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1 Dec 2009 : Column 708W—continued

Gifted Children: Staffordshire

Mr. Jenkins: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many children in (a) Tamworth constituency and (b) the Staffordshire local authority area have been identified as gifted and talented since 2007. [301591]

Ms Diana R. Johnson: Through the School Census schools are asked to confirm the number of gifted and talented pupils they have identified. The following tables provide data on how many children have been identified as gifted and talented in the January census since 2007 in the Tamworth constituency and Staffordshire county council area.

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Maintained primary schools: Number( 1) and percentage( 2) of gifted and talented pupils( 3, 4)
2007 2008 2009

Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage






















State funded secondary schools( 1,5) :Number and percentage of gifted and talented pupils( 2, 3)
2007 2008 2009

Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage






















(1) Includes middle schools as deemed.
(2) The number of gifted and talented pupils expressed as a percentage of the total number of pupils in the same cohort.
(3) Headcount of pupils.
(4) Excludes dual registrations.
(5) Includes CTCs and Academies.

Holiday Play Schemes

Norman Baker: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many (a) out-of-school and (b) holiday play schemes there were in (i) Lewes, (ii) East Sussex, (iii) the South East and (iv) England in each of the last five years. [302775]

Dawn Primarolo: The table shows the number of out of school clubs in England, the south-east Government office region and East Sussex local authority in each of the last five years for which data were collected. The last year that Ofsted collected information on out of school clubs was 2008 as changes in legislation meant that new categories were introduced for the collection of child care data.

Information on the number of holiday play schemes is not available as Ofsted do not collect these data. Information is not collected at parliamentary constituency level.

Number( 1) of out of school clubs for children under eight years of age-position at 31 March each year

England South-east Government office region East Sussex local authority





















(1) Figures over 100 have been rounded to the nearest 100 and figures under 100 have been rounded to the nearest 10.

Pre-school Education: Finance

Annette Brooke: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how much has been allocated to each children's services department in each local authority for implementation of the early years single funding formula in 2010-11. [302159]

Dawn Primarolo: The free entitlement to early education for every three and four-year-old is funded through the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG), which has increased by on average 13.1 per cent. per pupil between 2008-09 and 2010-11. Funding has also been made available through the standards fund grant to support the flexible extension of the free entitlement, which local authorities can use to support the implementation of their local single funding formula if required (£340 million for 2010-11). It is for local authorities to determine in consultation with their Schools Forum the distribution of the Schools Budget (including the DSG).

Schools: Admissions

Bob Russell: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families what plans he has to make the rules on deferring and delaying school entry more comprehensible for (a) parents and (b) admission authorities; and if he will make a statement. [302519]

Ms Diana R. Johnson: The DCSF will provide information to parents and local authorities about the benefits to children of entering reception class in the September immediately after their fourth birthday. The information will cover the right of parents to defer entry until their children reach compulsory school age.

Schools: Racism

Mr. Laurence Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families what requirements there are on schools to record alleged racist statements and actions which take place on their grounds; and if he will make a statement. [303553]

Mr. Coaker: The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 places a general duty on all public authorities, including schools, to eliminate unlawful racial discrimination; promote equality of opportunity; and promote good race relations.

In 2006 the Department issued two guidance documents to schools on race relations. The first document, "Recording and reporting racist incidents guidance", states that a school must have a written race equality policy; advises on recording and investigating incidents; and recommends that schools should report all incidents to the local authority at least annually. The second document, "Tackling bullying around race, religion and culture", forms part of our overall guidance to schools on bullying, "Safe to
1 Dec 2009 : Column 711W
Learn: Embedding Anti-bullying Work in Schools". The guidance recommends that schools should record all incidents of bullying and use the data to monitor their anti-bullying policies.

In 2010, the DCSF intend to introduce a new statutory duty on schools to record incidents of bullying between pupils, racist incidents and incidents of verbal and physical abuse against school staff. We intend to consult later this year on whether the new duty should require schools to report all bullying incidents to their local authority, and whether types of bullying incident (eg racist, disablist, homophobic, etc.) should be included.

Specialised Diplomas: Enfield

Joan Ryan: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many young people are studying for 14 to 19 diplomas in (a) Enfield North constituency and (b) the London borough of Enfield in 2009-10. [303363]

Mr. Iain Wright: Figures from local authorities of numbers of young people enrolled on a Diploma course in September 2009 will have been submitted, collated and confirmed by the end of the year.

Specialised Diplomas: South Yorkshire

Jeff Ennis: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many students are enrolled on a 14 to 19 diploma course in each subject in (a) Barnsley and (b) South Yorkshire. [302125]

Mr. Iain Wright: The 14 to 19 Diploma was introduced in the academic year 2008/09. Data for this year were published via the DCSF website on 11 November 2009:

The number of learners who participated in a course of study towards a Diploma for all or part of the academic year 2008/09 in (a) the Metropolitan Borough of Barnsley and (b) the Metropolitan County of South Yorkshire, up to and including 31 August 2009, as identified by the number of diploma learners registered on the QCDA Diploma Aggregation Service (DAS) data is:

(a) Metropolitan Borough of Barnsley (b) Metropolitan County of South Yorkshire

Construction and the Built Environment



Creative and Media






Information Technology



Society, Health and Development






Diploma Aggregation Service

Initial figures from local authorities on 2009/10 Diploma learners will have been returned and confirmed by the end of 2009.

1 Dec 2009 : Column 712W

Sure Start Programme: Bedfordshire

Nadine Dorries: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families whether he plans to extend the operation of the Sure Start programme in Mid Bedfordshire constituency. [302918]

Dawn Primarolo: There are a total of five designated Sure Start children's centres offering services to around 2,900 under-fives and their families in the Mid-Bedfordshire constituency. A further five designated children's centres are planned to be delivered by March 2010.

Local authorities are responsible for rolling out Sure Start children's centre programmes in their areas so that by March 2010 there are at least 3,500 centres, one for every community. We are on track to achieve this target.

Energy and Climate Change

Buildings: Carbon Emissions

Gregory Barker: To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change what mechanisms are in place to collect information on an annual basis to monitor the progress that is being made towards meeting emissions targets for housing and other buildings. [301944]

Joan Ruddock: The Government collect data on energy consumption and emissions from a variety of sources. The Digest of UK Energy Statistics, an annual publication available on the DECC website, includes substantial information about energy and fuel use in housing and other buildings. The energy and fuel use data are then converted into carbon dioxide emissions using carbon emissions factors supplied by industry or in some cases by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The emissions data are also published annually on our website.

Both energy use and emissions data can be found here:

Carbon Emissions: Heating

Mr. Roger Williams: To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change what assessment he has made of the effect on the electric heating sector of the proposed Standard Assessment Procedure methodology. [303321]

Joan Ruddock: The Department is currently examining all responses received to our consultation on the proposed changes to the Standard Assessment Procedure including those from the UK electric heating industry. Officials have since requested further information from the industry which we will carefully examine before any decision is taken in amending SAP.

Carbon Emissions: Housing

Mr. Jenkins: To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (1) how many and what proportion of homes in Tamworth constituency classed
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as social housing were insulated under the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target scheme in (a) 2008 and (b) 2009 to date; [302892]

(2) how many homes have been insulated in the Tamworth constituency under the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) scheme to date; and what percentage of the housing stock in Tamworth constituency has been insulated under CERT. [302893]

Joan Ruddock: This information is not held centrally. CERT is a GB-wide obligation and under the governing Regulations, Government cannot oblige energy suppliers to report on where measures are installed under the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target. However, we are progressing a voluntary agreement with the energy suppliers to this end, which we hope to have in place this year. This will report all CERT insulation data into the Home Energy Efficiency Database held by the Energy Saving Trust, and allow area based analysis.

Charles Hendry: To ask the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change what qualifications are required for a person to undertake home energy advice work related to the carbon emissions reduction target. [303407]

Joan Ruddock: Article 3 of the Electricity and Gas (Carbon Emissions Reduction) (Amendment) Order 2009 sets out the qualifications required. These are:

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