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15 Dec 2009 : Column 1084W—continued

Teachers: Training

Mr. Stewart Jackson: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families what provision is made in the training of teachers to enable them to recognise and support children with Tourette syndrome. [306530]

Mr. Coaker: Government have invested significant resources in relation to improving training for the school work force in relation to special educational needs. For teachers this includes training resources at both undergraduate and postgraduate level which include elements addressing Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties, which encompasses Tourette Syndrome. The resources have been made available to all Initial Teacher Trainers and support is being provided to enable them to work together to share and improve their practice in this important area.

Furthermore, the national strategies have been funded by DCSF to develop and roll out an Inclusion Development Programme which will deliver specially designed training resources for the school work force that address areas of SEN that we know some find difficult-the third phase of this covers Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties (BESD) and is due to be launched in March 2010.

Young Offenders

Mr. Ruffley: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many electronic tag restrictions on children aged (a) 10 or 11, (b) 12 to 14 and (c) 15 to 17 years old have been (i) issued and (ii) breached in each year since 1997. [302441]

Maria Eagle: I have been asked to reply.

The Electronic Monitoring service began in 1999. The information as follows provides data on the number of electronic monitoring orders received by the electronic monitoring service providers for juveniles since 2005.

We cannot provide details on how many electronic orders were received for juveniles in the age groups requested. Nor can we provide details on the number of breaches. During 1999-2004, the contactors recorded data in a different way and they are not recorded centrally. To obtain these data from the previous contractors could only be done at a disproportionate cost.

Current c ontracts( 1) 10-11 12-14 15-17


Orders made




Orders reported for breach





Orders made




Orders reported for breach





Orders made




Orders reported for breach





Orders made




Orders reported for breach




(1) Financial year. Under the current contracts, juveniles are defined as 10-17 year olds

Chris Grayling: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families how many children aged between 10 and 17 years old were first-time entrants to the criminal justice system through receiving their first caution or conviction in each of the last 10 years. [306684]

Mr. Coaker [holding answer 14 December 2009]: Live Police National Computer (PNC) data were first collected in 1995. Between 1997 and 1999 work was ongoing to improve the quality of the data collection on first time entrants (FTE) to the criminal justice system aged 10 to 17 in order to bring them to a standard sufficient to support the publication of national statistics.

The first year these data became available for publication was for 2000-01. Data for 2000-09 are published here:

Young People: Alcoholic Drinks

John Battle: To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families what steps he plans to take to assist schools to encourage responsible alcohol consumption in young people. [306935]

Dawn Primarolo: Revised drug and alcohol guidance for schools was issued for consultation on 13 November. This new guidance includes a far greater emphasis on alcohol and sets clear expectations around both alcohol education and how schools deal with alcohol-related incidents. It also provides information on further sources of support.

We have also announced our intention to make drug and alcohol education statutory as part of PSHE education and subject to parliamentary approval. This will ensure all schools provide information and education about alcohol, supported by a clear curriculum.

15 Dec 2009 : Column 1085W

Business, Innovation and Skills

Apprentices: Bexley

Mr. Evennett: To ask the Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills how many small and medium-sized businesses in the London Borough of Bexley are employing apprentices. [306567]

Kevin Brennan: Data on the number and size of the employers supporting apprentices are not collected via the individualised leaner record (ILR) and hence the information requested is not currently available.

15 Dec 2009 : Column 1086W

From the 2009/10 academic year, this information will be available on the ILR when a unique employer identifier will have to be provided by all employers of apprentices.

We can provide an estimate of the size of employers that offer and have recruited apprentices from the National Employer Skills Survey (NESS). These data are based on repeated surveys of around 79,000 employers across all business sectors in England. Table 1 shows information from the published 2007 National Employer Skills survey(1) on the number of organisations that had any staff undertaking an apprenticeship in the 12 months prior to interview, by size of employer.

Table 1: Percentage of employers that have recruited an apprentice in the last 12 months (NESS 2007)
Number of employees of employer

All employers 2-4 5-24 25-99 100-199 200-499 500+

Percentage of employers that have recruited an apprentice over the previous 12 months (NESS 2007)








Apprentices: Finance

Mr. Benyon: To ask the Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills what arrangements his Department has put in place for funding for apprenticeships for those aged 19 or more during the transition period between the winding down of the Learning and Skills Council and the creation of the Skills Funding Agency. [304321]

Kevin Brennan: The transition of responsibilities from the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) to the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) will not have any impact on the funding of adult apprenticeships and will not affect the work of training providers in delivering apprenticeships in England. The National Apprenticeship Service, which was established earlier this year, will provide continuity in the promotion and delivery of apprenticeships to employers and to young people and adults.

Apprentices: Staffordshire

Mr. Jenkins: To ask the Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills how many adult apprenticeships have been completed at the Tamworth campus of South Staffordshire College in each of the last five years; and how many he expects will be completed in (a) 2009, (b) 2010 and (c) 2011. [304169]

Kevin Brennan: Reliable information on apprenticeship achievements is not available for individual campuses.

Information on learner numbers at Tamworth and Lichfield College is available via the College Accounts at:

This provides information for Tamworth and Lichfield College in 2007/08 and earlier, before the creation of South Staffordshire College.

Information on success rates for South Staffordshire College can be found in the latest Ofsted inspection report at

Information on projected apprenticeship achievements is available at national level only.

Apprenticeship Framework achievements are published in a quarterly statistical first release (SFR). The latest SFR was published on 22 October 2009 at:

This includes apprenticeship framework achievements by parliamentary constituency but does not contain information at provider level. The next SFR, with final data on apprenticeships for 2008/09, is due to be published on 17 December 2009.

Business: Essex

Bob Spink: To ask the Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills what recent estimate he has made of the proportion of businesses in (a) Essex and (b) Castle Point constituency which are involved in manufacturing. [307598]

Angela E. Smith: I have been asked to reply.

The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the authority to reply.

Letter from Jil Matheson, dated December 2009:


Manufacturing Total Percentage

Essex County




Castle Point




15 Dec 2009 : Column 1087W

Business: Yorkshire and the Humber

John Battle: To ask the Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (1) how many companies are registered under UK Standard Industry Classification codes for public administration, defence and compulsory social security in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds City and (c) Leeds, West constituency area; [305820]

(2) how many companies are registered under UK Standard Industry Classification codes for real estate, renting and business activities in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds City and (c) Leeds, West constituency area; [305821]

(3) how many companies are registered under UK Standard Industry Classification codes for financial intermediation in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds City and (c) Leeds, West constituency area. [305822]

(4) how many companies are registered under UK Standard Industry Classification codes for fishing in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds City and (c) Leeds, West constituency area; [306115]

(5) how many companies are registered under UK Standard Industry Classification codes for agriculture, hunting and forestry in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds City and (c) Leeds, West constituency area; [306116]

(6) how many companies are registered under UK Standard Industry Classification codes for private households employing staff and undifferentiated production activities of households for own use in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds City and (c) Leeds, West constituency area; [306117]

(7) how many companies are registered under UK Standard Industry Classification codes for other community, social and personal service activities in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds City and (c) Leeds, West constituency area; [306118]

(8) how many companies are registered under UK Standard Industry Classification codes for health and social work in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds City and (c) Leeds, West constituency area; [306119]

(9) how many companies are registered under UK Standard Industry Classification codes for extra-territorial organisations and bodies in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds City and (c) Leeds, West constituency area; [306120]

(10) how many companies are registered under UK Standard Industry Classification codes for education in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds City and (c) Leeds, West constituency area; [306121]

(11) how many companies are registered under UK Standard Industry Classification codes for the manufacturing of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds, City and (c) Leeds West constituency areas; [306128]

(12) how many companies are registered under UK standard industry classification codes for the manufacturing of basic metals and fabricated metal products in the (a) West Yorkshire, (b) Leeds City and (c) Leeds, West constituency area; [306129]

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