Annex: e-consultation
1. The Committee set up an e-consultation / web
forum in support of its inquiry into the role of the prison officer.
The purpose of the forum was to encourage contributions from people
who might not usually participate in a select committee inquiry
and thereby broaden and enrich our evidence base.
2. The forum was opened on 24 March 2009 and
was initially scheduled to conclude on 5 May 2009. Following the
Government's announcement, on 27 April 2009, of the abandonment
of the "Titan prisons" planand its substitution
by the 1500 place prison building programmethe forum was
extended for a further two weeks. An additional three questions
were also added.
3. The site was designed and created by Parliamentary
Information Communication and Technology (PICT). During the registration
process, users agreed to a set of discussion rules. The forum
was pre-moderated by Justice Committee staffmessages were
checked to ensure that they adhered to the discussion rules before
they were published on the forum. Contributions to the forum were
used by members of the Committee to inform their questioning of
the witnesses who attended hearings as the inquiry progressed
as well as during the process of drafting and agreeing a report.
4. The forum was announced by the Committee via
a press notice (see No. 22 of 2008-09). The Committee also wrote
to each prison in England and Wales and to independent monitoring
boards via their national council. A link to the forum was placed
on the Prison Service intranet. In addition, we sought to reach
others with experience of prison life, while recognising that
people currently serving prison sentences would not have access
to the internet (but they do have postal facilities). The inquiry
was written up by Inside Times and a range of organisations
representing or assisting current and former prisoners and/or
their families were contacted such as Revolving Doors (for those
in the criminal justice system with mental health problems), CAST
(for women leaving prison), Action for Prisoners' Families, Fine
Cell Work (encouraging craftwork in prison), the National Association
for Youth Justice, Partners of Prisoners and UNLOCK (working with
reformed offenders).
5. The web forum initially
posed the following three questions:
- How well does the current training
and development regime address the needs of prison officers?
- What role do prison officers have in the rehabilitation
of prisoners?
- What impact will Titan prisons and the Workforce
Modernisation programme have on prison officers?
6. Following the announcement
of the new prison building programme, three further questions
were added:
- What will be the impact of
market testing poorly performing prisons?
- Does the announcement of the 1,500 place prisons
resolve concerns over the creation of Titan prisons?
- How can officers and senior management build
relationships with the local community?
7. The e-consultation attracted 17,904 views.
There were 357 registered users of whom 120 contributed 252 posts.
- 190 of the registered users
described themselves as 'prison officers';
- 82 as 'senior officers';
- 41 as 'principal officers';
- 16 as 'governor grades 3-5);
- 12 as 'governor grades 2-1'; and,
- 11 as 'operational support.'
- 5 registered users described themselves as 'family
of prisoner or ex-prisoner.'
- 302 of the registered users who were prison officers,
worked in the public sector;
- 1 registered as a private sector prison officer;
- 13 registered as 'other' or 'rather not say.;'
- 34 registered as 'other prison service staff
What role do prison officers have in the rehabilitation
of prisoners?
8. This question or 'thread' was the most popular
in the forum, attracting 6,311 views and 87 contributions (although
a number of contributions also addressed other questions that
the e-consultation posed).
9. The majority of contributors to the e-consultation
agreed that prison officers had the potential to play a part in
prisoners' rehabilitation.
- Prison officers are instrumental in the rehabilitation
of prisoners, they are the constant norm in a prisoner's life
while behind bars and form the basis for their successful resettlement
back into the community.[211]
- The role of the prison officer should and could
be the most important part of rehabilitation
- I have been in the service for 6 years and as I
see it prison officers can play a huge role in the rehabilitation
of some (not all) prisoners. Some prisoners do not want help but
others are calling out for help if people would only listen, I
feel that I personally have helped a few regain contact with their
families and become parents again. There is not always going to
be a happy ending but the few that are make it all worth while.
It's not all about locking people up. [213]
The complexity of rehabilitative
work was highlighted:
- The majority of the quality work being done is
not measurable and not quantative, it is the dynamic element which
cannot be measured or recorded but achieves the greatest changes.[214]
- Prison officers have a crucial role in the rehabilitation
of prisoners which I believe is largely misunderstood. They are
the first people prisoners see in the morning and the last person
they see at lock up every night of their sentence. They are in
a unique position to exert a consistent positive influence over
the whole period of a prisoner's sentence. The vast majority of
prisoners have entrenched anti authoritarian attitudes. Prison
officers can either reinforce these attitudes by the way they
interact with them or they have the opportunity to behave in such
a way that has a positive impact on prisoners' attitudes. Every
single interaction between prisoners and officers is an intervention.
Every conversation is an opportunity for constructive engagement.
This takes place daily in prisons and is largely unacknowledged.[215]
10. There were dissenting
- Whilst the vast majority of prison officers do
good work with some of the most disturbed and violent members
of our society, it is absurd to think that they have anything
to do with the resettlement and reducing of offending of these
men and women, it is the Instructional Officer who works with
prisoners for up to 8 hours a day (in some cases) that have the
greatest effect on them.[216]
- I can appreciate all of the comments from officers
who would like to believe that they have a part to play in rehabilitating
offenders. I too would like to think I can make a difference but
there is not much evidence to support the theory that we can make
much of a difference. Most offenders stop committing crime simply
because they decide to, not because they have been influenced
or persuaded to. Obviously, the type of crime committed and motivation
for committing it has a lot of bearing on rehabilitation rates
but lots of research supports the theory that many criminals just
'grow out' of crime. Many stop offending as they get older and
wiser and can see the error of their ways. They settle down and
take on more responsibilities as they raise a family etc.[217]
Another contributor refuted
this view, using the difficulty of measuring a rehabilitative
contribution as a counter-argument:
- You will never be able to measure the effectiveness
of staff in rehabilitation/reducing re-offending. I do know that
I have heard countless stories from prisoners who say if it wasn't
for the landing officer who took a bit of time to talk to them
they would have never straightened themselves out, or it was officer
X who stopped them from committing suicide
We just don't
get to hear about all the success stories. Doesn't mean they are
not out there though.[218]
11. A few contributors queried the effectiveness
of formal offending behaviour work:
- Today I read a piece about how successful ETS [enhanced
thinking skills] courses are! Where is the long-term proof?[219]
12. A number of long-serving officers believed
that opportunities to engage prisoners in a positive
relationship were diminishing. One such prison officer, who has
worked in the prison service for almost 17 years, commented:
- The statement that we are no longer turnkeys but
enforcers, role models and sometimes carers couldn't be more apt
because, funnily enough, I was able to fulfil all those roles
10 years ago on a daily basis but now we are so stretched I have
become, in 2009, a turnkey.[220]
Another officer agreed:
- Not so long ago all prison officers had sufficient
time to communicate with prisoners effectively. This daily contact
was invaluable to build professional relationships with prisoners.
To become actively involved in their development and guide them
through their sentence. So what happened? In my opinion all the
questions on this forum revolve around one point. That finance
has been withdrawn from all prisons
either been through
direct budget cuts or an increase of work to be carried out with
the same resources.[221]
These views reflected almost universal agreement
that the reduction in resources and increase in targets and paperwork
meant officers had little or no time to work with prisoners:
- In my opinion, we should play a major role in the
rehabilitation of offenders unfortunately with an increasing population
and less resources year on year, we have for a considerable time,
fallen into a warehouse mentality.[222]
- I can only speak from my establishment's perspective
(a local prison) and that is borderline nothing. We operate as
a warehouse, we lay on PASRO [prisons addressing substance related
offending], ETS etc. but no sooner do the prisoners get on the
course or, even worse, are halfway through, they are transferred
out. Staffing levels are so low that the slightest problem, even
one officer going sick, will result in a course being stoppedif
there is officer-involvement, a workshop like PICTA [prison information
and communications technology academy] will close so the qualification
is interrupted or cancelled eventually. There are gym courses
abound, NVQs etc, all with the best intentions, but operationally
unachievable. At the same basic maths and English is appalling,
yet if the resources were ploughed into this it would be a huge
achievement for a lot of prisoners and they could carry on further
education at the training establishments.[223]
One officer believed the use of outside contractorswho
have little or no understanding of way priorities appear within
a closed environment like prisonhas made it more difficult
to treat prisoners consistently:
- The one thing that sticks in my mind from my initial
officer training given by SOs and POs of standing is:- Never lie
to a prisoner and always be true to your word.
This I find more and more difficult to achieve. The reason being
we as prison officers have lost control of the day to day life
on the landings
An example of our major loss of this control
is the canteen. When conducted "in house" it was "job
done". Now with outside contractors it is a shambles. Question
after question from the inmates. "Boss where are my bananas?"
what do we tell them? Who do we ring? And when you can get to
a phone and contact the said company what do you get? Some anonymous
person in an anonymous office, somewhere, who does not understand
prisoner "need to know now" mentality. Whose response
is "fill in a form" and they may get the bananas next
week. This is not fair on the prisoners or officers who have now
lost the respect as being helpful and fair as they are thought
to be uncaring even if every effort has been made to get the banana
problem sorted
Prison officers are role models only if they
can be honest, fair and consistent and so gain the respect of
the prisoners.[224]
13. The relationship between outside agencies
working within prisons and prison officers obviously varied. Negative
comments focused on the failure to utilise the expertise of officers
before using outside agencies:
- Why HMPS needs to buy in expensive agency services
when their own home-grown staff have all the required skills not
only beggars belief, but is an expensive anomaly.[225]
Another officer believed his role in delivering offending
behaviour work made that work more effective in actually changing
prisoners' behaviour:
- I have been fortunate in delivering offending behaviour
programmes for the past 8 years and I have a real belief in their
effectiveness. It is the role of the officer in delivery that
enhances that effectiveness by breaking down the barriers that
often exist between offender and authority figure, thus creating
14. A number of non-officer contributorsamong
them teachers, voluntary sector workers and a psychologisthad
high praise for the work of prison officers and acknowledged the
challenges of that role:
- I represent one of the many voluntary sector organisations,
until recently, working in the prison estate
Without wishing
to appear fawning in any way, the prison officers we have worked
with over the last 10 years in 8 young offender units have been
co-operative, engaging, supportive and conscientiousand
I don't just mean with us but also with the inmates in their carein
some of the most challenging circumstances and with some of the
most difficult young men. You are 100% right in that some voluntary
sector agencies go off into their 'other' safe, comfortable worlds
at 5pm, some with the smug self-satisfactionor mistaken
belief!that they have made some sort of lasting positive
'quick fix' impact on an inmate's all too often negative long
term thought processes. 'We' are not left with the aftermath of
bad news from home, a telephone call that's gone rapidly downhill,
the 'Dear John' letter, the refusal of parole or HDC [home detention
curfew], bullying and the bullied or even the denial of a basic
chat to discuss a problem, purely on the basis of time available.[227]
15. A majority of contributors felt that there
was a lack of attention paid to officers' expertise and experience
by management. This reflected a wider feeling across all the threads
that morale is low and relationships with management are poor.
- I have watched as prison officers, many of whom
come to work with a vast background and experience of life, are
not regarded as valuable in the rehabilitation of offenders. There
is lip service paid to their role, but the reality is that many
feel that what they have to offer is disregarded because they
don't have the 'piece of paper' that qualifies them as useful
to the rehabilitation.[228]
- What we need is a serious overhaul of ridiculous
targets, set by people who have no concept of how to deliver them.[229]
16. Many contributors mentioned a high level
of commitment to their jobs, although some acknowledged that dedication
- I would agree that individual officers can indeed
play a part in reducing re-offending, but the unfortunate thing
is these individuals are few and far between. It's all to do with
building good professional relationships with prisoners, but there
is often difficulty in maintaining the status quo, because building
trust and respect takes time, something officers find themselves
with less of, due to the paperwork and "tick-box" exercises
mentioned in previous posts.[230]
- After working in both the High Security estate
and a local prison, I am confident that the majority of staff
want to be positive role models for prisoners. Others have low
morale and become "fallen stars" having lost their motivation
to engage with prisoners, for a variety of reasons. I miss the
weekends and evening association times where a game of chess or
table tennis would give me the opportunity to find out about the
people in our prison and what the mood of the wing was like. It
also made me accessible to speak to if anyone had worries or concerns
facing them.
Now, we are too busy to have a cup of tea with a prisoner and
find ourselves either locked down or doing paperwork tasks. The
prisoners then, look to each other for advice and support and
mistrust the staff as we look too much like police officers.
- By allowing us the opportunity to associate with
prisoners will make prisons safer, for staff and offenders. I
understand the importance of monitoring and justifying our roles,
but engaging and learning about the people in our care is paramount
if we are to reduce violence and stop people re-offending. They
may not have had any positive role models in the past so why not
prison officers?
How well does the current training and development
regime address the needs of officers?
17. This question (thread)
received 4,239 views and 64 posts. The summary below includes
comments on training made in response to other questions.
18. Training as a whole
was universally described as inadequate.
- The training received is woefully inadequate for
the role of the prison officer. Today I interviewed an offender
whom was a witness to some horrific atrocities committed in the
former Yugoslavia which were described to me. They were also the
victim of severe domestic violence over a sustained period. When
will officers receive training in helping offenders deal with
these kinds of issues?[231]
19. The content of initial
training did not, in the view of contributors, prepare recruits
for the realities of prison work:
- Officers do not feel adequately prepared for what
they are about to undertake. The training has been diluted and
diluted and diluted. Under initial training a new PO will use
a radio twice in 6 weeks and then be expected to use the same
to respond to an incident some times on day one of taking up post.
Far too little time is spent on the reality of the work, and prisons
and prisoners are not portrayed for what they actually are like
which gives students a false sense of security. I was scared witless
in my initial training did this make me a better prison officer
yes it did..... I knew that prisoners would try to condition me,
I knew I had to work shifts. We are unrealistic and need to prepare
students to deal with what is a difficult and demanding role and
some of that is about their own discipline and standards, trainers
should be able to manage and deal with students in a more disciplined
- The potential for walking into a cell and finding
someone hanging is there early on, as is the requirement to be
involved in using C&R and the vast range of other practical
skills which are not given enough time on the course... another
element [is that] the current course is generic and only prepares
staff for generic situations.[233]
Several contributors noted that initial training
is based on a male, medium security model. The length of basic
training was also frequently criticised. One contributor recommended
the following:
- The training also needs to be longer, at least
10-12 weeks at Newbold Revel [HM Prison Service Training College],
and a month shadowing an experienced officer, only after this
should the officer become 'live' Probation should also be extended
to 2 years, like the police have.[234]
One contributor summed up the consequences of inadequate
initial training:
- The Prison Service is excellent at recruiting enthusiastic
people who very quickly become jaded by the reality.[235]
20. A number of contributors
queried whether the current recruitment process exacerbated the
inadequacies of training. Age, and consequently a lack of experience
and life skills, was noted as a factor by many:
- 19 year olds joining as officers
largely lack
life experience and have to be of a very high calibre to achieve
the respect of prisoners (some do).[236]
21. A former prisoner
contributing to the forum advocated a complete re-think of recruitment
and training:
- Recruits should have a minimum age (25), minimum
level of qualifications (3 A-levels), be psychometrically tested
for suitability, have stringent testing of things like interpersonal
skills, literacy etc. Training should be 6 months before placement
(at which time ALL recruits should be fully familiar with the
Prison Rules and their duties and obligations under those rules
most warders deny all knowledge of the rules how can they comply?
HMPS should work with the open University to set up a degree course
for custodial staff which all staff should be required to pass
within 5 years (for which they should have study leave). Current
staff who have been shown to be poorly educated and motivated
(Select Committee evidence from Howard league and PRT) should
be required to 'come up to standard' with 6 years or be sacked.
As well as the minimum age staff should be required to have worked
in a proper job (not the forces) for at least 5 years prior to
22. The introduction
of the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) in Custodial Care,
completed by new officers during their first year at their establishment,
received a mixed response:
- The current system of training with the aid of
an NVQ is pointless. The original concept of an NVQ was to obtain
a recognised qualification by displaying your knowledge. It was
never designed as a training aid yet so many groups use them.
Surely it is best to train the staff fully and then they put that
training to the test in order to obtain an NVQ.[238]
Other contributors, while more positive about the
NVQ, believed it had not been implemented with adequate resources
in support:
- The current idea that all new officers will complete
the standing NVQ is a fantastic stride forward
however it
is my experience that the service is only paying lip service to
this idea and the investment in time is not being provided to
establishments, in fact the establishments are expected to implement
this at nil cost to staffing hours.[239]
- The NVQ is supposed to be a way of supporting staff
in their first year, but it can only work if it is properly resourced
and these staff are given mentors and coaching as part of their
working week, not expected to know everything about the job after
only 6 weeks of training. NVQs are designed to last for 12 months,
not 6 weeks plus a couple of weeks on the job.[240]
23. Most contributors who commented on on-going
training believed it was partly or solely target-driven:
- Training is only provided to meet government targets,
if KPIs [key performance indicators] and KPTs [key performance
targets] were scrapped, then most training would be cast aside.
I personally am a "drug worker", I have been doing this
for just under 3 years. It took nearly 2 years to get on an initial
training course for the job. I still have not yet
even basic training in drug awareness. I have given up asking
to attend the courses available to colleagues in the civilian
firm that works along side us. Training is, again, just a tick
box exercise.[241]
- As long as training is just another statistic and
not driven by the needs of the individual and the establishment
it will never be meaningful and objective.[242]
24. One commentator noted that there was little
or no training for newly promoted officers.
- The training doesn't improve either as you get
promoted. You sit a board on Friday, get a phonecall over the
weekend to say you are promoted, the "management fairies"
come and visit you over the weekend and sprinkle management dust
on you, and you go into work on Monday a fully qualified and competent
People and Strategic Manager?[243]
25. Most contributors agreed that training and
development were under-resourced:
- Training as a prison officer however is a tad more
complex, first government set targets for efficiency savings.
They then hand over a budget to our employers with those efficiency
targets taken off at source and then persuade us that in partnership
we must sit down and realise these savings then in an ever increasing
prisoner population they cut the staffing levels and call it efficiency
savings instead of job cuts....then they look around and wonder
why so many staff are struggling to get training because they
cannot comprehend there are no staff left to relieve those struggling
on the landings to go and get training.[244]
- I find there is not enough staff normally to allow
anyone time to go to a course for a few days."[245]
- Training depends on resources, whilst many prisons
would like to mentor [new] staff, the reality is that staffing
pressures prevent real, effective, support and, more often than
not, the new officer just sits as an extra number until the 2
weeks [training period] is up and he then becomes part of the
26. The effect on relationships with senior management
and overall morale for the majority of contributors who perceived
the approach to training as under-resourced and target driven
was, unsurprisingly, negative:
listen to grassroots level staff! All we seem
to get is flavour of the month.
A new "INITIATIVE" is instigated from on high, with
the usual nil consultation, then it's all hands to the 2 hour
training period. Kept short to allow the full prison regime to
be fulfilled. Then you're IC, because you're fully trained.
If the training were to be ongoing and comprehensive we would
have a fighting chance to deliver what is asked of us. If we knew
what was driving the said initiative we would also have a chance.[247]
- The service is constantly de-skilling this service
and will only be happy when there are major riots again in our
jails. All the time efficiency savings are being made the safety
for staff and prisoners alike is being compromised.[248]
a good start would be a change of attitude
from the policy makers through the service itself down to and
including all non-unified managers to one of treating the Prison
officer as a FORETHOUGHT and NOT as an AFTERTHOUGHT which appears
to be the current situation.[249]
27. In conclusion it is worth highlighting the
contributors who advocated a greater exchange of experience between
the three criminal justice agencies, the police, the Probation
Service and the Prison Service (while highlighting that it was
the Prison Service who was lagging well behind in this area).
For example:
- we have trainee probation officers and trainee
police officers who come here for week-long placements to see
how our work fits into the public protection role of NOMS. I am
not aware of any trainee prison officers who have attended placements
at probation offices or police stations. I am however, aware of
trainee prison officers arriving back from their initial training
with little or no knowledge of the offender management model and
our public protection role other than keeping prisoners in custody.
Poor relations or what??[250]
What impact will Titan prisons and Workforce Modernisation
have on prison officers?
28. This thread received 4,048 views and 59 posts.
29. There was widespread criticism of both the
Workforce Modernisation programme (process and substance) and
Titan / larger prison-building from a similar perspective; the
impact or implications for staffing levels and the implicit suggestion
that security and reform can still be accomplished with ever more
prisoners per officer.
30. The concerns expressed over Workforce Modernisation
focused on the impact on staffing levels and the lack of clarity
in the Government's plans:
- My opinion is that the recent Workforce Modernisation
(WFM), should have been called Work Modernisation Farce (WMF).
Throughout the entire episode we, the industrial grade staff,
were kept in the dark and treated as third-class citizens.[251]
- The major stumbling block for me was the potential
change in my working conditions that was not on paper for me to
vote on. How can any employer expect its workers to vote on something
that was incomplete?[252]
- Whilst certain information was made available,
other information that was needed was not forthcoming in time
for the Ballot, some of the team members for Workforce Modernisation
who made themselves available in Establishments could not answer
the questions posed and did not answer these at a later date as
promised, I believe it was a total mess and mismanaged at many
levels within the service and it came as no surprise to me when
it was rejected.[253]
- Workforce Modernisation is about reducing staffing,
nothing else.[254]
- The first problem with Workforce Modernisation
is its title. Everyone could see right from the outset that the
proposals have nothing to do with 'modernising' the service. The
sole aim is to save money by cutting the wages and pensions of
prison staff.[255]
31. The presentation of the Workforce Modernisation
plans by the Ministry of Justice was severely, and universally,
- I attended the principal officers presentation
at the Hilton Hotel in Birmingham, where Mr Wheatley and Mr Wilkinson
gave a scripted view of how our rank would benefit from the reforms.
However, their knowledge of the reforms, and how it would impact
on the rank, crashed around their ears when staff asked straight-
forward operational questions, they clearly had no idea of the
work carried out by the rank or its current roll within each establishment.
They repeatedly stated that they would get back to us with answers
to all questions they could not answer, but as there was no one
there visibly taking notes it is inevitable they had no intention
of answering any questions at all.[256]
- Why
did the government waste 17 million pounds
trying to convince prison staff to accept WFM? That's 17 million
pounds wasted which could have been spent on other things. So
much for wanting to save money, this amount will now have to be
clawed back from somewhere....[257]
- The letter [on workforce modernisation] sent [to]
home [addresses] was a MASSIVE own goal and reeked of a desperate
[Prison Service Management Board] begging for staff to say yes.
I went to one of the roadshows and no one there could give any
answers to questions that were put in a reasonable constructive
fashion, all we got was "that [will] be down to your governor
to decide" and "that will be down to the JES [job evaluation
system]." It was nonsense.[258]
32. Some contributors believed that the rejection
of Workforce Modernisation programme by the Prison Governor's
Association (PGA) was confirmation that the proposals were inadequate:
the [Prison Officers Association] rejected
WFM, which is correct, but you haven't mentioned that the PGA
also rejected WFM by a 2 to 1 majority. I think this tells us
how bad WFM really is that even the management can't be convinced![259]
33. A number of contributors felt that change
was needed, and some expressed concern that the rejection of the
Workforce Modernisation proposals would lead the Ministry of Justice
to stereotype them as reactionaries. Trust in management had been
- What should be realised is that prison officers
know they are not immune to change nor are they resistant to it.
What we are very good at is knowing when a cut is a cut too far.
Prison officers know that to run a prison properly, it needs numbers
and it needs resources. Lack of staff means lack of control.[260]
- I was really looking forward to WFM, it promised
many exciting changes, but what a dismal disappointment.[261]
- [Having rejected Workforce Modernisation] our lamentable
'management' can claim that prison staff are standing in the way
of 'modernisation'. If we tell a prisoner a lie, we have to be
accountable and would lose all trust and credibility and be held
in contempt. Why does our management feel we should react any
- All WFM has served to do is make us mistrust the
MOJ and heads of the prison service, no one believes anything
you say now, and trying to blackmail us with the economic climate
is tantamount to bullying.[263]
34. Titans received a mixed reception. Some contributors
believed they would simply be 'warehouses' for prisoners, others
though the model may work in certain conditions:
- I believe that the impact of titan jails will largely
be negative. Reports from the USA and France suggest that Titan
jails provide few if any of the benefits that the government hopes
for. They will place prisoners further from their communities,
access to them will be difficult for visitors, and no, matter
how much the government may say otherwise, the perception, and
probably the reality, will be that we will be warehousing prisoners
in an impersonal and non-constructive environment.[264]
- We need to be very careful about where the Titans
are sited in order to ensure as good a balance as possible between
offender family access and the ability to recruit officers into
them. If sites are identified largely on the notional cost of
land and not in consideration of travelling distances of employees
there could be a major cost down the line in terms of recruitment
and retention. The size of these establishments could be their
Achilles' heel not just from an 'Offender experience' view but
also staffing. On the other hand, they would offer the potential
to develop staff across a wider range of roles without needing
to re-locate to larger establishments
The main message is
that siting them is going to be a critical success factor and
all factors need to be consulted on prior to deciding the 'where'.[265]
35. A focus group of ex-offenders and families
who posted some conclusions on the forum believed Titans would
have negative consequences:
- The ex-offenders and offenders' families felt that
prison officers would become containment manager and nothing else.
They felt that there is hardly time to develop a rapport with
the offenders with the current numbers and so if Titans come about,
how will this help rehabilitation at all? They felt that Titan
prisons would exacerbate the problems that prisons and prison
officers currently face. Our focus group also felt that the introduction
of Titan prison would lead to staff becoming de-motivated and
unable to fulfil any role adequately never mind that of rehabilitation.
This would then have a knock of affect for the offenders and families.[266]
36. Overall the large number of public sector
officers contributing to the forums believed the combination of
the fact that Titans would be large prisons and private sector
operations had implications for their success:
- In regard to TITAN prisonsREMEMBER MANCHESTER,
how would you like to have an incident happen on a similar scale
in a TITAN? The Minister of Justice should remember, the more
eggs in one basket, if droppedthe more damage is caused.[267]
- As for Titan jails, please read cattle markets
(anyone seen US jails where they have about 120 prisoners in a
dorm!!) staffed by poorly trained and poorly paid security guards
from the private sector. Good luck.[268]
- Titan prisons will most likely be run for profit
by the Private Sector so my opinion is of little consequence.
Only when the public sector gets a Tornado call out [emergency
call in the event of major unrest] will we have any opinion.[269]
- Due to understaffing for profit, there are clear
control issues which are manifested by the private prisons losing
control and public sector prison staff having to be called to
intervene. That proposed Titan prisons are to be the domain of
the private sector is an invitation to mass indiscipline which
will result in loss of life.[270]
- For some years now it has been public knowledge
that there have been problems with getting private companies interested
in tendering for UK prison services. With only a handful of providers
operating in the UK, there is little real competition between
private providers. It has been suggested that companies involved
in the UK got their fingers burnt and are unwilling to be further
involved, as profit levels are not as high as they thought they
would be. To counter this lack of interest from the private sector,
Lord Carter recommended in one of his many reports that privatisation
should not be limited to failing prisons and that clusters of
prisons or even whole areas should be put out for tender. We have
already seen the creation of prison clusters and the Titan project
appears to be yet another step along the way to further privatisation
and cost-cutting within the Service. However, you can bet that
the first major disturbance within a privatised Titan prison will
be sorted out by public sector staff putting their necks on the
line, as usual.[271]
What will be the impact of 'market testing' poorly
performing prisons?
37. This thread was viewed 1,753 times and attracted
31 posts. All contributors agreed that the announcement of the
market testing proposals would have a negative impact on staff
morale and relations with management:
- I feel very let down, the staff here feel very
let down
- The morale of staff will certainly be affected
at those named Prisons for Market Testing, but I would suggest
that this is now nationwide as we are not sure who will be next.
We will never be able to compete with the Private Sector unless
we stop what initiatives we are providing and provide what they
provide i.e.: warehouses. I have 25yrs service and have had enough
of being battered
- [an officer at one of the prisons selected for
market testing] Most of the staff feel they are being sold off
as furniture and fittings!...I do believe that no matter what
bid we put in, we will be made an example of and there will be
more prisons to follow. We have worked hard over the last few
months since our inspectorate report and have moved back up the
'prison league tables'. I used to feel proud to wear my black
and white uniform!!!!![274]
- As a serving Senior Officer in a Market tested
Prison I would say that threats of "private sector"
do not make me work harder as I am already running around at 100
miles per hour doing a multitude of tasks. Prison Officers on
the whole do not oppose change and efficiency and they are not
political animals. There is no need for threats. I feel that Service
Level agreements and consultation are the way forward. If the
Prison Service feel a Prison is not performing up to scratch by
all means do reviews on working practices and management structures
but do not make threats to staff as we have enough stress to deal
with without our employers adding more.[275]
38. A number of contributors queried the rationale
for selecting HMP Birmingham and HMP Wellingborough for market
- I am serving at one of the prisons set for market
testing for poor performing, I honestly believe that this prison
is being punished due to the refusal of WFM. I believe that we
were chosen because of a negative Inspector of Prisons report
from last August
this report is nearly a year out of date.
My prison has improved and we have moved up the national list
to the placing of 60how can we be poor performing? We have
also won the Investors in People award recently, have we gained
this because we are poor performing? It is the government and
the prison service that are poor performing
I firmly believe
that my prison is being made an example of, and I am only one
of many upset, and stressed staff who will fight to keep the prison
- Mr Straw stated that the two prisons "selected"
for the market test are performing consistently badly. How has
he come to this & how long does a prison have to "perform
poorly" to be considered as consistent? Does poor performance
mean costly?[277]
- A major issue in deciding what is classed as a
"Poor Performing" prison appears to be the HMCIP Report.
Yet, if you read a lot of the reports which have a negative aspect,
the Chief Inspector, Anne Owers, regularly puts the reason for
the [negative aspect as] a lack of investment. Why does the Prison
Department and Government use parts of these reports from HMCIP
to attack hardworking frontline staff with threats of privatisation
yet ignore the parts of the report which call for more investment?[278]
- Market testing is designed for one purposeto
drive down cost. Forget the issue of poorly performing prisons;
statistics can be used to produce whatever picture you want. The
weighted scorecard only reflects which prisons are most creative
with their reports, the ones at the top being most creative. It
is important to note that the private sector prisons were recently
removed from the scorecard, and, therefore, the companies running
them, who may be successful with a bid for Birmingham, may already
be running a failing prisonor at the very least may be
running a prison that would be lower on the scorecard than Birmingham.[279]
39. Similarly, contributors considered market
testing was aimed at encouraging the private sector, and may not
be a level playing field for all sectors:
- THE ONLY reason to involve the private sector is
to save costs. By wanting the involvement of the Private Sector
it cannot argue this. Jack Straw will say this is not the primary
reasoninstead stating that the offer to tender poor performing
LEVEL 2 jails is so the public get a better service. This on face
value looks good, but unfortunately Mr Straw's points are destroyed
when you look at the recent WFM offer dialogue. It was made clear
that if we did not accept the package on offer (and therefore
proving to the treasury that the cost reduction asked of the service
is now in place for the future) there would be no option but to
'market test poor performing prisons' this was the threat made
at the time, and true to their words they have announced contestability.[280]
Does the announcement of 1,500 prisons resolve
concerns over the creation of Titan prisons?
40. This question/thread attracted 566 views
and received 8 posts. While the abandonment of Titan prisons was
generally welcomed, the majority of the contributors thought that
1,500 was too large:
- 1500 spaces isn't as bad as the originally thought
2500 space Titans but it is still far to large, and flies in the
face of lots of research and information available about what
makes a good training prison (size wise).[281]
- From the perspective of Mental Health Inreach Teams,
this will be no better. 1,500 is still way too big.[282]
41. However, a contributor thought that 1,500
would be manageable, given the Prison Service has experience of
jails of a similar size:
- I am pleased that the titan prison plan has been
put to rest. I, like many others thought that such a large establishment
would be too difficult and complex to manage safely. A number
of prisons with a population close to that of existing large establishments
is a better option. We already know what it takes to run prisons
of this size.[283]
42. Another contributor queried the economics
behind the new plans:
- Mr. Straw has now, through economic necessity scrapped
the building of 3 Titan prisons and replaced them with 5 "smaller"
prisons of 1,500 capacity which Mr. Straw states represents the
optimal long term balance between VFM [value for money] and operational
effectiveness. I am therefore left wondering as to how this could
possibly be the case, given that the 'economies of scale' Mr.
Straw envisaged with the Titan prisons would effectively be lost?[284]
How can officers and senior management build relationships
with the local community?
43. This thread received 666 views and 9 posts.
Some contributors believed that local communities were simply
not interested in building relationships with a prison and there
was, therefore, little senior management could do;
- I think the question should be ''Is the local community
ready to build up relationships with prisons" I speak to
people in the community about what I do & nobody is interested
about what happens to prisoners. The vast majority think we should
lock them up & throw away the key! Is this the right attitude
, maybe not but that is what they think.[285]
- Why is so much time and effort being put into this?
The local community in general does not want close links with
their local prison, they do not want it there and they just want
to totally deny it's existence. If they are more informed it usually
makes them angry because the perceived lack of discipline and
the prisoner's perceived perks and privileges.[286]
- I don't think relations with the local community
should be a high priority for the prison service. Local residents
have little interest in prisoners living near them.[287]
44. Their cynicism appeared to be borne out by
the response of a member of the public:
- We live near a local prison and I run a local community
website. As far as I know there is not a single mention of the
local prison on the community website and to be honest it wouldn't
be anything we would be proud of. About the only way the prison
affects us is that the local bus out from the city stops at the
prison and if I travel by bus it just makes me think: "I
should be more careful where I put my wallet when going out".[288]
45. However, some contributors could see a role
for prisons in crime prevention, particularly with young people,
cleaning local areas and resettlement:
- I know that the service has a part to play in reducing
re-offending, but we fail to see the part we can play in the prevention
of crime and offending, especially in the area of youth crime.
Most large public sector bodies have youth and school liaison,
police, fire service etc. Even some private companies such as
rail track and northern rail have dedicated teams going out to
talk to young people. If you want to talk about crime, bring in
the police, if you want to talk about arson, bring in the fire
service. If you want to let young people and the public know about
punishment/prison, then bring in a prison officer.[289]
- One area which I think is good & funding should
always be given to is the 'prison me no way ' project, where staff
visit schools & youth centres talking about prison life etc.[290]
where possible links need to be forged in order
that resettlement needs can be met i.e. housing/possibilities
of work etc. It could be that working parties from a prison could
and should be used to improve the environment for local people
with the removal of rubbish, cleaning/painting/decorating of local
institutes, repairs of the canal system etc. Then locals will
see that the prison does have a use for them personally.[291]
211 5 April. The identifiers used by contributors have
not been used in this annex in the interests of further preservation
of their anonymity. Back
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