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House of Commons
Session 2008-09
Publications on the internet
North East Regional Committee Publications

North East Regional Committee - Memoranda

CONTENTS: Industry and Innovatinon in the North East of England


Memorandum from the Northern TUC (NE 01)

Memorandum from Gateshead Council (NE 02)

Memorandum from the Learning and Skills Council North East (NE 03)

Memorandum from the Tees Valley Joint Strategy Unit (NE 04)

Memorandum from the Centre for Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and Enterprise (KITE), Newcastle University (NE 05)

Memorandum from Government Office for the North East (NE 06)

Supplementary memorandum from the Government Office for the North East (NE 07)

Further supplementary memorandum from the Government Office for the North East (NE 08)

Memorandum from Barclays (NE 09)

Memorandum from North East Chamber of Commerce (NE 10)

Memorandum from One North East (NE 11)

Memorandum from EEF (NE 12)

Memorandum from the Federation of Small Businesses (NE 13)

Memorandum from The Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) (NE 14)

Supplementary memorandum submitted by One North East (NE 15)

Supplementary memorandum submitted by the Rt Hon Nick Brown MP, Minister for the North East (NE 16)

Memorandum from Professor Cliff Hardcastle, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Enterprise), Teeside University (NE 17)


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