10.30 am
Private Business (without debate).
Oral Questions to the Minister of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, including at 11.15 am Topical Questions.
11.30 am
Urgent Questions (if any); Business Question to the Leader of the House; Ministerial Statements (if any).
Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism (Motion for approval) (for up to one and a half hours).
Business of the House (Motion) (may continue until 6.00 pm).
Chair (Terminology); Election of select committee chairs; Resignation or removal of chairs of select committees; Election
of members of select committees; Backbench business committee; Election of the Deputy Speakers (Motions) (may continue for up to two hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Business of the House Motion, if that Motion
is agreed to.)
At the end of the sitting
Adjournment Debate: Proposed sale of homes by the Crown Estate (Frank Dobson) (until 6.30 pm or for half an hour, whichever is later).