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Session 2008-09
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Treasury Committee Publications

Treasury - Written Evidence
Banking Crisis

Here you can browse the Written Evidence ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 17 March 2009.

Treasury Committee

Written evidence


Memorandum from the Policy and Regulatory Group (PRG)

Memorandum by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland

Memorandum by KPMG LLP

Memorandum by Professor Michael Page

Memorandum by The British Bankers' Association (BBA)

Memorandum by Professors Vivien Beattie, Professor Stella Fearnley and Mr Tony Hines

Memorandum submitted by R3

Memorandum from the Investment Management Association

Memorandum from the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC)

Memorandum from the Association of British Insurers (ABI)

Memorandum from the Centre for Financial Market Integrity (CFA Institute Centre)

Memorandum from Dr R A Rayman

Memorandum from Markit

Memorandum from the UK Shareholders Association

Memorandum from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)

Memorandum from Northern Rock

Memorandum from Bradford and Bingley

Memorandum from Legal & General Investment Management Limited ("LGIM")

Memorandum from Public Concern at Work

Memorandum from Shelter

Memorandum from Unite

Memorandum from Which?

Memorandum from the Building Societies Association

Memorandum from SRM Global Fund

Supplementary memorandum from Unite

Supplementary memorandum from Which?

Memorandum from Leighton Jones

Memorandum from Martin Blaiklock

Further memorandum from Public Concern at Work

Memorandum from the Association of British Insurers (ABI)

Memorandum from Legal & General Investment Management Limited (LGIM)

Memorandum from Mercer

Memorandum from Deloitte & Touche LLP

Memorandum from ACCA

Memorandum from the London Investment Banking Association (LIBA)

Memorandum from the Futures and Options Association

Memorandum from CIPD

Memorandum from The Financial Times Limited

Memorandum from the National Union of Journalists

Memorandum from Odey Asset Management

Memorandum from Shelter

Memorandum from David H Smith

Memorandum from the Campaign for Community Banking Services (CCBS)

Memorandum from Landsbanki Guernsey Depositors' Action Group

Memorandum from Incisive Media

Memorandum from the International Securities Lending Association

Memorandum from the States of Guernsey

Memorandum from the Association of Independent Financial Advisers

Memorandum from the Association of British Insurers

Memorandum from BDO Stoy Hayward

Memorandum from the Association of Mortgage Intermediaries

Memorandum from the UK Financial Reporting Council (FRC)

Memorandum from the Paragon Group of Companies PLC

Memorandum from Michael Power, Professor of Accounting, London School of Ecoonomics

Memorandum from News International Ltd

Memorandum from PPA


Memorandum from CRESC (Ismail Erturk, Julie Froud, Sukh Johal, Adam Leaver and, Karel Williams (ESRC Centre for Research on Socio Cultural Change, University of Manchester)

Memorandum from Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland

Memorandum from Ken Cooney

Memorandum from Resources Compliance

Memorandum from KPMG

Memorandum from James Robertson

Memorandum from Save Our Savings ("SOS") a group of charitable creditors of Kaupthing Singer Friedlander Limited (In Administration)

Memorandum from Christian Aid and ActionAid

Memorandum from the Hedge Fund Standards Board

Memorandum from Jim Raeburn, Scottish Daily Newspaper Society

Memorandum from the Newspaper Society

Memorandum from the Investment Management Association

Memorandum from Which?

Memorandum from Pensions & Investment Research Consultants Ltd (PIRC)

Memorandum from Guardian News & Media Limited

Memorandum from the Financial Services Consumer Panel

Memorandum from the London Stock Exchange

Memorandum from the Building Societies Association

Memorandum from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

Memorandum from G W Carleton

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Prepared 1 April 2009