20. Letter
to the Commissioner from the constituency manager to Rt Hon Gordon
Brown MP, 16 December 2008
I am writing in response to your letter of 18th November
to address your questions concerning the lease of constituency
offices at 3 East Fergus Place, Kirkcaldy.
All matters relating to the lease arrangements were
negotiated with the property Landlords, on behalf of Mr Brown
and Ms Livingstone, "the tenants", by Solicitors in
At a meeting with the solicitors on the 20th May
2005 (at which I represented Mr Brown), I was provided with proposed
Heads of Terms to cover a range of matters including rent, Landlords'
Works, Tenants' Works etc. The Heads of Terms reflected that significant
works would be required throughout the premises to upgrade the
accommodation, and make it fit for purpose. This included refurbishment,
appliance and electronic installation and redecoration throughout.
The draft Heads of Terms provided for an initial rent free period
of four months in which the Tenants would undertake necessary
This rent free period formed part of a commercial
negotiation with the Landlords, and was designed to compensate
the Tenants for those Tenants' Works being carried out which improved
the accommodation and therefore the benefit of which would ultimately
accrue to the Landlord.
The Landlords countered with further adjusted Heads
of Terms which included a reduction of the rent free period to
month. There followed negotiations about who was to carry out
what works to the building and the resulting cost impact. Part
of the works were identified in a Disability Discrimination Act
Audit which was obtained by the Tenant. In addition there was
the cost of demolition of partition, decoration, installation
of a meter, new alarm, new intercom and the installation of a
sink unit.
The final outcome of these commercial negotiations
was that a three
month rent free period was agreed, as is common and consistent
with tenancy arrangements of this kind. As is also common, notwithstanding
the agreement that there be a rent free period, the Landlord wished
an upfront payment from the Tenants, at entry. It was therefore
agreed that, at entry, three months' rent would be paid which
would relate to the three month period following the first three
months of possession by the Tenant.
The Tenants therefore had access, during the first
three months of the Lease, from 4th July 2005 in order to carry
out works to the offices. However, occupancy for use by the tenants
was not possible until September.
During the three month free rental period, works
were conducted by the Tenants (shared equally) to a total value
of £4229.87. The rent free agreement negotiated with the
Landlord reflected the necessary costs of this work, however these
works were in excess of the rental cost for the three months in
question. Mr Brown's 50% share of these costs were reclaimed,
in the normal way, by Mr Brown's constituency secretary via a
C1 Reimbursement claim made against the IEP for the period July-September,
on 6th October 2005. The tenants are currently in credit with
the landlord for the difference between the costs of repairs and
the rent. This will be picked up by way of an adjustment in the
rent to be paid to the landlord. There will thus not be a need
to register an interest.
As far as the sub-tenants, the constituency party,
are concerned the rent free period was to be passed on, to reflect
the works conducted to the shared office facility, to the sub-tenants
as per the sub-under-lease. However, in the event, the sub-tenants
did not require access until after September 1st, which was the
commencement of the quarter following that in which the works
and the negotiated rent free period occurred. As a result, the
sub-tenants paid rent in full for the September-December 2005
and January-March 2006 quarters, and thereafter. In conclusion,
the sub-tenants did not in fact receive a rent free period of
occupancy as they moved in to the building later than initially
Enclosed with this letter, as requested, are copies
of the mid lease agreement and of the relevant invoices for the
works undertaken during the rent free period.
I hope that this information has been helpful. If
there is anything more that I can do to assist you, please do
not hesitate to contact me. The constituency office will be open
until 23rd December.
16 December 2008
21. Letter
to the constituency manager to Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP from the
Commissioner, 23 December 2008
Thank you for your letter of 16 December responding
to my questions to the Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP about the lease
of Mr Brown's constituency office in Kirkcaldy.
I was most grateful to receive this helpful explanation
of the position and to have copies of the relevant leases drawn
up in 2005-6.
I am copying your letter and attachments to the House
of Commons Department of Resources for any advice or comments
they may wish to make. Subject to their comments, I take from
what you have told me that Mr Brown's rent for the period July
to September 2005 was waived in exchange for payment for necessary
works, which were then claimed from the IEP, and that the overpayment
involved will be taken into account in the rent paid to the landlords
later in the rental period. Mr Brown's first rent payment, in
respect of the period October to December 2005, was made in July
2005. Both this and the rent payments for subsequent rental periods
were claimed back from the IEP.
I take it from your letter that there was no rent
free period granted to the Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath Labour Party
in respect of their renting of parts of the property because in
the event the necessary works were carried out before they took
possession of their accommodation. The claims Mr Brown made against
the IEP did not therefore need to reflect a rent free period for
the Labour Party since none was granted.
If this summary is inaccurate in any respect please
let me know as soon as possible and in any event by 9 January.
I am most grateful for your help with this inquiry.
I am copying this letter to the Rt Hon Gordon Brown
23 December 2008
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