Sessional Returns 2007-08 Contents


11  Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

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The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2005. It had 14 Members.

Jack, Mr Michael (Chairman)
Cox, Mr Geoffrey
Drew, Mr David
Gray, Mr James
Hall, Patrick
Jones, Lynne
Kawczynski, Daniel (discharged 18.12.07)
Lepper, David
McIntosh, Miss Anne (added 18.12.07)
Moon, Mrs Madeleine (discharged 8.11.07)
Reed, Mr Jamie (discharged 8.11.07)
Rogerson, Dan
Soulsby, Sir Peter
Strang, Dr Gavin (added 8.11.07)
Taylor, David
Tipping, Paddy (added 8.11.07)
Williams, Mr Roger
Overall Attendance:
Meetings attended
50 out of 51
13 out of 51
45 out of 51
33 out of 51
17 out of 51
32 out of 51
0 out of 9
28 out of 51
31 out of 42
0 out of 1
0 out of 1
18 out of 51
20 out of 51
37 out of 50
38 out of 51
39 out of 50
35 out of 51
61.1 %

Total number of meetings:51
Of which:  
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 23
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings28
Number of concurrent meetings with other committees 0
Other activities
Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 8
Conferences/Seminars hosted0


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Frank Farquharson, Professor Colin Green, Dr Susan Gubbay, Dr Jim Watson and Farhana Yamin.


Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
  Number of appearances by:  
    Cabinet Ministers 2
    Other Ministers 6
    Members of the House of Commons 5
    Members of the House of Lords (of whom 2 were also Ministers) 4
  Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:   
    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 10
  Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
    Committee on Climate Change 1
    Environment Agency 2
    Natural England 2
  Appearances by other witnesses 41

Overseas Visits

DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
4-5.12.07LyonJack, Drew, Gray, Jones, Taylor, Williams 2Inquiry into Flooding £6,444.31
28-29.1.08BrusselsA Jones  'EUFORES' Inter-parliamentary meeting £546.35
2-4.6.08RomeA Jack  High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy £1,106.38
16-20.11.08São PauloA Jones  International Conference on Biofuels £5,891.70

A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions

DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
9-10.7.08BrusselsJack, Jones, Taylor, Williams 2Visit to the European Commission and the European Parliament £3,524.23
3-4.11.08BrusselsA Jack, Williams1Joint Committee meeting on Agriculture £1,792.53

A Travel in a representative capacity

UK Visits

DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
27.11.07Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Weybridge Jack, Drew, Jones, Strang, Tipping, Williams 2Inquiry into badgers and cattle TB £310.20
29-30.1.08LincolnJack, Lepper, Tipping, Williams 7AInquiry into flooding £4,054.90

A Includes 1 specialist adviser and 1 shorthand writer

26.6.08Essex coastB Jack, Drew, Gray, Williams2 Inquiry into the Draft Marine Bill: Coastal Access Provisions £1,101.30
2-3.7.08North Yorkshire Jack, Drew, Jones, Rogerson5C Inquiry into the potential of England's rural economy £4,388.58
8.10.08Beddington Farmlands waste management site, Croydon Jack, Jones, Lepper, Tipping2 Inquiry into the Waste Strategy for England 2007 £133.50

B Travel in a representative capacity

C Includes one shorthand writer

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence

TitleHC No. (2007-08) Date of publicationGovernment reply
First Report: The UK Government's "Vision for the Common Agricultural Policy": Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2006-07 4813.11.07Not applicable
Second Report: Climate change: the "citizen's agenda": Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2006-07 18918.12.07Not applicable
Third Report: The Work of the Committee in 2007 25023.1.08Not required
Fourth Report: Badgers and cattle TB: the final report of the Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB 130-I27.2.08Received 7.7.08: published as Tenth Report, Session 2007-08
Oral and Written Evidence: Badgers and cattle TB: the final report of the Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB 130-II27.2.08Not applicable
Fifth Report: Flooding49-I 7.5.08Received 25.6.08: published as First Special Report, Session 2007-08
Oral and Written Evidence: Flooding 49-II7.5.08Not applicable
Sixth Report: Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 34814.5.08Received 14.7.08: published as Second Special Report, Session 2007-08
Seventh Report: Implementation of the Nitrates Directive in England 41210.6.08Received 21.7.08: published as Third Special Report, Session 2007-08
Eighth Report: British Waterways: follow-up 4381.7.08Received 4.8.08: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Ninth Report: Draft Marine Bill: Coastal Access Provisions 656-I22.7.08Cm 7422, published 25.9.08
Oral and Written Evidence: Draft Marine Bill: Coastal Access Provisions 656-II22.7.08Not applicable
Tenth Report: Badgers and Cattle TB: the final report of the Independent Scientific Group on Cattle TB-Government response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2007-08 101023.7.08Received 22.9.08: to be published as Sixth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Eleventh Report: The potential of England's rural economy 544-I29.10.08Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: The potential of England's rural economy 544-II29.10.08Not applicable
First Special Report: Flooding: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2007-08 9018.7.08Not applicable
Second Special Report: Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2007-08 101124.7.08Not applicable
Third Special Report: Implementation of the Nitrates Directive in England: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2007-08 108014.10.08Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: British Waterways: follow-up: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2007-08 108115.10.08Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: Energy efficiency and fuel poverty 10996.11.08Not applicable
Sixth Special Report: Badgers and cattle TB: Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report of Session 2007-08 117822.1.09Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Departmental Annual Report 2007 and Defra priorities 12117.7.08Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Climate change: the "citizen's agenda" and the Bali Summit 362-i29.4.08Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Committee on Climate Change 462-i21.5.08Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: English pig industry 1088-i17.10.08Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: English pig industry 1088-ii29.10.08Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Waste Strategy for England 2007 1100-i21.10.08Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Waste Strategy for England 2007 1100-ii17.11.08Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Waste Strategy for England 2007 1100-iii24.11.08Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Waste Strategy for England 2007 1100-iv26.11.08Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Defra's Departmental Report 2008 1158-i3.11.08Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Badgers and cattle TB: Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report of Session 2007-08 1178-i7.11.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: British Waterways: NAO examination of BW finances   9.1.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Correspondence with Defra: Marine Bill   16.1.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Correspondence with Defra: Responsibility and Cost Sharing for Animal Health and Welfare   16.1.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Correspondence with Defra: Autumn Performance Report 2007   23.1.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Correspondence with Defra: Winter Supplementary Estimates and Resource Accounts 2006-07   23.1.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Correspondence with Defra: Grey squirrels and invasive alien species   19.3.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Correspondence with Defra: Prohibition by the Republic of Ireland of imported cattle and sheep from bluetongue restricted zones   30.4.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Correspondence with Defra: Autumn Performance Report 2007   30.4.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Correspondence with Defra: Defra expenditure and Spring Supplementary Estimate   30.4.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Correspondence with Defra: Bovine TB Government response delay   7.5.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Badgers and cattle TB: letters from Professors Bourne and King   11.6.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Flooding: Ofwat response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2007-08   16.7.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Badgers and cattle TB: Memorandum containing the Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report of Session 2007-08   9.10.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Correspondence with Defra: Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme   22.10.08 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Badgers and cattle TB: Letter from the Badgers Trust regarding herds overdue for TB testing   13.11.08 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07

Reply to the Committee's Fourth Report: The UK Government's "Vision for the Common Agricultural Policy", received 13.11.07 and published as the Committee's First Report, Session 2007-08.

Reply to the Committee's Eighth Report: Climate change: the "citizen's agenda", received 15.11.07 and published as the Committee's Second Report, Session 2007-08.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at




Committee reports were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to debates in the House of Commons on one occasion. Further details can be found in the Committee's Sessional Report.

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the SessionA

Number of oral evidence sessions
Badgers and cattle TB: the final report of the Independent Scientific Group on cattle TBA
Climate change: the "citizen's agenda"B
Committee on Climate Change
Defra prioritiesB
Defra's Departmental Report 2008
Draft Marine Bill: Coastal Access Provisions
Implementation of the Nitrates Directive in England
The potential of England's rural economy
Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966
Waste Strategy for England 2007

A On one occasion the Committee's meeting comprised two separate oral evidence sessions.

B The Committee also took oral evidence in Session 2006-07; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2006-07))

11A  Badgers and cattle TB Sub-Committee

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The Sub-Committee was nominated on 26 November 2007 and discharged on 9 January 2008. It had 14 Members.

Jack, Mr Michael (Chairman) 
Cox, Mr Geoffrey 
Drew, Mr David 
Gray, Mr James 
Hall, Patrick 
Jones, Lynne 
Kawczynski, Daniel (discharged 18.12.07) 
Lepper, David 
Rogerson, Dan 
Soulsby, Sir Peter 
Strang, Dr Gavin
Taylor, David 
Tipping, Paddy  
Williams, Mr Roger  

Overall Attendance:
Meetings attended
1 out of 1
0 out of 1
1 out of 1
1 out of 1
0 out of 1
0 out of 1
0 out of 1
0 out of 1
0 out of 1
0 out of 1
1 out of 1
1 out of 1
1 out of 1
1 out of 1

50.0 %

Total number of meetings: 1

Of which:
    Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 1
    Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
    Number of wholly private meetings 0
    Number of concurrent meetings with other committees  0

Other activities
Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 0
Conferences/Seminars hosted0


The Sub-Committee is supported by the staff of the main Committee, details of which can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Appearances by other witnesses 4

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Oral and Written Evidence


Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07

Not applicable.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Sub-Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at





Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Number of oral evidence sessions
Badgers and cattle TB: Final Report of the Independent Scientific Group on cattle TB

11B  Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Sub-Committee

For website access click on

The Sub-Committee was nominated on 9 January 2008. It had 14 Members.
Jack, Mr Michael (Chairman) 
Cox, Mr Geoffrey 
Drew, Mr David 
Gray, Mr James 
Hall, Patrick 
Jones, Lynne 
Lepper, David 
McIntosh, Miss Anne 
Rogerson, Dan 
Soulsby, Sir Peter 
Strang, Dr Gavin 
Taylor, David 
Tipping, Paddy 
Williams, Mr Roger 

Overall Attendance:
Meetings attended
13 out of 13
0 out of 13
12 out of 13
5 out of 13
2 out of 13
4 out of 13
6 out of 13
6 out of 13
5 out of 13
4 out of 13
3 out of 13
12 out of 13
6 out of 13
8 out of 13

47.3 %

Total number of meetings: 13

Of which:
    Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 13
    Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
    Number of wholly private meetings 0
    Number of concurrent meetings with other committees 0

Other activities
Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 0
Conferences/Seminars hosted0


The Sub-Committee is supported by the staff of the main Committee, details of which can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
  Number of appearances by:  
    Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers 6
  Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:   
    Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 4
  Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
    British Waterways 1
  Appearances by other witnesses 36

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Oral and Written Evidence


Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07

Not applicable.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Sub-Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at





Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Number of oral evidence sessions
British Waterways
Draft Marine Bill: Coastal Access Provisions
The English pig industry
The potential of England's rural economy
Waste Strategy for England 2007

12  European Scrutiny

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 28 June 2005. It had 16 Members.
Connarty, Michael (Chairman) 
Bailey, Adrian (added 8.11.07) 
Borrow, Mr David S 
Cash, Mr William 
Clappison, Mr James 
Clark, Ms Katy 
David, Mr Wayne (discharged 16.11.07) 
Dobbin, Jim 
Griffith, Nia (discharged 8.11.07) 
Hands, Mr Greg 
Heathcoat-Amory, Mr David 
Hill, Keith (added 8.11.07) 
Hopkins, Kelvin 
Hoyle, Mr Lindsay 
Laxton, Mr Bob 
Robertson, Angus 
Steen, Mr Anthony 
Younger-Ross, Richard 

Overall Attendance:
Meetings attended
36 out of 36
25 out of 35
25 out of 36
23 out of 36
24 out of 36
19 out of 36
0 out of 2
23 out of 36
0 out of 1
29 out of 36
19 out of 36
27 out of 35
27 out of 36
14 out of 36
21 out of 36
17 out of 36
30 out of 36
18 out of 36

65.3 %

Total number of meetings: 36

Of which:
    Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 8
Number of meetings at which the scrutiny of  European documents was considered in public 25
    Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
    Number of wholly private meetings 6
    Number of concurrent meetings with other committees  0

Other activities
Informal meetings 7
Conferences/Seminars hosted0


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
  Number of appearances by:  
    Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers 4
    Member of the House of Lords 2
  Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:   
    Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1
    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1
    Home Office2
European Commission 1
  Appearances by other witnesses 2

Overseas Visits

DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
23-26.11.07Slovenia and FYR Macedonia Connarty, Borrow, Dobbin, Hands2 Pre-presidency visit to Slovenia and candidate country FYR Macedonia £12,377.16
11-14.1.08LjubljanaA Robertson   International conference on the 'Role of National Parliaments' £1,415.37
17-18.2.08LjubljanaA Connarty1COSAC Chairpersons meeting £2,943.92
6-8.5.08BledA Connarty, Borrow, Robertson1 COSAC XXXIX£5,155.34
6-7.7.08ParisConnarty 1COSAC Chairpersons meeting £1,448.05
7-8.7.08ParisA Connarty2Pre-presidency visit to France £1,537.27
(estimated outturn)
2-4.11.08ParisA Connarty, Dobbin, Hopkins1 COSAC XL£3,817.14
18-20.11.08Czech Republic Connarty, Bailey, Borrow, Cash, Clark, Dobbin, Hopkins, Steen, Younger-Ross 3Pre-presidency visit to the Czech Republic £17,022.14 (estimated outturn)

A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions

DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
4-5.12.07BrusselsA Connarty1Future of Europe meeting £1,509.90
11-12.2.08BrusselsA Connarty   Joint Parliamentary meeting on the Lisbon Strategy £774.14
6.3.08BrusselsConnarty, Dobbin, Hands, Hill, Robertson 2Tripartite meeting £5,145.80
26.6.08BrusselsA Connarty   Joint Parliamentary meeting on the European Union and Development Cooperation £597.75 (estimated outturn)
13-14.10.08BrusselsConnarty, Bailey, Borrow, Cash, Clark, Dobbin, Hands, Hill 3EU Institutions£7,620.55 (estimated outturn)

A Travel in a representative capacity

UK Visits

DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
30.6.08EdinburghA Connarty1EC-UK meeting £361.70

A Travel in a representative capacity

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence

TitleHC No. (2007-08) Date of publicationGovernment reply
First Report 16-i 19.11.07Not applicable
Second Report 16-ii 28.11.07Not applicable
Third Report: European Union Intergovernmental Conference: Follow-up report 16-iii27.11.07Received 10.12.07: published as First Special Report, Session 2007-08
Fourth Report 16-iv 14.12.07Not applicable
Fifth Report 16-v 18.12.07Not applicable
Sixth Report 16-vi 7.1.08Not applicable
Seventh Report 16-vii 22.1.08Not applicable
Eighth Report 16-viii 29.1.08Not applicable
Ninth Report 16-ix 4.2.08Not applicable
Tenth Report: The Conclusions of the European Council and the Council of Ministers 864.2.08Not applicable
Eleventh Report16-x12.2.08 Not applicable
Twelfth Report: The Work of the Committee in 2007 3157.2.08Not applicable
Thirteenth Report 16-xi 14.2.08Not applicable
Fourteenth Report 16-xii 29.2.08Not applicable
Fifteenth Report 16-xiii 7.3.08Not applicable
Sixteenth Report 16-xiv 14.3.08Not applicable
Seventeenth Report 16-xv 20.3.08Not applicable
Eighteenth Report 16-xvi 28.3.08Not applicable
Nineteenth Report 16-xvii 3.4.08Not applicable
Twentieth Report 16-xviii 10.4.08Not applicable
Twenty-First Report 16-xix 2.5.08Not applicable
Twenty-Second Report 16-xx 14.5.08Not applicable
Twenty-Third Report 16-xxi 23.5.08Not applicable
Twenty-Fourth Report 16-xxii 30.5.08Not applicable
Twenty-Fifth Report: Conclusions of the European Council and the Council of Ministers: Follow up Report 60612.6.08Not applicable
Twenty-Sixth Report 16-xxiii 17.6.08Not applicable
Twenty-Seventh Report 16-xxiv 1.7.08Not applicable
Twenty-Eighth Report 16-xxv 4.7.08Not applicable
Twenty-Ninth Report 16-xxvi 10.7.08Not applicable
Thirtieth Report 16-xvii 25.7.08Not applicable
Thirty-First Report 16-xxviii 28.7.08Not applicable
Thirty-Second Report 16-xxix 18.9.08Not applicable
Thirty-Third Report: Subsidiarity, National Parliaments and the Lisbon Treaty 56321.10.08Not applicable
Thirty-Fourth Report 16-xxx 23.10.08Not applicable
Thirty-Fifth Report 16-xxxi 24.10.08Not applicable
Thirty-Sixth Report 16-xxxii 29.10.08Not applicable
Thirty-Seventh Report 16-xxxiii 7.11.08Not applicable
Thirty-Eighth Report 16-xxxiv 18.11.08Not applicable
Thirty-Eighth Report 16-xxxiv 18.11.08Not applicable
Thirty-Ninth Report 16-xxxv 24.11.08Not applicable
Fortieth Report 16-xxxvi 27.11.08Not applicable
First Special Report: European Union Intergovernmental Conference: Government Responses to the Committee's Thirty-fifth Report of Session 2006-07 and the Committee's Third Report of Session 2007-08 17917.12.07Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Agreement to a General Approach on Police Cooperation and the European Arrest Warrant 147-i25.2.08Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Draft Council Decision establishing the European Police Office (EUROPOL) 247-i25.2.08Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Recent scrutiny performance of BERR 6571.12.08Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07

Reply to the Committee's Thirty-Fifth Report, Session 2006-07, received 10.12.07 and published as the Committee's First Special Report, Session 2007-08.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at


14.11.07One, on consideration of the Second Report
14.11.07Fifteen, on consideration of the Third Report
28.11.07Two, on consideration of the Fourth Report
23.1.08Thirteen, on consideration of the Tenth Report
30.1.08One, on consideration of the Eleventh Report
20.2.08One, on consideration of the Fourteenth Report
20.2.08Five, on Motions relating to the Committee deliberating in public
5.3.08One, on consideration of the Sixteenth Report
19.3.08One, on consideration of the Eighteenth Report
2.4.08One, on consideration of the Twentieth Report
30.4.08Two, on consideration of the Twenty-Second Report
21.5.08One, on consideration of the Twenty-Fourth Report
4.6.08One, on consideration of the Twenty-Sixth Report
2.7.08Two, on consideration of the Twenty-Ninth Report
8.10.08Twelve, on consideration of the Thirty-Third Report
8.10.08Seven, on consideration of the Thirty-Fourth Report
15.10.08Three, on consideration of the Thirty-Fifth Report
5.11.08Five, on consideration of the Thirty-Eighth Report
12.11.08One, on consideration of the Thirty-Ninth Report
26.11.08One, on consideration of the Fortieth Report



Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Number of oral evidence sessions
Agreement to a General Approach on Police Cooperation and the European Arrest Warrant
Conclusions of the European Council and Council of Ministers
Draft Council Decision establishing the European Police Office (EUROPOL)
Recent scrutiny performance of the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
Subsidiarity, National Parliaments and the Lisbon Treaty

13  Finance and Services

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 19 July 2005. It had 11 Members.
Bell, Sir Stuart  (Chairman)
Betts, Mr Clive 
Blunt, Mr Crispin 
Burstow, Mr Paul 
Clifton-Brown, Mr Geoffrey 
Creagh, Mary 
Doran, Mr Frank 
Haselhurst, Sir Alan (added 25.3.08) 
Keeley, Barbara 
Key, Robert 
McAvoy, Mr Thomas 

Overall Attendance:
Meetings attended
9 out of 9
7 out of 9
4 out of 9
2 out of 9
7 out of 9
3 out of 9
6 out of 9
6 out of 6
1 out of 9
6 out of 9
6 out of 9

59.4 %

Total number of meetings: 9

Of which:
    Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 0
    Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
    Number of wholly private meetings 9
    Number of concurrent meetings with other committees  0

Other activities
Informal meetings0
Conferences/Seminars hosted0


Clerk of the Committee, Andrew Kennon, Principal Clerk, (SC Band 1A) (until 31.10.08), Dorian Gerhold, Principal Clerk, (SC Band 1A) (from 1.11.08).

Committee Assistant, Louise Sargent (Band C).

Specialist Advisers during the Session




Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Oral and Written Evidence


Government replies to Reports for Session 2007-08


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at





Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Not applicable.

14  Foreign Affairs

For website access click on

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2005. It had 14 Members and held 43 meetings. These included 1 meeting held concurrently with the Defence Committee (abbreviated to (DCM) in the attendance table below) and 6 "Committees on Arms Export Controls" meetings held concurrently with the Business and Enterprise, Defence and International Development Committees (abbreviated to (CAEC) in the attendance table below).

Gapes, Mike (Chairman)
Campbell, Sir Menzies (added 21.1.08)
Hamilton, Mr Fabian
Heathcoat-Amory, Mr David
Horam, Mr John
Illsley, Mr Eric
Keetch, Mr Paul
Mackinlay, Andrew
Moss, Mr Malcolm
Osborne, Sandra
Pope, Mr Greg
Purchase, Mr Ken
Stanley, Sir John
Stuart, Ms Gisela
Younger-Ross, Richard (discharged 21.1.08)

Overall Attendance:
Meetings attended
38 out of 43 (including 4 CAEC and 1 DCM)
20 out of 33 (including 1 DCM)
28 out of 43(including 2 CAEC)
24 out of 43 (including 1 DCM)
30 out of 43
30 out of 43 (including 1 DCM)
21 out of 43 (including 1 CAEC and 1 DCM)
32 out of 43
31 out of 43 (including 1DCM)
26 out of 43
26 out of 43
32 out of 43 (including 2 CAEC and 1DCM)
41 out of 43(including 6 CAEC and 1 DCM)
22 out of 43
4 out of 10


A Not including CAEC meetings.
Total number of meetings: 43

Of which:
    Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 29
    Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 1
    Number of wholly private meetings 14 (of which 2 were CAEC)
    Number of concurrent meetings with other committees  7

Other activities
Informal meetings (including overseas visitors) 92
Conferences/Seminars hosted 0


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Dr Sibylle Bauer*

*Specialist Adviser to the Business and Enterprise, Defence, Foreign Affairs and International Development Committees in their joint inquiry into Strategic Export Controls.

Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
  Cabinet Ministers5
  Other Ministers5
  Members of House of Lords (of whom 1 was also a Minister) 6
Number of appearances by officials or representatives of:   
  Foreign and Commonwealth Office 9
  BBC World Service1
  British Council1
  Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1
  Ministry of Defence2
Appearances by other witnesses 40

Overseas Visits

DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
11-16.11.07IranGapes, Hamilton, Horam, Osborne, Purchase, Stanley, Stuart,
Younger- Ross
2Inquiry into Global Security: Iran £30,318.79
7-10.1.08Brussels, Slovenia and Kosovo Hamilton, Heathcoat-Amory, Horam, Mackinlay, Osborne, Purchase, Stanley 5AInquiry into Developments in the European Union £20,356.85
11-19.3.08Bermuda, Grand Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands and the Falkland Islands Horam, Illsley, Keetch, Mackinlay, Moss, Pope, Stanley, Stuart 4Inquiry into Overseas Territories £51,178.28
16-17.3.08LjubljanaB Gapes1EU Conference of Foreign Affairs Committee Chairpersons £2,046.46
10-16.5.08Japan and Korea Hamilton, Heathcoat-Amory, Horam, Illsley, Moss, Osborne, Pope, Purchase, Stanley, Stuart 3Inquiry into Global Security: Japan and Korea £58,580.46
14-17.7.08Brussels, Paris, Cyprus Gapes, Hamilton, Horam, Keetch, Moss, Osborne, Purchase, Stanley 4Inquiry into Developments in the European Union £21,546.49
21-22.7.08 ParisB Gapes1EU Conference of Foreign Affairs Committee Chairpersons £1,454.38
6-10.10.08New York and Washington DC Gapes, Campbell, Hamilton, Illsley, Mackinlay, Moss, Osborne, Pope, Purchase, Stanley, Stuart 2Inquiry into Global Security £42,697.48
24-26.10.08KoreaB Stanley1Human Rights of North Korean Refugees, SE Asian Refugees, and the Role of the International Community £2,844 (estimated outturn)

A Includes one shorthand writer

B Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits

HMRC Southampton
FCO, Hanslope Park, Milton Keynes
Gapes, Osborne, Stanley
Inquiry into FCO Annual Report 2007-08
BBC Arabic, London
Gapes, Heathcoat-Amory, Stanley
Inquiry into FCO Annual Report 2007-08

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence

TitleHC No. (2007-08) Date of publicationGovernment reply
First Report: Foreign and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2006-07 5019.11.07Cm 7302, published 1.1.08
Second Report: Global Security: Russia 5125.11.07Cm 7305, published 1.2.08
Third Report: Foreign Policy Aspects of the Lisbon Treaty 120-I20.1.08Cm 7332, published 18.2.08
Oral and Written Evidence: Foreign Policy Aspects of the Lisbon Treaty 120-II20.1.08Not applicable
Fourth Report: The Work of the Committee in 2007 28730.1.08Not applicable
Fifth Report: Global Security: Iran 1422.3.08Cm 7361, published 1.5.08
Sixth Report: Proposed appointment of Rt Hon Jack McConnell MSP as High Commissioner to Malawi 50724.6.08Received 24.7.08: published as First Special Report Session 2007-08
Seventh Report: Overseas Territories 147-I6.7.08Cm 7473, published 30.9.08
Oral and Written Evidence: Overseas Territories 147-II6.7.08Not applicable
Eighth Report: Scrutiny of Arms Export Control (2008): UK Strategic Export Controls Annual Report 2006, Quarterly Reports for 2007, licensing policy and review of export control legislationA 25417.7.08Cm 7485, published 3.11.08
Ninth Report: Human Rights Annual Report 2007 53320.7.08Cm 7463, published 25.09.08
Tenth Report: Global Security: Japan and Korea 44930.11.08Awaited
First Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2007-08, on Proposed appointment of Rt Hon Jack McConnell MSP as High Commissioner to Malawi 11573.11.08Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: UK Trade and Investment 136-i29.5.08Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Developments in the European Union: Prospects for the European Council, Brussels, 19-20 June 713-i26.11.08Not applicable
Memoranda: Previously Unpublished Memoranda Submitted to the Foreign Affairs Committee 38920.6.08Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Foreign and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2007-08 964-i9.7.08Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Foreign and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2007-08 964-ii15.10.08Not applicable

A Jointly with the Business and Enterprise, Defence and International Development Committees

Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Foreign and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2007-08 964-iii29.10.08Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Iraq and Afghanistan Joint Meeting with the Defence Committee 1145-i3.11.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Foreign and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2007-08 96415.10.08Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Global Security: Non-Proliferation 117629.10.08Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at


7.11.07One, on amendments proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on the Foreign and Commonwealth Annual Report 2006-07
7.11.07Nine, on amendments proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on Global Security: Russia
16.1.08Nine, on amendments proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on Foreign Policy Aspects of the Lisbon Treaty
18.6.08One, on amendments proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on the Proposed appointment of Rt Hon Jack McConnell MSP as High Commissioner to Malawi


Committee reports were debated on 2 occasions in Westminster Hall and were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to debates in the House of Commons on one occasion. Further details can be found in the Committee's Sessional Report.

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session

Number of oral evidence sessions
Developments in the European UnionA
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Annual Report 2007-08A
Global Security: IranA
Global Security: Iraq and AfghanistanB
Global Security: Japan and Korea
Global Security: Non-Proliferation
Human Rights Annual Report 2007
Overseas Territories
Scrutiny of Senior Diplomatic Appointments
Scrutiny of Arms Export Control (2008): UK Strategic Export Controls Annual Report 2006, Quarterly Reports for 2007, licensing policy and review of export control legislationC

A The Committee took oral evidence on these inquiries in Session 2006-07; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2006-07))

B Jointly with the Defence Committee

C Jointly with the Business and Enterprise, Defence and International Development Committees

D The total in this table does not match the figure given above as joint meetings on Arms Export Controls are included here

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