A Consideration
by the European Scrutiny Committee
No. of documents considered by the European Scrutiny Committee
| No. referred to European Committee A
| No. referred to European Committee B
| No. referred to European Committee C
| No. recommended for debate on the floor of the House
1408 | 22
| 40 | 14
| 11 |
B Consideration on a Motion
on the floor of the House and in European Committees
Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House
No. of documents considered on the floor of the House
| No. of documents debated on the floor of the House
| No. of documents on which the Question was put forthwith
88 on 46 motions | 4 on 3 motions
| 84 on 43 motions |
Consideration in European Standing Committee
Title of document | Date considered
Emissions from Road Transport and Inland Waterways (6145/07 and Addenda 1 and 2)
| 20 November 2007
Global Navigation Satellite System and the European Institute of Technology (13112/07 and Addenda 1, 13113/07 and 13237/1/07)
| 26 November 2007 |
Economic Partnership Agreements (14498/07 and 14968/07 and Addendum 1)
| 3 December 2007 |
Funding of Political Parties (11559/07) |
11 December 2007 |
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership COM(2007)598
| 22 January 2007 |
Financial Management (11724/07 and Addenda 1 and 2, 13117/07 and Addendum 1, 13118/07 and Addendum 1, unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum, dated 9 August 2007, relating to the European Anti-Fraud Office Report: Seventh Activity Report 2006, and unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum, dated 8 January 2008, relating to the European Court of Auditors Annual Report 2006)
| 28 January 2008 |
Freight Transport (14277/07 and Addenda 1 and 2, 14175/07 and Addenda 1 and 2, 14165/07 and Addendum 3 and 14266/07 and Addenda 1 and 2)
| 4 February 2008 |
Regulation of Electricity and Gas (13043/07, 13045/07, 13212/07, 13219/07, 13046/07, 13048/07 and 13049/07)
| 5 February 2008 |
CAP "Health Check" (15351/07) |
25 February 2008 |
European defence equipment market and European Defence Agency (14937/07, 15413/07, 16682/07 and Addenda 1 and 2)
| 10 March 2008 |
Economic migration to the EU (14490/07 and Addenda 1 and 2 and 14491/07 and Addenda 1 and 2)
| 17 March 2008 |
Electronic Communications Networks and Services (15371/07)
| 18 March 2008 |
Insolvency and second chances (13832/07) |
24 March 2008 |
Fisheries: control, inspection and sanction systems (16071/07)
| 31 March 2008 |
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020 and Review of the Emissions Trading Scheme (5849/08 and Addendum 1 and 5862/08 and Addenda 1 to 3)
| 22 April 2008 |
The Accession Process in the Western Balkans (14999/07, 15001/07, 14995/07, 14993/07, 14996/07, 14997/07) and Interim Political Agreement on Co-operation between the European Union and its Member States and the Republic of Serbia (15616/07, Addenda 1 and 2, 15690/07 and Addenda 1 and 2, and Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum, dated 15 February 2008)
| 29 April 2008 |
Financial Management (7210/08 and Addendum 1)
| 12 May 2008 |
Carbon capture and storage (5835/08 and Addenda 1 and 2)
| 13 May 2008 |
The EU-a Global Partner for Development-Speeding up progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (8403/08 and Addenda 1 to 5)
| 9 June 2008 |
Diplomatic and consular protection of Union citizens in third countries (5947/08 and Addenda 1 and 2)
| 23 June 2008 |
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum, dated 2 June 2007, relating to the Preliminary Draft Budget of the European Communities 2009
| 30 June 2008 |
Financial Services (6996/08) | 14 July 2008
Emissions from heavy duty vehicles (5127/08 and Addenda 1 and 2)
| 15 July 2008 |
Aviation Safety and the Single European Sky (11285/08 and Addenda 1 and 2, 11323/08 and Addenda 1 and 2, 11325/08 and 11347/08 and Addendum 1)
| 7 October 2008 |
Carbon Dioxide emissions from cars and light commercial vehicles (5089/08 and Addenda 1 and 2)
| 13 October 2008 |
CAP "Health Check" and Community action on rising food prices (9656/08 and Addenda 1 and 2 and 9923/08)
| 20 October 2008 |
Cross-border Healthcare (11327/08 and Addendum 1 and 11307/08 and Addenda 1, 2 and 3)
| 21 October 2008 |
Relations between the EU and the Overseas Countries and Territories (11238/08 and Addendum 1)
| 27 October 2008 |
Facing the challenge of higher oil prices (10824/08)
| 4 November 2008 |
'Debate Europe' and Communicating Europe in Partnership (8163/08 and 13829/07 and COM(2007)569)
| 17 November 2008 |
Procurement in the fields of defence and security (16488/07 and Addenda 1 and 2)
| 24 November 2008 |
Financial Services (12149/08 and Addenda 1 and 2, 13713/08 and Addenda 1 and 2 and 14317/08)
| 25 November 2008 |
Total number of documents considered: 69
Total number of meetings: 32
Chairmen and Members of Temporary European Committees
Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's
panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of Temporary
European Committees:
Mr Peter Atkinson (3), Mr Hugh Bayley (1), Mr Joe Benton (4),
John Bercow (4), Mr Christopher Chope (1), Frank Cook (2), John
Cummings (1), Mrs Janet Dean (1), Mrs Joan Humble (1), Mr Eric
Illsley (1), Mr Martyn Jones (2), Robert Key (1), Mr Eric Martlew
(2), Mr Edward O'Hara (1), Mr Bill Olner (1), Mr Greg Pope (2),
Mr David Taylor (1), Mr David Wilshire (2), Ann Winterton (1),
Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members
were appointed by the Committee of Selection to Temporary European
Nick Ainger (3/4), Mr Bob Ainsworth (1/1), Mr David Anderson (1/1),
Hilary Armstrong (1/1), Charlotte Atkins (1/1), Mr Adrian Bailey
(2/2), Norman Baker (1/1), Mr John Baron (1/4), John Barrett (1/1),
Mr Richard Benyon (3/3), Mr Clive Betts (1/1), Mr Crispin Blunt
(1/1), Mr David S. Borrow (3/3), Mr Graham Brady (1/1), Tom Brake
(1/1), Mr Julian Brazier (2/2), Mr Colin Breed (2/2), Mr Jeremy
Browne (3/4), Mr Simon Burns (4/4), Alistair Burt (1/1), Lorely
Burt (2/2), Dr Vincent Cable (0/4), Mr Richard Caborn (3/3), Mr
Ronnie Campbell (0/1), Mr Alistair Carmichael (1/1), Mr William
Cash (1/1), Mr Ian Cawsey (2/2), Ben Chapman (1/12, Mr Michael
Clapham (1/1), Mr James Clappison (2/3), Ms Katy Clark (3/3),
Mr Charles Clarke (2/2), Mr Tom Clarke (2/2), Mr David Clelland
(2/2), Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (2/2), Jim Cousins (1/1), Mr
Stephen Crabb (0/1), Mr David Crausby (2/2), Mr Jim Cunningham
(1/1), Tony Cunningham (24/24), Mr Edward Davey (0/4), Mr Quentin
Davies (2/2), Mrs Janet Dean (1/1), Mr Jim Devine (1/1), Mr Jonathan
Djanogly (1/1), Jim Dobbin (4/4), Frank Dobson (1/1), Mr Brian
H. Donohoe (3/3), Mrs Nadine Dorries (1/1), Jim Dowd (1/1), Mr
Philip Dunne (1/1), Clive Efford (1/1), Jeff Enniss (1/1), Mr
David Evennett (6/7), Mr Michael Fallon (1/1), Tim Farron (1/2),
Lynne Featherstone ( 0/1), Mr Mark Field (1/1), Jim Fitzpatrick
(5/5), Mr Robert Flello (3/3), Caroline Flint (1/1), Michael Jabez
Foster (1/1), Mr Mark Francois (3/3), Mr Christopher Fraser (1/1),
Barry Gardiner (2/2), Mr David Gauke (4/4), Mr Bruce George (1/1),
Sandra Gidley (1/1), Helen Goodman (7/7), Mr Robert Goodwill (2/2),
Mr James Gray (1/1), Mr Dominic Grieve (1/1), Nia Griffith (1/1),
Nigel Griffiths (1/1), Mr Fabian Hamilton (1/1), Stephen Hammond
(2/2), Mr Greg Hands (5/7), Nick Harvey (1/1), Mr John Hayes (1/1),
Mr David Heathcoat-Amory (3/4), John Hemming (1/1), Mr Charles
Hendry (3/3), Mr John Heppell (1/1), Ms Patricia Hewitt (1/1),
David Heyes (0/1), Keith Hill (4/4), Meg Hillier (1/1), Mr Mark
Hoban (1/1), Mrs Sharon Hodgson (1/1), Mr Philip Hollobone (2/2),
Mr Adam Holloway (2/2), Kelvin Hopkins(2/3), Mr John Horam (1/1),
Martin Horwood (0/1), Mr George Howarth (1/1), Mr Gerald Howarth
(1/1), Dr Kim Howells (1/1), Mr Lindsay Hoyle (2/2), Chris Huhne
(0/1), Mark Hunter (3/4), Mr Nick Hurd (2/2), Dr Brian Iddon (1/1),
Mr Michael Jack (2/2), Mr Bernard Jenkin (2/2), Mr Brian Jenkins
(1/1), Ms Diana R. Johnson (1/1), Mr Kevan Jones (3/3), Eric Joyce
(1/1), Daniel Kawczynski (2/2), Mr Paul Keetch (0/1), Mr Fraser
Kemp (1/1), Jane Kennedy (2/2), Robert Key (0/1), Mr David Kidney
(2/2), Mr Peter Kilfoyle (1/1), Miss Julie Kirkbride (1/2), Mr
Greg Knight (1/1), Susan Kramer (0/1), Dr Ashok Kumar (1/1), Dr
Stephen Ladyman (3/3), Mr Mark Lancaster (1/1), Mr Bob Laxton
(3/3), Mr John Leech (2/5), David Lepper (2/2), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger
(1/1), Mr David Lidington (1/1), Mr Andrew Love (1/2), Ian Lucas
(1/1), Peter Luff (1/2), Kerry McCarthy (2/2), Mr Pat McFadden
(2/2), Miss Anne McIntosh (1/1), Ann McKechin (1/1), Mr Angus
MacNeil (1/2), Mr Denis MacShane (1/), Anne Main (1/1), Mr Shahid
Malik (1/1), Mr Alan Meale (1/1), Gillian Merron (1/1), Mr Alan
Milburn (1/1), Anne Moffat (3/3), Mr Michael Moore (1/1), Margaret
Moran (1/1), Jessica Morden (1/1), Julie Morgan (1/1), Mr Elliot
Morley (0/1), Mr Malcolm Moss (1/1), Mr George Mudie (3/4), Greg
Mulholland (0/1), Mr Chris Mullin (2/2), Meg Munn (2/2), Mr Denis
Murphy (1/1), Mr Jim Murphy (2/2), Dr Andrew Murrison (1/1), Mr
Doug Naysmith (1/1), Mr Brooks Newmark (4/4), Mr Mike O'Brien
(1/1), Mr Stephen O'Brien (1/1), Sandra Osbourne (2/2), Mr James
Paice (2/2), John Penrose (1/1), Mr James Plaskitt (1/1), Stephen
Pound (1/1), Dawn Primarolo (1/1), Gwyn Prosser (1/1), Mr Ken
Purchase (1/1), Mr Willie Rennie (1/2), Mr Geoffrey Robinson (1/1),
Mr Frank Roy (0/2), Bob Russell (1/1), Joan Ryan (2/2), Mr Lee
Scott (1/1), Jonathan Shaw (2/2), Mr Richard Shepherd (0/1), Jim
Sheridan (3/3), Mr Siôn Simon (1/1), Mr Keith Simpson (2/2),
Anne Snelgrove (1/1), Helen Southworth (4/5), Mr John Spellar
(1/1), Bob Spink (0/1), Sir John Stanley (0/1), Mr Anthony Steen
(1/6), Ian Stewart (1/1), Dr Howard Stoate (1/1), Dr Gavin Strang
(1/1), Graham Stringer (2/2), Mr Graham Stuart (1/2), Andrew Stunell
(1/1), Jo Swinson (3/4), Mr Hugo Swire (1/1), Mr Robert Syms (1/1),
Mr Ian Taylor (1/1), Sarah Teather (0/2), Mr Gareth Thomas (1/1),
Mr Stephen Timms (1/1), Paddy Tipping (2/2), Mr Mark Todd (1/1),
Mr Don Touhig (3/3), Mr Neil Turner (3/3), Derek Twigg (1/1),
Kitty Ussher (3/3), Peter Viggers (1/1), Dr Rudi Vis (1/1), Mr
Charles Walker (1/1), Steve Webb (3/4), Mr Mike Weir (1/1), Malcolm
Wicks (2/2), Bill Wiggin (1/1), Mrs Betty Williams (1/1), Mr Roger
Williams (1/2), Phil Willis (0/1), Mr David Wilshire (0/1), Ms
Rosie Winterton (1/1), Phil Woolas (1/1), Mr Anthony Wright (1/2),
David Wright (2/2), Jeremy Wright (7/7), Richard Younger-Ross
Other Members: the following Members attended meetings
of European Committees pursuant to Standing Order No. 119(5):
Adam Afriyie (1), Alistair Burt (1), Mr Alistair Carmichael (1),
Mr William Cash (3), Mr Christopher Chope (1), Mr David Drew (1),
Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (1), Mr Robert Flello (1), Michael Jabez
Foster (1), Linda Gilroy (1), Helen Goodman (1), Nia Griffith
(1), Mr John Grogan (1), Patrick Hall (1), Mr John Hayes (1),
Keith Hill (1), Mrs Sharon Hodgson (1), Kelvin Hopkins (6), Mr
Bernard Jenkin (1), Robert Key (1), Mr Peter Lilley (1), Dr Alasdair
McDonnell (1), Andrew Mackinlay (1), Dr Nick Palmer (2), Ian
Pearson (1), Mr Geoffrey Robinson (1), Mr Andy Slaughter (1),
Mr Graham Stuart (1), Mr Ian Taylor (1), Mr Andrew Turner (1),
Mr Neil Turner (1), Kitty Ussher (1), Joan Walley (1).