Sessional Returns 2007-08 Contents


Information and statistics relating to applications of Standing Order No. 36 (Closure of debate) in the House, in Committee of the whole House and in Committees; applications of Standing Order No. 29 (Powers of Chair to propose question) in the House, Committee of the whole House and Committees; and Bills in respect of which allocation of time orders were made under Standing Order No. 83 (Allocation of time to bills) or to which Programme Motions, Business of the House Orders or Procedure Motions applied.

A  Closure of Debate

In the House

The Closure was claimed on 25 occasions. Assent of the Chair was withheld on 4 of these occasions. On 2 occasions the Question was negatived, 1 of which was on division. The Closure was agreed to on 21 occasions, of which 4 were on division.

DateQuestion Result
Wednesday 21 November 2007
Opposition Day (1st); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 28 November 2007
Opposition Day (2nd)That the original words stand part of the Question Assent Withheld
Wednesday 28 November 2007
Opposition day (2nd); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Tuesday 4 December 2007
Opposition day (3rd); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Tuesday 11 December 2007
That this House has considered the matter of European Affairs Agreed
Wednesday 12 December 2007
Opposition Day (4th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Tuesday 8 January 2008
Opposition Day (5th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 16 January 2008
Opposition Day (6th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Friday 22 February 2008
Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) Bill; That the Bill be read a second time Assent Withheld
Friday 22 February 2008
Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) Bill; That the Bill be read a second time Agreed on Division
(Ayes 157, Noes 9)
Tuesday 4 March 2008
European Union (Amendment) Bill; That it be an Instruction to the Committee on the European Union (Amendment) Bill that it have power to make provision in the Bill for the holding of a referendum on the United Kingdom's continued membership of the European Union Agreed
Friday 14 March 2008
Animals Act 1971 (Amendment) Bill; That the Bill be read a second time Agreed
Wednesday 19 March 2008
Opposition Day (6th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 23 April 2008
Opposition Day (10th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 4 June 2008
Opposition Day (13th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Friday 20 June 2008
That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Friday 20 June 2008
That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 16 July 2008
Opposition Day (17th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 29 October 2008
Manchester City Council Bill [Lords];That the Bill be read a second time Agreed on Division
(Ayes 317, Noes 24)
Wednesday 29 October 2008
Bournemouth Borough Council Bill [Lords];That the Bill be read a second time Assent Withheld
Wednesday 29 October 2008
Bournemouth Borough Council Bill [Lords];That the Bill be read a second time Agreed on Division
(Ayes 245, Noes 15)
Wednesday 29 October 2008
Canterbury City Council Bill [Lords];That the Bill be read a second time Assent Withheld
Wednesday 29 October 2008
Canterbury City Council Bill [Lords];That the Bill be read a second time Agreed on Division
(Ayes 159, Noes 12)
Monday 10 November 2008
Opposition Day (20th); That the original words stand part of the Question Agreed
Wednesday 12 November
Business of the House; That, at this day's sitting, the Speaker shall put the Questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on the Motions in the name of Ms Harriet Harman Agreed
Wednesday 26 November
Pre-Budget Report (Emergency Debate); That this House has considered the matter of the Pre-Budget Report Negatived on Division
(Ayes 67, Noes 422)

In Committee of the whole House
On no occasion was the Closure claimed.

In Committee
On no occasion was the Closure claimed.

B  Power of Chair to Propose Question

The power of the Chair to propose the question was not used In the House, in Committee of the whole House or in Committee during the 2007-08 Session.

C  (1) Allocation of Time

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

BillDate of Order StagePeriod allotted Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order; including time taken on Divisions)
Criminal Evidence (Witness Anonymity) 8 July 2008Second Reading To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after the commencement of proceedings on Programme Motion 1 hour 59 minutes
     Committee of the whole House, consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 6 hours after the commencement of proceedings on Programme Motion 3 hours 1 minute
     Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings 19 minutes
     Subsequent stagesTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after commencement of proceedings

In Public Bill Committee

BillDate of Order StagePeriod allotted and/or date for report from Committee Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order and/or date of report from Committee

C  (2) Allocation of Time (Programme Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

BillDate of Order Date of Reports of Programming Committee or Business Committee as appropriate (if applicable) StagePeriod allotted on the floor of the House Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)
European Communities (Finance) 19 November 2007   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after the commencement of those proceedings or at the moment of interruption on that day, whichever is earlier
  15 January 2008   Committee of the whole House and consideration To be brought to a conclusion 2 hours after commencement on the Programme Motion, or at the moment of interruption, whichever is the later. 2 hours 59 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement on the Programme Motion, or at the moment of interruption, whichever is the later. 59 minutes
Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Supplementa-ry Provisions) 20 November 2007   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 1 hour 57 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 14 minutes
Sale of Student Loans 22 November 2007   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 2 hours 40 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 55 minutes
  23 June 2008   Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours their commencement on the same day 1 hour
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement
Health and Social Care 26 November 2007   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 3 hours 52 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 40 minutes
  15 July 2008   Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after their commencement on the same day 2 hours 51 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement
Housing and Regeneration 27 November 2007   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 5 hours 19 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 19 minutes
  21 July 2008   Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption 2 hours 43 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement
Planning10 December 2007   Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day
  2 June 2008   Consideration Day 1 - Proceedings relating to Parts 3 and 4, proceedings relating to Part 7, proceedings relating to Part 8, proceedings relating to correction of errors in development consent decisions to be brought to a conclusion by 7.30pm. Proceedings relating to Part 2 to be brought to a conclusion by the moment of interruption.
Day 2 - Proceedings relating to Chapter 2 of Part 9 and Part 11 to be brought to a conclusion by 7pm. Proceedings relating to functions of the Infrastructure Planning Commission or the Secretary of State to be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption.
5 hours 56 minutes (day 1)
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the second day.
  24 November 2008   Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after their commencement 2 hours 58 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement
  25 June 2008   Consideration Day 2 - Proceedings relating to functions of the Infrastructure Planning Commission or the Secretary of State to be brought to a conclusion at 5 pm. Proceedings relating to Chapter 2 of Part 9 and Part 11 and remaining proceedings to be brought to a conclusion at 7pm. 5 hours 3 minutes (day 2)
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at 8pm. 14 minutes
National Insurance Contributions 17 December 2007   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 1 hour 26 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 1 hour
Pensions7 January 2008   Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 5 hours 45 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 32 minutes
  25 November 2008   Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after their commencement 2 hours 56 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement
Criminal Justice and Immigration # 9 January 2008   ConsiderationNew Clauses relating to section 127 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 to be brought to a conclusion 2 hours after commencement on the Programme Motion. New Clauses relating to self-defence to be brought to a conclusion 3 ¼ hours after commencement on the Programme Motion. New Clauses and new Schedules in name of Minister relating to sentencing, the release or recall of prisoners, or bail, except those relating to the Repatriation of Prisoners Act 1984 or referral orders to be brought to a conclusion 4 ½ hours after commencement on the Programme Motion. Remaining proceedings on consideration to be brought to a conclusion 7 hours after commencement on the Programme Motion or 7.45pm, whichever is the earlier. 6 hours 28 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion 8 hours after commencement on Programme Motion or 8.45pm, whichever is the earlier. 32 minutes
  6 May 2008   Lords Amendments Proceedings on Amendments Nos. 9, 301, 327, 86 to 91 be brought to a conclusion 1½ hours after commencement, proceedings on Amendments Nos. 285, 115, 173, 117 to 149 to be brought to a conclusion 4¼ hours after commencement of those proceedings. Proceedings on Amendments Nos. 116, 1 to 8, 10 to 85, 92 to 114, 150 to 172, 174 to 284, 286 to 300, 302 to 326, 328 to 348 to be brought to a conclusion 6 hours after commencement of those proceedings or 10 pm, whichever is the later. 6 hours 39 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement. 35 minutes
Education and Skills 14 January 2008   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 35 minutes
  13 May 2008   Consideration Proceedings on New Clauses other than those relating to Part 1 to be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement on the Programme Motion. Proceedings on New Clauses relating to Part 1 to be brought to a conclusion 4 hours after commencement on the Programme Motion. Remaining proceedings to be brought to a conclusion one hour before the moment of interruption. 4 hours 38 minutes
  17 November 2008   Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption 3 hours 19 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement.
Energy22 January 2008   Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 5 hours 9 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 32 minutes
  18 November 2008   Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion 4 hours after commencement on the Ways and Means (No.2) Motion 3 hours 49 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement.
Local Transport [Lords] 26 March 2008   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 6 hours
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 27 minutes
Counter-Terrorism1 April 2008   Consideration and Third Reading To be completed in two days. Proceedings on consideration to be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the second day. Proceedings on Third reading to be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on that day.
  10 June 2008   Consideration Day 1 - Proceedings relating to Part 1, Clauses 24 to 27, Parts 4, 5, 7, and 8 to be brought to a conclusion by 6.30 pm. Proceedings relating to Part 3, and Part 6 to be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption.
Day 2 - Proceedings relating to pre-charge detention and remaining proceedings to be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption.
5 hours 56 minutes (day 1)
6 hours 1 minute (day 2)
11 minutes (third reading)
  19 November 2008   Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption 6 hours 11 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement
Human Fertilisation and Embryology [Lords] 12 May 2008   Committee of the whole House Day 1 - Proceedings on Clause 4 to be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement. Proceedings on Clause 11 and Schedule 2 to be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement on Clause 11.
Day 2 - Proceedings on Clauses 14 and 23 to be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement. Proceedings on new Clauses or Schedules relating to the termination of pregnancy by registered medical practitioners to be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement on such new Clauses.
6 hours 54 minutes (day 1)
7 hours 31 minutes (day 2)
       Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day
  22 October 2008   Consideration Amendments to the clauses of the Bill; amendments to the Schedules to the Bill; new Clauses; new Schedules; remaining proceedings on consideration to be brought to a conclusion at 6pm 4 hours 13 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at 7pm 21 minutes
Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions [Lords] 21 May 2008   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 1 hour 18 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 47 minutes
Child Maintenance and Other Payments # 3 June 2008   Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after their commencement 2 hours 31 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement
Climate Change [Lords] 9 June 2008   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 5 hours 53 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 16 minutes
  18 November 2008   Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion 2 hours after their commencement 39 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement
Children and Young Persons [Lords] 16 June 2008   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 4 hours 21 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 27 minutes
Employment [Lords] 14 July 2008   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 4 hours 4 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 32 minutes
Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts [Lords] 6 October 2008   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day 4 hours 14 minutes
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day 26 minutes
  25 November 2008   Lords Amendments To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement 8 minutes
       Subsequent stages To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement
Banking14 October 2008   Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day
  26 November 2008   Consideration To be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement on the Programme motion. Third Reading to be dealt with on another day. 3 hours 39 minutes
Political Parties and Elections 20 October 2008   ConsiderationTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour before the moment of interruption on the same day
       Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on the same day

In Public Bill Committee

BillDate of Order Date for report from Public Bill Committee Dates of report(s) from Programming Sub-committee Date of report from Public Bill Committee
Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Supplementary Provisions) 20 November 200711 December 2007 3 December 20074 December 2007
Sale of Student Loans 22 November 2007 11 December 200729 November 2007 4 December 2007
Health and Social Care26 November 2007 24 January 20087 January 2008 24 January 2008
Housing and Regeneration27 November 2007 31 January 20086 December 2007 31 January 2008
Planning 10 December 2007 5 February 200813 December 2007 5 February 2008
National Insurance Contributions17 December 2007 22 January 200810 January 2008 15 January 2008
Pensions7 January 2008 26 February 200810 January 2008 21 February 2008
Education and Skills14 January 2008 28 February 200822 January 2008 (Motion varied by PBC, 24 January 2008) 28 February 2008
Energy22 January 2008 11 March 200828 January 2008 11 March 2008
Local Transport [Lords]26 March 2008 8 May 200821 April 2008 (Motion varied by PBC, 8 May 2008) 8 May 2008
Counter-Terrorism1 April 2008 15 May 200821 April 2008 15 May 2008
Human Fertilisation and Embryology [Lords] 12 May 200817 June 2008 2 June 200812 June 2008
Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions [Lords] 21 May 20081 July 2008 16 June 200819 June 2008
Climate Change [Lords]9 June 2008 8 July 200819 June 2008 (Motion varied by PBC, 8 July 2008) 9 July 2008
Children and Young Persons [Lords] 16 June 20083 July 2008 19 June 20083 July 2008
Employment [Lords]14 July 2008 23 October 200813 October 2008 16 October 2008
Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts [Lords] 6 October 200821 October 2008 13 October 200816 October 2008
Banking 14 October 2008 18 November 200816 October 2008 18 November 2008
Political Parties and Elections20 October 2008
27 October 2008
13 November 2008
20 November 2008
29 October 200820 November 2008

# Bill carried over from previous Session.

C  (3) Allocation of Time (Business of the House Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

BillDate of Order StagePeriod allotted Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)
European Union (Amendment) 28 January 2008Committee of the whole House Day 1 - Selected amendments to Clause 1 and the Question, That Clause 1 stand part of the Bill, amendments to Clause 2 relating to the matters specified in paragraph A to be brought to a conclusion 1½ hours after commencement.
Day 2 - Selected amendments to Clause 2 relating to energy to be brought to a conclusion 1½ hours after commencement.
Day 3 - Selected amendments to Clause 2 relating to human rights to be brought to a conclusion 1½ hours after commencement
Day 4 - Selected amendments to Clause 2 relating to the single market to be brought to a conclusion 1½ hours after commencement.
Day 5 - Selected amendments to Clause 2 relating to foreign, security and defence policy to be brought to a conclusion 1½ hours after commencement.
Day 6 - Selected amendments to Clause 2 relating to international development to be brought to a conclusion 1½ hours after commencement.
Day 7 - Selected amendments to Clause 2 relating to the matters specified in paragraph A to be brought to a conclusion 1½ half hours after commencement.
Day 8 - Selected amendments to Clause 2 relating to climate change, remaining amendments to Clause 2 and the Question, That Clause 2 stand part of the Bill, to be brought to a conclusion 1½ hours after commencement.
Day 9 - Clauses 3 to 7 to be considered.
Day 10 - Clauses 3 to 7 to be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption.
Day 11 - Clause 8, the Schedule, New Clauses and New Schedules to be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption.
Day 12 - Remaining proceedings on the Bill to be brought to a conclusion 6 hours after commencement.
1 hour 45 minutes (day 2)
1 hour 45 minutes (day 3)
  29 January 2008 Committee of the whole House Day 1 - Proceedings detailed above to be brought to a conclusion 2½ hours after commencement. 2 hours 53 minutes
  6 February 2008 Committee of the whole House Day 4 - Proceedings detailed above to be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement. 3 hours 11 minutes
  20 February 2008 Committee of the whole House Day 5 - Proceedings detailed above to be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement. 3 hours 10 minutes
  25 February 2008 Committee of the whole House Day 6 - Proceedings detailed above to be brought to a conclusion 2 hours after commencement. 2 hours
  26 February 2008 Committee of the whole House Day 7 - Proceedings detailed above to be brought to a conclusion 3 hours after commencement. 3 hours 26 minutes
  27 February 2008 Committee of the whole House Day 8 - Proceedings detailed above to be brought to a conclusion 2½ hours after commencement. 2 hours 56 minutes
  3 March 2008 Committee of the whole House Day 9 - Clause 3, the Schedule and Clauses 4 and 5 to be brought to a conclusion 6 hours after commencement.
Day 10 - Clauses 6 and 7, and any selected amendments to Clause 8 other than those making commencement contingent on a referendum to be brought to a conclusion 6 hours after commencement.
Day 11 - Proceedings on Clause 8 to be brought to a conclusion 6 hours after the commencement of proceedings. Proceedings on New Clauses and New Schedules to be brought to a conclusion 15 minutes after commencement.
6 hours 14 minutes (day 9)
7 hours 24 minutes (day 10)
7 hours (day 11)
Banking (Special Provisions) 19 February 2008Second Reading To be brought to a conclusion at 8pm 3 hours 52 minutes
     Committee of the whole House To be brought to a conclusion at 10.30pm 2 hours 19 minutes
     Consideration and Third Reading To be brought to a conclusion at midnight. 1 hour 37 minutes
     Lords AmendmentsTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement on the same day 1 hour 24 minutes
     Subsequent stagesTo be brought to a conclusion 1 hour after their commencement
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No.3) 14 October 2008Second Reading and Third Reading If a Bill founded upon a Resolution brought in, a Motion may be made without notice by a Minister of the Crown, That the Bill be now read a second time and that proceedings may continue though opposed after the moment of interruption   

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