Memorandum submitted by Alan Trench, Hon
Senior Research Fellow, The Constitution Unit, University College
1. I am an academic researcher at The Constitution
Unit, part of the School of Public Policy at University College
London. In this role I have been responsible for undertaking research
on various aspects of intergovernmental relations in the devolved
United Kingdom since 2001, mostly funded by either the Leverhulme
Trust or the Economic and Social Research Council. I have edited
several volumes in the Constitution Unit's series of devolution
yearbooks The State of the Nations (and am in the process
of editing the 2007 volume, expected to be published in November
2007), as well as a volume entitled Devolution and Power in
the United Kingdom, which is due to appear from Manchester
University Press in July 2007 and which is concerned with how
intergovernmental relations have worked since 1999. I was also
specialist adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee on the
Constitution for its inquiry into Devolution: Inter-Institutional
Relations in the United Kingdom in 2002-03.[28]
2. In this submission, I will draw upon
my own academic work and that of colleagues, to address a number
of the issues that the Committee have raised. Underlying this
is a large number of interviews with those involved in devolution
(mainly officials, and also politicians), carried out since 2001
and still ongoing. I also draw upon experience of interviewing
those involved in intergovernmental relations in a number of other
decentralised and federal systems (notably Germany, Spain, Australia
and Canada). In particular, I will address questions 3-7 as set
out in the Call for Evidence.
3. There are two general points to make
about devolution in the UK, the importance of which is not always
fully appreciated. First, the working of devolution to date is
that it has been underpinned by the dominance of the Labour party
in all three British governments. (Even in Northern Ireland, the
fact that the British parties do not contest elections means that
there has been no competition from the parties there.) Labour's
dominance of the three governments has had important and far-reaching
implications, and not all aspects of that are always appreciated.
One is that there has been substantial consensus on political
objectives and values, which have limited the scope for governments
to disagree with each other. However, perhaps more important than
this is the shared electoral interest of all parts of the Labour
party, and how this affects intergovernmental relations. Labour
has a strong interest in making devolution appear to be a success,
and it has treated the absence of overt disputes between governments
as an indicator of that success. There has therefore been the
opportunity and incentive, as well as the means, to resolve any
differences that do arise between governments quietly and behind
the scenes, rather than to do so openly in public. If (or when)
the Labour party loses an election, and different parties hold
office in London and Edinburgh or Cardiff, the goodwill that has
underpinned relations since 1999 will be significantly weakened,
and this shared interest in avoiding open disputes is likely to
4. One might add that this sort of behaviour
by the Labour party is understandable in UK terms, but is not
normal in other regionalised systems let alone federal ones. In
such systems parties are conscious of the need to put the interests
of territory ahead of party, and be seen by the electorate as
a strong voice for Victoria, Baden-Württemberg (or wherever)
in dealing with the federal or central government, and if necessary
standing up to the central government.
5. What devolution involves in the UK is
highly unusual in another comparative respect. The UK has a developed,
industrial (or post-industrial) economy and an advanced welfare
state, both established in the context of the UK as a single state.
Devolution has involved transferring a number of functions related
to the welfare state and to a lesser degree the economy to the
devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales (these were always
separately administered in Northern Ireland, because of devolution
to Stormont between 1922 and 1972). This has meant a sort of "spinning
out" of functions, and a disentanglement of functions previously
exercised by one government. This is a complicated process that
has left many overlaps of competence, even for Scotland, where
the settlement is clearest in both constitutional and administrative
terms. The effect of this is that it is almost impossible for
any government (whether the UK Government or a devolved administration)
to make any policy that does not have some sort of spill-over
effect for other governments. The high level of formal legal autonomy
that Scotland has (and that Wales may develop under the Government
of Wales Act 2006) is not mirrored by the practicalities of governing.
Many policy actions create some sort of implication for other
matters, which have to be identified and resolved if the policy
is to be successfully brought into effect.
6. Most other decentralised or federal systems
have built their economy and welfare state around those institutions
(even Spain, which may have only established its asymmetric decentralised
structure in 1981 but which had very limited welfare provision
and a generally backward economy until the fall of Franco). The
only other developed country state to attempt a similar sort of
decentralisation is Belgium, which resembles the UK in having
similarly complex intergovernmental relations, and a peculiar
if not asymmetric constitutional structure.
7. Whitehall's response to devolution has
been a limited and low-key one. It has two aspectswhat
happens in ordinary or line departments, with policy functions,
and what happens at the centre of government. The latter is discussed
in more detail below. As regards line departments, around 1998-99
arrangements were put in place in most departments to manage devolution
matters, including setting up devolution or constitution desks
or teams. These sought to co-ordinate the department's actions
regarding devolution, help prepare bilateral or departmental concordats,
and generally to provide internal advice. These were generally
dismantled after 2001 (they survive in the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office and Ministry of Defence, however). A network of departmental
"devolution contacts" still exists, but is a far cry
from the sort of detailed attention to devolution matters that
there used to be.
8. In principle, devolution is considered
to have "mainstreamed" across departments. It is one
of the many areas in which officials are expected to have expertise,
as one of the basic elements of civil service training. In practice,
there is good reason to question how effective mainstreaming has
been. Awareness of devolution and its practical implications has
improved since 2001, but remains somewhat patchy and inconsistent.
Some officials and teams are sensitive to devolution issues, spot
them early and resolve them effectively. Others are not and do
not. (Effective resolution very often means getting in contact
with the territorial offices, which are the UK Government's main
source of technical expertise about the devolution arrangements,
as well as having a broader view of overall UK Government policy.)
Some departments (and their ministers) are inclined to be helpful
to the devolved administrations, and others are not. This is made
more acute by the fact that practically all Whitehall departments
are responsible for a mixture of England-only and UK- or Great
Britain-wide functions (and none have a organisational map explaining
the territorial impact of their responsibilities).[30]
Both looked at from the inside and judging by outcomes, the overall
pattern remains highly variable and inconsistent.[31]
Two particular cases have drawn the attention and ire of the Welsh
Affairs Committee: the Children's Commissioner for England (who
has functions in Wales as well, for non-devolved matters relating
to criminal justice), and policing and police re-organisation.[32]
Similar problems for Scotland have not attracted public or Parliamentary
attention to the same degree, but nonetheless appear to have arisen
(the transfer of responsibility for railways and the Scotrail
franchise is an example).
9. I should emphasise that the problem here
is not that the Government's procedures are not the right ones.
By and large they are. It is that those procedures are not always
followed in a systematic way, and that there are no authorities
at the centre of government to enforce them. This is partly a
consequence of bureaucratic organisation, and partly of the working
of the present Government. In particular, the tendency for 10
Downing Street, on behalf of the Prime Minister, to take control
of a particular policy issue, can result in the devolution rules
being overlooked.
10. Regarding concordats, these must be
among the least-used documents in government. The Memorandum
of Understanding[33]
mostly sets out high-level principles for intergovernmental relations,
largely designed to preserve ways of working that had grown up
before devolution. Bilateral concordats between particular Whitehall
departments and devolved administrations largely repeat those
principles. Neither is regularly consulted, partly because they
do not address most tricky situations that have arisen and partly
because there are no meaningful consequences for breach. (Most
notably, the Memorandum of Understanding contains a commitment
for the Joint Ministerial Committee in its plenary form to meet
every 12 monthsbut it has not done so since November 2002.)
Preparing bilateral concordats, in particular, was clearly a useful
exercise in 1998-2000, for making Whitehall departments think
about how devolution would work and what it would mean for them.
Since then, however, they have largely gathered dust. It is hard
to resist the conclusion that the Memorandum of Understanding
is no longer fit for purpose, and that neither it nor the
existing bilateral concordats will be effective instruments when
real differences between governments emerge.
11. My remarks in this section are addressed
to the situation concerning Scotland and Wales, not in general
toward Northern Ireland. The special circumstances of Northern
Ireland mean that it will still be some time before any incorporation
of arrangements for Northern Ireland into those for Great Britain
can be considered.
12. The territorial offices seem, at present,
to work well. They serve as general sources of expertise and advice
on the devolution arrangements for Scotland and Wales, as well
as playing important parts in identifying and resolving differences
between administrations that in other circumstances might turn
into open disputes, and dealing with particular matters concerning
each country (the Government of Wales Act 2006 is an obvious example).
A problem of disparity of size and role that existed in 2002-03
(when the Scottish Office had 85 staff but relatively little business,
while the Wales Office had only 41 but a great deal of work to
do) no longer exists, as the Wales Office has grown in size while
the Scottish Office has shrunk.[34]
The two offices appear to work well together, and to spot issues
affecting one set of devolution arrangements that have implications
for the other (a so-called "read across"). In fact,
the offices prove to be a vital part of the glue of devolution
at the UK end, as they identify and resolve many of the large
number of difficult technical issues that the entangled nature
of the devolution arrangements (discussed in para 5 above) throw
13. The position of the territorial offices
within the Department of Constitutional Affairs has created some
lurid press speculation, but appears to work well. The principal
problem that arises is that there is a missed opportunity for
ensuring better overall co-ordination within the UK Government.
Such co-ordination has not existed since 2001 or thereabouts,
when the Cabinet Office lost its role in relation to devolution
and its Constitution Secretariat was formally wound up. Some of
the officials involved in the Constitution Secretariat continued
to provide overall co-ordination (and acted as secretariat for
the Joint Ministerial Committee), first within the Office of the
Deputy Prime Minister and later within the Department for Constitutional
Affairs, but that role has shrunk so it now takes relatively little
time and gets relatively little official or ministerial attention.
(In May 2006, the Ministerial Committee on Devolution Policy was
wound up, and its functions subsumed within the broader Constitutional
Affairs Committee.)
14. The roles of the territorial Secretaries
of State are more complex. Again, the fact that the present holders
of the posts of Secretary of State for Scotland and Wales only
spend part of their time on those territories has attracted a
good deal of press comment. In practice, it appears that each
Secretary of State spends about 10-20% of his time on Scottish
or Welsh matters, the amount depending on the flow of business
(and the demands of their other ministerial post). This has included
keeping in regular contact with the devolved administration generally,
and the devolved First Minister in particular. (Peter Hain and
Rhodri Morgan used to meet every week, but that appears to have
been reduced in the last few months. Personal contact between
the Scottish Secretary and First Minister was never so frequent.)
This seems to be pretty much sufficient; it has meant that there
is a senior minister able to intervene when necessary, without
having to spend time on activities that are not otherwise necessary
in order to justify their office or salary.
15. In effect, there is a "hollow centre"
at the heart of government when it comes to devolution. At ministerial
level, responsibility is shared between five ministers (Secretaries
of State for Scotland and Wales, the Lord Chancellor, the Secretary
of State for Communities and Local Government, who leads on English
regions, and the Deputy Prime Minister). With the exception of
the Deputy Prime Minister, each has other, more time-consuming
matters in their portfolio as well. This is likely to become slightly
worse with the establishment of the Ministry of Justice and transfer
of offender-management functions to DCA from the Home Office.
16. However, this situation creates problems.
First, it assumes that there is a generally benign climate of
relations between the UK Government and the devolved administration
involved, and that the Secretary of State and his counterparts
in the devolved administration have substantially similar views.
They are also predicated on the Secretary of State being able
to speak for their party in that territoryon an understanding
of its political needs and conditions, and the interests of the
UK Government there. If different parties hold office in London
and Cardiff or Edinburgh, that is unlikely to be the case, as
UK Secretaries of State may be concerned with the position of
their own party in Scotland or Wales, rather than developing or
maintaining good relations between governments. If the party in
office in London has little or no electoral support in Scotland
or Wales and little prospect of improving it, the standing of
the Secretary of State in the UK Government is likely to suffer
and consequently they will be a less effective advocate for the
17. Second, it limits the portfolios a minister
can hold. The issues that affect Scotland and Wales mainly come
out of the Government's domestic policy agenda. To be an effective
(and time-efficient) Secretary of State, a minister needs to be
involved in that business as a result of their other portfolio.
Combining the post of Scottish or Welsh Secretary with a post
like Defence or International Development would dramatically increase
the number of issues of which the minister has to be aware, the
papers they have to read and the committees they have to attend.
Yet this domestic portfolio must be one that includes a substantial
amount of UK-wide business; there would be conflicts of interest
and other difficulties if Wales or Scotland were combined with
a portfolio like Health, or Education and Skills which is mainly
concerned with England. The number of posts which can be combined
with being Secretary of State for Scotland or Wales is rather
low, and that has an implication for the freedom of the Prime
Minister in forming a cabinet if the post of Secretary of State
for Scotland or Wales has to be combined with a domestic portfolio.
18. A further consequence of the present
way of doing things, at both ministerial level and in terms of
bureaucratic organisation, is that no-one is able to take a view
of the territorial make-up of the UK as a whole and of the constitutional
and policy issues that affect it. Instead, territorial issues
are approached in a fragmented way that focuses on bilateral concerns
and issues (Scotland-UK, Wales-UK, Northern Ireland-UK), not UK-wide
matters. This fits with a more general approach to devolution
as a set of ad hoc pragmatic responses, lacking any broader focus
on territorial management. As matters stand, this system is only
just able to cope with the demands placed on it. it will come
under very serious pressure if or when these conditions change.
For this reason, the Lords Constitution Committee recommended
a "department of the nations and regions" to embrace
relations with Scotland and Wales, the English regional agenda,
and perhaps eventually Northern Ireland matters too.[35]
That recommendation still appears to confer significant advantages,
and will provide the capacity for greater co-ordination if territorial
relations become more difficult constitutionally and politically.
19. As is well known, the courts have played
a very minor part in the practice of devolution. A small number
of cases raising "devolution issues" have been considered
by the courts, but almost all have related to issues of Scottish
criminal law or practice and human rights; there has been no intergovernmental
litigation, and no cases before the Judicial Committee of the
Privy Council where third parties have challenged the validity
of devolved legislation or executive action. (Ironically, cases
about Scottish criminal law and human rights have made their way
to the Judicial Committee as devolution issues, but could not
have reached the House of Lords as direct appeals before the Human
Rights Act 1998.) This has been contrary to the expectations of
many before 1999, and has been due to three factors which are
not always fully acknowledged.
20. The first is the general climate of
seeking to avoid disputes, discussed in paragraphs 3-4 above.
21. The second is the flexibility built
into all three sets of devolution legislation, to enable issues
that in other systems might be referred to the courts to be resolved
without litigation if the governments involved can agree about
the solution. There is a wide-range of order making powers under
the Scotland Act 1998 and for orders to be made or the Secretary
of State's consent to be given under the Northern Ireland Act
1998, to enable legislation that touches on reserved or non-devolved
matters to be passed by the devolved institutions. Similarly,
the Government of Wales Act 1998 enables further matters to be
devolved by order. These powers also relate to a number of European
Union functions. (This is quite separate from issues such as Westminster
legislation on devolved matters made under the Sewel convention,
or legislative competence orders under the Government of Wales
Act 2006.) These mechanisms are used surprisingly often to adjust
the boundaries of devolved competence, and resolve some of the
technical difficulties that devolution creates. Similar issues
have often led to litigation in other decentralised countries,
because with a written constitution it is hard to avoid taking
such a formal approach to resolving them. Measures for Scotland
seem to crop up at Westminster three or four times a year, usually
producing several instruments made under different provisions
of the Scotland Act 1998. The effectiveness of this depends heavily
on there being an underlying agreement about what should be done,
and if it should become harder to reach that agreement the mechanism
will become less useful or usable. In that circumstance, it is
likely that devolution litigation, including inter-governmental
litigation, will become more common.
22. There remain a number of legal issues
that cannot be resolved by making appropriate orders. The nature
of things means that these relate principally to Scotland or Northern
Ireland (where there is legislative and executive devolution),
not Wales (where devolution has hitherto been executive only).
In such cases, government has needed a significant degree of legal
certaintybut has not wished to bring the matter before
the courts. The solution adopted has been to seek the opinion
of the Law Officers in each administration. In the early days
of devolution this went so far as to produce joint opinions of
devolved and UK law officers; more recently, these have been law
officers of only one administration, and they are not normally
shared between governments. But the impact of an opinion of the
Attorney General or Advocate General for Scotland (the UK Government's
law officer specialising in Scots law) within the UK Government
is very powerful, being binding in the absence of a contrary court
judgment. This is a further case of a pragmatic response to a
problem which may store up problems for the future. One problem
is that the advice of the Law Officers is becoming central to
the practice of government, but remains essentially untested.
If the courts should at some future date take a contrary view
to that taken by the Law Officers, large areas of government activity
will need to be changed. The second problem is one of transparency.
Law Officers' opinions (and indeed matters that are the subject
of such opinions) are confidential. It is impossible for those
outside government to know what has been decided by these opinions.
The influence of the opinions is nonetheless far-reaching. The
result is that we are governed by what is, in effect, a form of
private public law. This seems at odds with the principles of
government closer to the people that are supposed to underlie
23. The formal mechanisms of intergovernmental
relations have played only a modest part to date. The British-Irish
Council (BIC) has continued to meet regularly, despite suspension
of devolution in Northern Ireland, in both its "plenary"
and specialist formats. However, it appears to be little more
than a talking shop, albeit a useful one. Ministerial attendance
(from the Republic of Ireland and UK as well as devolved administrations)
tends to be at a relatively low level, and unless the BIC had
some actual rather than symbolic role to play it is hard to see
how it could work otherwise. For the present, it belongs more
to the ornamental than the functional part of the constitutional
arrangements of the British Isles.
24. More interesting, and potentially more
serious, is what has happened to the Joint Ministerial Committee
(JMC). As noted above, this has not met in its plenary form since
October 2002 despite a formal obligation that it meet annually.
Its "functional" formats have largely ceased to meet
too, except for its Europe format which met frequently while the
EU constitution was under consideration by the Giscard Convention
and Intergovernmental Conference, and which continues to meet
regularly but less frequently. Meanwhile, two other sets of ministerial
meetingsof agricultural ministers, meeting more or less
monthly, and of finance ministers, meeting twice a year, take
place outside the JMC framework. The official attitude (manifested,
for example, in responses by the Lord Chancellor when questioned
by the Lord Constitution Committee in November 2004) is that there
is no need for the JMC to meet in the absence of any disputes
to resolve.[36]
Certainly the meetings that took place in 1999-2002 served little
practical purpose, with the agenda padded out with "information-sharing"
items of the sort that scarcely need ministerial attention, and
certainly do not merit that of the Prime Minister or First Ministers.
But this approach disregards the valuable symbolic role the plenary
JMC plays (not one which the BIC can fulfil), the signals such
a meeting sends to other parts of the UK and devolved governments
and to the wider world, or its representative function for dealing
with reserved/non-devolved matters (discussed further below).
25. Otherwise, intergovernmental relations
proceed in a low-key, informal, bilateral way. They are largely
ad hoc, driven by items of particular business on one or
other government's agenda at the time rather than by any attempt
to manage relations in a more systematic way. Most links are at
working level. There are relatively few bilateral meetings of
UK and devolved ministers, and few ones of senior officials. These
only take place to resolve specific questions, not to co-ordinate
policy generally or maintain contact over a wider agenda.
26. What is important is less the format
of relations than that they can serve the function of managing
the differences between governments that arise. So far, that has
been the casealthough this would appear to be due more
to a combination of particularly favourable circumstances rather
than because a robust and effective structure is already in place.
27. This becomes especially important when
it comes to issues where the devolved territories, and devolved
administrations, have particular interests in reserved or non-devolved
matters. Examples include immigration and Scotland (both in relation
to the treatment of asylum-seekers in Scotland, and Scotland's
attempts to attract more highly-skilled immigrants to address
its demographic problems), and broadcasting in both territories
(in Wales, there are obvious links to language and cultural matters
for which the National Assembly is responsible). The plenary JMC
was supposed to be a setting for raising and dealing with such
issues, but its failure to meet means that such a forum is lacking.
The sort of bilateral arrangements that exist are not suitable
for dealing with such matters, so they go un-aired. An attitude
can be found among many in Whitehall that devolved responsibilities
and interests are limited to devolved matters, and that it is
inappropriate or improper for the devolved administrations to
interest themselves in such matters. This is clearly contrary
to the way devolution is in fact structured, and what the Memorandum
of Understanding provides.
28. These issues take their sharpest form
when it comes to relations with the European Union. The devolved
administrations are closely involved in many aspects of the UK's
relations with the European Union, through the Council of Ministers,
the UK Permanent Representation to the EU, and a variety of bureaucratic
methods. Until recently, the general view (expressed by both devolved
and UK Government sources) was that this arrangement worked well
overall. The recent leaking to the press of a report prepared
for Michael Aron, EU Director in the Scottish Executive, which
suggested that the sort of problems identified above in relation
to domestic UK matters also occur in relation to EU-related ones.
The EU presents few distinctive issues, but plenty of opportunity
for problems also apparent elsewhere in the system to manifest
29. This supports the view that the problem
with the present system in the UK is that the system permits an
undesirable degree of variation and inconsistency in the way it
deals with devolution issues. Underlying this is the fact that
the UK is still largely able to do what it wishes, while the devolved
institutions often require the co-operation of the UK, tacitly
(by not obstructing them) if not actively. For this reason, I
have dubbed the extensive freedom of the devolved administrations
in practice a form of "conditional" or "permissive
autonomy", as it would be possible for the UK Government
to undermine it easily, even inadvertently, with very serious
constitutional and political consequences.[37]
30. A further consequence of the non-meeting
of the plenary JMC is that it sends a signal across UK Government
that devolution is not a high priority for the Government, and
that a failure to deal satisfactorily with devolution matters
will not result in serious consequences. This is in keeping with
the more general Whitehall view that devolution is an event, not
a process, and not something that requires ongoing attention.
This approach is also dangerous, as the lightly-institutionalised
framework for dealing with devolution matters means that such
ongoing attention is precisely what is needed.
31. Asymmetric devolution as such would
appear to be a workable and sustainable model for maintaining
a United Kingdom, and is likely to be the only way of doing so.
However, it will only work if that is acknowledged to be its objective,
and action is taken at all levels to ensure that this framework
is maintained in good order. Allowing the present state of affairs
to continue is unlikely to achieve that.
32. The first step that needs taking is
to ensure that political management of the system is in hand,
and not left to bureaucratic interactions or ad hoc responses
to particular crises. That means that the UK Government must be
fully engaged, at all levels, and that leadership must come from
the very top. It is not for the UK to dictate, or try to dictate,
to the devolved institutions. That would be contrary to the spirit
and letter of the present arrangements, and present grave constitutional
and political hazards. But it can seek to lead the United Kingdom
as a whole, actively rather than inadvertently.
33. This in turn leads to a need for:
(a) More use of formal mechanisms in intergovernmental
relationsfor example and most notably, of the plenary Joint
Ministerial Committee, which should certainly resume the practice
of annual meetings.
(b) Greater transparency in relation to devolution
mattersfor example, more reporting to the UK Parliament
about what happens in intergovernmental meetings, and more publication
of relevant documents.
(c) A more useful form for the Memorandum
of Understanding, which sets out a number of the existing
understandings and agreements recorded elsewhere, and guidelines
for dealing with other issues, in a way that avoids the present
high level of generality.
(d) Possibly a restructuring of the UK Government,
to give greater coherence to the management of devolution matters
and the UK's territorial constitution. That implies a "ministry
for devolution", along the lines suggested in the Lords Constitution
Committee report in 2003.
34. A further factor that needs to be borne
in mind is the financial structure that underpins asymmetric devolution.
This is not an issue addressed in the Call for Evidence and perhaps
is beyond the scope of the present inquiry, but it remains a key
question. The present arrangements, relying heavily on the Barnett
formula, give a high level of spending autonomy to the devolved
administrations, but tie the overall package of funds available
to them to that allocated by the UK Government for spending on
"comparable functions" in England. Devolved finance
is therefore tied into the UK system, creating a form of dependence
for the devolved administrations on the UK Government and its
actions. This is important in itself, but also has significant
implications for other matters notably the so-called West Lothian
Question and participation by MPs from Scotland (and perhaps in
due course Wales and Northern Ireland) in Parliamentary business
apparently relating only to England. The financial arrangements
have the further impact of making the devolved administrations
responsible for spending decisions, but not revenue-raising ones.
They have little incentive to reduce their spending, and this
also limits their accountability to their electorates. If the
present system delivered a form of equity in the allocation of
public spending that might be more understandable, but we do not
know whether it does (if the data to show this exist, they are
not in the public domain), and many academic estimates are that
it does not. At some point, possibly soon, these financial issues
will need to be addressed; and they cannot be looked at in isolation,
as they have implications for other aspects of devolution as well.
Any successor to the present arrangements will need to ensure
that it delivers adequate financial resources to the devolved
administrations, is financially sustainable and is also politically
legitimate (which will mean that it is perceived as addressing
devolved spending needs), as well as ensuring that the devolved
administrations retain their political and policy-making autonomy.
This is a tall order.
April 2007
28 See House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution,
Devolution: Inter-Institutional Relations in the United Kingdom:
Minutes of Evidence, HL 147 (London: The Stationery Office,
2002); House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution, Session
2002-03 2nd Report, Devolution: Inter-Institutional Relations
in the United Kingdom, HL 28 (London: The Stationery Office,
2003). Back
The heavy reliance on "goodwill" was a major concern
of the Lords Constitution Committee in its 2003 report. Back
FCO and MoD are among the few exceptions; they are both keen to
manage their relations with the devolved administrations with
care, even though there is no overlap in their functions. Back
For more detail, see A Trench Whitehall and the Process
of Legislation after Devolution, in R Hazell and R Rawlings
(eds), Devolution, Law-making and the Constitution (Exeter:
Imprint Academic, 2005). Back
House of Commons Welsh Affairs Committee, Session 2003-04 Fifth
Report, The Powers of the Children's Commissioner for Wales,
HC 538 (London: The Stationery Office, 2004). House of Commons
Welsh Affairs Committee, Session 2004-05 Fourth Report, Police
Service, Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour in Wales, HC 46-I
(London: The Stationery Office, 2005). Back
Memorandum of Understanding and supplementary agreements between
the United Kingdom Government, Scottish Ministers, the Cabinet
of the National Assembly for Wales and the Northern Ireland Executive
Committee, Cm 5240 (London: The Stationery Office, 2001). Back
See House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution, Devolution:
Inter-Institutional Relations, HL 28, para 67. Back
HL 28 ibid, para 68. Back
See House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution,
Session 2003-04, Meeting with the Lord Chancellor, 16th
Report of Session 2003-04, HL Paper 193 (London: The Stationery
Office, 2004), Q 91. Back
See A Trench, Devolution and Power in the United Kingdom
(Manchester University Press; Manchester, 2007 forthcoming), chapters
1 and 12. Back