Oral Answers

Thursday 10 December 2009

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs483
Bovine Tuberculosis495
Canal Network490
Carbon Footprint (Copenhagen Summit)485
Climate Change (Forestry)484
Dairy Farmers492
Economic Downturn (Rural Economy)495
Financial Inclusion496
Flood Defences (York)498
Food Labelling487
Food Labelling494
Food Labelling497
Food Production (Research)493
Marine Conservation Zones491
Mushroom Composting (Emissions)496
Nuclear Power Station (Bradwell)483
Roadside Litter486
Single Payment Scheme491
Single Payment Scheme (Mr. Peter Philpot)497
Topical Questions498

Written Ministerial Statements

Thursday 10 December 2009

Children, Schools and Families25WS
Early Years Funding25WS
Revised Schools Admissions Code26WS
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs28WS
Food Labelling (Occupied Palestinian Territories)28WS
South Downs National Park29WS
Autumn Performance Report30WS
NHS 2010-1530WS
Home Department31WS
Intercept as Evidence31WS
UK Border Agency32WS
Freedom of Information Act 200033WS
Leader of the House33WS
Parliamentary Standards (Legislative Proposals)33WS
Airport Economic Regulation39WS
Autumn Performance Report 200938WS
Consultation on HGV Testing Exemptions38WS
Local Transport Act 2008:Quality Contracts Schemes38WS
Financial Sector25WS
Work and Pensions40WS
Equality 202540WS


Thursday 10 December 2009

Presented Petitions15P
Badman Report (Aldershot)15P
Badman Report (North Essex)16P
Badman Report (North Swindon)16P
Badman Report (South Suffolk)15P
Equitable Life (Stratford-on-Avon)17P
Foreign and Commonwealth Office17P
Middle East17P
Sri Lanka18P

Written Answers

Thursday 10 December 2009

Business, Innovation and Skills601W
Apprentices: Finance601W
Business: Closures601W
Departmental Assets603W
Departmental Cost Effectiveness603W
Departmental Legal Costs605W
Departmental Training606W
Estate Agents: Registration606W
Further Education: Admissions607W
Grocery Trade: Complaints607W
Internet: Security607W
Learning and Skills Council for England: Pay607W
London Metropolitan University608W
Shops: Closures609W
Students: Loans609W
Unemployed: Qualifications609W
Cabinet Office593W
Cinemas: Closures593W
Departmental Energy593W
Drinking Water595W
Employment Schemes595W
Food Strategy Task Force595W
Lone Parents: Employment596W
Retail Trade: Closures598W
Third Sector: Finance599W
Unemployment: Graduates599W
Unemployment: Young People600W
Church Commissioners521W
Church of England: Green Issues521W
Communities and Local Government584W
Fire Prevention584W
Fire Services585W
Fire Services: Emergency Calls585W
Fire Services: Finance585W
Fire Services: Manpower589W
Fire Services: Operating Costs590W
Housing: Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty590W
Housing: Fire Prevention590W
Housing: Rural Areas591W
Non-domestic Rates: Sports591W
Ordnance Survey591W
Ordnance Survey: Public Relations592W
Right to Buy Scheme: Rural Areas592W
Culture, Media and Sport528W
Creativity and Business International Network: Finance528W
Departmental Sick Leave528W
Film: Israel529W
Grayling Political Strategy: Public Relations529W
Olympic Legacy Board530W
Armed Forces: Costs521W
Armed Forces: Manpower522W
Energy and Climate Change554W
Climate Change554W
Departmental Electronic Equipment555W
Departmental Official Hospitality555W
Departmental Publications555W
Departmental Taxis556W
Industrial Diseases: Compensation556W
Nuclear Power558W
Renewable Energy: Heating559W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs534W
Climate Change534W
Fisheries: White Fish535W
Flood Control536W
Food Labelling534W
Forests: West Midlands538W
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources538W
Marine Management Organisation538W
Salmon: River Dee539W
Waste-to-Energy Plants534W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office571W
Afghanistan: Politics and Government571W
Afghanistan: Reconstruction573W
Bangladesh: Internally Displaced Persons574W
British Council: Stratagem574W
British Overseas Territories: Cenotaph575W
Departmental Publicity575W
Departmental Recruitment575W
EU Institutions: Fines576W
Iran: Nuclear Power576W
Middle East: Armed Conflict576W
Middle East: Overseas Aid576W
Moldova: Politics and Government577W
Sri Lanka: Politics and Government577W
Autism: Health Services549W
Departmental Finance549W
Departmental Public Expenditure550W
Mental Capacity Act 2005550W
Mental Health Services550W
Mental Health Services: Finance551W
Social Services552W
Home Department559W
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs559W
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime559W
Anabolic Steroids559W
Children: Abuse560W
Crime and Disorder Act 1988561W
Crimes of Violence: Females562W
Crimes of Violence: Knives563W
Crimes of Violence: Retail Trade563W
Crimes of Violence: Taxis564W
DNA: Databases564W
Domestic Violence564W
EU Law565W
Homophobia: Crime565W
Independent Police Complaints Commission566W
Offences Against Children: Internet568W
Police: Essex569W
Stop and Search: Children570W
Stop and Search: Young People570W
House of Commons Commission527W
Department of Resources: Finance527W
Speaker's Adviser528W
International Development548W
Bangladesh: Climate Change548W
Bangladesh: International Assistance548W
Departmental Telephone Services549W
Antisocial Behaviour: Fixed Penalties611W
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority611W
Crown Dependencies612W
Domestic Violence: Greater Manchester612W
Driving Offences613W
Drugs: Sussex617W
Elections: Armed Forces619W
Freedom of Information: Network Rail620W
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority620W
Information Commissioner's Office: Secondment621W
Judiciary: Criminal Records621W
Legal Aid622W
Members Expenses622W
Prisons: Strikes622W
Prosecutions: Animal welfare623W
Sexual Offences623W
Solicitors Regulation Authority: Public Relations625W
Victims Advisory Panel625W
Young Offenders: Training626W
Northern Ireland530W
Employment: Religion531W
Irish Language531W
Northern Ireland Courts Service: Public Relations532W
Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission: Public Relations533W
Offenders: Deportation533W
Terrorism: Compensation533W
Prime Minister547W
Departmental Security547W
Dept for Business, Innovation and Skills547W
Iraq Committee of Inquiry: Disclosure of Information547W
Members: Surveillance547W
Trinidad and Tobago: Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting548W
Departmental Freedom of Information526W
Departmental Official Hospitality526W
Departmental Publicity526W
Departmental Written Questions526W
Bridges: Workington539W
Bus Services: Finance540W
Bus Services: Lincolnshire540W
Crossrail Line540W
Departmental Plants542W
Departmental Public Relations542W
Departmental Rail Travel543W
East Coast Railway Line: Rolling Stock543W
Road Salting and Gritting544W
Roads: Accidents544W
Transport: Expenditure544W
Transport: Per Capita Costs545W
Written Questions: Government Responses547W
Agricultural Products: Israel579W
Child Tax Credit: Grandparents579W
Child Trust Fund579W
Cosmetics: Israel580W
Council Tax: Bexley580W
Departmental Security581W
Equitable Life Ex-gratia Payment Scheme Review582W
EU External Trade: Israel582W
Excise Duties: Alcoholic Drinks582W
Imports: Israel583W
Non-Domestic Rates: Valuation583W
Royal Bank of Scotland583W
Welfare Tax Credits584W
Welfare Tax Credits: Complaints584W
Women and Equality578W
Dalits: Discrimination578W
Departmental Operating Costs578W
Departmental Security578W
Work and Pensions525W
New Deal for Young People525W
New Deal Schemes525W
Remploy: Public Relations525W

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