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14 Dec 2009 : Column 848W—continued

Departmental Energy

Grant Shapps: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what the (a) energy rating and (b) energy band of each building occupied by his Department and its agencies was in each year for which figures are available. [305971]

Sarah McCarthy-Fry: I refer the hon. Gentleman to the answer I gave him on 11 November 2009, Official Report, column 586W.

Departmental Freedom of Information

Sarah Teather: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 his Department received in 2008; and how many of these received a substantive response within 20 days. [305488]

14 Dec 2009 : Column 849W

Sarah McCarthy-Fry: The Ministry of Justice has published this information in its annual statistics for 2008 on the operation of the FOI Act. The MOJ report is available online at the following URL; the information is in table 2, page 14:

Departmental Internet

David T.C. Davies: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what redesigns of websites operated by (a) his Department and (b) its agencies have been carried out since 27 June 2007; and what the (i) cost to the public purse and (ii) date of completion of each such redesign was. [306171]

Sarah McCarthy-Fry: The 2009 pre-Budget report microsite was redesigned in October 2009. The majority of the websites maintained by HM Treasury have not been subject to any redesign since 2006. Any cost or timescale associated with a redesign is shown in the following table.

Websites operated by the Chancellor of the Exchequer's Department:
Website Redesign cost (£)

Nil-no redesign since 2004


Nil-no redesign since 2003

Nil-no redesign since 2006


Departmental Sick Leave

Mr. Philip Hammond: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many days sickness absence were taken by staff in his Department and its agencies in each of the last 12 months for which figures are available. [305504]

Sarah McCarthy-Fry: The total days of sick leave taken by the Department and its agencies in the latest 12-month period for which data are available can be found in the following table.

Days of sick leave July 2008 to June 2009

HM Treasury








Departmental Telephone Services

Mark Lazarowicz: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many telephone lines with the prefix (a) 0870, (b) 0845 and (c) 0800 his Department (i) operates and (ii) sponsors; how many calls were received to each number in the last 12 months; and whether alternative numbers charged at the BT local rate are available in each case. [305216]

Sarah McCarthy-Fry: HM Treasury operates and funds the following telephone lines:

14 Dec 2009 : Column 850W
Prefix Lines operated and funded Local rate alternative available Calls in last 12 months
















(1) Available only at disproportionate cost

Departmental Training

Mr. Philip Hammond: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much (a) his Department and (b) its agencies have spent on away days in the last 12 months; and what the (i) subject and (ii) location of each away day was. [306402]

Sarah McCarthy-Fry: No central records are held on Treasury teams' away days and the information could be obtained only at a disproportionate cost.

Financial Services Authority: Public Relations

Mr. Hurd: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what payments the Financial Services Authority has made to (a) College Public Policy and (b) Connect Public Affairs in the last 12 months; for what purposes; and if he will place in the Library a copy of each contract under which such payments were made. [305429]

Sarah McCarthy-Fry: The matter raised in this question is the responsibility of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), whose day-to-day operations are independent from Government control and influence. I have asked the chief executive of the FSA to write to the hon. Member on the issue he raises.

Government Actuary's Department: Hotels

Anne Main: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much the Government Actuary's Department has spent on hotel accommodation for its officials in each of the last five years. [306037]

Ian Pearson: The Government Actuary's Department incurred the following amounts on hotel accommodation in the last five financial years:


Total cost incurred Costs recovered from GAD clients Net cost to GAD

2009-10 (to date)




















(1) Figures not available.

14 Dec 2009 : Column 851W

Government Actuary's Department: Internet

David T.C. Davies: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what redesigns of websites operated by the Government Actuary's Department have been carried out since 27 June 2007; and what the (a) cost to the public purse and (b) date of completion of each such redesign was. [306198]

Ian Pearson: Since 27 June 2007 a two-stage redesign of the Government Actuary's Department website has been conducted.


Anne Main: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much his Department spent on hotel accommodation for (a) Ministers, (b) special advisers and (c) civil servants in each of the last five years. [305670]

Sarah McCarthy-Fry: The information requested could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

All travel and subsistence is conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Ministerial Code, Travel by Ministers and the Civil Service Management Code.

Anne Main: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) how much the Public Works Loan Board has spent on hotel accommodation for its staff in each of the last five years; [305702]

(2) how much the Debt Management Office has spent on hotel accommodation for its staff in each of the last five years. [305709]

Sarah McCarthy-Fry: The following figures show a combined DMO and PWLB view including cost of accommodation, meals and incidental items. The DMO does not separately record expenditure incurred on hotel accommodation and does not record these items of expenditure separately for the PWLB.












Members: Correspondence

Mr. Winnick: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he expects to reply to the letter dated 5 November 2009 from the hon. Member for Walsall North transferred to HM Treasury, reference 7/19547/2009. [306902]

Mr. Timms: A reply was sent last week.

Non-Domestic Rates: Valuation

Mrs. Spelman: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer with reference to the answer of 22 October
14 Dec 2009 : Column 852W
2009, Official Report, column 1672W, on non-domestic rates: valuation, what the average rateable value in each sub-location (a) was on the 2005 and (b) is on the draft 2010 Rating List. [306549]

Ian Pearson: The information requested could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

Mrs. Spelman: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what methodology the Valuation Office Agency uses for valuing electric car charging points for business rates. [305928]

Ian Pearson: The Valuation Office Agency has a duty to ensure all relevant non-domestic hereditaments are assessed for rates on rating lists. This helps to maintain fairness in the rating system. Where a car charging point is a relevant hereditament then it will be assessed for rateable value having regard to its annual rental value at the valuation date (which for the current 2005 rating list is 1 April 2003).

Non-Domestic Rates: Ports

Mrs. Spelman: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what the Valuation Office Agency's special category code is for (a) ports and (b) firms within ports; and whether this coding has changed as a result of the changes made to business rates on ports. [305816]

Ian Pearson: The Valuation Office Agency's Specialist Category Codes (SCAT) for (a) ports are code 433 for statutory docks and harbours (formula), code 434 for statutory docks and harbours (non formula), code 435 statutory docks and harbours (other) and code 089 docks and harbours (non-statutory).

It is not possible to identify (b) the firms within ports by a SCAT code as this will vary depending on the use of the property. No changes have been made to SCAT codes as a result of changes made to business rates on ports.

Northern Rock: Public Relations

Mr. Hurd: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what payments Northern Rock has made to FD Public Affairs in the last 12 months; for what purposes; and if he will place in the Library a copy of the contract under which such payments were made. [305430]

Sarah McCarthy-Fry: During this period of temporary public ownership, Northern Rock is managed by its board at arm's length from the Government on commercial principles. It is a matter for the company's management to release specific business updates or provide any required disclosures in their audited annual report and accounts.

Origin Marking: Israel

Rob Marris: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many consignments of falsely-labelled goods originating from producers in Israeli settlements in (a) the West Bank, (b) the Golan Heights and (c) East Jerusalem were detected by HM Revenue and Customs in (i) 2004-05, (ii) 2005-06, (iii) 2006-07, (iv) 2007-08 and (v) 2008-09. [304733]

14 Dec 2009 : Column 853W

Mr. Timms: The following number of consignments on which preferential rates of duty were claimed under the EU-Israel Agreement have been identified as having originated in Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories:














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