Information and statistics relating to Public Bills.*
*For Bills to confirm Provisional Orders and Bills
to confirm Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland)
Act 1936 see Chapter 4 relating to Private Bills and Private Business.
A General
Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent:
| |
started in the Commons | 25
Government | 22
Private Members' |
3 |
brought from the Lords | 8
Government | 8
Private Members' |
0 |
TOTAL: | 33 |
| |
Number of Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent:
| |
Type of Bills |
started in the Commons |
Government | 2
Private Members' |
97 |
brought from the Lords |
Government | 0
Private Members' |
6 |
TOTAL: | 105 |
| |
Progress of Bills |
introduced into, but not passed by, the Commons
| 97 |
passed by the Commons but not by the Lords
| 0 |
introduced in the Commons but proceedings suspended to next Session
| 2 |
passed by the Lords but not taken up by the Commons
| 4 |
passed by the Lords but not passed by the Commons
| 2 |
passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to
| 0 |
TOTAL: | 105 |
| |
Total number of Bills started in the Commons or brought from the Lords
| 138 |
B Bills which received
the Royal Assent
* denotes a Government Bill
denotes a Bill which received precedence in Government
# denotes a Bill passed under the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each printing
* Banking (Special Provisions) [73][74]
* Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Supplementary Provisions) [4]
* Child Maintenance and Other Payments [3][116]
* Children and Young Persons [Lords][96][133]
* Climate Change [Lords][97][129][169]
* Consolidated Fund [14]
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) [85]
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) [130]
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 3) [148]
* Counter-Terrorism [63][100][168]
* Criminal Evidence (Witness Anonymity) [134][140]
* Criminal Justice and Immigration [1][15][104][105]
* Crossrail [5][10][145]
* Dormant Bank and Building Society
Accounts [Lords][80][150][173]
* Education and Skills [12][81][164]
* Employment [Lords][117][151]
* Energy [53][79][160]
* European Communities (Finance) [2]
* European Union (Amendment) [48]
* Finance [89][124]
Health and Safety (Offences) [29]
* Health and Social Care [9][52][132]
* Housing and Regeneration [8][54][142]
* Human Fertilisation and Embryology [Lords][70][120]
* Local Transport [Lords][67][106]
* National Insurance Contributions [7][137]
* Pensions [25][75][174]
* Planning [11][71][171]
Planning and Energy [17][72][149]
* Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions [Lords][103]
* Sale of Student Loans [6][13][121]
Special Educational Needs (Information) [26]
* Statute Law (Repeals) [Lords] [115]
C Bills which
did not receive the Royal Assent
1. Bills which were passed by both Houses but Amendments
not agreed to
2. Bills which were passed by the Commons but not
by the Lords
3. Bills introduced in the Commons but Proceedings
suspended to next Session
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
* Banking [147][170]
* Political Parties and Elections [141][165]
4. Bills which received a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended |
Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) [27]
| Committed to a Public Bill Committee, withdrawn
5. Bills which did not receive a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended |
Animals Act 1971 (Amendment) [18] | dropped
British Board of Film Classification (Accountability to Parliament and Appeals) [16]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Broadcasting (Television Licence Fee Abolition) [39]
| withdrawn |
Citizens' Convention [49] | dropped
Climate Change (Sectoral Targets) [62] |
dropped |
Copyright in Sound Recordings and Performers' Rights (Term Extension) [78]
| dropped |
Criminal Justice (Raves) [69] | dropped
Crown Employment (Nationality) [43] | dropped
Disabled Persons (Independent Living) [Lords][84]
| dropped |
Disqualification from Parliament (Taxation Status) [24]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Drugs (Reclassification) [37] | dropped
Drugs (Roadside Testing) [38] | dropped
Employment Retention [60] | dropped
Energy Saving (Daylight) [21] | dropped
Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Amendment) [86]
| dropped |
Environmental Protection (Airports) [34] |
dropped |
Environmental Protection (Transfers at Sea) [20]
| withdrawn |
European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) [41]
| dropped |
Expenses of Public Servants (Publication) [46]
| dropped |
Fixed Term Parliaments [30] | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Food Products (Marketing to Children) [19] |
adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped |
Football Spectators and Sports Grounds [59]
| dropped |
Forces Widows' Pensions (Equality of Treatment) [31]
| adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Foreign Nationals (Statistics) [36] | dropped
Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Function) [45]
| dropped |
Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Sale and Distribution) [94]
| dropped |
Iraq War Inquiry (No.2) [91] | dropped
Land Use (Garden Protection) [88] | dropped
Leasehold Reform [32] | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Microgeneration and Local Energy [143] |
dropped |
Microgeneration (Definition) (Amendment) [95]
| dropped |
Online Purchasing of Goods and Services (Age Verification) [57]
| dropped |
Pedlars (Street Trading Regulation) [44] |
dropped |
Private Equity (Transfer of Undertakings and Protection of Employment) [28]
| withdrawn |
Public Sector Buildings (Energy Performance) [35]
| dropped |
Race Relations (Election Candidates) [66] |
dropped |
Rape (Defences) [153] | dropped
Road Traffic (Congestion Reduction) [42] |
adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped |
Runaway and Missing Children [51] | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Safety of Medicines (Evaluation) [131] |
dropped |
Small Print [76] | dropped |
Sovereignty of Parliament (European Communities) [40]
| dropped |
Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) [92] | dropped
Theft from Shops (Penalties) [144] | dropped
Umbilical Cord Blood (Donation) [50] | dropped
Union Flag [65] | dropped |
Voting Age (Reduction) [22] | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
6. Bills presented, or brought from the Lords, but not printed
Title of Bill | Stage at which progress ended
Adults with Autism [111] | Order lapsed
Alcohol Labelling [Lords] | Prorogation
Alcohol Sales (Regulation of Prices and Promotion) [119]
| Order lapsed |
Allotments (Planning) [68] | Order lapsed
Armed Forces (Federation) [108] | Order lapsed
Autumn Bank Holiday [82] | Order lapsed
Bank Holiday (Contribution of Polish Citizens) [114]
| Order lapsed |
Borough Freedom [23] | withdrawn
British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies [128]
| Order lapsed |
Cannabis Seeds (Prohibition) [136] | Order lapsed
Children (Protection of Privacy) [175] |
Order lapsed |
Christmas Savings Schemes (Regulation) [58]
| Order lapsed |
Citizens' Initiative (Legislation) [102] |
Order lapsed |
Closed Circuit Television (Monitoring and Promotion) [139]
| Order lapsed |
Committee on the Grant of Honours, Decorations and Medals [112]
| Order lapsed |
DNA Database (Removal of Samples) [118] |
Order lapsed |
Driving Instructors Convicted of Sexual Offences (Suspension) [154]
| Order lapsed |
Education (Children with Autism) [56] | Order lapsed
Fireworks Act 2003 (Amendment) [83] | Order lapsed
Food Labelling [157] | Order lapsed
Food Labelling (Nutrition and Health) [158]
| Order lapsed |
Gamma-Butyrolactone (Prohibition) [156] |
Order lapsed |
Health and Safety (Education and Training) [155]
| dropped |
Immigration (Discharged Gurkhas) [Lords]
| Prorogation |
Immigration (Discharged Gurkhas) (No.2) [107]
| Order lapsed |
Interest Rates (Maximum Limit) [163] | Order lapsed
Local Authorities (Social Equality Audits) [122]
| Order lapsed |
Local Authority Powers (Election Campaigns) [90]
| Order lapsed |
Management of Dementia in Care Homes [109] |
Order lapsed |
Members of Parliament (Pay and Responsibilities) [113]
| Order lapsed |
Nail Bars and Special Treatment Premises (Regulation) [87]
| Order lapsed |
Offshore Oil and Gas Industries (Health and Safety) [93]
| Order lapsed |
Personal Debt (Advice and Regulation) [77] |
Order lapsed |
Planning (Location of Hazardous Sites) [55]
| Order lapsed |
Police (Justice Commissioners) [161] | Order lapsed
Powers of Entry etc. [Lords] | Prorogation
Press Complaints Commission (Breaches of Code of Practice) [138]
| Order lapsed |
Protection of Bats and Newts [125] | Order lapsed
Public Contracts (UK Tax Requirements) [135]
| Order lapsed |
Remembrance Day Bank Holiday [162] | Order lapsed
Retail Development [Lords] | Prorogation
Right to Roam (Mobile Phones) [101] | Order lapsed
Road Traffic (Accident Compensation) [167] |
Order lapsed |
Road Traffic (Prohibition of Anti-Detection Devices) [47]
| Order lapsed |
Road Traffic (Safety) [98] | Order lapsed
Sale of Registration Marks (Amendment) [159]
| Order lapsed |
Sale of Wine (Measures) [64] | withdrawn
Sex Encounter Establishments [123] | Order lapsed
Sound Recordings (Copyright Term Extension) [33]
| withdrawn |
Torture (Damages) [Lords] [172] |
Order lapsed |
Trading of Primates as Pets (Prohibition) [152]
| Order lapsed |
Transparent Taxation (Receipts) [127] | Order lapsed
Vehicle Safety (Loads) [126] | Order lapsed
D House's Consideration
of the several stages of Public Bills
Title of Bill and Bill No. at each printing
| Date of 1st reading | Date of 2nd reading
| Committed to | Date reported from committee
| Date(s) considered | Date of 3rd reading
| Date(s) Lords Amendments considered | Date Royal Assent given
| Notes |
B Animals Act 1971 (Amendment) [18]
| 5 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
* Banking [147][170] | 7 October 2008
| 14 October 2008 | PBC | 18 November 2008
| 26 November 2008 |
| | |
Proceedings suspended to next Session |
* Banking (Special Provisions) [73][74]
| 19 February 2008 | 19 February 2008
| CWH | 19 February 2008 | 19 February 2008
| 19 February 2008 | 21 February 2008
| 21 February 2008 | |
B British Board of Film Classification (Accountability to Parliament and Appeals) [16]
| 5 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
c Broadcasting (Television Licence Fee Abolition) [39]
| 10 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| withdrawn |
*Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Supplementary Provisions) [4]
| 8 November 2007 | 20 November 2007
| PBC | 4 December 2007 | 17 January 2008
| 17 January 2008 | |
22 May 2008 | |
* E Child Maintenance and Other Payments [3][116]
| 7 November 2007 | 7 November 2007
| | | 3 December 2007
| 3 December 2007 | 3 June 2008
| 5 June 2008 | Carried over Bill considered in Committee in session 2006-2007
* Children and Young Persons [Lords][96][133]
| 26 March 2008 | 16 June 2008
| PBC | 3 July 2008 | 8 October 2008
| 8 October 2008 | |
13 November 2008 | |
C Citizens' Convention [49] |
17 December 2007 | |
| | |
| | | dropped
* Climate Change [Lords] [97][129][169]
| 1 April 2008 | 9 June 2008 |
PBC | 9 July 2008 | 28 October 2008
| 28 October 2008 | 18 November 2008
| 26 November 2008 | |
C Climate Change (Sectoral Targets) [62]
| 22 January 2008 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
*Consolidated Fund [14] | 5 December 2007
| 6 December 2007 | |
| | 6 December 2007
| | 13 December 2007 |
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) [85]
| 10 March 2008 | 11 March 2008
| | |
| 11 March 2008 | |
20 March 2008 | Received Royal Assent as the Appropriation Act 2008
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) [130]
| 7 July 2008 | 8 July 2008 |
| |
| 8 July 2008 | | 21 July 2008
| Received Royal Assent as the Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2008
*Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 3) [148]
| 15 October 2008 | 15 October 2008
| | |
| 15 October 2008 | |
16 October 2008 | Received Royal Assent as the Appropriation (No. 3) Act 2008
C Copyright in Sound Recordings and Performers' Rights (Term Extension) [78]
| 26 February 2008 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
* Counter-Terrorism [63][100][168] | 24 January 2008
| 1 April 2008 | PBC | 15 May 2008
| 10 June 2008
11 June 2008 | 11 June 2008
| 19 Nov 2008 | 26 Nov 2008 |
* Criminal Evidence (Witness Anonymity) [134][140]
| 3 July 2008 | 8 July 2008 |
CWH | 8 July 2008 |
| 8 July 2008 | 16 July 2008 |
21 July 2008 | |
* E Criminal Justice and Immigration [1][15][104][105]
| 7 November 2007 | 7 November 2007
| PBC | 3 December 2007 | 9 January 2008
| 9 January 2008 | 6 May 2008
7 May 2008
| 8 May 2008 | |
A Criminal Justice (Raves) [69] |
20 January 2008 | |
| | |
| | | dropped
* E Crossrail [5][10][145] | 8 November 2007
| 8 November 2007 | PBC | 27 November 2007
| 13 December 2007 | 13 December 2007
| 22 July 2008 | 22 July 2008 |
c Crown Employment (Nationality) [43]
| 10 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
D Disabled Persons (Independent Living) [Lords] [84]
| 4 March 2008 | |
| | |
| | | dropped
B Disqualification from Parliament (Taxation Status) [24]
| 5 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
* Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts [Lords] [80][150][173]
| 27 February 2008 | 6 October 2008
| PBC | 16 October 2008 | 3 November 2008
| 3 November 2008 | 25 November 2008
| 26 November 2008 |
c Drugs (Reclassification) [37] |
10 December 2007 | |
| | |
| | | dropped
c Drugs (Roadside Testing) [38] |
10 December 2007 | |
| | |
| | | dropped
*Education and Skills [12] [81][164] | 28 November 2007
| 14 Jan 2008 | PBC | 28 Feb 2008
| 13 May 2008 | 13 May 2008 |
17 November 2008 | 26 November 2008
| |
* Employment [Lords] [117][151] |
3 June 2008 | 14 July 2008 | PBC
| 16 Oct 2008 | 4 November 2008
| 4 November 2008 | |
13 November 2008 | |
A Employment Retention [60] |
29 January 2008 | |
| | |
| | | dropped
* Energy [53][79][160] | 10 January 2008
| 22 January 2008 | PBC | 11 March 2008
| 30 April 2008 | 30 April 2008
| 18 November 2008 | 26 November 2008
| |
B Energy Saving (Daylight) [21] |
5 December 2007 | |
| | |
| | | Adjourned debate on Second Reading
A Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Amendment) [86]
| 11 March 2008 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
B Environmental Protection (Airports) [34]
| 5 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
B Environmental Protection (Transfers at Sea) [20]
| 5 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| withdrawn |
*European Communities (Finance) [2] | 7 November 2007
| 19 November 2007 | CWH | 15 January 2008
| 15 January 2008 | 15 January 2008
| | 19 February 2008 |
*European Union (Amendment) [48] | 17 December 2007
| 21 Jan 2008 | CWH | 5 March 2008
| | 11 March 2008 |
| 19 June 2008 |
c European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) [41]
| 10 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
c Expenses of Public Servants (Publication) [46]
| 18 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
* Finance [89][124] | 18 March 2008
| 21 April 2008 | CWH
| 29 April 2008
20 June 2008 | 1 July 2008, 2 July 2008
| 2 July 2008 | | 21 July 2008
| |
B Fixed Term Parliaments [30] |
5 December 2007 | |
| | |
| | | Adjourned debate on Second Reading
B Food Products (Marketing to Children) [19]
| 5 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
C Football Spectators and Sports Grounds [59]
| 22 January 2008 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
B Forces Widows' Pensions (Equality of Treatment) [31]
| 5 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
B Foreign Nationals (Statistics) [36]
| 5 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
B Health and Safety (Offences) [29]
| 5 December 2007 | 1 February 2008
| PBC | 26 March 2008 | 13 June 2008
| 13 June 2008 | | 16 October 2008
| |
*Health and Social Care [9][52][132] | 15 November 2007
| 26 November 2007 | PBC | 24 January 2008
| 18 February 2008 | 18 February 2008
| 15 July 2008 | 21 July 2008 |
*Housing and Regeneration [8][54][142] |
15 November 2007 | 27 November 2007
| PBC | 31 January 2008 | 31 March 2008
| 31 March 2008 | 21 July 2008
| 22 July 2008 | |
* Human Fertilisation and Embryology [Lords] [70][120]
| 5 February 2008 | 12 May 2008
PBC | 20 May 2008
12 June 2008
| 22 October 2008 | 22 October 2008
| | 13 November 2008 |
A Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Function) [45]
| 18 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
A Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Sale and Distribution) [94]
| 2 April 2008 | |
| | |
| | | dropped
C Iraq War Inquiry (No.2) [91] |
20 March 2008 | |
| | |
| | | dropped
A Land Use (Garden Protection) [88]
| 18 March 2008 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
B Leasehold Reform [32] | 5 December 2007
| | |
| | |
| | Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
* Local Transport [Lords][67][106] |
31 January 2008 | 26 March 2008 |
PBC | 8 May 2008 | 27 October 2008
| 27 October 2008 | |
26 November 2008 | |
C Microgeneration and Local Energy [143]
| 21 July 2008 | |
| | |
| | | dropped
C Microgeneration (Definition) (Amendment) [95]
| 26 March 2008 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
*National Insurance Contributions [7][137] |
12 November 2007 | 17 December 2007
| PBC | 15 January 2008 | 31 January 2008
| 31 January 2008 | 15 July 2008
| 21 July 2008 | |
A Online Purchasing of Goods and Services (Age Verification) [57]
| 22 January 2008 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
c Pedlars (Street Trading Regulation) [44]
| 10 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
*Pensions [25][75][174] | 5 December 2007
| 7 January 2008 | PBC | 21 February 2008
| 22 April 2008 | 22 April 2008
| 25 November 2008 | 26 November 2008
| |
*Planning [11][71][171] | 27 November 2007
| 10 December 2007 | PBC | 5 February 2008
| 2 June 2008 25 June 2008 | 25 June 2008
| 24 November 2008 | 26 November 2008
| |
B Planning and Energy [17][72][149]
| 5 December 2007 | 25 January 2008
| PBC | 20 February 2008 | 9 May 2008
| 9 May 2008 | 17 October 2008
| 13 November 2008 | |
* Political Parties and Elections [141][165]
| 17 July 2008 | 20 October 2008
| PBC | 20 November 2008 |
| | |
| Proceedings suspended to next Session
B Private Equity (Transfer of Undertakings and Protection of Employment) [28]
| 5 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| 2nd Reading, withdrawn |
B Public Sector Buildings (Energy Performance) [35]
| 5 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
A Race Relations (Election Candidates) [66]
| 6 February 2008 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
A Rape (Defences) [153] | 15 October 2008
| | |
| | |
| | dropped |
* Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions [Lords][103]
| 29 April 2008 | 21 May 2008 |
PBC | 19 June 2008 | 10 July 2008
| 10 July 2008 | | 21 July 2008
| |
c Road Traffic (Congestion Reduction) [42]
| 10 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
A Runaway and Missing Children [51]
| 9 January 2008 | |
| |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
c Safety of Medicines (Evaluation) [131]
| 10 July 2008 | |
| | |
| | | dropped
*Sale of Student Loans [6][13][121] | 8 November 2007
| 22 November 2007 | PBC | 4 December 2007
| 23 January 2008 | 23 January 2008
| 23 June 2008 | 21 July 2008 |
A Small Print [76] | 26 February 2008
| | |
| | |
| | dropped |
c Sovereignty of Parliament (European Communities) [40]
| 10 December 2007 | |
| |
| | |
| dropped |
B Special Educational Needs (Information) [26]
| 5 December 2007 | 1 February 2008
| PBC | 12 March 2008 | 16 May 2008
| 16 May 2008 | | 21 July 2008
| |
* Statute Law (Repeals) [Lords] [115]
| 2 June 2008 | 9 July |
| | | 9 July
| | 21 July 2008 |
C Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) [92]
| 25 March 2008 | 17 October 2008
| | |
| | |
| dropped |
B Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) [27]
| 5 December 2007 | 22 February 2008
| PBC | |
| | |
| withdrawn |
A Theft from Shops (Penalties) [144]
| 22 July 2008 | |
| | |
| | | dropped
A Umbilical Cord Blood (Donation) [50]
| 8 January 2008 | |
| |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
A Union Flag [65] | 5 February 2008
| | |
| | |
| | dropped |
B Voting Age (Reduction) [22] |
5 December 2007 | |
| | |
| | | Adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
* denotes a Government Bill
A denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No.
23(1) ('ten minute rule bills')
B denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No.
14(6) ('ballot bills')
C denotes a Private Members' Bill introduced under
Standing Order No. 57
D denotes a Private Members' Bill originating in the
House of Lords
E denotes a bill carried over from the previous Session,
in accordance with Standing Order No. 80A (Carry-over of Bills)
This table lists those bills which were printed. For bills not
printed, see table 5.C.6. above.
E Consideration of Bills
in Committee of the whole House
Title of Bill | Date on which considered
European Communities (Finance) [2] | 15 January 2008
European Union (Amendment) [48] | 29 and 30 January 2008,
5, 6, 20, 25, 26 and 27 February 2008,
3, 4 and 5 March 2008
Banking (Special Provisions) [73][74] | 19 February 2008
Finance [89][124] | 28 and 29 April 2008
Human Fertilisation and Embryology [Lords] [70][120]
| 19 and 20 May 2008 |
Criminal Evidence (Witness Anonymity) [134][140]
| 8 July 2008 |
F Consideration of Bills
in General Committees
Total number of Bills: 26
Total number of sittings at which Bills were considered: 237
Total number of oral evidence sessions: 35
Total number of written submissions received:163
Public bill committees have power to send for persons,
papers and records pursuant to Standing Order No. 84A. On 1st
November 2006, the House agreed that powers to take oral evidence
would be the normal practice for committees which considered programmed
government bills starting in the Commons.
The numbers given in brackets after each Member's
name indicate respectively the number of meetings of the Committee
in respect of the Bill which that Member attended and the number
to which that Member was summoned.
1. Banking Bill
Committed: 14 October 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 18 November 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 | Number of written submissions received: 4
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 17
Chairmen: Mr Roger Gale, Mr Jim Hood and Mr Eric Illsley
Members and attendance: Ms Celia Barlow (15/17), Mr Bob
Blizzard (17/17), Mr Peter Bone (15/17), Mr Colin Breed (12/17),
Angela Eagle (14/17), Mr Robert Flello (15/17), Mr David Gauke
(12/17), Mr Mark Hoban (15/17), Stewart Hosie (10/17), Ms Sally
Keeble (17/17), Mr Brooks Newmark (15/17), Ian Pearson (16/17),
Dr John Pugh (11/17), John Robertson (15/17), Geraldine Smith
(1/17), Mr Mark Todd (16/17), Sir Peter Viggers (12/17), Phil
Wilson (16/17)
1. Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Supplementary Provisions) Bill
Committed: 20 November 2007 | Reported (without Amendment): 4 December 2007
Number of oral evidence sessions: 1 | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairmen: Mr Peter Atkinson and Mr David Marshall
Members and attendance: Paul Clark (0/1), Barry Gardiner
(1/1), Andrew Gwynne (1/1), Stephen Hammond (1/1), Mr Tom Harris
(1/1), Mr Adam Holloway (1/1), Mr John Horam (1/1), Mr Greg Knight
(1/1), Susan Kramer (1/1), Mr John Leech (0/1), Ian Lucas (1/1),
Chris Mole (1/1), Chris Ruane (1/1), Anne Snelgrove (1/1), Sir
Peter Soulsby (1/1), Mark Tami (1/1), Jeremy Wright (1/1)
1. Children and Young Persons Bill [Lords]
Committed: 16 June 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 3 July 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 7
Chairmen: Mr Greg Pope and Hywel Williams
Members and attendance: Kevin Brennan (7/7), Annette Brooke
(7/7), Mr Michael Foster (Worcester) (7/7), Stephen Hesford
(7/7), Beverley Hughes (7/7), David Kidney (7/7), Miss Julie Kirkbride
(5/7), Tim Loughton (7/7), Kerry McCarthy (7/7), Christine Russell
(6/7), Helen Southworth (7/7), Mr Edward Timpson (7/7), Mr Andrew
Turner (6/7), Lynda Waltho (7/7), Angela Watkinson (5/7), Mark
Williams (7/7)
1. Climate Change Bill [Lords]
Committed: 9 June 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 9 July 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 1
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 10
Chairmen: Frank Cook and Mr Peter Atkinson
Members and attendance: Tony Baldry (5/10), Gordon Banks
(9/10), Gregory Barker (10/10), Mr Russell Brown (10/10), Ms Karen
Buck (9/10), Mr David Chaytor (9/10), Linda Gilroy (10/10), Nia
Griffith (10/10), Mr John Gummer (8/10), Martin Horwood (10/10),
Mr Nick Hurd (10/10), Siobhain McDonagh (10/10), Miss Anne McIntosh
(10/10), David Maclean (9/10), Joan Ruddock (10/10), Anne Snelgrove
(8/10), Joan Walley (9/10), Steve Webb (10/10), Mr Mike Weir (7/10),
Dr Alan Whitehead (10/10), Mr Phil Woolas (10/10)
1. Counter-Terrorism Bill |
Committed: 1 April 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 15 May 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 9
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14
Chairmen: John Bercow and Mr Edward O'Hara
Members and attendance: Mr Adrian Bailey (14/14), Mr Crispin
Blunt (14/14), Tom Brake (11/14), Mr Russell Brown (14/14), Mr
Alan Campbell (14/14), Mr Vernon Coaker (13/14), David T. C. Davies
(Monmouth) (10/14), Mr Dominic Grieve (14/14), Andrew Gwynne
(14/14), Mr David Heath (14/14), Mr Douglas Hogg (6/14), Mr John
Heppell (11/14), Mrs Sharon Hodgson (12/14), Mr Adam Holloway
(14/14), Mr Elfyn Llwyd (14/14), Mr Tony McNulty (14/14), Patrick
Mercer (10/14), Kali Mountford (8/14), Mr Jamie Reed (14/14),
Martin Salter (12/14), Ms Dari Taylor (10/14), Mr Ben Wallace
(8/14), Phil Wilson (9/14)
1. Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill
Committed: 7 November 2007 | Reported (with Amendments): 3 December 2007
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairmen: Sir Nicholas Winterton and Mr Edward O'Hara
Members and attendance: Mr David Burrowes (8/8), Mr Vernon
Coaker (8/8), Harry Cohen (8/8), Maria Eagle (8/8), Mr Edward
Garnier (8/8), Mr David Hanson (8/8), Mr David Heath (8/8), Mr
Philip Hollobone (8/8), David Howarth (4/8), Mr Nick Hurd (8/8),
Ms Sally Keeble (8/8), Mr Sadiq Khan (8/8), Alun Michael (7/8),
Mr Virendra Sharma (8/8), Mr Charles Walker (7/8), Lynda Waltho
(8/8), Phil Wilson (8/8)
1. Crossrail Bill |
Committed: 8 November 2007 | Reported (with Amendments): 27 November 2007
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairman: Ann Winterton |
Members and attendance: Gordon Banks (1/4), Ms Celia Barlow
(4/4), Mr Brian Binley (4/4), Tom Brake (1/4), Lyn Brown (3/4),
Jon Cruddas (4/4), Mr Mark Field (4/4), Stephen Hammond (4/4),
Mr Tom Harris (4/4), Susan Kramer (4/4), Mr Khalid Mahmood (4/4),
Mr Lee Scott (4/4), Anne Snelgrove (4/4), Sir Peter Soulsby (4/4),
Mark Tami (4/4), Mr Tom Watson (4/4), Jeremy Wright (4/4)
1. Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Bill [Lords]
Committed: 6 October 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 16 October 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3
Chairmen: Mr Joe Benton and Dr William McCrea
Members and attendance: Ms Celia Barlow (3/3), Mr Bob Blizzard
(3/3), Mr Jeremy Browne (2/3), Mrs Janet Dean (3/3), Jeff Ennis
(3/3), Mr Mark Field (3/3), Mr Mark Hoban (3/3), John Howell (3/3),
Mr Martyn Jones (3/3), Tom Levitt (3/3), Kerry McCarthy (3/3),
Judy Mallaber (3/3), Mr Brooks Newmark (2/3), Ian Pearson (3/3),
Matthew Taylor (2/3), Mr Charles Walker (1/3)
1. Education and Skills Bill
Committed: 14 January 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 28 February 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: 5 | Number of written submissions received: 19
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 20
Chairmen: John Bercow and Hugh Bayley
Members and attendance: Ms Celia Barlow (18/20), Mr Michael
Foster (Worcester) (20/20), Mr Nick Gibb (20/20), Michael
Gove (20/20), Nia Griffith (20/20), Mr John Hayes (20/20), Mr
Oliver Heald (19/20), Jim Knight (20/20), Mr David Lammy (19/20),
Mr David Laws (18/20), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (15/20), Mr Gordon Marsden
(19/20), Mrs Madeleine Moon (16/20), Sir Peter Soulsby (17/20),
Mr Charles Walker (18/20), Angela Watkinson (20/20), Stephen Williams
(12/20), Phil Wilson (18/20)
1. Employment Bill [Lords]
Committed: 14 July 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 16 October 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairmen: Mr Martin Caton and John Bercow
Members and attendance: Mr John Baron (4/4), Mr Brian Binley
(4/4), Lorely Burt (3/4), Mr Stephen Crabb (4/4), Mary Creagh
(4/4), Mr Jonathan Djanogly (4/4), Natascha Engel (4/4), Michael
Jabez Foster (Hastings and Rye) (3/4), Barry Gardiner (4/4),
John Hemming (4/4), Mr David Kidney (3/4), Mr Pat McFadden (4/4),
Dr Nick Palmer (4/4), Alison Seabeck (4/4), Mr Hugo Swire (4/4),
Claire Ward (4/4)
1. Energy Bill |
Committed: 22 January 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 11 March 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: 3 | Number of written submissions received: 14
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 15
Chairmen: Mr David Amess and Mrs Joan Humble
Members and attendance: Mr John Baron (15/15), Mr Brian
Binley (11/15), Charles Hendry (15/15), Martin Horwood (15/15),
Dr Brian Iddon (15/15), Dr Stephen Ladyman (14/15), Anne Main
(13/15), Albert Owen (13/15), Dr Nick Palmer (13/15), Mr Jamie
Reed (15/15), John Robertson (15/15), Alison Seabeck (15/15),
Mr Hugo Swire (15/15), Paddy Tipping (12/15), Steve Webb (13/15),
Dr Alan Whitehead (14/15), Malcolm Wicks (15/15)
1. Finance Bill (except Clauses Nos. 3, 5, 6, 15, 21, 49, 90 and 117 and new Clauses amending section 74 of the Finance Act 2003)
Committed: 21 April 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 20 June 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 24
Chairmen: Sir Nicholas Winterton, Frank Cook and Mr Jim Hood
Members and attendance: Charlotte Atkins (4/24), Dr Roberta
Blackman-Woods (17/24), Mr Bob Blizzard (24/24), Mr Peter Bone
(17/24), Mr Colin Breed (21/24), Mr Jeremy Browne (20/24), Dr
Vincent Cable (0/24), Ben Chapman (15/24), Angela Eagle (23/24),
Clive Efford (22/24), Mr Mark Field (19/24), Mr David Gauke (21/24),
Justine Greening (18/24), Patrick Hall (23/24), Mr Philip Hammond
(22/24), Mr Greg Hands (15/24), Stephen Hesford (21/24), Mr Mark
Hoban (19/24), Stewart Hosie (19/24), Eric Joyce (22/24), Jane
Kennedy (23/24), Jessica Morden (23/24), Mr Brooks Newmark (22/24),
Dr Nick Palmer (24/24), John Penrose (15/24), Stephen Pound (20/24),
Dr John Pugh (3/24), Mr Virendra Sharma (17/24), Mr Siôn
Simon (24/24), Emily Thornberry (20/24), Mr Mark Todd (22/24),
Kitty Ussher (23/24), Peter Viggers (18/24), David Wright (22/24)
1. Health and Safety (Offences) Bill
Committed: 1 February 2008 | Reported (without Amendment): 26 March 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Greg Pope |
Members and attendance: John Bercow (0/1), Mr Brian Binley
(1/1), Mr Michael Clapham (1/1), Mr Kenneth Clarke (1/1), Mr Wayne
David (0/1), Mr Jim Devine (1/1), Andrew George (1/1), Mr John
Grogan (1/1), Mr John Heppell (1/1), Keith Hill (1/1), Dr Alasdair
McDonnell (1/1), Mrs Anne McGuire (1/1), John Robertson (1/1),
Andrew Selous (1/1), Bob Spink (0/1), Mr Robert Syms (1/1)
1. Health and Social Care Bill
Committed: 26 November 2007 | Reported (with Amendments): 24 January 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: 3 | Number of written submissions received: 31
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 12
Chairmen: Mr Jim Hood and Derek Conway
Members and attendance: Mr Ben Bradshaw (12/12), Angela
Browning (12/12), Richard Burden (11/12), Rosie Cooper (12/12),
Mr Stephen Crabb (9/12), Sandra Gidley (12/12), Stephen Hesford
(12/12), Kelvin Hopkins (12/12), Mr Brian Jenkins (11/12), Dr
Ashok Kumar (10/12), Steve McCabe (12/12), Judy Mallaber (11/12),
Anne Milton (12/12), Laura Moffatt (11/12), Greg Mulholland (12/12),
Mr Stephen O'Brien (12/12), Jeremy Wright (11/12)
1. Housing and Regeneration Bill
Committed: 27 November 2007 | Reported (with Amendments): 31 January 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 12
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 17
Chairmen: Mr Roger Gale and Mr Joe Benton
Members and attendance: Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods (13/17),
Liz Blackman (17/17), Lyn Brown (16/17), Alistair Burt (16/17),
Andrew George (14/17), Andrew Gwynne (16/17), Paul Holmes (4/5),
Mr Nick Hurd (13/17), Mr Andrew Love (17/17), Margaret Moran (11/17),
Lembit Öpik (12/12), Mr Nick Raynsford (17/17), Grant Shapps
(17/17), Mr Andy Slaughter (14/17), Ms Angela C. Smith (Sheffield,
Hillsborough) (16/17), Mr Robert Syms (17/17), Mr Iain Wright
(17/17), Sir George Young (14/17)
1. Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill [Lords] (except Clauses 4, 11, 14 and 23 and Schedule 2 and any new Clauses and Schedules relating to the termination of pregnancy by registered medical practitioners)
Committed: 12 May 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 12 June 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 2
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairmen: Mr Roger Gale and Mr Jim Hood
Members and attendance: Mr Tom Clarke (6/8), Dr Ian Gibson
(8/8), Dr Evan Harris (8/8), Dr Brian Iddon (7/8), Helen Jones
(8/8), Robert Key (8/8), Steve McCabe (8/8), Chris McCafferty
(7/8), Laura Moffat (8/8), Julie Morgan (7/8), Mike Penning (8/8),
Dawn Primarolo (8/8), Dr John Pugh (5/8), Mark Simmonds (8/8),
Mr Gary Streeter (4/8), Dr Desmond Turner (8/8), Jeremy Wright
1. Local Transport Bill [Lords]
Committed: 26 March 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 8 May 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 3
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 10
Chairmen: David Taylor and Ann Winterton
Members and attendance: Norman Baker (4/10), Mr Clive Betts
(10/10), Mr Douglas Carswell (10/10), Stephen Hammond (10/10),
Mrs Siân C James (10/10), Mr David Kidney (10/10), Mr Greg
Knight (9/10), Mr Bob Laxton (8/10), Mr John Leech (6/10), Kerry
McCarthy (10/10), Mr Lee Scott (9/10), Ms Angela C. Smith (Sheffield,
Hillsborough) (8/10), Ian Stewart (10/10), Graham Stringer
(10/10), Mr Dave Watts (10/10), Ms Rosie Winterton (10/10), Jeremy
1. National Insurance Contributions Bill
Committed: 17 December 2007 | Reported (without Amendment): 15 January 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: 1 | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairmen: Mr Christopher Chope and Mr Greg Pope
Members and attendance: Mr Jeremy Browne (2/2), Dr Vincent
Cable (0/2), Mr Ian Davidson (2/2), Mr Philip Dunne (2/2), Mr
Mark Field (2/2), Mr David Gauke (2/2), Dr Ian Gibson (2/2), Justine
Greening (2/2), Nigel Griffiths (1/2), Keith Hill (2/2), Jane
Kennedy (2/2), Shona McIsaac (2/2), Rob Marris (2/2), Mr Brooks
Newmark (2/2), Mr Neil Turner (2/2), Claire Ward (2/2), David
1. Pensions Bill |
Committed: 7 January 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 21 February 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 23
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 20
Chairmen: Sir Nicholas Winterton and Janet Anderson
Members and attendance: Nick Ainger (16/20), Danny Alexander
(10/20), Gordon Banks (20/20), Mr David S. Borrow (18/20), Ms
Dawn Butler (13/20), Mr Jim Cunningham (19/20), Mr Wayne David
(20/20), James Duddridge (6/6), Mr Robert Flello (18/20), Mr John
Greenway (11/20), Mr Stewart Jackson (14/14), Alan Keen (17/20),
Miss Julie Kirkbride (17/20), Mr Mike O'Brien (17/20), Mr James
Plaskitt (18/20), Paul Rowen (10/20), Andrew Selous (19/20), Mr
Nigel Waterson (18/20)
1. Planning Bill |
Committed: 10 December 2007 | Reported (with Amendments): 5 February 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 37
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 18
Chairmen: Sir John Butterfill and Mr Eric Illsley
Members and attendance: Mr Richard Benyon (17/18), Mr Clive
Betts (18/18), Tom Brake (8/18), Paul Clark (18/18), Mr David
Curry (18/18), Mr Parmjit Dhanda (18/18), James Duddridge (9/18),
Mrs Louise Ellman (17/18), Jeff Ennis (16/18), Jim Fitzpatrick
(18/18), John Healey (18/18), Mr David Jones (16/16), Mrs Jacqui
Lait (18/18), Mr Elfyn Llwyd (16/18), Anne Main (0/2), Alun Michael
(18/18), Chris Mole (16/18), Robert Neill (16/18), Mr Jamie Reed
(14/18), Dan Rogerson (18/18), Jim Sheridan (16/18), Mr Dave Watts
1. Planning and Energy Bill
Committed: 25 January 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 20 February 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Peter Atkinson |
Members and attendance: Gregory Barker (1/1), John Battle
(0/1), Hugh Bayley (0/1), Colin Challen (1/1), Mr David Drew (0/1),
Mr Michael Fallon (1/1), Caroline Flint (1/1), Julia Goldsworthy
(1/1), Mr Nick Hurd (1/1), Mr Michael Jack (0/1), Mr Michael Meacher
(0/1), Mr Elliot Morley (0/1), Dan Rogerson (0/1), Chris Ruane
(1/1), Dr Alan Whitehead (1/1), Bill Wiggin (1/1)
1. Political Parties and Elections Bill
Committed: 20 October 2008 | Reported (with Amendments): 20 November 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: 3 | Number of written submissions received: 6
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 11
Chairmen: Sir Nicholas Winterton, Frank Cook and Mr Peter Atkinson
Members and attendance: Mr Nick Ainger (9/11), Mr Jonathan
Djanogly (11/11), James Duddridge (11/11), Mr John Grogan (9/11),
Mr Stephen Hesford (9/11), Mr David Howarth (11/11), Mr David
Kidney (11/11), Mrs Eleanor Laing (11/11), Martin Linton (11/11),
Mr Tony Lloyd (11/11), Mr Ian Lucas (11/11), Mr Alan Reid (10/11),
Mr Virendra Sharma (11/11), Mr Andrew Turner (11/11), Mr Andrew
Tyrie (8/11), Dr Alan Whitehead (8/11), Mr Michael Wills (11/11),
Pete Wishart (8/11)
1. Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Bill [Lords]
Committed: 21 May 2008 | Reported (with an Amendment): 19 June 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 2
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairmen: Mr Christopher Chope and Mr Eric Martlew
Members and attendance: Mr John Baron (4/4), Lorely Burt
(4/4), Mrs Nadine Dorries (4/4), Mr David Drew (3/4), Mr David
Kidney (4/4), Mr Peter Lilley (2/4), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (4/4),
Mr Pat McFadden (4/4), Mr Jim McGovern (3/4), Ann McKechin (4/4),
Anne Main (4/4), Judy Mallaber (4/4), Mr Mark Prisk (4/4), Gwyn
Prosser (4/4), Alison Seabeck (4/4), Sarah Teather (0/4)
1. Sale of Student Loans Bill
Committed: 22 November 2007 | Reported (with an Amendment): 4 December 2007
Number of oral evidence sessions: 1 | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairman: Miss Anne Begg |
Members and attendance: Mr David Anderson (2/2), Mr Tim
Boswell (0/2), Mr Ian Cawsey (2/2), Mrs Nadine Dorries (2/2),
Mr Robert Flello (2/2), Mr Michael Foster (Worcester) (2/2),
Mr John Hayes (2/2), Huw Irranca-Davies (0/2), Martin Linton (1/2),
Rob Marris (2/2), Mr Gordon Marsden (2/2), Margaret Moran (2/2),
Bill Rammell (2/2), Sarah Teather (2/2), Angela Watkinson (2/2),
Mark Williams (0/2), Mr Rob Wilson (2/2)
1. Special Educational Needs (Information) Bill
Committed: 1 February 2008 | Reported (without Amendment): 12 March 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered:1
Chairman: Mr Peter Atkinson |
Members and attendance: John Bercow (0/1), Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods
(0/1), Kevin Brennan (1/1), Annette Brooke (1/1), Lyn Brown (1/1),
Mr Christopher Fraser (1/1), Mr Mark Harper (0/1), Mrs Sharon
Hodgson (1/1), Kelvin Hopkins (1/1), Barbara Keeley (1/1), Mr
Ian Liddell-Grainger (1/1), Mrs Maria Miller (1/1), Mrs Madeleine
Moon (1/1), Anne Snelgrove (1/1), Lynda Waltho (1/1), Mark Williams
1. Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) Bill
Committed: 22 February 2008 | Withdrawn 21 May 2008
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3
Chairmen: Mr Mike Hancock and Mr Eric Martlew
Members and attendance: Lorely Burt (3/3), Ms Dawn Butler
(3/3), Philip Davies (1/3), Mr Jonathan Djanogly (3/3), Mr Frank
Doran (3/3), Mr John Heppell (2/3), Miss Julie Kirkbride (1/3),
Mr Greg Knight (2/3), Mr Peter Lilley (2/3), Tony Lloyd (3/3),
Mr Pat McFadden (3/3), Mr Jim McGovern (2/3), Andrew Miller (3/3),
Adam Price (2/3), Mrs Betty Williams (2/3)