30 Standards and Privileges
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/sandp
The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons
on 13 July 2005. It had 10 Members.
Young, Sir George (Chairman)
Barron, Mr Kevin
Curry, Mr David
Dismore, Mr Andrew
Harvey, Nick
Jenkins, Mr Brian (discharged 12.11.07)
Llwyd, Mr Elfyn
Mullin, Mr Chris
Soames, Hon Nicholas
Tipping, Paddy (added 12.11.07)
Whitehead, Dr Alan
Overall Attendance:
| Meetings attended
23 out of 23
17 out of 23
21 out of 23
22 out of 23
21 out of 23
15 out of 23
21 out of 23
19 out of 23
19 out of 23
21 out of 23
86.5 %
Total number of meetings: | 23
Of which: |
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken
| 1 |
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private
| 1 |
Number of wholly private meetings | 23
Number of concurrent meetings with other committees
| 0 |
Other activities
| |
Informal meetings | 0 |
Conferences/Seminars hosted | 0
Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session
can be found in the Committee's publications.
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by: |
Members of Parliament
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses |
1 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2007-08)
| Date of publication
| Government reply |
First Report: Conduct of Mr Elfyn Llwyd, Mr Adam Price and Mr Hywel Williams
| 94 | 19.11.07
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Conduct of Mr Norman Baker, Mr Malcolm Bruce and Mr Sadiq Khan
| 182 | 13.12.07
| Not applicable |
Third Report: Publications funded from the Communications Allowance
| 232 | 21.1.08
| Not applicable |
Fourth Report: Conduct of Mr Derek Conway
| 280 | 28.1.08
| Not applicable |
Fifth Report: Conduct of Mr Peter Hain
| 324 | 6.2.08
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: Employment of family members through the Staffing Allowance: Proposals for consultation
| 383 | 28.2.08
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: Employment of family members through the Staffing Allowance
| 436 | 19.3.08
| Not applicable |
Eighth Report: The Complaints System and the Criminal Law
| 523 | 30.4.08
| Not applicable |
Ninth Report: Conduct of Mr Speaker |
559 | 14.5.08
| Not applicable |
Tenth Report: Conduct of Mr George Osborne
| 560 | 15.5.08
| Not applicable |
Eleventh Report: Conduct of Sir Robert Smith
| 646 | 5.6.08
| Not applicable |
Twelfth Report: Conduct of Sir Nicholas and Lady Winterton
| 744 | 18.6.08
| Not applicable |
Thirteenth Report: Ending Dual Reporting of Donations: Interim Report
| 989 | 16.7.08
| Not applicable |
Fourteenth Report: Conduct of Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper
| 1044 | 8.10.08
| Not applicable |
Fifteenth Report: Additional Costs Allowance: Main Homes
| 1127 | 22.10.08
| Not applicable |
Sixteenth Report: Conduct of Mr Mark Hunter
| 1128 | 23.10.08
| Not applicable |
Seventeenth Report: Audit and Assurance of MPs' Allowances (Cm 7460)
| 1138 | 29.10.08
| Not applicable |
Eighteenth Report: Ms Dari Taylor |
1188 | 12.11.08
| Not applicable |
Nineteenth Report: Use of pre-paid envelopes and official stationery
| 1211 | 27.11.08
| Not applicable |
Twentieth Report: Premature disclosure of select committee papers
| 1212 | 04.12.08
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically
at the end of the Session. They are available on the Committee's
website at www.parliament.uk/sandp.
The following Report was debated in the House:
Fourth Report, Session 2007-08, Conduct of Mr
Derek Conway, HC 280, 31.1.08.
Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry
during the Session
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Premature disclosure of select committee papers
| 2A |
The Committee's meeting comprised two separate oral evidence
31 Statutory
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/scsi
The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons
on 28 June 2005. It had 7 Members.
Maclean, David (Chairman)
Blackman-Woods, Dr Roberta
Bone, Mr Peter
Foster, Michael Jabez
Kidney, Mr David
MacDougall, Mr John (died 12.8.08)
Simpson, David
Overall Attendance:
| Meetings attended
22 out of 26
7 out of 26
15 out of 26
12 out of 26
21 out of 26
0 out of 20
16 out of 26
52.8 %
Total number of meetings: | 26
Of which: |
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken
| 0 |
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private
| 0 |
Number of wholly private meetings | 26
Number of concurrent meetings with other committees
| 0 |
Other activities
| |
Informal meetings | 0 |
Conferences/Seminars hosted | 0
Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session
can be found in the Committee's publications.
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Overseas Visits
Not applicable.
Visits to European Institutions
Not applicable.
UK Visits
Not applicable.
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2007-08)
| Date of publication
| Government reply |
First Report | 39-i
| 20.11.07 | Not applicable
Second Report | 39-ii
| 11.2.08 | Not applicable
Third Report | 39-iii
| 6.5.08 | Not applicable
Fourth Report | 39-iv
| 22.7.08 | Not applicable
Fifth Report | 39-v
| 17.11.08 | Not applicable
Sixth Report | 39-vi
| 24.11.08 | Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically
after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the
Committee's website at www.parliament.uk/scsi.
Number of oral evidence sessions during the Session
32 Statutory
Instruments (Joint Committee)
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/jcsi
The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons
on 28 June 2005. It had 7 Commons Members.
Maclean, David (Chairman)
Blackman-Woods, Dr Roberta
Bone, Mr Peter
Foster, Michael Jabez
Kidney, Mr David
MacDougall, Mr John (died 12.8.08)
Simpson, David
Overall Attendance:
| Meetings attended
28 out of 32
8 out of 32
20 out of 32
14 out of 32
26 out of 32
0 out of 26
20 out of 32
53.2 %
Total number of meetings: | 32
Of which: |
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken
| 0 |
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private
| 0 |
Number of wholly private meetings | 32
Number of concurrent meetings with other committees
| 0 |
Other activities
| |
Informal meetings | 1 |
Conferences/Seminars hosted | 0
Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session
can be found in the Committee's publications.
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Overseas Visits
Not applicable.
Visits to European Institutions
Not applicable.
UK Visits
Not applicable.
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2007-08)
| Date of publication
| Government reply |
First Report | 38-i
| 20.11.07 | Not applicable
Second Report | 38-ii
| 27.11.07 | Not applicable
Third Report | 38-iii
| 4.12.07 | Not applicable
Fourth Report | 38-iv
| 11.12.07 | Not applicable
Fifth Report | 38-v
| 18.12.07 | Not applicable
Sixth Report | 38-vi
| 22.1.08 | Not applicable
Seventh Report | 38-vii
| 29.1.08 | Not applicable
Eighth Report | 38-viii
| 1.2.08 | Not applicable
Ninth Report | 38-ix
| 11.2.08 | Not applicable
Tenth Report | 38-x
| 25.2.08 | Not applicable
Eleventh Report | 38-xi
| 4.3.08 | Not applicable
Twelfth Report | 38-xii
| 10.3.08 | Not applicable
Thirteenth Report | 38-xiii
| 17.3.08 | Not applicable
Fourteenth Report | 38-xiv
| 25.3.08 | Not applicable
Fifteenth Report | 38-xv
| 31.3.08 | Not applicable
Sixteenth Report | 38-xvi
| 7.4.08 | Not applicable
Seventeenth Report | 38-xvii
| 6.5.08 | Not applicable
Eighteenth Report | 38-xviii
| 12.5.08 | Not applicable
Nineteenth Report | 38-xix
| 19.5.08 | Not applicable
Twentieth Report | 38-xx
| 23.5.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-First Report | 38-xxi
| 13.6.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Second Report | 38-xxii
| 24.6.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Third Report | 38-xxiii
| 1.7.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Fourth Report | 38-xxiv
| 8.7.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Fifth Report | 38-xxv
| 15.7.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Sixth Report | 38-xxvi
| 22.7.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Seventh Report | 38-xxvii
| 21.10.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Eighth Report | 38-xxviii
| 24.10.08 | Not applicable
Twenty-Ninth Report | 38-xxix
| 3.11.08 | Not applicable
Thirtieth Report | 38-xxx
| 10.11.08 | Not applicable
Thirty-First Report | 38-xxxi
| 17.11.08 | Not applicable
Thirty-Second Report | 38-xxxii
| 24.11.08 | Not applicable
First Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's First Special Report of Session 2006-07: Scrutinising Statutory Instruments: Departmental Returns, 2006
| 476 | 7.4.08
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Scrutinising Statutory Instruments: Departmental Returns, 2007
| 915 | 10.7.08
| Awaited |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07
Ministry of Justice Response to the Committee's First Special
Report: Scrutinising Statutory Instruments: Departmental Returns,
2006, received 7.4.08 and published as First Special Report,
Session 2007-08.
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically
after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the
Committee's website at www.parliament.uk/jcsi.
Number of oral evidence sessions during the Session
33 Tax Law
Rewrite Bill (Joint Committee)
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/joint_committee_on_tax_rewrite_bills.cfm
[Extract from the Votes and Proceedings of the
House of Commons, 29 November 2005: "Ordered, Select
Committee appointed to join with a Committee of the Lords as the
Joint Committee on Tax Law Rewrite Bills."]
The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons
on 29 November 2005. It had 7 Commons Members. It held no meetings.
Clarke, Mr Kenneth (Chairman)
Breed, Mr Colin (added 19.5.08)
Clegg, Mr Nick (discharged 19.5.08)
Davies, Mr Quentin (added 8.11.07)
Healey, John
Mountford, Kali
Reed, Mr Andy
Tami, Mark (discharged 8.11.07)
Viggers, Sir Peter
| |
Clerk of the Committee: Celia Blacklock, Senior Clerk
(Band A2).
Committee Assistant: Francene Graham (Band B2).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Overseas Visits
Not applicable.
Visits to European Institutions
Not applicable.
UK Visits
Not applicable.
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07
Formal Minutes
Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry
during the Session
34 Transport
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/transcom
The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons
on 13 July 2005. It had 10 Members.
Ellman, Mrs Louise (Chairman from 21.5.08)
Clelland, Mr David
Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth (Chairman until 17.4.08) (died 17.4.08)
Efford, Clive
Hollobone, Mr Philip
Leech, Mr John
Martlew, Mr Eric
Pritchard, Mark (added 14.7.08)
Scott, Mr Lee (discharged 14.7.08)
Simpson, David (discharged 10.11.08)
Stringer, Graham
Wilshire, Mr David
Wilson, Sammy (added 10.11.08)
Overall Attendance:
| Meetings attended
32 out of 33
22 out of 33
17 out of 17
24 out of 33
29 out of 33
23 out of 33
29 out of 33
3 out of 7
16 out of 26
18 out of 31
26 out of 33
15 out of 33
1 out of 2
73.8 %
Total number of meetings: | 33
Of which: |
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken
| 32 |
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private
| 0 |
Number of wholly private meetings
| 1 |
Other activities
| |
Informal meetings (including overseas visitors)
| 5 |
Conferences/Seminars hosted | 1
Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session
can be found in the Committee's publications.
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Mr Robert Gifford, Professor Chris Nash and Professor
John Preston.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers | 3
Other Ministers | 10
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:
| |
Department for Transport |
10 |
Other departments: |
Children, Schools and Families
| 1 |
Representatives of Executive Agencies, public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| 9 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 156 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
17-20.11.08 | The Hague and Hannover
| Ellman, Clelland, Leech, Martlew, Pritchard
| 2 | Inquiry into Taxes and Charges on Road Users and the Enforcement Activities of VOSA
| £11,599.04 (estimated outturn)
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
13.5.08 | London Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5
| Ellman, Martlew, Scott, Wilshire | 4
| Inquiry into The opening of Heathrow Terminal 5
| £300.80 |
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2007-08)
| Date of publication
| Government reply |
First Report: Galileo: Recent Developments
| 53 | 12.11.07
| Received 16.1.08: published as First Special Report, Session 2007-08
Second Report: The London Underground and the Public-Private Partnership Agreements
| 45 | 25.1.08
| Received 1.4.08: published as Second Special Report, Session 2007-08
Third Report: Work of the Committee in 2007
| 248 | 18.1.08
| Not applicable |
Fourth Report: The Future of BAA |
119 | 14.3.08
| Received 12.5.08: published as Third Special Report, Session 2007-08
Fifth Report: Ticketing and Concessionary Travel on Public Transport
| 84 | 1.4.08
| Received 30.5.08: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Sixth Report: The Blue Badge Scheme |
475 | 10.6.08
| Received 13.10.08: published as Ninth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Seventh Report: Department for Transport Annual Report 2007
| 313 | 13.6.08
| Received 29.7.08: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Eighth Report: Freight Transport |
249 | 19.7.08
| Received 17.9.08: published as Sixth Special Report Session 2007-08
Ninth Report: The Draft Marine Navigation Bill
| 709 | 19.7.08
| Received 17.9.08: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 2007-08
Tenth Report: Delivering a sustainable railway: A 30-year strategy for the railways?
| 219 | 21.7.08
| Received 18.9.08: published as Eighth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Eleventh Report: Ending the Scandal of Complacency: Road Safety beyond 2010
| 460 | 29.10.08
| Awaited |
Twelfth Report: The opening of Heathrow Terminal 5
| 543 | 3.11.08
| Awaited |
First Special Report: Galileo: Recent Developments: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2007-08
| 283 | 28.1.08
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: The London Underground and the Public-Private Partnership Agreements: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2007-08
| 461 | 1.4.08
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: The Future of BAA: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2007-08
| 569 | 19.5.08
| Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: Ticketing and Concessionary Travel on Public Transport: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2007-08
| 708 | 16.6.08
| Not applicable |
Fifth Special Report: Department for Transport Annual Report 2007: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2007-08
| 1102 | 20.10.08
| Not applicable |
Sixth Special Report: Freight Transport: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2007-08
| 1103 | 20.10.08
| Not applicable |
Seventh Special Report: The Draft Marine Navigation Bill: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2007-08
| 1104 | 20.10.08
| Not applicable |
Eighth Special Report: Delivering a Sustainable Railway: A 30-year Strategy for the Railways?: Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report of Session 2007-08
| 1105 | 20.10.08
| Not applicable |
Ninth Special Report: The Blue Badge Scheme: Government and Westminster City Council Responses to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2007-08
| 1106 | 20.10.08
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Transport Security: Travelling without Fear
| 191 | 9.1.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: School Travel
| 911-i | 4.7.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: School Travel
| 911-ii | 17.10.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: School Travel
| 911-iii | 24.10.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: School Travel
| 911-iv | 26.11.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Department for Transport's Annual Report
| 1148-i | 31.10.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Taxes and Charges on Road Users
| 1175-i | 7.11.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The enforcement activities of the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA)
| 1196-i | 14.11.08
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically
after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the
Committee's website at www.parliament.uk/transcom.
Date | Subject
27.2.08 | Seventeen divisions in total.
Fifteen on amendments proposed to the Chairman's draft report on The future of BAA
Two on consideration of the question put that a paragraph stand part of the Chairman's draft report on The future of BAA
5.3.08 | Seven divisions in total.
Two on amendments proposed to the Chairman's draft report on The future of BAA
Four on consideration of the question put that a paragraph stand part of the Chairman's draft report on The future of BAA
One on consideration of the question, that the Report be the Fourth Report of the Committee to the House on The future of BAA
15.10.08 | One, on consideration of the question put that a paragraph stand part of the Chairman's draft report on Ending the Scandal of Complacency: Road Safety beyond 2010
Committee reports were debated on 2 occasions in the House of
Commons and on 1 occasion in Westminster Hall. Committee reports
were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to debates in
the House of Commons or Westminster Hall on 2 occasions. Further
details can be found in the Committee's Sessional Report.
Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Delivering a Sustainable Railway: A 30-year Strategy for the Railways?B
| 5 |
Department for Transport Annual Report 2007A
| 1 |
Department for Transport Annual Report 2008
| 1 |
Draft Marine Navigation Bill | 2
Ending the Scandal of Complacency: Road Safety beyond 2010
| 5 |
Freight Transport | 3
Network Rail Engineering Delays Over The New Year Period B
| 1 |
School Travel | 4
Taxes and charges on road users | 1
The Blue Badge Scheme | 1
The enforcement activities of the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA)
| 1 |
The future of BAA | 2
The London Underground and the Public-Private Partnership AgreementsA
| 1 |
The opening of Heathrow Terminal 5 | 2
Ticketing and Concessionary Travel on Public Transport
| 3 |
Total | 33B
A The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry
in Session 2006-07; figures appear in the Return for that Session
(HC 1 (2006-07))
B On one occasion the Committee's meeting comprised
two separate oral evidence sessions. Therefore the total in this
table does not match the figure given above for the number of
meetings at which oral evidence was taken.
35 Treasury
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/treascom
The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July
2005. It had 14 Members.
McFall, John (Chairman)
Ainger, Nick (added 8.11.07)
Brady, Mr Graham
Breed, Mr Colin
Cousins, Jim
Crabb, Mr Stephen (added 17.11.08)
Dunne, Mr Philip (discharged 17.11.08)
Eagle, Angela (discharged 8.11.07)
Fallon, Mr Michael
Keeble, Ms Sally
Love, Mr Andrew
Mudie, Mr George
Simon, Mr Siôn
Thurso, John
Todd, Mr Mark
Viggers, Sir Peter
Overall Attendance:
| Meetings attended
44 out of 44
34 out of 44
41 out of 44
19 out of 44
32 out of 44
0 out of 3
31 out of 41
41 out of 44
31 out of 44
38 out of 44
21 out of 44
11 out of 44
33 out of 44
36 out of 44
32 out of 44
72.1 %
Total number of meetings: | 44
Of which: |
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken
| 34 |
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private
| 0 |
Number of wholly private meetings | 10
Number of concurrent meetings with other committees
| 0 |
Other activities
| |
Informal meetings (including overseas visitors)
| 9 |
Conferences/Seminars hosted | 0
Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session
can be found in the Committee's publications.
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Roger Bootle, Professor Sheila Dow, Professor David
Heald, Professor David Miles, Professor Anton Muscatelli, Professor
Danny Quah, Bridget Rosewell, Professor Andrew Scott, Professor
Colin Talbot and Professor Geoffrey Wood.
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Cabinet Ministers |
4 |
Other Ministers |
1 |
Members of the House of Lords
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
HM Treasury | 2
Number of appearances from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
Bank of England (including Monetary Policy Committee)
| 13 |
Financial Reporting Advisory Board
| 1 |
Financial Services Authority
| 8 |
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
| 2 |
Office for National Statistics
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses |
73 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
26-28.11.07 | Stockholm |
McFall, Ainger, Brady, Fallon, Todd | 2
| Inquiries into Financial Stability and Transparency and Counting the Population
| £7,711.69 |
11-13.12.07 | Washington DCA
| McFall, Fallon | 1 | Inquiry into Financial Stability and Transparency
| £9,009.81 |
21-22.2.08 | ParisA
| Fallon | 1 | OECD high-level Parliamentary seminar on recent financial market trends and issues
| £980.42 |
7-9.7.08 | Jersey and the Isle of Man
| McFall, Ainger, Brady, Love, Todd, Viggers |
2 | Inquiry into Offshore Financial Centres
| £7,444.54 |
1-8.10.08 | Singapore and Tokyo
| McFall, Ainger, Brady, Breed, Dunne, Fallon, Love
| 2 | Inquiry into Financial Stability and Transparency
| £63,463.14 |
A Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
7-8.1.08 | European Central Bank, Frankfurt, and European Parliament, Brussels
| McFall, Ainger, Brady, Fallon, Love, Mudie, Thurso, Todd, Viggers
| 2 | Inquiry into Financial Stability and Transparency
| £6,454.26 |
22-23.1.08 | European Parliament, BrusselsA
| McFall | 1 | IPU meeting on economic policy and financial stability
| £1,102.41 |
A Travel in a representative capacity
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
15.5.08 | Bank of England |
McFall, Breed, Dunne, Fallon, Keeble, Love, Thurso, Viggers
| 1 | Inquiry into Financial Stability and Transparency
| £87.43 |
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2007-08)
| Date of publication
| Government reply |
First Report: The 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review
| 55 | 3.12.07
| Received 12.3.08: published as Sixth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Second Report: The 2007 Pre-Budget Report
| 54-I | 26.11.07
| Received 12.3.08: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 2007-08
Oral and Written Evidence: The 2007 Pre-Budget Report
| 54-II | 26.11.07
| Not applicable |
Third Report: Work of the Committee in 2007
| 230 | 18.1.08
| Not required |
Fourth Report: Climate Change and the Stern Review: the implications for Treasury policy
| 231 | 4.2.08
| Received 5.2.08: published as Eighth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Fifth Report: The run on the Rock |
56-I | 26.1.08
| Received 1.7.08: published as Eleventh Special Report, Session 2007-08
Oral and Written Evidence: The run on the Rock
| 56-II | 1.2.08
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: Financial Stability and Transparency
| 371 | 3.3.08
| Received 1.7.08: published as Twelfth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Seventh Report: Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2006-07
| 57 | 7.3.08
| Received 7.5.08: published as Ninth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Eighth Report: Re-appointment of Dr Andrew Sentance to the Monetary Policy Committee
| 454-I | 1.4.08
| Not required |
Oral and Written Evidence: Re-appointment of Dr Andrew Sentance to the Monetary Policy Committee
| 454-II | 7.5.08
| Not applicable |
Ninth Report: The 2008 Budget | 430
| 7.4.08 | Received 9.6.08: published as Tenth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Tenth Report: Re-appointment of Mervyn King as Governor of the Bank of England
| 524-I | 7.5.08
| Not required |
Oral and Written Evidence: Re-appointment of Mervyn King as Governor of the Bank of England
| 524-II | 9.6.08
| Not applicable |
Eleventh Report: Counting the population
| 183-I | 22.5.08
| Government and Statistics Authority Responses received 18.9.08: published as Thirteenth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Written Evidence: Counting the population
| 183-II | 15.1.08
| Not applicable |
Twelfth Report: Inherited Estates |
496 | 19.6.08
| Financial Services Authority and Office of Fair Trading Responses received 27.10.08: published as Fifteenth Special Report, Session 2007-08
Thirteenth Report: Budget Measures and Low-Income Households
| 326 | 28.6.08
| Awaited |
Fourteenth Report: Appointment of Lord Turner of Ecchinswell as Chairman of the Financial Services Authority
| 916-I | 10.7.08
| Not required |
Oral and Written Evidence: Appointment of Lord Turner of Ecchinswell as Chairman of the Financial Services Authority
| 916-II | 13.10.08
| Not applicable |
Fifteenth Report: Appointment of Charlie Bean as a Deputy Governor of the Bank of England
| 917-I | 10.7.08
| Not required |
Oral and Written Evidence: Appointment of Charlie Bean as a Deputy Governor of the Bank of England
| 917-II | 23.7.08
| Not applicable |
Sixteenth Report: Appointment of Spencer Dale to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England
| 1009-I | 23.7.08
| Not required |
Oral and Written Evidence: Appointment of Spencer Dale to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England
| 1009-II | 25.8.08
| Not applicable |
Seventeenth Report: Banking Reform |
1008 | 16.9.08
| Government and Financial Services Authority Responses received 27.10.08: published as Fourteenth Special Report, Session 2007-08
First Special Report: The efficiency programme in the Chancellor's departments: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2006-07
| 62 | 26.11.07
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Private equity: Responses from the Government and the Financial Services Authority to the Committee's Tenth Report of Session 2006-07
| 145 | 10.12.07
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: Financial inclusion follow-up: saving for all and shorter term saving products: Government Response to the Committee's Thirteenth Report of Session 2006-07
| 167 | 17.12.07
| Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: Globalisation: prospects and policy responses: Government Response to the Committee's Fourteenth Report of Session 2006-07
| 201 | 11.1.08
| Not applicable |
Fifth Special Report: The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: ten years on: Government and Bank of England Responses to the Committee's Twelfth Report of Session 2006-07
| 259 | 8.2.08
| Not applicable |
Sixth Special Report: The 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2007-08
| 428 | 25.3.08
| Not applicable |
Seventh Special Report: The 2007 Pre-Budget Report: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2007-08
| 429 | 25.3.08
| Not applicable |
Eighth Special Report: Climate Change and the Stern Review: the implications for Treasury Policy: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2007-08
| 495 | 30.4.08
| Not applicable |
Ninth Special Report: Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2006-07: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2007-08
| 564 | 21.5.08
| Not applicable |
Tenth Special Report: The 2008 Budget: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2007-08
| 689 | 16.6.08
| Not applicable |
Eleventh Special Report: The run on the Rock: Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2007-08
| 918 | 10.7.08
| Not applicable |
Twelfth Special Report: Financial Stability and Transparency: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2007-08
| 919 | 10.7.08
| Not applicable |
Thirteenth Special Report: Counting the population: Government and Statistics Authority Responses to the Committee's Eleventh Report of Session 2007-08
| 1032 | 18.9.08
| Not applicable |
Fourteenth Special Report: Banking Reform: Government and Financial Services Authority Responses to the Committee's Seventeenth Report of Session 2007-08
| 1131 | 27.10.08
| Not applicable |
Fifteenth Special Report: Inherited Estates: Financial Services Authority and Office of Fair Trading Responses to the Committee's Twelfth Report of Session 2007-08
| 1132 | 27.10.08
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence: Bank of England November 2007 Inflation Report
| 139-i | 17.1.08
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Private Equity
| 166 | 7.7.08
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Financial Services Authority Annual Report, 2006-07
| 258-i | 6.5.08
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Financial Reporting and the National Accounts
| 397-i | 29.4.08
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Bank of England February 2008 Inflation Report
| 453-i | 28.4.08
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Financial Stability and Transparency
| 536 i-iii | 1.7.08
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Bank of England May 2008 Inflation Report
| 739 i-ii | 1.8.08
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Regulation of oil markets
| 987-i | 29.10.08
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Bank of England August 2008 Inflation Report
| 1033-i | 17.11.08
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Economics of the Housing Market
| 1092-i | 24.11.08
| Not applicable |
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Offshore Financial Centres
| 895-i | 8.8.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Banking Crisis
| 1167-i | 4.11.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Banking Crisis
| 1167-ii | 17.11.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Banking Crisis
| 1167-iii | 24.11.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Banking Crisis
| 1167-iv | 24.11.08
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Bank of England November 2008 Inflation Report
| 1210-i | 26.11.08
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Offshore Financial Centres
| | 15.7.08
| Not applicable |
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Banking Crisis
| | 17.11.08
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07
Reply to the Committee's Eighth Report: The efficiency programme
in the Chancellor's departments, received 26.10.07 and published
as the Committee's First Special Report Session 2007-08.
Reply to the Committee's Tenth Report: Private equity,
received 22.11.07 and published as the Committee's Second Special
Report Session 2007-08.
Reply to the Committee's Twelfth Report: The Monetary Policy
Committee of the Bank of England: ten years on, received 30.01.08
and published as the Committee's Fifth Special Report Session
Reply to the Committee's Thirteenth Report: Financial inclusion
follow-up: saving for all and shorter term saving products,
received 06.12.07 and published as the Committee's Third Special
Report Session 2007-08.
Reply to the Committee's Fourteenth Report: Globalisation:
prospects and policy responses, received 13.12.07 and published
as the Committee's Fourth Special Report Session 2007-08.
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically
after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the
Committee's website at www.parliament.uk/treascom.
Date | Subject
24.1.08 | Five, on amendment proposed to the Chairman's draft report on Run on the Rock
11.9.08 | One, on consideration of the Committee's Report on Banking Reform
Committee reports were debated on 1 occasion in the House of Commons
and on 1 occasion in Westminster Hall. Committee reports were
tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to debates in the
House of Commons or Westminster Hall on 5 occasions and were the
subject of an Estimates Day debate on 1 occasion. Further details
can be found in the Committee's Sessional Report.
Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Appointment of Charlie Bean as a Deputy Governor of the Bank of England
| 1 |
Appointment of Lord Turner of Ecchinswell as Chairman of the Financial Services Authority
| 1 |
Appointment of Spencer Dale to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England
| 1 |
Bank of England November 2007 Inflation Report
| 1 |
Bank of England February 2008 Inflation Report
| 1 |
Bank of England May 2008 Inflation Report |
2 |
Bank of England August 2008 Inflation Report
| 1 |
Bank of England November 2008 Inflation Report
| 1 |
Banking Crisis | 4
Banking Reform | 2
Budget Measures and Low-Income Households |
2 |
Economics of the Housing Market | 1
Financial Reporting and the National Accounts
| 1 |
Financial Services Authority Annual Report, 2006-07
| 1 |
Financial Stability and Transparency | 8
Inherited Estates | 2
Offshore Financial Centres | 1
Private Equity | 1
Re-appointment of Dr Andrew Sentance to the Monetary Policy Committee
| 1 |
Re-appointment of Mervyn King as Governor of the Bank of England
| 1 |
Regulation of oil markets | 1
The 2008 Budget | 3
Total | 38A
A On
four occasions the Committee's meeting comprised two separate
evidence sessions.
35A Treasury
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/treascom
The Sub-Committee was nominated by the House of Commons
on 13 July 2005. It had 14 Members.
Fallon, Mr Michael (Chairman)
Ainger, Nick (added 8.11.07)
Brady, Mr Graham
Breed, Mr Colin
Cousins, Jim
Crabb, Mr Stephen (added 17.11.08)
Dunne, Mr Philip (discharged 17.11.08)
Eagle, Angela (discharged 8.11.07)
Keeble, Ms Sally
Love, Mr Andrew
McFall, John
Mudie, Mr George
Simon, Mr Siôn
Thurso, John
Todd, Mr Mark
Viggers, Sir Peter
Overall Attendance:
| Meetings attended
14 out of 14
14 out of 14
11 out of 14
4 out of 14
11 out of 14
0 out of 1
7 out of 13
7 out of 14
10 out of 14
13 out of 14
3 out of 14
1 out of 14
7 out of 14
12 out of 14
11 out of 14
63.8 %
Total number of meetings: | 14
Of which: |
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken
| 13 |
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private
| 0 |
Number of wholly private meetings | 1
Number of concurrent meetings with other committees
| 0 |
Other activities
| |
Informal meetings | 0 |
Conferences/Seminars hosted | 0
Clerk of the Sub-Committee: Ms Fiona McLean, Senior
Clerk (Band A2) (until 31.3.08), Sian Woodward, Senior Clerk (Band
A2) (from 1.4.08)
Committee Specialist: Anna Leach (Band B1) (until
26.9.08), Cait Turvey Roe (Band B1) (from 29.9.08)
Media Officer: Laura Humble (shared) (Band B1)
Senior Committee Assistant: Ms Lis McCracken, Senior
Executive Officer (Band B1) (until 15.2.08), Phil Jones (Band
B2) (from 18.2.08)
Committee Assistant: Michelle Edney (Band C) (until
21.1.08), Caroline McElwee (Band C) (from 21.1.08)
Committee Support Assistant: Tes Stranger (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
| 9 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
HM Treasury | 6
Government Departments reporting to the Chancellor of the Exchequer comprising:
| |
Government Actuary's Department
| 1 |
Office of Government Commerce
| 1 |
Office for National Statistics
| 1 |
UK Debt Management Office
| 1 |
Valuation Office Agency
| 1 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
Bank of England |
1 |
HM Revenue and Customs
| 4 |
Royal Statistical Society
| 1 |
Statistics Board |
1 |
Statistics Commission
| 1 |
Adjudicator's Office
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 6 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2007-08)
| Date of publication | Government reply
Oral and Written Evidence: Child Trust Funds: follow-up
| 537-i | 1.8.08 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Estate Management in the Chancellor's departments
| 852-i | 1.8.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments 2007-08
| 1097-i | 21.10.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments 2007-08
| 1097-ii | 27.10.08 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments 2007-08
| 1097-iii | 3.11.08 | Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 2006-07
Not applicable.
Formal Minutes
The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically
after each meeting of the Sub-Committee. They are available on
the Committee's website at www.parliament.uk/treascom.
Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry
during the Session
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2006-07
| 3 |
Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2007-08
| 4 |
Child Trust Funds: follow-up | 1
Counting the population | 4
Estate Management in the Chancellor's Departments
| 1 |
Total | 13