Power supply
27. The inadequacy of the power sector is a serious
obstacle to economic growth and to decent living conditions for
many people in Nigeria. The World Bank reports that "the
quality of the electricity services is the largest barrier to
business in Nigeria".[61]
We were told that businesses were leaving Lagos and Kano to relocate
elsewhere in West Africa because of the unreliability of the power
supply. It is impossible to spend even a short time in Nigeria
without noticing how inefficient the electricity supply is. During
all our meetings, including in the capital city, there was at
least one power cut and often several. The sound of generators
is known as "the anthem of Nigeria" because of its pervasiveness.
90% of businesses have their own generators which provide 60%
of their energy needs.[62]
President Yar-Adua has included reform of the power sector in
his 7-Point Agenda, identifying it as the key constraint to growth
in Nigeria.[63] In our
recent Report on Urbanisation and Poverty, we highlighted
the importance of reliable and affordable power supply for poor
people trying to run small businesses or travel to work in urban
28. The country currently has an effective generation
capacity of 2.5000 Mw against an estimated peak requirement of
10,000 Mw.[65] Only 60%
of the population has access to electricity and national consumption
is amongst the lowest in the world.[66]
It has been estimated that it would cost $50 billion to ensure
a reasonable electricity supply, a sum which is likely to be well
beyond what the Federal Government can afford. The new Minister
of Power, Lanre Babalola, has said that significant private investment
will be needed if Nigeria is to add the capacity it needs to meet
its economic goals.[67]
The focus is therefore on rehabilitation of the existing infrastructure
and distribution network to enable the current output to be increased
to 6,000 Mw by the end of 2009, although doubt was expressed to
us as to whether this would be achieved.
29. Capital investment is not the only problemother
significant challenges are establishing a regulatory framework
for the power industry and fixing tariffs. We were told during
our visit that there is a widespread view that the price of electricity
has to be kept low to help the poor but that this is a myth, because
people rely on the proliferation of private generators which are
far more expensive to buy and run than paying a reasonable sum
for a reliable publicly provided supply would be. The official
tariff for mains electricity is 6 naira per kilowatt hour; running
a generator is estimated to cost about 35 naira per kilowatt hour.[68]
Location of new power stations is also an issue: it would make
sense to locate them in the south where the gas reserves are but
the northern States want control over their own supply.
30. DFID is working with the Federal Government to
build project management capacity which is a major stumbling block
to progress in the power sector. The Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory
Facility (NIAF) is providing £13.5 million over five years
from 2007-2012 for technical assistance to improve planning, management,
implementation and maintenance of infrastructure investment and
related regulatory functions in the power, transport and water
31. In June 2009, the World Bank approved funding
of $200 million for the Nigeria Electricity and Gas Improvement
Project aimed at strengthening the electricity transmission system
and improving service delivery. The Project is intended to improve
the availability and reliability of the gas supply to increase
power generation in existing public sector power plants; and to
improve the power network's capacity to transmit and distribute
electricity to consumers. Enhancement of the transmission and
distribution infrastructure is focused on a number of cities including
Kano, Kaduna, Abuja and Port Harcourt. [70]
32. It is vital that Nigeria meets the challenge
of ensuring a reliable power supply with sufficient capacity to
meet the needs of its people. If it fails to do so, the country's
economic development and progress towards the MDGs will be jeopardised.
This is therefore a crucial area for donor support and we welcome
DFID's contribution through the Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory
Facility: building capacity within Nigeria's public sector to
plan, manage and implement major projects will be a key factor
in transforming the power supply. DFID is a major donor to the
World Bank and shares the goals for Nigeria set out in the joint
Country Partnership Strategy. It should use this position to ensure
that reform and improvement of the power sector remains a high
priority for World Bank activity in Nigeria.
Employment and economic growth
33. The new Country Partnership Strategy says that
Nigeria faces an "unemployment crisis".[71]
The Nigerian Government's own assessment is that "the performance
of the manufacturing sector, which is expected to be a major driver
of the economy, is abysmal".[72]
More than 90% of the Nigerian workforce is employed in the informal
sector and less than 10% of the 6 million new entrants into the
labour market each year gain access to formal employment. DFID
highlights that recent rapid economic growth has not resulted
in the creation of jobs and that the oil sector, which generates
85% of government revenue, provides little employment for Nigerians.
34. During our visit we were told by both Federal
ministers and State Commissioners that the public expected the
government to provide jobs but that this was not possible. They
believed that a more conducive business environment had to be
created and a more entrepreneurial spirit encouraged. High youth
unemployment is both a waste of Nigeria's potential and a contributory
factor in crime and violence: the recent DFID White Paper points
to large numbers of unemployed young men as one of the "underlying
causes of conflict and fragility".[74]
DFID asserts that "In Nigeria, private investment will have
to play the decisive role in increasing non-oil growth and creating
jobs", particularly as government funding is likely to be
affected by the fall in oil revenues. [75]
Nigeria has a large well-educated diaspora which could make a
significant contribution to private sector development.
35. There are, however, two key "binding constraints"
to economic growth and employment generation which DFID has identified:
weak infrastructure; and the high-cost of and restricted access
to finance.[76] As previously
discussed, the inadequate and expensive power supply is a major
obstacle to people setting up their own small businesses as buying
a generator and the fuel to power it is often beyond their means.
DFID also points to high transport costs, arising from poor roads
which have decayed because of "decades of inappropriate maintenance
due to funding shortages and lack of institutional capacity".
Only 15% of federal roads are assessed by the Government as being
in good condition. The railways "barely function". The
resulting transport problems depress investment returns and act
as a deterrent to business.[77]
An example of the impact is that, with meat consumption increasing
by 6-7% annually, the meat industry in Kano and Kaduna has the
potential to grow rapidly. But it is hampered by the "hugely
inefficient" transport of live animals from the north to
the south, which substantially increases costs.[78]
36. When we met the President's Special Assistant
on the MDGs, she drew attention to the impact on growth of the
huge skills gap and the lack of vocational training. For example,
the growth of Lagos's information and communication technology
(ICT) sector is being hampered by the failure of the education
system to turn out adequately trained workers. DFID and the World
Bank also highlight a shortage of skilled staff as one of the
key constraints on economic development. Nigeria is assessed as
having "particularly low quality of science and technology
education [and] a smaller number of enrolled and graduates in
tertiary education" as a proportion of its population and
in comparison with other countries (although many Nigerians have
been educated, or have chosen to live, abroad).[79]
All the industries which have been identified as having the potential
for significant growth "require improvement of technical
and vocational skills". [80]
37. DFID is currently working with the World Bank
to develop a new programme for Growth and Employment in States
(GEMS). This will provide technical assistance at the State and
Federal level to improve the legal and regulatory environment
for investment and "support medium, small and micro enterprises
to enhance productivity in key value chains."[81]
The aim of the programme is to deliver:
- Lower cost and risk of investment;
- Increased competitiveness and returns to investment
in selected industries;
- Dissemination of lessons learned to increase
The Minister estimated that "we can potentially
create 100,000 direct jobs through the GEMS programme and potentially
more generally improve about 600,000 livelihoods."[83]
Mr Thomas was not able to provide us with any details of the sectors
or regions in which these jobs would be created. However, the
Head of DFID Nigeria told us that the GEMS programme was based
on very detailed analysis, including business climate surveys
in 10 States. DFID has since provided us with a copy of this
technical study.[84]
38. The GEMS programme is part of the wider commitment
given in the recent DFID White Paper to "help fragile and
post-conflict countries generate economic opportunities which
will benefit 7.5 million men, women and their dependants in five
priority countries over five years." [85]
The Minister told us that "the GEMS programme was very much
in our mind as we were drafting the White Paper."[86]
39. At present, Nigeria is failing to exploit
the potential of its economically productive people. Moreover,
in an ethnically diverse country with a long history of political
instability, the existence of large numbers of young unemployed
men presents risks to stability and security. Nigeria needs support
from donors to build its non-oil economic sectors and to generate
jobs. DFID's Growth and Employment in States (GEMS) programme
clearly has the potential to bring much needed jobs to Nigeria.
The current target of 100,000 jobs is a promising start. However,
given the size of the population in Nigeria and its rapid growth,
and existing high levels of unemployment, it is important that
it acts as a catalyst for Nigeria's State and Federal Governments
to allocate resources to create similar programmes of their own.
We recommend that further details about the economic sectors in
which the GEMS jobs will be created, and in which parts of Nigeria,
are provided in response to this report. We also request further
information about how DFID's job generation programme is expected
to complement the work of other donors and the Nigerian government's
own efforts to create employment opportunities, and facilitate
economic growth and private sector development.
40. We note that the Growth and Employment in
States programme is expected to benefit 600,000 people in Nigeria.
The recent DFID White Paper gives an overall commitment to create
jobs which will benefit 7.5 million people in five countries.
This leaves nearly 7 million beneficiaries to be reached through
DFID's programmes in the other four countries in the next five
years (Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Nepal and Yemen). We request, in
response to this Report, a breakdown of the number of beneficiaries
which DFID expects there to be in each of these four countries
and further details about the types of employment it expects to
generate through its programmes in each case.
41. DFID is also working to promote rural livelihoods,
in its Promoting Pro-Poor Opportunities through Commodity and
Service Markets programme (PrOpCom) which is providing £17.5
million for the period 2005-2010.[87]
This programme supports agricultural producers and processors
in the rice and soya value-chains to enhance their productivity
and access to markets. We saw two examples of PrOpCom projects
in Kano State. We met women rice processors in the village of
Karfi. Rice is parboiled in Nigeria as part of the processing.
Support from DFID had enabled the women to improve their product
and the price they receive for it, as well as helping them to
organise themselves into co-operatives which has facilitated their
access to finance and the acquisition of business management skills.
We also met the Karfi association of rice-millers. The PrOpCom
programme had assisted them to improve their equipment, to focus
on quality and to investigate better marketing techniques in an
effort to add value to their product and compete with imported
rice which is currently more popular than that produced domestically.
42. The Country Partnership Strategy highlights that
Nigerian "business operators and particularly small scale
enterprises are starved of funding for medium and longer term
productive investments".[88]
A World Bank study found that less than 5% of businesses had access
to loans.[89] DFID is
supporting the Enhancing Financial Innovation and Access for the
poor project (EFINA) with £9.2 million over the period 2007-2012.
When we met the Chief Executive of EFINA, she highlighted the
problem of financial exclusion in Nigeria. A survey showed that
74% of the population had never had a bank account (rising to
86% in rural areas) and only 7% had ever taken out a loan. EFINA's
work is intended to contribute to reducing legal and regulatory
barriers to financial services; gather data on the financial sector;
and develop innovative financial services and products to increase
access. The Minister told us that DFID hoped that the initiative
would provide access to formal financial services to an additional
5 million people by 2011.[90]
43. When we visited Kenya earlier this year, we learned
of the M-Pesa scheme, supported by DFID, which uses mobile telephone
technology to provide banking services to previously excluded
people. A recent study showed that income in households in Kenya
using M-Pesa increased by between 5 and 30%.[91]
Access to mobile phones in Nigeria is fairly widespread with 75%
of the urban and 39% of the rural population having access to
a prepaid mobile phone. 25 million Nigerians who have mobile phones
do not have bank accounts. This suggests that mobile-banking facilities
could have the potential significantly to increase financial inclusion
in the country. The Minister told us that EFINA had the potential
to fund similar schemes to the M-Pesa model in Nigeria.[92]
The Head of DFID Nigeria explained:
There are some technical, legal issues to be
sorted out about who the bank is and who is holding the money
once it is actually going through the mobile phone network which
are going to take a little bit of working out, but it is certainly
one of the ambitions of this programme to make it easier for people
to remit monies through mobile phones. There are 60 million mobile
phones [
] That is a massive expansion over the last couple
of years. There is huge potential there to use that network now
for banking.[93]
44. Nigeria's future economic growth will require
much greater access to finance and banking services for small
and medium-sized business, and for individuals. The DFID- supported
Enhancing Financial Innovation and Access for the Poor (EFINA)
project has done valuable work to establish statistics on the
existing levels of access. It now needs to move quickly to the
next stage of devising schemes which will fill the gaps and help
businesses and individuals to gain access to loans and financial
services. We believe that EFINA should also seek to exploit the
potential of banking services through mobile phone technology
which has worked so effectively in other African countries.
Health services
45. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has ranked
the Nigerian health system 187th out of 191 member states. It
is estimated that 660,000 Nigerian children die every year of
conditions that could be prevented.
Life expectancy at birth
was 47 years in 2007, unchanged since 2000.[94]
DFID describes the health system as "fragmented and poorly
coordinated". The DFID Minister identified three key problems:
- responsibility for provision
of services between federal, state and local government levels
is not clearly defined;
- uneven distribution of health workers, resulting
in insufficient coverage in poorer and more remote areas;
- weaknesses which affect the public sector as
a whole in Nigeria in terms of planning, budgeting and accountability.[95]
The majority of public health facilities do not have
sufficient drugs, equipment or staff. Most people use the poorly
regulated informal and formal private sectors for their health
care. [96]
We were told during our visit that money is often wasted in building
health clinics, because these are seen as tangible evidence of
government activity, but that these often have no staff and therefore
do not function.
46. Save the Children says that "DFID is playing
a leading role in shaping the way health resources are used and
allocated, issues of staffing and management, and service quality."[97]
DFID has supported the Nigerian Government's efforts to improve
health sector governance, service delivery and access to basic
health services. The main vehicle for this has been the Partnership
for Transforming Health Systems Strengthening programme (PATHS1),
which provided £56 million in the period 2002-2008, and which
will provide £148 million in 2008-2014 (PATHS2).[98]
The Minister told us that DFID was working with five states on
health care and planned to extend this to two more. The overall
aim of the programme was to "help put in place the public
financial management systems to get more investment in health
care and frankly help to get a more sensible distribution and
allocation of those resources that are already there."[99]
47. DFID has also provided £30 million for the
Health Commodities and Equipment Procurement project for the period
2004-2009. Its assistance has included the provision of drugs
and medical equipment to 1,000 health facilities in six States.
DFID says that, by the end of the project in November 2009, a
total of 1,468 facilities will have been supported, ensuring availability
of drugs for 24 million outpatient consultations a year.[100]
48. We met the Federal Health Minister, appointed
in December 2008, in Abuja. His priorities include better co-ordination
between the different tiers of government responsible for health
services; increased focus on primary health care; and the development
of properly costed plans for health care at Federal and State
level.[101] Under the
new Country Partnership Strategy, DFID and its donor partners
plan to support the Nigerian authorities to improve health care
by increasing the emphasis on service delivery, rather than by
funding particular disease programmes, and by increasing access
to and use of health services by "the extreme poor and vulnerable".[102]
49. In Kano, we met the State Commissioner for Health
(the State level minister). She told us that Kano was in the process
of passing a bill through the State House of Assembly which would
establish free provision of maternal and child health services.
DFID is supporting the Kano State Government through PATHS2 to
improve policy, planning and budgeting. It is also providing practical
support, such as providing basic drugs at primary health care
clinics. We visited one of these in the village of Garun Mallam
where the medical director told us about the improvement in drug
supplies and the consequent impact on people's willingness to
use the health clinic.
50. DFID's support for Nigeria's health services
has provided significant resources and made a real impact on services
in the States where the programmes have operated. However, there
is still a very long way to go until service provision is anywhere
near adequate, even in the States where DFID is providing assistance.
DFID's focus in the second stage of its Partnership for Transforming
Health Systems Strengthening programme seems to us to be the correct
one: as in other areas of public services, the emphasis must continue
to be on building up the Nigerian authorities' own ability to
plan, fund and deliver health care and improving the level of
co-ordination between the different tiers of government. It is
vital that those least able to pay for health services are given
priority in measures to increase access. The new Country Partnership
Strategy states that the poor and vulnerable will be a key focus
for health service support from donors. We invite DFID to provide
us with further information, in response to this Report, on how
this targeted assistance will be delivered.
51. Nigeria accounts for over 25% of malaria cases
in Africa and, together with the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
for 30% of global malaria deaths. DFID estimates that over 30%
of child deaths and 11% of maternal deaths in Nigeria are caused
by malaria. The annual loss to Nigeria's economy as a direct result
of malaria infections has been estimated at $1 billion and it
represents 40% of total reported disease at Nigerian public health
facilities.[103] DFID
is providing $50 million to Nigeria's National Malaria Programme
(SuNMaP) which aims to provide two bed-nets for every Nigerian
household, a total of 63 million nets by 2010, of which DFID's
contribution will be 6 million, together with technical support
for their distribution.[104]
The rate of household mosquito net ownership in Nigeria was only
1.8% before the campaign began.[105]
The programme is also being supported by the Global Fund to Fight
AIDS, TB and Malaria, the World Bank, USAID and UNICEF.
52. Kano was the first State in Nigeria to begin
the distribution of 2.1 million bed-nets, funded by DFID, in May
2009. The local traditional ruler whom we met in Garun Mallam
village in the State told us that at least one of his six children
had previously had malaria every month but that there had been
no incidences since his family had been using the treated bed-nets.
The second phase of DFID's campaign in Kano began in August 2009
and will involve the distribution of a further 2 million nets.
It includes training volunteers to visit households to provide
information on the campaign; publicity on bed-net use on the radio
and through drama groups; and using community leaders to spread
the message to local people. [106]
53. In our report on the 2008 DFID Annual Report,
we welcomed the Department's support for the Global Action Plan
on Malaria (GMAP), announced at the UN High Level Event on the
Millennium Development Goals in September 2008. We agreed with
DFID that its support for the GMAP was a "wonderful investment".[107]
DFID's bed-net project in Nigeria is part of its overall commitment
to the GMAP. Malaria is a major cause of child death in Nigeria
and has a serious impact on economic output. Bed-nets are a cheap
and effective way of preventing malaria and we commend DFID's
significant support for the Nigerian National Malaria Programme.
We recommend that DFID provide us with further details of progress
on implementation of the programme in response to this Report.
54. Nigeria has 2% of the world's population but
suffers 10% of global maternal deaths. This is a shocking statistic
and reflects both the woeful state of health service provision
in Nigeria and the low status of women in many parts of the country
and sectors of society. In our 2008 report on Maternal Health,
we identified the key factors behind the failure world-wide to
make progress on the Millennium Development Goal of reducing maternal
- Lack of skilled birth attendants-only
40% of births in sub-Saharan Africa are attended by a skilled
- Lack of emergency obstetric care including basic
drugs and equipment;
- Gender inequalities which prevent women gaining
access to health services.
We highlighted that the overriding problem was a
lack of political will to improve maternal health and reduce the
unacceptable number of deaths. We also pointed out that, in addition
to the women who die in childbirth, many others are left with
permanent disabilities and ill health because of a lack of appropriate
care and treatment.[108]
55. We learned from our discussions in northern Nigeria
that the problem there is compounded by the local tradition of
women giving birth completely alone, without even a traditional
birth attendant or a relative present.[109]
Given that many women have their first babies when they are still
teenagers, and that health facilities are often too distant to
reach in an emergency, this must be a terrifying prospect. This
societal practice contributes to significant regional disparities
in maternal mortality rates as shown in the table.
Maternal deaths per 100,000 live births
Nigeria national average | 828
South-east zone | 286
South-west zone | 165
North-east zone | 1,549
North-west zone | 1,025
Kano State | 2,400
Average for sub-Saharan Africa | 900[110]
Source: Ev 52, Country Partnership Strategy 2009-13, Table 4 and
para 20
56. Our 2008 Report identified that one of the most serious obstacles
to improving maternal health outcomes is women's lack of control
over their access to health services. Often very simple interventions,
such as the provision of drugs, are enough to save women's lives,
if only they can reach the centres where these are available.
However, decisions on whether a woman can be taken to a health
centre are frequently made by husbands or fathers who also control
the household finances and are the ones responsible for arranging
transport and procuring drugs and other necessary items. As Aboubacry
Tall of Save the Children told us: "it is the man in the
house who says just get on with it, there is nothing serious here,
it happens, just do it, and then the worst outcome often results".[111]
Women are too often powerless to secure the help they need,
even where services are available.
57. Nigeria ranks 123rd out of 140 countries in the
Gender Development Index. The DFID/World Bank Country Partnership
Strategy says that "discrimination against women has contributed
to persistent gender disparities in key social indicators".[112]
Gareth Thomas acknowledged that "the question of the position
of women [
] is far more complex and the response needs to
be much more broad ranging than just around tackling health issues
specifically." One approach which has been shown to be effective
is to raise the issue with religious and traditional leaders in
communities which the Minister said "does on occasion begin
to challenge some of the gender stereotypes in order to get support
for better access to services."[113]
58. The potential of this approach was borne out
by Aboubacry Tall of Save the Children who told us of some success
they had had elsewhere in West Africa in tackling gender inequalities.
Local community and religious leaders (imams and paramount chiefs)
were encouraged to become advocates for changes in behaviour affecting
women which might previously have been perceived as going against
tradition or religion. Mr Tall believed that, in addition to changes
in legislation, "the creation of those kinds of partnerships
where the other person that people listen to, be they a father
or a religious leader, a traditional leader, undertakes to participate
in certain changes" could be crucial in achieving change
which then had a multiplier effect.[114]
59. Specifically in relation to maternal health,
Save the Children told us of an initiative in Gambia, where an
older, respected woman within a community took on the role of
monitoring all the pregnancies within a particular geographic
area. If this woman identified specific warning signs in the mother's
health, she took steps to ensure that the woman was taken to a
health centre, including intervening with her husband or father
where necessary. Mr Tall told us that "it was not costly
in terms of money but it was brilliant in terms of understanding
the local context and creating solutions that take advantage of
the roles people generally play".[115]
60. Better maternal health in Nigeria will only
be achieved if there is improvement in two areas: access to and
quality of health services; and women's status in society. Changing
negative attitudes to women requires a innovative and multi-dimensional
approach. It is unacceptable that women's lives are being lost
in childbirth because some societies fail to value them and allow
them the access to the care which they need. DFID has a clear
commitment to gender equality. Improving maternal health is an
integral part of progress towards such equality. We accept that
donors must act sensitively in raising these issues, and must
take account of varying societal factors in different countries
and in different regions of the same country, but maternal mortality
rates, particularly in northern Nigeria, provide a clear indication
that the most basic rights of many of the country's women are
not being met. We recommend that DFID, in partnership with the
Nigerian authorities, other donors and with organisations which
have been successful in changing attitudes to women elsewhere
in Africa, devote more resources and effort towards ensuring that
real progress is made on reducing the number of women who die
needlessly through lack of care. This would be a major justification
for DFID's Nigeria programme, which is large in terms of the contribution
made by the UK taxpayer but small in proportion to the scale of
the challenge.
61. Legislation was passed in 2004 which provided
for access to free, universal basic education in Nigeria: every
child should receive nine years' good quality education between
the ages of 6 and 15.[116]
However, Nigeria remains off-track on both education MDGs (achieving
universal basic education and eliminating gender disparity in
primary and secondary education). Nigeria has the highest number
of primary age children who are not enrolled in school of any
country in the world, currently estimated at 8 million. The majority
of these "out of school" children are girls The primary
education net enrolment rate is around 63% which equates to just
over 22 million children.[117]
62. DFID describes Nigeria's education system as
facing "a multi-dimensional crisis". Access is limited
and quality is poor; DFID research found that learning outcomes
in Nigerian schools were worse than in many other countries in
sub-Saharan Africa. There are insufficient qualified teachers,
especially in rural areas. Quality of teaching is often low. Many
children leave primary school and junior secondary school without
adequate literacy, numeracy and life skills. Teachers are often
poorly supervised and are described as having "low motivation
and inadequate incentives."[118]
In addition, half of existing schools need some renovation and
almost twice the existing number of classrooms would be needed
to achieve universal basic education.[119]
63. During our visit to a school in Kano, we saw
children sitting on the floor for lessons. They had few textbooks.
There was one borehole to provide water and one toilet block for
1,800 pupils. Nevertheless there was greater demand for places
than the school could meet. DFID officials told us that however
poor the facilities seemed to us, they were better than in many
other schools in the state. One in three schools has no access
to water and fewer than half have electricity.[120]
64. From 2003 to 2008, DFID provided £18 million
in support to the education sector through its Capacity for Universal
Basic Education (CUBE) programme which focused on building the
education governance capability of the Federal Government and
selected States through technical assistance with policy, planning,
information systems, and reform of the education inspection services.
CUBE operated in Kano, Kaduna and Kwara States with the aim of
developing prioritised and costed 10-year education sector plans,
and assisting the three States to implement the World Bank's $65
million State Education Sector Project (SESP), which is supplying
educational materials, improving infrastructure, and providing
school grants.[121]
65. The successor programme to CUBE is the Education
Sector Support Programme in Nigeria (ESSPIN). ESSPIN has a budget
of £106 million for the period to 2014, and operates in five
States (Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Kwara and Lagos) and at Federal
level. It will continue the focus on strengthening government
capacity, but DFID says that it will also work with communities
and civil society "to promote greater accountability and
responsiveness in the delivery of services."[122]
The Head of DFID Nigeria told us:
] through ESSPIN what we are trying to
do is to recognise that the state has to be responsible for education,
not DFID. We are trying to help them to build a system, to plan,
to manage, to budget and to monitor, also looking at issues like
for example teacher distribution and teacher quality.
ESSPIN will also be piloting a system of grants,
available to 315 schools, to improve the quality of education
and school facilities, including water and sanitation.[123]
66. DFID points out that data on education are extremely
poor. The latest available information is for 2005 and is likely
to be "heavily flawed". The proportions of children
enrolled in government and non-government schools are not recorded.[124]
DFID says that "reliable data on basic education are fundamental
to planning and management in the sector." Through the ESSPIN
programme, it is supporting the strengthening of education management
information systems at Federal level and in the five States in
which its education programme operates. From November 2009, States
will be responsible for conducting an annual school census to
collect coherent and comparable data. However, DFID expects it
to take "a number of years until comprehensive, quality data
is available across all States" particularly in areas where
many children attend non-government schools, including Islamic
schools in the north of the country. [125]
67. The school which we visited in Kano State was
an Islamiyya school. 90% of children in Kano attend schools offering
Islamic teaching but less than 50% attend State schools offering
secular education. Islamiyya schools offer both Islamic and secular
education through what is known as IQTEIntegrated Islamic,
Qur'anic and Tsangaya Education. Kano State is prioritising IQTE
to offer secular education to more children while still meeting
the requirement of many families for their children to receive
Islamic education.[126]
DFID's ESSPIN Programme has been providing support to Kano State
to help to develop its IQTE strategy. The aim is to encourage
more schools to incorporate the core curriculum by offering the
incentive of assistance with provision of teachers, books and
materials. DFID plans to begin a pilot project later this year
through the ESSPIN programme, offering support to a number of
Islamiyya schools in Kano State, in partnership with the State
government.[127] The
Minister told us:
We need to recognise that the Islamic schools
do enjoy significant parental support. Our strategy to try and
work with the state and with both types of schools, government
schools as well as the Islamic schools, is the way in which we
are likely to make most progress in terms of raising educational
standards and getting people into school in the short term.[128]
The Head of DFID Nigeria told us that the school
we visited in Kano is likely to be one of those which receives
a grant under the pilot scheme.[129]
VSO believed that DFID's involvement in Islamiyya schools was
"a brave move" and reflected the need to be creative
in trying to improve education in Nigeria.[130]
68. We support DFID's view that it is for the
State governments in Nigeria to provide education, not DFID. However,
the capacity of States to do this remains weak and DFID's Education
Sector Support Programme in Nigeria (ESSPIN) is providing much-needed
assistance to increase government's ability to provide education.
The support through ESSPIN for the integration of religious and
secular education in Islamiyya schools in northern Nigeria is
an innovative approach which we welcome. It is essential for
the development of the country that all children have access to
good quality education in subjects which will help them to find
employment and improve their life chances. The impact of DFID's
support for Islamiyya schools does, however, require careful monitoring.
We recommend that DFID provide us with further information, in
response to this Report, on the evaluation it plans to undertake
on the effectiveness of the ESSPIN programme and in particular
the Islamiyya element.
69. We explored with witnesses from Save the Children
and VSO the reasons why so many girls in Nigeria are not in school,
particularly in northern Nigeria. They believed the reasons were
common to many developing countries: lack of adequate sanitation
facilities in schools; lack of female teachers; and girls needing
to travel long distances to school which their families see as
putting them at risk.[131]
Save the Children pointed out that the cost of education often
represented as much as 16% of household expenditure and that the
opportunity cost of sending girls in particular to school was
a barrier to access as girls were often expected to work to contribute
to household income.[132]
Julia Ajayi of VSO expanded on this:
[...] in the North there are areas where early
marriage is part of the culture and girls are not expected to
stay in school and some of them are not even starting school.
Also, the aspirations for many girls from the family are that
they will be married and therefore in terms of education, with
limited funds to invest in children's education, the boys are
seen as a better bet and more able to have a reward from the investment
The Country Partnership Strategy notes that, in the
North West zone, which includes Kano State, the adult literacy
rate for women is 20%. The median age of first marriage is 14.6
years.[134] (Early
marriage usually results in early pregnancy which is a significant
contributor to maternal deaths.)
70. DFID has provided £37 million to UNICEF
to implement a Girls Education Project in six northern Nigerian
states with the worst disparities between boys' and girls' enrolment
in primary school. The project uses "a combination of advocacy,
community mobilisation and provision of educational materials
and infrastructure for selected schools". It also funds young
women from rural areas to train as teachers, with the aim of tackling
the shortage of women teachers and therefore making education
for girls more attractive to Muslim families. A second three-year
phase of the project began in July 2008. The project is co-financed
by the State governments.[135]
The Minister told us that there had been a 15% increase in girls'
enrolment in schools where the programme operated.[136]
Girls' education in northern Nigeria is also given particular
focus in the new Country Partnership Strategy.[137]
71. Aboubacry Tall of Save the Children believed
that Islamiyya schools could help to tackle some of the obstacles
to more girls attending school: they tended to be based in local
communities so avoided the problem of girls travelling long distances;
and the integration of religious and secular education might attract
parents who would not wish their daughters to be educated solely
in secular subjects.[138]
72. The disparity between the number of boys and
girls in school, particularly in northern Nigeria, is a clear
indication of gender inequality. UNICEF's Girls Education Project,
supported by DFID, has demonstrated that resistance to sending
girls to school can be overcome if the barriers are addressed
in a sensitive way. We recommend that DFID continue its support
for UNICEF's work and seek to build on this where it has proved
effective in increasing girls' enrolment rates.
61 Country Partnership Strategy 2005-09, Annex 2, para
21 Back
"A long embrace with the dark", Financial Times,
21 July 2009 Back
Ev 64 Back
Seventh Report, Session 2008-09, Urbanisation and Poverty,
HC 511-I, paras 92-98 Back
Ev 96 Back
Country Partnership Strategy 2009-13, para 26 Back
"A long embrace with the dark", Financial Times,
21 July 2009 Back
World Bank project appraisal for the Nigeria Electricity and Gas
Improvement Project, May 2009, available on the World Bank website
at www.worldbank.org Back
Q 116; Ev 67 Back
See information on the World Bank Nigeria Electricity and Gas
Improvement Project on the World Bank website at www.worldbank.org/ Back
Country Partnership Strategy 2009-13, para 27 Back
MDGs Policy Brief, Office of the Senior Special Assistant
to the President on the Millennium Development Goals, p 6 Back
Country Partnership Strategy 2009-2013, Executive Summary, para
1; GEMS Technical Annex, para 1.1 Back
Eliminating World Poverty: Building our Common Future, DFID, July
2009, Cm 7656, para 4.17 Back
GEMS Technical Annex, para 1.1 Back
GEMS Technical Annex, para 1.1 Back
GEMS Technical Annex, para 1.1; Country Partnership Strategy 2009-13,
para 26 Back
GEMS Technical Annex, para 3.2 Back
Country Partnership Strategy 2009-13, paras 27 and 30 Back
GEMS Technical Annex, para 3.2 Back
Ev 67 Back
GEMS Technical Annex para 1.3 Back
Q 137 Back
Q 140; GEMS Technical Annex (unprinted paper) Back
Eliminating World Poverty: Building our Common Future, DFID,
July 2009, Cm 7656, para 4.32. The five countries are:
Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Nepal, Nigeria, and Yemen. Back
Q 137 Back
Ev 67 Back
Country Partnership Strategy 2005-09, para 45 Back
Nigeria Investment Climate Assessment, World Bank, 2008; see also
GEMS Technical Annex, para 1.1 Back
Q 142 Back
"The power of mobile money", Economist, 26 September
2009 Back
Q 143 Back
Q 144 Back
World Bank country data profile, available on the World Bank website
at www.worldbank.org Back
Q 119 Back
Ev 61 Back
Ev 80 Back
Ev 62 Back
Q 119 Back
Ev 62 Back
Ev 62 and discussions during the Committee's visit Back
Country Partnership Strategy 2009-13, Executive Summary, para
9 Back
Ev 106; DFID press release, 31 August 2009, "UK drive to
rid Nigeria of malaria". Back
Ev 62 Back
Ev 106 Back
DFID press release, 31 August 2009, "UK drive to rid Nigeria
of malaria". Back
Second Report of Session 2008-09, DFID Annual Report 2008,
HC 220-I, paras 15-20 Back
Fifth Report of Session 2007-08, Maternal Health, HC 66-I,
Summary Back
See also Q 124 Back
World Bank statistics from the Global Monitoring Report 2009 Back
Q 73 Back
Country Partnership Strategy 2009-13, para 20 Back
Q 128 Back
Q 67 Back
Q 73 Back
Ev 85 Back
Ev 60 Back
Country Partnership Strategy 2009-13, para 35 Back
Ev 61 Back
Country Partnership Strategy 2009-13, para 35 Back
Ev 61 Back
Ev 61 Back
Qq 131 and 133; Ev 61 Back
Ev 85 Back
Ev 85 Back
Ev 106 Back
Ev 106 Back
Q 132 Back
Q 131 Back
Q 88 Back
Q 88 Back
Ev 81 and Q 89 Back
Q 86 Back
Country Partnership Strategy 2009-13, para 20 Back
Ev 61; see also DFID Factsheet on Girls Education, June 2009 Back
Q 131; see also DFID Factsheet on Girls Education, June 2009 Back
Country Partnership Strategy 2009-13, Executive Summary, para
9 Back
Q 88 Back