15 Dec 2009 : Column 954

Oral Answers

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Bank Recapitalisation791
Banks (Government Support)792
Banks (Penalty Charges)787
Budget 2009782
Comprehensive Spending Review789
Comprehensive Spending Review793
Economic Growth792
Financial Services (Regulation)785
Financial Services (Regulation)788
High Frequency Share Trading781
Public Services795
Remuneration Levels786
Topical Questions795
UK Budget Deficit790
UK Credit Rating791
Youth Unemployment794

Written Ministerial Statements

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Communities and Local Government94WS
Growth Funds94WS
Culture, Media and Sport97WS
Autumn Performance Report97WS
Future Rotary Wing Strategy99WS
Energy and Climate Change100WS
EU Energy Council100WS
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs101WS
Exotic Diseases of Animals101WS
Pitt Review (Government Response)101WS
Foreign and Commonwealth Office102WS
EU General Affairs Council and Foreign Affairs Council102WS
Sri Lanka105WS
Home Department107WS
Community Safety Accreditation Schemes107WS
Control Order Powers108WS
Door Supervisors Training110WS
Hillsborough Disaster111WS
Identity Cards112WS
Interim CCTV Regulator113WS
UK Border Agency (Chief Inspector's Report)112WS
International Development114WS
Autumn Performance Report114WS
St. Helena114WS
Bernard Lodge115WS
Civil Law Reform Bill115WS
FOI Quarterly Monitoring Statistics116WS
House of Lords (Commonwealth and Republic of Ireland Citizens)116WS
Leader of the House117WS
Expedited Legislation (Explanatory Notes)117WS
Parliamentary Pensions118WS
Bus Service Operators Grant119WS
EU Transport Council120WS
Smart and Integrated Ticketing Strategy122WS
UK Roads Liaison Group Report (Severe Weather February 2009)122WS
Government Fraud Report94WS
Work and Pensions124WS
Autumn Performance Report124WS


Tuesday 15 December 2009

Presented Petitions35P
Badman Report (Bournemouth West)40P
Badman Report (Brentford and Isleworth)38P
Badman Report (Epsom and Ewell)39P
Badman Report (Forest of Dean)39P
Badman Report (Gravesham)38P
Badman Report (Harrow East)35P
Badman Report (Hendon)35P
Badman Report (Hitchin & Harpenden)36P
Badman Report (Old Bexley and Sidcup)36P
Badman Report (Walthamstow)37P
Business, Innovation and Skills41P
Future of Small Shops41P
Equitable Life (Hitchin and Harpenden)37P
Equitable Life (Hitchin and Harpenden)40P

15 Dec 2009 : Column 953

15 Dec 2009 : Column 953

Written Answers

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Business, Innovation and Skills1087W
Apprentices: Bexley1087W
Apprentices: Finance1087W
Apprentices: Staffordshire1087W
Business: Essex1088W
Business: Yorkshire and the Humber1089W
Competition Commission: Public Relations1093W
Construction: Economic Situation1094W
Construction: Government Assistance1095W
Employment Schemes1095W
Higher Education: Leeds1096W
Higher Education: Qualifications1096W
Hospitality Industry: Training1097W
Learning and Skills Council for England1097W
Office of Fair Trading: Hotels1097W
Office of Fair Trading: Training1098W
Older Workers: Vocational Training1098W
Policy Objectives1099W
Putting the Frontline First: Smarter Government1099W
Regulations: Audit1100W
Students: Disabled1100W
Students: Loans1100W
Trade Agreements: Peru1101W
UK Trade and Investment: Hotels1101W
Vocational Training: East of England1102W
Vocational Training: Expenditure1103W
Voting Rights: Public Companies1104W
Cabinet Office1129W
Charity Commission: Conferences1129W
Charity Commission: Operating Costs1130W
Death: Dietary Supplements1130W
Death: Leeds1131W
Death: Pressure Sores1133W
Departmental Official Hospitality1134W
Departmental Publicity1135W
Diseases: Leeds1135W
Employment: Leeds1136W
Gift Aid1137W
National Income: Leeds1137W
Population: Leeds1138W
Private Life: Bexley1138W
UK Statistics Authority: Conferences1139W
Voluntary Organisations1140W
Children, Schools and Families1061W
Academies: National Curriculum Tests1061W
Academies: Sponsorship1061W
Antisocial Behaviour1062W
Building Schools for the Future Programme1062W
CAFCASS: Complaints1063W
Children: Video Games1063W
Children's Centres1064W
Children's Centres: Barnsley1065W
Departmental Electronic Equipment1065W
Departmental Freedom of Information1066W
Departmental Manpower1066W
Departmental Temporary Employment1066W
Departmental Written Questions1067W
Ecosystem Project1067W
Extracurricular Activities1067W
Free School Meals1068W
Free School Meals: Leeds1069W
Freud Communications: Public Relations1069W
National Safeguarding Delivery Unit1070W
Pupil Exclusions1071W
Pupils: Bexley1072W
School Meals: Finance1072W
Schools: Energy1072W
Schools: Lancashire1073W
Schools: Leeds1074W
Schools: Rural Areas1074W
Schools: Yorkshire and the Humber1075W
Special Educational Needs1075W
Specialised Diplomas: Rural Areas1080W
Teachers: Arts1080W
Teachers: Training1085W
Young Offenders1085W
Young People: Alcoholic Drinks1086W
Communities and Local Government982W
Caravan Sites: Travelling People982W
Community Development: Finance983W
Comprehensive Area Assessments984W
Council Housing: Rents985W
Council Tax985W
Council Tax: Billing986W
Departmental Conferences986W
Departmental Pay987W
Departmental Public Expenditure988W
Departmental Public Relations988W
Domestic Waste: Waste Disposal989W
Fire Services989W
Floods: Cumbria991W
Homelessness: Leeds991W
Homelessness: Young People992W
Housing Benefit993W
Housing Benefit: Lancashire993W
Housing: Carbon Emissions994W
Housing: Expenditure994W
Housing: Finance994W
Housing: Prices995W
Local Government: Pensions995W
Local Government: Reorganisation995W
Local Government: Standards996W
Marinas: Planning Permission996W
Mortgages: Repossession Orders996W
National Policy Statements996W
Non-Domestic Rates: Churches997W
Non-Domestic Rates: Greater London997W
Non-Domestic Rates: Public Libraries997W
Non-Domestic Rates: Valuation997W
Oikos Storage: Canvey Island998W
Ordnance Survey998W
Private Rented Housing: Greater London1001W
Regional Planning and Development1001W
Sleeping Rough1001W
Social Rented Housing1002W
Vacant Land1002W
Culture, Media and Sport964W
Historic Buildings: Coventry964W
Leisure: Facilities964W
Sports: Obesity965W
Sports: York965W
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations954W
Air Force: Deployment955W
Armed Forces: Absence without Leave956W
Armed Forces: Cadets957W
Armed Forces: Manpower957W
Armed Forces: Mental Health Services957W
Armed Forces: Sport958W
Armed Forces: Training958W
Bailey Bridges960W
Departmental Lost Property960W
Departmental Written Questions960W
Military Bases: Browndown961W
Naval Strike Wing961W
Rescue Services: Pembrokeshire961W
Electoral Commission Committee953W
Departmental Internet953W
Electoral Register954W
Energy and Climate Change1122W
Carbon Emissions1122W
Climate Change: Publicity1121W
Departmental Consultants1121W
Departmental Manpower1121W
Energy Efficiency Schemes1124W
Energy Supply1124W
Fuel Poverty: Pensioners1124W
Gilmerton Core Store1125W
Innovation Investment Fund and Carbon Trust's Venture Capital Scheme1125W
Nuclear Power1126W
Nuclear Power Stations: Oldbury1127W
Opinion Leader Research1127W
Power Failures1127W
Renewable Energy1127W
Renewable Energy: EU Law1128W
Wind Power1128W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs974W
Departmental Electronic Equipment974W
Departmental Energy974W
Departmental Freedom of Information975W
Departmental Publications975W
Domestic Waste: Waste Disposal975W
Forestry Commission: Internet977W
Origin Marking: Israel978W
Whales: Conservation978W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office1025W
Afghanistan: Reconstruction1025W
Bosnia-Herzegovina: Judiciary1025W
Departmental Carbon Emissions1027W
Departmental Conferences1027W
Departmental Co-ordination1027W
Departmental Cost Effectiveness1028W
Departmental Electronic Equipment1029W
Departmental Energy1029W
Departmental Internet1029W
Departmental Manpower1030W
Departmental Official Hospitality1030W
Departmental Sick Leave1031W
Departmental Standards1031W
Departmental Taxis1031W
Departmental Telephone Services1032W
Departmental Training1032W
Departmental Written Questions1032W
Gibraltar: Territorial Waters1033W
Government Departments: Wine1034W
Middle East: Armed Conflict1035W
Olympic Games 20121037W
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe1037W
Overseas Territories Consultative Council1037W
Palestinians: Human Rights1038W
Panchen Lama1038W
Spain: EC Presidency1039W
Trade Unions1039W
Turks and Caicos Islands: Human Rights1040W
Chronically Sick1047W
Departmental Buildings1047W
Departmental Conferences1047W
Departmental Training1048W
Departmental Written Questions1048W
Dietary Supplements: Health Hazards1048W
Drugs: Prisons1048W
Drugs: Rehabilitation1049W
Food Standards Agency: Hotels1050W
Food Standards Agency: Internet1050W
Health Education: Sex1050W
Health Services: Isle of Man1050W
Health Services: Leeds1051W
Hospitals: Food1051W
Hospitals: Inspections1051W
Leicestershire Primary Care Trust: Diabetes1053W
Mental Health Services1053W
NHS: Finance1054W
Prescription Drugs1054W
Smoking: Young People1055W
Social Security Benefits: Disabled1057W
Social Services1058W
Social Services: Public Consultation1059W
Sunbeds: Research1060W
Swine Flu: Disease Control1060W
Swine Flu: Telephone Services1060W
Tourette Syndrome1061W
Home Department1104W
Animal Experiments: Wales1104W
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: West Yorkshire1105W
Borders: Personal Records1106W
Crimes of Violence: Schools1106W
Departmental Buildings1107W
Departmental Freedom of Information1107W
Departmental ICT1107W
Departmental Meetings1109W
Departmental Official Cars1109W
Departmental Public Expenditure1109W
Departmental Publicity1110W
Departmental Security1110W
Departmental Taxis1110W
Departmental Telephone Services1111W
Departmental Training1112W
Entry Clearances: Iran1112W
Entry Clearances: Pakistan1113W
Entry Clearances: Republic of Ireland1113W
Entry Clearances: Skilled Workers1114W
Foreign Workers1115W
Fraud: Internet1115W
Human Trafficking1116W
Immigration: Children1116W
Internet: Advertising1117W
National Policing Improvement Agency: Public Relations1117W
Serious Organised Crime Agency: Manpower1118W
Sexual Offences1119W
UK Border Agency1120W
Victim Support Schemes: Sexual Offences1120W
West Yorkshire Police1120W
Work Permits1121W
House of Commons Commission953W
International Development979W
Departmental Art Works979W
International Assistance980W
Ashwell Prison1040W
Courts: Physiotherapists1042W
Health Services: Channel Islands and Isle of Man1042W
Pleural Plaques1042W
Prisoners: Suicide1043W
Prisoners: Voting Rights1043W
Prisons: Visits1044W
Reintegration Support Scheme1044W
Written Questions: Government Responses1044W
Young Offenders: Children in Care1044W
Leader of the House980W
Departmental Conferences980W
Departmental Electronic Equipment980W
Departmental Training981W
Departmental Written Questions981W
Northern Ireland969W
Departmental Buildings969W
Departmental Publicity969W
Police Service of Northern Ireland: Finance970W
Departmental Conferences962W
Departmental Internet963W
Departmental Training963W
Olympic Games 2012963W
Prime Minister967W
Departmental Conferences967W
Departmental Electronic Equipment967W
General Elections967W
Iraq Committee of Inquiry968W
Tony Blair968W
Crown Prosecution Service: Conferences1003W
Departmental Conferences1003W
Departmental Energy1004W
Departmental Plants1004W
Departmental Written Questions1005W
Buses: Injuries970W
Departmental Travel971W
EU Law971W
Motor Sports Association972W
Official Cars: Exhaust Emissions972W
Public Transport: Crimes of Violence972W
Severn Bridge: Tolls972W
Taxis: Guide Dogs973W
Banks: Government Support1006W
Budget 20091007W
Child Tax Credit1007W
Comprehensive Spending Review1007W
Departmental Pay1008W
Employee Benefit Trusts1008W
Financial Services and Markets Act 20001008W
Income Tax Personal Allowance1008W
International Finance Facility for Immunisation1007W
Mutual Building Societies1005W
National Insurance Contributions1009W
Non-Domestic Rates: Microgeneration1009W
Taxation: Banks1009W
Unemployment: Young People1009W
Departmental Pay982W
Departmental Sick Leave982W
Departmental Training982W
Women and Equality968W
Departmental Information Officers968W
Departmental Written Questions968W
Equal Pay968W
Equalities and Human Rights Commission: Research968W
Work and Pensions1009W
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission: ICT1009W
Child Rearing1010W
Children: Maintenance1011W
Cold Weather Payments: Derbyshire1011W
Crisis Loans1012W
Departmental Conferences1013W
Disability Living Allowance1013W
Housing Benefit1015W
Housing Benefit: Islington1015W
Jobseeker's Allowance1016W
Personal Accounts1021W
Post Office Card Account: Castle Point1021W
Social Security Benefits1021W
Social Security Benefits: Legal Aid1022W
Winter Fuel Payments: Derbyshire1022W
Winter Fuel Payments: Leeds1022W
Winter Fuel Payments: West Yorkshire1022W
Work Capability Assessment1023W

Ministerial Correction

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Driving Under Influence1MC

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