House of Lords
Session 2008 - 09
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Weekly Information Bulletin
Weekly Information Bulletin: 11th July 2009

House of Lords Committees:
Forthcoming Public Meetings

13 - 17 July 2009

Further enquiries about Lords Committees can be made to the Lords Committee Office: 020 7219 2940

Monday 13 July

EU Sub-Committee B: Internal Market
Witnesses: Dame Helen Ghosh, Permanent Secretary, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on the scrutiny process at DEFRA, with particular reference to the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).


Tuesday 14 July

EU Sub-Committee A: Economic and Financial Affairs, and International Trade
Subject: Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
Witnesses: Lord Myners, Financial Services Secretary, and Mr Clive Maxwell, Director of Financial Stability, HM Treasury.


Science and Technology: Sub-Committee I
Subject: Nanotechnologies and Food
Witnesses: Gillian Merron MP, Minister of State for Public Health, Department of Health.

Joint Committee on Human Rights
Subject: Business and Human Rights
Witnesses: Michael Wills MP, MoJ; Ian Lucas MP, BIS; and Lord Malloch-Brown, FCO.

European Union
Witnesses: Baroness Kinnock of Holyhead, Minister for Europe, on the June European Council.

Wednesday 15 July

Subject: The British Film and Television Industries.
Witnesses: Ms Kerry Neilson, Executive Director, The Satellite and Cable Broadcasters Group; Ms Barbara Bellini, SVP - Business Affairs and Programming Legal, Discovery Networks Europe; and Mr Phil Clapp, CEO, Cinema Exhibitors' Association; Mr Timothy Richards, CEO, Vue Entertainment; Professor Ian Christie, Advisor, Association of Independent Film Exhibitors and VP of Europa Cinemas; and Ms Clare Binns, Head of Programming, City Screen.


Subject: Cabinet Office and the Centre of Government
Witnesses: Lord Heseltine and David Blunkett MP.

Subject: The British Film and Television Industries.
Witnesses: Lord Carter of Barnes, Minister for Communications, Technology & Broadcasting, Department for Business Innovation and Skills and Department for Culture Media and Sport.

Thursday 16 July


Friday 17 July


Select committees marked with * will be taken by BBC Parliament

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Prepared 11 July 2009