Weekly Information Bulletin: 11th July 2009
Private Legislation - General Notes
1R | First Reading |
2R | Second Reading |
CO | Carry-over or revival motion (To enable Bill to progress through Parliament across more than one session) |
BR | Bill Reintroduced (Together with any other formal stages necessary to return the Bill to the point it had reached in the previous session) |
BC | Bill committed (as yet the type of Committee is not known) |
UBC | Bill committed to an unopposed committee (If two dates are given the last is the date on which the committee reported) |
OBC | Bill committed to an opposed committee (If two dates are given the last is the date on which the committee reported) |
Rep | Report stage (House of Commons only) |
3R | Third Reading |
CA | Commons' amendments considered by the House of Lords |
LA | Lords' amendments considered by the House of Commons |
RA | Bill formally becomes an Act of Parliament |
CH | Chapter number |
Debate | Bill debated, otherwise the stages are taken formally. In the House of Commons this will be at 7 pm |
Prov | Provisional date for next stage - date supplied where known, ie prov 2R: 27.1.2009 - provisional second reading 27 January 2009 |
Copies of Private Bills can be obtained from the appropriate Agent, details listed below
| Bircham Dyson Bell LLP, 50 Broadway, Westminster, London, SW1H 0BL, 020 7227 7000 |
| E-mail: pamthompson@bdb-law.co.uk |
| Eversheds LLP, 1 Wood St, London, EC2V 7WS, 020 7919 4500 |
| E-mail: monicapeto@eversheds.com |
| Rees & Freres, 1 The Sanctuary, London, SW1P 3JT, 020 7222 5381 |
| E-mail: enquiries@1thesanctuary.com |
| Sharpe Pritchard, Elizabeth House, Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HG, 020 7405 4600 |
| E-mail: parliamentary@sharpepritchard.co.uk |
| Winckworth Sherwood, 35 Great Peter Street, London, SW1P 3LR, 020 7593 5000 |
| E-mail: agorlov@winckworths.co.uk |
Members of Parliament may obtain copies of Private Bills from the Vote Office.
Lords may obtain them from the Lords Private Bill Office.
Complete list of Private Bills before Parliament this Session
The following is a list of Private Bills before Parliament. Private Bills originate outside Parliament and are promoted by bodies seeking special powers not available under the general law. Each Bill starts with a petition to Parliament from the promoter for leave to bring in a Bill; this must be deposited on or before 27 November. Any such petitions will be noted below until they gain a 1st Reading.
Parties affected by a Bill may present a petition against it, clearly stating the grounds of their objection. The petitioning period will be shown beneath the Bill until the deadline has expired.
House of Commons Private Bill Office: Mick Hillyard (Tel: 020 7219 3250 e-mail: prbohoc@parliament.uk)
House of Lords Private Bill Office: Chris Bolton (Tel: 020 7219 3231 e-mail: prbohol@parliament.uk)
For an explanation of parliamentary consideration of Private Bills see HCIO Factsheet L4 produced by the House of Commons Information Office, available in hardcopy on request or to download from the Parliament website.
BEVERLEY FREEMEN [HL] (Winckworth Sherwood)
Lords: (2008-09) | 1R: 22.1.2009 | 2R: 17.3.2009 | Prov UBC: No date |
(The Bill is unopposed. No petitions were deposited against the Bill in the House of Lords. There will be an opportunity to petition in the House of Commons when the Bill reaches that House)
Lords: (2006-07) | 1R: 22.1.2007 | 2R: 20.2.2007 (Instruction to Committee) | OBC: 3 & 10.7.2007 | CO: 22.10.2007 |
Commons: (2006-07) | CO: 24.10.2007 |
Lords: (2007-08) | BR: 8.11.2007 | 3R: 29.11.2007 |
Commons: (2007-08) | 1R: 29.11.2007 | 2R: 12.6.2008 (Deb adj) | 2R: 29.10.2008 (Debate) |
Commons: (2008-09) | Prov OBC: 30.6.2009 | Rep: No date |
(The Bill is opposed, 3 petitions outstanding)
BROADS AUTHORITY (Winckworth Sherwood)
Commons: (2006-07) | 1R: 23.1.2007 | 2R: 25.4.2007 | OBC: 17 & 18.7.2007 | CO: 16.10.2007 |
Lords: (2006-07) | CO: 22.10.2007 |
Commons: (2007-08) | BR: 13.11.2007 | Rep: 23.1.2008 | 3R: 7.5.2008 |
Lords: (2007-08) | 1R: 7.5.2008 | 2R: 8.10.2008 | CO: 17.11.2008 |
Commons: (2007-08) | CO: 19.11.2008 |
Commons: (2008-09) | BR: 10.12.2008 |
Lords: (2008-09) | BR: 10.12.2008 | OBC: 19, 20, 21, 22, 26 & 28.1; 11.2.2009 | OBC: 26.2.2009 | 3R: 11.6.2009 |
Commons: (2008-09) | LA: 23.6.2009 |
RA: 2.7.2009 (Ch. i)
(The Bill was opposed in both Houses. There will be no further opportunities to petition against the Bill)
Commons: (2007-08) | 1R: 22.1.2008 | 2R: 12.6.2008 (Deb adj) | 2R: 29.10.2008 (Debate) |
Commons: (2008-09) | Prov UBC: No date |
(No petitions were presented against the Bill in the House of Commons)
CITY OF WESTMINSTER [HL] (Sharpe Pritchard)
Lords: (2008-09) | 1R: 22.1.2009 | 2R: 13.3.2009 | OBC: 15.7.2009 |
(The Bill is opposed. 3 petitions are outstanding against the Bill in the House of Lords. There will be an opportunity to petition in the House of Commons when the Bill reaches that House)
LEEDS CITY COUNCIL (Sharpe Pritchard)
Commons: (2007-08) | 1R: 22.1.2008 | 2R: 12.6; 29.10.2008 (Deb adj) |
Commons: (2008-09) | 2R: 3.6.2009 | Prov UBC: No date |
(No petitions were presented against the Bill in the Commons)
Lords: (2007-08) | 1R: 22.1.2008 | 2R: 20.2.2008 | OBC: 7, 8 & 9.7.2008 | CO: 17.11.2008 |
Commons: (2007-08) | CO: 24.11.2008 |
Lords: (2008-09) | UBC: 16.7.2009 |
( The Bill was opposed in HL. There will be an opportunity to petition against the Bill when it reaches the House of Commons)
Lords: (2007-08) | 1R: 22.1.2008 | 2R: 20.2.2008 | CO: 17.11.2008 |
Commons: (2007-08) | CO: 19.11.2008 |
Lords: (2008-09) | OBC: 9, 10 & 11.3.2009 | OBC: 2.4.2009 | 3R: No date |
(The Bill was opposed in the Lords. There will be an opportunity to petition against the Bill when it reaches the House of Commons)
Lords: (2006-07) | 1R: 22.1.2007 | 2R: 20.2.2007 | OBC: 3 & 10.7.2007 | CO: 22.10.2007 |
Commons: (2006-07) | CO: 24.10.2007 |
Lords: (2007-08) | BR: 8.11.2007 | 3R: 29.11.2007 |
Commons: (2007-08) | 1R: 29.11.2007 | 2R: 12.6.2008 (Deb adj) | 2R: 29.10.2008 (Debate) |
Commons: (2008-09) | Prov OBC: 30.6.2009 | Rep: No date |
(The Bill is opposed, 1 petition outstanding)
Commons: (2007-08) | 1R: 22.1.2008 | 2R: 12.6.2008 (Deb adj) | 2R: 29.10.2008 (Deb adj) | 1R: No date |
Commons: (2008-09) | 2R: 3.6.2009 | Prov UBC: No date |
(No petitions were presented against the Bill in the House of Commons)
Commons: (2007-08) | 1R: 22.1.2008 | 2R: 12.6.2008 (Deb adj) | 2R: 29.10.2008 (Deb adj) |
Commons: (2008-09) | 2R: 3.6.2009 | Prov UBC: No date |
(No petitions were presented against the Bill in the Commons)
Lords: (2006-07) | 1R: 22.1.2007 | 2R: 26.4.2007 | CO: 22.10.2007 |
Commons: (2006-07) | CO: 24.10.2007 |
Lords: (2007-08) | BR: 8.11.2007 | UBC: 11.11.2008 | CO: 17.11.2008 |
Commons: (2007-08) | CO: 19.11.2008 |
Lords: (2008-09) | Prov 3R: No date |