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3 Dec 2009 : Column 953W—continued

Mr. Hurd: To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office (1) if she will place in the Library a copy of the results of the Census pilot undertaken in 2007; [302274]

(2) if she will place in the Library a copy of the communication plan and strategy for the 2011 Census; [302294]

(3) if she will place in the Library a copy of the business case for the 2011 Census; [302431]

(4) what timetable has been set for the printing of the household forms for the 2011 Census; [302275]

(5) how many staff will be hired for the purposes of undertaking door-to-door communications for the 2011 Census; [302276]

(6) whether contracts let in respect of the 2011 Census include break clauses; [302277]

3 Dec 2009 : Column 954W

(7) assessment has been made of the merits of using existing public sector and commercial datasets to replace the (a) 2011 Census and (b) 2021 Census; [302278]

(8) what estimate was made of the number and proportion of illegal immigrants who completed the 2001 Census; and whether she has made an assessment of the likely effect of the proposed inclusion of new questions on citizenship and intention to remain in the UK on the number of illegal immigrants who complete the 2011 Census; [302279]

(9) what the response rate was (a) in absolute numbers, (b) as a percentage of postal surveys sent and (c) as a percentage of the resident population in each of the four areas in the 2009 Census rehearsal; [302280]

(10) for what reasons each question which was included in the 2001 Census and which is not proposed to be included in the 2011 Census has not been included in that Census; [302282]

(11) what estimate she has made of the cost to the public purse of questions to be included in the 2011 Census which were not contained in the 2001 Census. [302295]

Angela E. Smith: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the Authority to reply.

Letter from Jil Matheson, dated December 2009:

3 Dec 2009 : Column 955W


Areas Number of questionnaire returned Percentage of questionnaires returned










Combined total






3 Dec 2009 : Column 956W

Mr. Hurd: To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office (1) what the minimum duration of stay is that will require an individual to register as an overnight guest and disclose name, sex and date of birth in the 2011 Census; whether overnight guests who are children will be required to register; whether guests at a house party will be required to register; and what personal liability householders will have should overnight guests refuse to disclose personal information; [302427]

(2) whether hotels and bed and breakfast establishments will be required to register their overnight guests and disclose information on name, sex and date of birth for the 2011 Census; [302454]

(3) how many pages long were the (a) individual and (b) household forms in each of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland for the (i) 1991 Census and (ii) 2001 Census; and what the estimated page length is for each of those in the 2011 Census based on the (A) Census rehearsal and (B) subsequent planning; [302428]

(4) what the estimated error rate is for the 2011 Census exercise in relation to the questions on the number of bedrooms; and whether the information on the number of bedrooms will be cross-referenced with any other dataset separate from the 2011 Census; [302429]

(5) how much and what proportion of the budget for the 2011 Census had (a) been spent, (b) been allocated for expenditure and (b) not been allocated on the latest date for which figures are available; [302281]

(6) what assessment she has made of the reasons for the difference between the likely cost of the 2011 Census and the cost of the 2001 Census; [302283]

(7) what the cost to the public purse was of the (a) 1991 Census and (b) 2001 Census in (i) cash terms and (ii) real terms in 2009 prices. [302489]

Angela E. Smith: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the Authority to reply.

Letter from Jil Matheson, dated December 2009:

3 Dec 2009 : Column 957W

3 Dec 2009 : Column 958W

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