15 Health
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/healthcom
The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons
on 13 July 2005. It had 11 Members.
Barron, Mr Kevin (Chairman)
Atkins, Charlotte
Bone, Mr Peter (added 10.12.07)
Campbell, Mr Ronnie (discharged 26.11.07)
Dowd, Jim
Gidley, Sandra
Hesford, Stephen (added 26.11.07)
Naysmith, Dr Doug
Penning, Mike (discharged 10.12.07)
Scott, Mr Lee
Stoate, Dr Howard
Syms, Mr Robert
Taylor, Dr Richard
Overall Attendance:
| Meetings attended
36 out of 37
27 out of 37
16 out of 32
0 out of 3
18 out of 37
31 out of 37
19 out of 34
33 out of 37
1 out of 5
21 out of 37
30 out of 37
14 out of 37
36 out of 37
69.3 %
Total number of meetings: |
37 |
Of which: |
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken
| 32 |
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private
| 0 |
Number of wholly private meetings
| 5 |
Number of concurrent meetings with other committees
| 0 |
Other activities
| |
Informal meetings | 18
Conferences/Seminars hosted | 0
Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session
can be found in the Committee's publications.
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr Sheila Adam, Professor John Appleby, Dr Paul Batchelor,
Professor Nick Bosanquet, Seán Boyle, Professor Morris
Brown, Professor Joe Collier, Mr Robert Dredge, Professor Charles
Easmon, Professor Kenneth Eaton, Mr Tony Giddings, Melanie Henwood,
Dr Ike Iheanacho, Professor Alan Maynard, Dr Fiona Moss, Dr Hilary
Pickles, Dr Alex Scott-Samuel and Professor Charles Vincent.
Cabinet Ministers | 3
Other Ministers | 5
Members of the House of Lords (of whom 2 were Ministers)
| 3 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Department of Health | 13
Department for Children, Schools and Families
| 1 |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
| 1 |
Home Office | 1
Executive Agencies, comprising:
| 1 |
UK Border Agency |
1 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments, comprising:
| 6 |
Food Standards Agency
| 1 |
Healthcare Commission
| 1 |
HM Revenue and Customs
| 1 |
Monitor - Independent Regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts
| 1 |
National Patient Safety Agency
| 1 |
Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
| 1 |
Strategic Health Authorities, comprising:
| 7 |
NHS London | 2
NHS North East |
1 |
HHS North West |
1 |
NHS South West |
2 |
NHS Yorkshire and the Humber
| 1 |
Special Health Authorities
| 3 |
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
| 3 |
NHS Foundation Trusts, comprising:
| 3 |
Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
| 1 |
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
| 1 |
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
| 1 |
NHS Trusts, comprising:
| 1 |
Barts and The London NHS Trust
| 1 |
Primary Care Trusts, comprising:
| 8 |
Camden PCT | 1
Devon PCT | 1
Heart of Birmingham Teaching PCT
| 1 |
Hillingdon PCT |
1 |
Liverpool PCT | 1
Sandwell PCT | 1
Sheffield PCT | 1
Tower Hamlets PCT |
1 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 75 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
16-17.3.08 | The Hague | Barron, Atkins, Gidley, Naysmith, Syms, Taylor
| 2 | Inquiry into Health Inequalities
| £4,318.09 |
13-15.5.08 | Oslo | Barron, Atkins, Gidley, Naysmith, Syms, Taylor
| 2 | Inquiry into Health Inequalities
| £10,687.37 |
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
18-19.3.08 | Brussels | Barron, Atkins, Gidley, Naysmith, Syms, Taylor
| 2 | Inquiry into Health Inequalities
| £6,082.61 |
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
18.6.08 | Glasgow | Barron, Naysmith, Stoate, Taylor
| 2 | Inquiry into Health Inequalities
| £2,848.88 |
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2007-08)
| Date of publication | Government reply
First Report: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
| 27-I | 10.1.08 | Cm 7331, published 6.3.08. NICE's Response received 28.4.08: published as First Special Report, Session 2007-08
Oral and Written Evidence: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
| 27-II | Awaiting publication
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Work of the Committee 2007
| 337 | 20.2.08 | Not applicable
Third Report: Modernising Medical Careers
| 25-I | 8.5.08 | Cm 7338, published 7.7.08
Written Evidence: Modernising Medical Careers
| 25-II | 14.11.07 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Modernising Medical Careers
| 25-III | 8.5.08 | Not applicable
Fourth Report: Appointment of the Chair of the Care Quality Commission
| 545-I | 12.5.08 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Appointment of the Chair of the Care Quality Commission
| 545-II | 19.6.08 | Not applicable
Fifth Report: Dental Services | 289-I
| 2.7.08 | Cm 7470, published 7.10.08
Written Evidence: Dental Services |
289-II | 4.2.08 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Dental Services
| 289-III | 2.7.08 | Not applicable
Sixth Report: Foundation trusts and Monitor
| 833-I | 16.10.08 | Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: Foundation trusts and Monitor
| 833-II | 22.10.08 | Not applicable
First Special Report: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: NICE Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2007-08
| 550 | 10.6.08 | Not applicable
Written Evidence: Public Expenditure on Health and Personal Social Services 2007
| 26-i | 16.11.07 | Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Public Expenditure on Health and Personal Social Services 2007
| 26-ii | 4.11.08 | Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Public Expenditure on Health and Personal Social Services 2007
| 26-iii | 4.11.08 | Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The Responsibilities of the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Care Services
| 832-i | 30.10.08 | Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Our NHS Our Future |
1106-i | 29.10.08 | Not applicable
Written Evidence: Patient Safety |
1137 | 30.10.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health Inequalities
| 422-i | 17.3.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health Inequalities
| 422-ii | 4.4.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health Inequalities
| 422-iii | 10.4.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health Inequalities
| 422-iv | 8.5.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health Inequalities
| 422-v | 29.5.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health Inequalities
| 422-vi | 12.6.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health Inequalities
| 422-vii | 29.10.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health Inequalities
| 422-viii | 11.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health Inequalities
| 422-ix | 11.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health Inequalities
| 422-x | 19.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Health Inequalities
| 422-xi | 25.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: NHS Next Stage Review
| 937-i | 16.7.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: NHS Next Stage Review
| 937-ii | 23.7.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: NHS Next Stage Review
| 937-iii | 21.10.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Patient Safety
| 1161-i | 4.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Patient Safety
| 1161-ii | 25.11.08 | Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07
Reply to the Committee's Sixth Report: The Electronic Patient
Record, published as Cm 7264 (12.11.07).
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically
after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the
Committee's website at www.parliament.uk/healthcom.
Committee reports were debated on 2 occasions in
Westminster Hall. Further details can be found in the Committee's
Sessional Report.
Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry
during the Session
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Appointment of the Chair of the Care Quality Commission
| 1 |
Dental Services | 4
Foundation Trusts and Monitor | 1
Health Inequalities | 11
Modernising Medical Careers | 6
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)A
| 1 |
NHS Next Stage Review | 3
Patient Safety | 2
Public Expenditure on Health and Personal Social Services 2007
| 2 |
The responsibilities of the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Care Services
| 1 |
Total | 32
A The Committee also took oral evidence on this inquiry
in Session 2006-07; figures appear in the Return for that Session
(HC 1 (2006-07))
16 Home Affairs
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/homeaffairscom
The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July
2005. It had 14 Members.
Vaz, Keith (Chairman)
Brake, Tom (added 3.3.08)
Browne, Mr Jeremy (discharged 3.3.08)
Buck, Ms Karen
Clappison, Mr James
Cryer, Mrs Ann
Davies, David T. C.
Dean, Mrs Janet
Mercer, Patrick
Moran, Margaret
Prosser, Gwyn
Russell, Bob
Salter, Martin
Streeter, Mr Gary
Winnick, Mr David
Overall Attendance:
| Meetings attended
41 out of 43
17 out of 27
5 out of 16
32 out of 43
31 out of 43
29 out of 43
32 out of 43
37 out of 43
34 out of 43
24 out of 43
37 out of 43
32 out of 43
37 out of 43
23 out of 43
39 out of 43
74.8 %
Total number of meetings: |
43 |
Of which: |
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken
| 39 |
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private
| 2 |
Number of wholly private meetings
| 4 |
Number of concurrent meetings with other committees
| 0 |
Other activities
| |
Informal meetings (including overseas visitors)
| 2 |
Conferences/seminars hosted | 0
Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session
can be found in the Committee's publications.
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Nigel Gilbert, Professor Marianne Hester,
Davina James-Hanman and Dr Nazia Khanum.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Cabinet Ministers |
3 |
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
| 9 |
Members of the House of Commons (other than Ministers)
| 3 |
Members of the House of Lords
| 1 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Home Office | 6
Cabinet Office |
1 |
Department for Children, Schools and Families
| 1 |
Department of Health
| 2 |
Department for Transport
| 1 |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
| 1 |
Ministry of Justice
| 1 |
European Commission
| 1 |
Executive agencies comprising: |
Border and Immigration Agency
| 8 |
HM Prison Service |
1 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
Crown Prosecution Service
| 3 |
Serious Organised Crime Agency
| 2 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 109 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
12-15.5.08 | Ukraine and Russia
| Vaz, Cryer, Davies, Dean, Mercer, Prosser, Russell, Winnick
| 2 | Inquiry into Human Trafficking
| £27,987.81 |
2-9.10.08 | India and Bangladesh
| Vaz, Buck, Mercer, Moran, Prosser, Salter |
2 | Inquiry into Managing Migration: Points-Based System
| £52,990.06 |
30.11.08 | The HagueA
| Davies | 1 | Europol
| £679.00 |
A Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
26-27.11.07 | Brussels 26-27 November 2007A
| Streeter | |
Future of EUFreedom, Security and Justice
| £320.90 |
9.9.08 | BrusselsA
| Davies | | European Parliament Conference
| £724.50 |
14.9.08 | ParisA |
| 1 | European Parliament Conference
| £621.77 |
A Travel in a representative capacity
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
22.11.07 | Thames House - MI5 briefing
| Vaz, Browne, Buck, Cryer, Davies, Dean, Moran, Prosser, Russell, Salter, Winnick
| 2 | Inquiry into 'The Government's Counter-Terrorism Proposals'
| £129.25 |
28.1.08 | Croydon | Vaz, Cryer, Davies, Dean, Mercer, Moran, Prosser
| 1 | Inquiry into Domestic Violence
| £65.00 |
4.2.08 | Wolverhampton | Moran
| 1 | Inquiry into Domestic Violence
| £373.50 |
25.2.08 | Newark | Vaz, Buck, Mercer, Russell, Salter
| 3 | Inquiry into Policing in the 21st Century
| £1,572.30 |
3.3.08 | Colchester | Vaz, Russell
| 1 | Inquiry into Domestic Violence
| £100.10 |
24.4.08 | Reading | Vaz, Buck, Clappison, Cryer, Dean, Prosser, Salter
| 5 | Inquiry into Policing in the 21st Century
| £115.78 |
15-16.6.08 | Monmouth | Vaz, Davies, Mercer, Salter
| 2 | Inquiry into Policing in the 21st Century
| £1,008.76 |
23.6.08 | North Kensington |
Vaz, Buck, Cryer, Davies, Mercer | 5
| Inquiry into Managing Migration: Points-based System
| £849.20 |
7.7.08 | Stockport and Manchester
| Vaz, Brake | 1 | Inquiry into Policing in the 21st Century
| £721.26 |
28.10.08 | YorkA |
Davies | | National Black Police Association 2008 Conference
| £308.00 |
17.11.08 | Stockwell | Vaz, Brake, Davies, Salter
| 5 | Knife Crime Seminar |
£792.55 |
A Travel in a representative capacity
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2007-08)
| Date of publication | Government reply
First Report: The Government's Counter-Terrorism Proposals
| 43-I | 13.12.07 | Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: The Government's Counter-Terrorism Proposals
| 43-II | 13.12.07 | Not applicable
Second Report: Bulgarian and Romanian Accession to the EU: Twelve months on
| 59 | 17.1.08 | Not required
Third Report: The Security Industry Authority: Licensing of Applicants
| 144 | 17.1.08 | Not required
Fourth Report: Work of the Committee in 2007
| 226 | 24.1.08 | Not required
Fifth Report: A Surveillance Society?
| 58-I | 8.6.08 | Cm 7449, published 22.7.08; Information Commissioner's Response, received 1.8.08: published as Second Special Report, Session 2007-08
Oral and Written Evidence: A Surveillance Society?
| 58-II | 8.6.08 | Not applicable
Sixth Report: Domestic Violence, Forced Marriage and "Honour"-Based Violence
| 263-I | 12.6.08 | Cm 7450, published 23.7.08; Further Government response received 6.11.08: published as Third Special Report, Session 2007-08
Oral and Written Evidence: Domestic Violence, Forced Marriage and "Honour"-Based Violence
| 263-II | 12.6.08 | Not applicable
Seventh Report: Policing in the 21st Century
| 364-I | 10.11.08 | Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: Policing in the 21st Century
| 364-II | 10.11.08 | Not applicable
First Special Report: Unauthorised Disclosure of Draft Report
| 196 | 7.4.08 | Not applicable
Second Special Report: A Surveillance Society?: Information Commissioner's Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2007-08
| 1124 | 5.12.08 | Not applicable
Third Special Report: Domestic Violence, Forced Marriage and "Honour"-Based Violence: Further Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2007-08
| 1165 | 6.11.08 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Home Office Annual Report 2007
| 60-i | 24.1.08 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: UK Immigration Issues
| 123-i | 4.2.08 | Not applicable
Oral Evidence: The Government's Counter-Terrorism Bill
| 180 i-ii | 17.3.08 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Police Pay
| 197-i | 4.2.08 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The work of the Border and Immigration Agency
| 224-i | 19.3.08 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The work of the Serious Organised Crime Agency
| 296-i | 17.3.08 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Identity Cards: Data Security Issues
| 365-i | 23.5.08 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Beijing Olympic Torch Relay: Torch Attendants
| 534-i | 15.7.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Human Trafficking
| 318-i | 12.2.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Human Trafficking
| 318-ii | 8.5.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Human Trafficking
| 318-iii | 24.6.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Human Trafficking
| 318-iv | 1.7.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Human Trafficking
| 318-v | 21.10.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Human Trafficking
| 318-vi | 29.10.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Managing Migration: Points-Based System
| 884-i | 14.7.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Managing Migration: Draft Immigration and Citizenship Bill
| 1130-i | 4.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Managing Migration: Draft Immigration and Citizenship Bill
| 1130-ii | 18.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Police and the Media
| 1139-i | 11.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Rights of Gurkhas to Settle in the UK
| 1140-i | 11.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The work of the Home Office
| 1191-i | 19.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Monitoring of the UK Border Agency
| 1192-i | 24.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Immigration Issues
| 1199-i | 25.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Knife Crime
| 1206-i | 25.11.08 | Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically
after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the
Committee's website at www.parliament.uk/homeaffairscom.
Date | Subject
11.12.07 | Three, on consideration of the Chairman's Draft Report on The Government's Counter-Terrorism Proposals
Committee reports were debated on 1 occasion in Westminster Hall
and were referred on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate
in the House of Commons on 1 occasion. Oral evidence was referred
to on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House
on one occasion. Further details can be found in the Committee's
Sessional Report.
Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
A Surveillance Society?A | 2
Beijing Olympic Torch Relay: Torch Attendants
| 1 |
Bulgarian and Romanian Accession to the EU: Twelve months on
| 1 |
Counter Terrorism ProposalsA |
4 |
Domestic Violence, Forced Marriage and "Honour"-Based Violence
| 6 |
Home Office Annual Report 2007 | 1
Human Trafficking | 6
Identity Cards: Data Security Issues | 1
Immigration Issues | 1
Knife Crime | 1
Managing Migration: Draft Immigration and Citizenship Bill
| 2 |
Managing Migration: the Points-based System
| 1 |
Monitoring of the UK Border Agency | 1
Police and the Media | 1
Police Pay | 1
Policing in the 21st Century | 9
Security Industry Authority: Licensing of Applicants
| 1 |
The Government's Counter-Terrorism Proposals
| 1 |
The Rights of Gurkhas to settle in the UK |
1 |
The work of the Border and Immigration Agency
| 1 |
The work of the Home Office | 1
The work of the Serious Organised Crime Agency
| 1 |
UK Immigration Issues | 1
The Committee took oral evidence on these inquiries in Session
2006-07; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2006-07))
17 Human Rights
(Joint Committee)
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/jchr
The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons
on 13 July 2005. It had 6 Commons Members.
Dismore, Mr Andrew (Chairman)
Austin, John (added 8.11.07)
Carswell, Mr Douglas (discharged 13.10.08)
Griffith, Nia (discharged 8.11.07)
Harris, Dr Evan
Sharma, Mr Virendra (added 8.11.07)
Shepherd, Mr Richard
Tami, Mark (discharged 8.11.07)
Timpson, Mr Edward (added 13.10.08)
Overall Attendance:
| Meetings attended
36 out of 39
22 out of 39
2 out of 33
32 out of 39
25 out of 39
12 out of 39
6 out of 6
57.7 %
Total number of meetings: |
39 |
Of which: |
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken
| 19 |
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private
| 0 |
Number of wholly private meetings
| 20 |
Number of concurrent meetings with other committees
| 0 |
Other activities
| |
Informal meetings (including overseas visitors)
| 11 |
Conferences/Seminars hosted | 6
Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session
can be found in the Committee's publications.
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Raju Bhatt, Frances Butler, Dr Heaven Crawley, Professor
Philip Fennell, Professor Geoff Gilbert, Raza Husain, Professor
Francesca Klug, Colm O'Cinneide, Dr Tomoya Obokata, Camilla Parker,
Professor Linda Ward and Sue Willman.
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Cabinet Ministers |
2 |
Other Ministers |
6 |
Members of the House of Commons
| 1 |
Members of the House of Lords
| 1 |
Members of the Scottish Parliament
| 1 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Ministry of Justice
| 1 |
Home Office | 1
Department for Work and Pensions
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
Association of Chief Police Officers
| 1 |
Bill of Rights Forum for Northern Ireland
| 2 |
Crown Prosecution Service
| 1 |
Equality and Human Rights Commission
| 2 |
Information Commissioner's Office
| 2 |
Metropolitan Police Service
| 1 |
Scottish Executive |
2 |
Appearances by other witnesses |
33 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
17-22.11.07 | Johannesburg and Cape Town
| Dismore, Austin, Harris | 3 |
Inquiry into UK Bill of Rights | £13,428.16
13-14.2.08 | ViennaA
| Dismore | | EU Fundamental Rights Agency
| £204.00 |
30.6-3.7.08 | Madrid, Lyon and Paris
| Dismore, Austin | 2 | Inquiry into Policing and Protest
| £12,524.43 |
16-17.11.08 | Vienna | Dismore, Austin
| 2 | EU Fundamental Rights Agency
| £4,983.45 (Estimated outturn) |
A Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
31.3-1.4.08 | StrasbourgA
| | 2 | European Court of Human Rights Judgments
| £401.30 |
8-10.6.08 | StockholmA
| The Earl of Onslow, a Lords Member of the Committee, took part in this visit
| 1 | Colloquy on strengthening implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights
| £996.18 |
25.6.08 | BrusselsA
| Lord Dubs, a Lords Member of the Committee, took part in this visit
| | Conference of Chairpersons of Parliamentary Human Rights Committees in EU Member States
| £155.60 |
A Travel in a representative capacity
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
10.3.08 | Edinburgh | Dismore, Austin
| 3A | Inquiry into UK Bill of Rights
| £1,498.40 |
26-27.10.08 | Belfast | Dismore, Harris
| 1 | Inquiry into Policing and Protest
| £1,341.84 |
A Includes 1 shorthand writer
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2007-08)
| Date of publication | Government reply
First Report: Government Response to the Committee's Eighteenth Report of Session 2006-07: The Human Rights of Older People in Healthcare
| 72 | 16.11.07 | Not applicable
Second Report: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: 42 days
| 156 | 14.12.07 | Cm 7344, published 1.3.08
Third Report: Legislative Scrutiny: 1) Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill; 2) Other Bills
| 198 | 3.1.08 | Received 28.1.08: published as Twelfth Report, Session 2007-08
Fourth Report: Government response to the Committee's Twenty-First Report of Session 2006-07: Human Trafficking: Update
| 220 | 15.1.08 | Not applicable
Fifth Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill
| 269 | 25.1.08 | Received 30.4.08: published as Twenty-Third Report, Session 2007-08
Sixth Report: The Work of the Committee in 2007 and the State of Human Rights in the UK
| 270 | 1.2.08 | Received 8.4.08: published as Eighteenth Report, Session 2007-08
Seventh Report: A Life Like Any Other? Human Rights of Adults with Learning Disabilities
| 73-I | 6.3.08 | Cm 7378, published 7.5.08
Oral and Written Evidence: A Life Like Any Other? Human Rights of Adults with Learning Disabilities
| 73-II | 6.3.08 | Not applicable
Eighth Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Health and Social Care Bill
| 303 | 6.2.08 | Received 16.4.08: published as Seventeenth Report, Session 2007-08
Ninth Report: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights (Eighth Report): Counter-Terrorism Bill
| 199 | 7.2.08 | Cm 7344, published 1.3.08
Tenth Report: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights (Ninth Report): Annual Renewal of Control Orders Legislation 2008
| 356 | 20.2.08 | Cm 7368, published 21.4.08
Eleventh Report: The Use of Restraint in Secure Training Centres
| 378 | 7.3.08 | Received 17.7.08: published as Twenty-Seventh Report, Session 2007-08
Twelfth Report: Legislative Scrutiny : 1) Health and Social Care Bill and 2) Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill: Government Response
| 379 | 11.3.08 | Received 16.4.08: published as Seventeenth Report, Session 2007-08
Thirteenth Report: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2006-07: The Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism
| 380 | 29.2.08 | Not applicable
Fourteenth Report: Data Protection and Human Rights
| 132 | 14.3.08 | Received 23.6.08: published as Twenty-Second Report, Session 2007-08
Fifteenth Report: Legislative Scrutiny
| 440 | 25.3.08 | Received 29.4.08, 1.5.08, 7.5.08, 16.5.08, 4.6.08 and 5.6.08: published as Twenty-Third Report, Session 2007-08
Sixteenth Report: Scrutiny of Mental Health Legislation: Follow Up
| 455 | 31.3.08 | Received 30.7.08: published as Thirty-Second Report, Session 2007-08
Seventeenth Report: Legislative Scrutiny: 1) Employment Bill; 2) Housing and Regeneration Bill; and 3) Other Bills
| 501 | 28.4.08 | Not applicable
Eighteenth Report: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2007-08: The Work of the Committee in 2007 and the state of Human Rights in the UK
| 526 | 6.5.08 | Not applicable
Nineteenth Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Education and Skills Bill
| 553 | 13.5.08 | Received 6.6.08: published as Twenty-Third Report, Session 2007-08
Twentieth Report: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights (Tenth Report): Counter Terrorism Bill
| 554 | 14.5.08 | Received 26.6.08: published as Twenty-Fourth Report, Session 2007-08
Twenty-First Report: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights (Eleventh Report): 42 Days and Public Emergencies
| 635 | 5.6.08 | Received 26.6.08: published as Twenty-Fourth Report Session 2007-08
Twenty-Second Report: Government Response to the Committee's Fourteenth Report of Session 2007-08: Data Protection and Human Rights
| 754 | 23.6.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Third Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Government Replies
| 755 | 26.6.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Fourth Report: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights: Government Responses to the Committee's Twentieth and Twenty-First Reports and other correspondence
| 756 | 26.6.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Fifth Report: Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights (Twelfth Report): Annual Renewal of 28 Days 2008
| 825 | 30.6.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Sixth Report: Legislative Scrutiny: Criminal Evidence (Witness Anonymity) Bill
| 950 | 15.7.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Seventh Report: The Use of Restraint in Secure Training Centres: Government Reply to the Committee's Eleventh Report of this Session
| 979 | 17.7.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Eighth Report: UN Convention Against Torture: Discrepancies in Evidence Given to the Committee About Use of Prohibited Interrogation Techniques in Iraq
| 527 | 27.7.08 | Received 10.11.08: published on the internet
Twenty-Ninth Report: A Bill of Rights for the UK?
| 150 | 10.8.08 | Awaited
Oral and Written Evidence: A Bill of Rights for the UK?
| 150-II | 10.8.08 | Not applicable
Thirtieth Report: Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights (Thirteenth Report): Counter-Terrorism Bill
| 1077 | 8.10.08 | Awaited
Thirty-First Report: Monitoring the Government's Response to Human Rights Judgments: Annual Report 2008
| 1078 | 31.10.08 | Awaited
Thirty-Second Report: Scrutiny of Mental Health Legislation: Government Response to the Committee's Sixteenth Report of Session 2007-08
| 1079 | 8.10.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Immigration and Human Rights
| 357-i | 27.2.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Policing and Protest
| 826-i | 30.6.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Equality and Human Right Commission
| 1094-i | 20.10.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Policing and Protest
| 826-ii | 30.10.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Human Rights Issues relating to the Home Office
| 1142-i | 3.11.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
| 1204-i | 25.11.08 | Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07
Reply to the Committee's First Report, Session 2006-07: The
Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism,
received 13.2.08 and published as the Committee's Thirteenth Report,
Session 2007-08
Reply to the Committee's Twentieth Report, Session 2006-07: Highly
Skilled Migrants: Changes to the Immigration Rules, published
as Cm 7268.
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically
after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the
Committee's website at www.parliament.uk/jchr.
Date | Subject
2.6.08 | Nine, on consideration of the Committee's Twenty-First Report
21.7.08 | One, on consideration of the Committee's Twenty-Ninth Report
Committee reports were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant
to debates in the House of Commons on 19 occasions and in Westminster
Hall on 2 occasions. Further details can be found in the Committee's
Sessional Report.
Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
A Bill of Rights for the UK? | 6
A Life Like any Other? Human Rights of Adults with Learning Disabilities
| 1 |
Counter-Terrorism Policy and Human Rights |
2 |
Criminal Evidence (Witness Anonymity) Bill |
1 |
Data Protection and Human Rights | 2
Equality and Human Rights Commission | 1
Human rights issues relating to the Home Office
| 1 |
Immigration and Human Rights | 1
Policing and Protest | 3
UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
| 1 |
UNCAT: Allegations of torture and inhuman treatment by British troops in Iraq
| 1 |
Total | 20A
A On one occasion the Committee's meeting comprised
two separate oral evidence sessions.