Levinson (PS 76)

12  BASICS (British Association of Immediate Care) (PS 77)

13  Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (PS 78)

14  Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (PS 78A)

15  Mrs Clare Bowen (PS 79)

16  Professor Richard Thomson (PS 80)

17  Professor Alastair Gray (PS 81)

18  Ms Josephine Ocloo (PS 82)

19  Professor Brian Toft (PS 83)

20  Professor Brian Toft (PS 83A and 83B)

21  CORESS (Confidential Reporting System in Surgery) (PS 84)

22  CORESS (Confidential Reporting System in Surgery) (PS 84A)

23  National Association of Laryngectomees Clubs (PS 85)

24  Professor Bryony Dean Franklin and Nick Barber (PS 86)

25  Professor Mike Murphy (PS 87)

26  Dr Susannah Long (PS 88)

27  Professor David Webb (PS 89)

28  Revd Dr Pauline Pearson, Amanda Howe, Aziz Sheikh, Darren Ashcroft,
Pam Smith, Alison Steven on behalf of The Patient Safety Education Study
Group (PS 90)

29  Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (PS 91)

30  General Medical Council (PS 92)

31  General Medical Council (PS 92A)

32  Dr Peter Greengross, Medical Director, The Learning Clinic (PS 93)

33  Joint Epilepsy Council (JEC) (PS 94)

34  Astellas Pharma Ltd (PS 95)

35  Dr Helen Hogan (PS 96)

36  Isabel Healthcare Ltd (PS 97)

37  Dr Tony Wright MP (PS 98)

38  David Kidney MP (PS 99)

39  Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (PS 100)

40  Cure the NHS (PS 101)

41  Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust (PS 102)

42  William Cash MP (PS 103)

43  Dr Peter Daggett (PS 104)

44  Andrew Lansley CBE MP (PS 105)

45  Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (PS 106)

46  Dr Pradip Singh (PS 107)

47  Richard Stein (PS 108)

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