Financial Performance and Reporting
52. The net operating costs of the DMO in 2007-08
were £9.9m, an increase from £7.4m in 2006-07.[59]
This increase in costs reflects marginal increases in costs and
decreases in income.[60]
Decreases in the charges levied by the CRND, together with lower
levels of PWLB lending, contributed to reduced income in the year.
Expenditure increased in line with the higher levels of gilt auctions.[61]
53. The DMO Annual Report 2007-08 discloses that
the DMO achieved or substantially achieved all ten of its performance
targets.[62] One worrying
failure reported concerned the inclusion of 12 factual errors
in DMO publications during 2007-08.[63]
There is a risk that factual errors published by the DMO may adversely
affect the market. Mr Stheeman assured us that the errors in 2007-08
did not have any evident effect on the market:
No, they did not [affect the market], is the honest
answer. There were some errors. The one which arguably could
have had most of a result was in particular where we released
the fourth quarter gilt auction calendar on 30 November six minutes
early, but as far as we could see there was no discernible impact
on the market. That was the one we felt also we should list here
as being potentially one which could have moved the market.[64]
In its supplementary memorandum, the DMO reported
that there had been six further errors in the period April 2008
to October 2008.[65]
54. We note that 2008-09 will
see a dramatic increase in the workload of the Debt Management
Office and thus an increased risk of control failure. We recommend
that the DMO revisit controls relating to publications in order
to ensure that factual errors are minimised.
55. One performance measure reported by the DMO
is the timetable for issuing the results of gilt auctions. In
2007-08 the time taken for the results of gilt auctions to be
issued ranged from 6 minutes to 22 minutes. The average time of
10 minutes compares with the figure of 20 minutes for 2006-07.[66]
The DMO Report suggests that the significant reduction in the
average time taken reflected the introduction of automated bid
capture during the year.[67]
56. The average of 10 minutes taken by the DMO
to publish auction results is still longer then in other comparable
countries: the NAO has reported that the United States, Germany
and Ireland deliver auction results within 2 minutes.[68]
Mr Stheeman's argued that the 10 minute delay was reasonable given
the discretionary checks which the DMO performs regarding the
concentration of bids and the value for money they offer the Exchequer
which require "an element of time and assessment".[69]
He told us that no external costs were incurred in establishing
a system for electronic bidding and that the internally absorbed
costs were around £50,000.[70]
The system, in his view, now "mitigates risk" so that
DMO staff "do not make mistakes".[71]
57. We note that the DMO takes
an average time of 10 minutes to publish the results of its gilt
auctions compared to the 2 minute publication time achieved by
other countries. While the discretionary checks performed by the
DMO may account for some of this disparity, we recommend that
the DMO sets a target for further reducing the delay.
Commissioners for the Reduction
of the National Debt
58. The Commissioners for the Reduction of the
National Debt (CRND) have not actually met since 1860, but their
duties are performed by the DMO.[72]
59. The DMO reports that there was a technical
breach within the CRND function during 2007-08 regarding 3.5%
Conversion Loans. Mr Stheeman assured us that the DMO had received
legal advice confirming that the chance of damaging consequences
from the technical breach were "very minimal".[73]
Furthermore as Jo Whelan, Comptroller General of the CRND, told
us, other reforms were in place:
We have obviously referred very carefully to the
prospectus, but we have also updated the procedures for the people
who are operating this on the desk and the follow-through checks
in the control area.[74]
60. We note that a technical
breach within the CRND function of the Debt Management Office
occurred in 2007-08. Any technical breach is a serious matter.
We note that in this instance the DMO has been advised that no
adverse consequences resulted, and that a review of the procedures
in place has been undertaken. We recommend that the DMO undertakes
regular reviews of its control environment to ensure that emerging
risks are mitigated where possible.
40 UK Debt Management Office and Debt Management Account,
Annual Report and Accounts 2007-2008, HC 963, July
2008, p 5 Back
HM Treasury, Debt and Reserves Management Report 2008-09,
March 2008, p 25 Back
UK Debt Management Office and Debt Management Account, Annual
Report and Accounts 2007-2008, HC 963, July 2008, p
6 Back
Ibid. p 13 Back
HM Treasury, Debt and Reserves Management Report 2007-08,
March 2007, p 21 Back
UK Debt Management Office and Debt Management Account, Annual
Report and Accounts 2007-2008, HC 963, July 2008, p
3 Back
HM Treasury, Debt and Reserves Management Report 2008-09,
March 2008, p 25 Back
Ibid., p 19 Back
HM Treasury, Written Ministerial Statement, Revisions to the
2008-09 debt management remit to finance bank recapitalisation,
14 October 2008 Back
Debt Management Office, Pre-Budget Report 2008 Revision to
the DMO's Financing Remit Back
UK Debt Management Office and Debt Management Account, Annual
Report and Accounts 2007-2008, HC 963, July 2008, p
45 Back
HM Treasury, Budget 2008, HC228, p 29 Back
HM Treasury, 2007 Pre-Budget Report and Comprehensive Spending
Review, CM 7227, p 181 Back
Derivative News, Q1 2008, p 1 Back
Q 17 Back
"Result of sale by auction of £850m of 1 1.8% index-linked
treasury gilt 2037", DMO Press release, 6 July 2008 Back
Q 14 Back
Q 29 Back
Q 229 Back
UK Debt Management Office and Debt Management Account, Annual
Report and Accounts 2007-2008, HC 963, July 2008, p
19 Back
Ibid., p 19 Back
UK Debt Management Office and Debt Management Account, Annual
Report and Accounts 2007-2008, HC 963, July 2008, p
19 Back
ibid., p 16-18 Back
Ibid., p 18 Back
Q 49 Back
, Ev 74 Back
UK Debt Management Office and Debt Management Account, Annual
Report and Accounts 2007-2008, HC 963, July 2008, p
16 Back
Ibid., p 17 Back
National Audit Office, The UK DMO-borrowing on behalf of government,
January 2007, para 2.23 Back
Q 28 Back
Q 26 Back
Q 26 Back
Oral Evidence taken before the Treasury Sub-Committee on 10 January
2007, HC 190-i, Q 49 Back
Q 43 Back
Q 44 Back