Memorandum submitted by Norman Slater
I ask you to consider the following points regarding
the impact of devolution, and the "English Question",
and the injustice to England that devolution has presented.
The West Lothian Question whereby Scottish MPs
can vote and influence decisions about laws in England is wholly
undemocratic. It is a problem that the majority of Members of
Parliament shy away from even though it is so clearly unfair to
the electorate of England. This makes the people of England (and
indeed other parts of the UK electorate), totally cynical about
the motives of politicians and suspect that the failure to correct
this injustice is due to self-interest on their part.
Perhaps the most blatant example of how this
present undemocratic set-up has brought in England a hatred of
all things Scottish, where now polls show that between 68% and
81 % favour an English Parliament and 48% want total independence
for England from the rest of the UK was the way student fees were
introduced into England.
This measure was forced through by the Government,
with strong support of Scottish MPs. Yet the Scottish Parliament
perversely then voted to abolish any such fees in Scotland. They
even pay the fees of Scottish students studying in England. This
action has brought tremendous resentment among the population
of England. While this injustice was imposed on England, English
MPs are not even allowed to discuss any matters concerning Scotland.
Where is democracy in this situation?
The people of England now see their taxes being
sent to Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales under the Barnet
Formula, to subsidise lavish welfare schemesfree prescriptions
for all, free nation wide travel for pensioners, etc while they
have none of these. They are ruled by a Prime Minister who represents
a Scottish constituency and who has no mandate to be in this position.
It may be considered out of date nowadays, but the Bill of Rights
1689 is still law, and I would ask you to study it during your
deliberations on this matter.
Prime Minister Brown has set up quango ministries
for "Regions of England" without approval of the people
of England. Once again, we know that this is wholly undemocratic,
but we know why. He is determined to accede to EU policies despite
the wishes of the electorate. It is also another source of income
for extra politicians. He knows that when Mr Prescott held an
election for the North-East on this matter, where he expected
a vote in favour of regional government, the vote was 85% against.
He is therefore imposing his dogma on the people of England without
any approval from them.
I beg you please, Members of the Justice Committee,
to consider the wishes of the electorate of England before any
policies of self-interest of politicians. I myself would dearly
love to see an English Parliament formed as do the majority of
people living in England. It would give England the identity and
government its people want and need.
Contrary to Mr Blair's assertion that this would
"bust" the Union, it would strengthen it. Some kind
of federal system could then be formed, bringing both individual
and national identity to the four member states. A reduced UK
government to deal with matters of overall policy could then be
formed. I doubt very much whether this will suit self-interested
politicians, but it would be of great benefit to the electorate
of the UK, particularly those living in England who are crying
out for justice.
January 2008