Cross-border provision of public services for Wales: Further and higher education - Welsh Affairs Committee Contents

Memorandum submitted by Universities UK

  Universities UK consists of three national councils, the England and Northern Ireland Council (E&NIC), Universities Scotland (US) and Higher Education Wales (HEW). Higher Education Wales (HEW) was established in 1996 to represent the higher education sector in Wales. HEW is the national council in Wales of Universities UK (formerly the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the United Kingdom). Its membership encompasses all the heads of the universities and higher education institutions in Wales. HEW normally meets six times a year; it elects the Chair and Vice-Chair to serve for a period of two years and works closely with Universities UK on UK-wide matters. Individual Vice Chancellors and Principals also sit on Universities UK policy committees looking at higher education policies from a UK wide perspective.

June 2008

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