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Non-voted resource DEL

The £29,389,000 increase in Non-voted resource DEL arises from:



Capital DEL

Voted Capital DEL

The £2,642,944,000 decrease in the voted element of the capital DEL arises from:

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Non-voted Capital DEL

The £2,675,466,000 increase in the non-voted element of capital DEL arises from:

Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills

There has been no change in overall DEL limits within the Winter Supplementary; however a movement of £10,000,000 from Non-Voted Departmental Unallocated Provision to Voted Resource has been made to cover increased expenditure on existing services.

Communities and Local Government

Departmental Expenditure Limit (2009-10)

The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Mr. John Denham): Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Communities and Local Government's Departmental Expenditure Limits for 2009-10 will change as follows:

The Department for Communities and Local Government's Main Programmes DEL will be increased by £554,164,000 from £13,118,891,000 to £13,673,055,000 and the administration budget will also be increased by £161,000 from £272,903,000 to £273,064,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:









Of which

Administration budget(*)






Near-cash in RDEL






Capital (**)


















(*)The total of 'Administration budget' and 'Near-cash in resource DEL' figures may be greater than total resource DEL due to the definitions overlapping.
(** )Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets
(***)Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL, since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.

The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:

(i) A net transfer of £1,135,000 to Request for Resources 2 ( Local Government DEL) from Request for Resources 1 (Main DEL) comprising:

From RfRl to RfR2

a) £200,000 from Implementing Planning Reforms to London Governance to fund the Mayor's new planning powers in the Greater London Authority Act 2007;

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b) £1,432,000 from Fire and Rescue Services Improvement Programme to Best Value Inspection to pay the Audit Commission's bill in respect of work on 'Fire';

c) £76,000 from Efficient Geographic and Statistics to Best Value Inspection for secondment costs relating to the Data Inter Change Hub.

From RfR2 to RfRl

d) £573,000 from Local Government Research and Publicity, comprising of £500,000 for Cohesion Race and Equality to provide a more streamlined and effective research team and £73,000 for Main DEL Research for the new strategic research budget.

(ii) a net transfer of £1,943,000 from other Government Departments, comprising:

To other Government Departments

Programme Expenditure

(a) £233,000 to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for new burdens for the Environment Agency implementation of the Mine Waste Directive.

From other Government Departments

Programme Expenditure

(a) £1,396,000 from the Home Office in respect of their contribution to the

Migration Impact Fund;

Administration Costs (Government Offices)

(b) £340,000 from Cabinet Office to Government Offices for work on Community Cohesion;

(c) £440,000 from the Department for Work and Pensions to Government Offices for work on Older Persons agenda;

(iii) a decrease of £619,000 for Government Offices to reflect of technical accounting changes as a consequence of implementing International Financial Reporting Standards;

(iv) a net increase in receipts of £34,556,000 offsetting increases in provision of: £100,000 for the Residential Property Tribunal Service for Tribunal Hearing applications; £100,000 for Supporting People Administration; £600,000 for the Regeneration Strategy to help establish the National Worklessness Forum; £7,954,000 for Planning Inspectorate to fund projected spend; £250,000 for Fire and Rescue Services Improvement Programme to enable the Department to invoice the Fire Service College to recover subscription expenditure; £1,800,000 for Central Administration to fund outward secondments; and £23,752,000 for various Government Office programmes including £672,000 for technical changes in implementing the International Financial Reporting Standards.

(v) a net transfer of £55,324,000 from voted to non- voted provision comprising:

From voted to non-voted provision

Programme Expenditure

(a) £3,953,000 to the newly formed Infrastructure Planning Commission from Implementing Planning Reforms (£3,661,000) and Planning Inspectorate (£292,000);

(b) £3,190,000 to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) in respect of:

(i) Commitment in the "Lifetime Homes, Lifetime Neighbourhoods: a National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society "(£140,000);

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(ii) Planning Performance Agreements for Renewable and Low-Carbon Energy Planning Applications (£300,000);

(iii) Rural master-planning (joint with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)(£250,000);

(iv) Advisory Team on Large Applications (ATLAS) (£2,500,000).

(c) £15,711,000 of uncommitted and available resources to the Departmental Unallocated Provision (DUP), where it is available for other uses, from various programmes. These represent transfers from:

(i) Supporting People Administration (£3,280,000);

(ii) Regeneration Strategy (£600,000)

(iii) Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (£2,359,000);

(iv) National Register of Social Housing (£419,000)

(v) Regeneration Monitoring and Digital Inclusion (£2,000,000);

(vi) Efficient Geographic and Statistical Data (£4,581,000);

(vii) Planning Inspectorate (£2,472,000);

(d) £606,000 for West Northamptonshire Development Corporation comprising £400,000 to fund costs in respect of unfunded legal challenges on planning (£300,000 from New Deal for Communities and £100,000 from Valuation Office Agency) and £206,000 from Planning Inspectorate to cover cost of capital;

(e) £1,667,000 from Efficient Geographic and Statistical Data to the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) budgets to cover the cost of taking over the maintenance and running of the National Register of Social Housing database which is to be transferred to the TSA;

(f) £18,206,000 transfer to Arms length bodies comprising £16,500,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to Thames Gateway Development Corporations; £1,706,000 from Community Empowerment to the Community Development Foundation.

Administration costs - and Other Current

(g) £12,300,000 (near cash) from voted Government Offices (Other Current) to non-voted Government Offices to adjust budgets for utilisation of provisions in respect of early exit costs and

(h) £1,400,000 (non-cash) from Central Administration to non-voted Government Offices to correct the baseline provision of both pay and provision release;

From non-voted to voted provision

Programme Costs

(i) £309,000 drawn down from the Department Unallocated Provision (DUP) for the National Register of Social Housing Capital Plan;

Administration costs

(j) £1,400,000 (near cash) from non-voted Government Offices to voted Government Offices to correct the baseline provision of both pay and provision release;

The change in the administration budget arises from a transfer of £780,000 from other Government Departments (see above section (ii) and a decrease of £619,000 for the transition to International Financial Reporting Standards (see section (iii)).

The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from

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