Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen

Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers


Written Answers for 20 January 2010

Culture, Media and Sport

Alcoholic Drinks: Young People
Arts Council of England
Casinos: Gambling Machines
Casinos: Licensing
Cricket: Facilities
Gambling Commission: Public Appointments
Gambling: Advertising


Crimes of Violence
Land Registry
Powers of Entry
Prison Accommodation
Prisoners: Mothers

House of Commons Commission

House of Commons: Taxation
Members: Allowances


Olympic Games 2012: West Midlands

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Batteries: Waste Disposal
Departmental Food
Waste Management

Northern Ireland

Offensive Weapons and Drugs: Schools


Departmental Billing
Departmental Internet

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Afghanistan: Reconstruction
Africa: Travel Information
China: Falun Gong
Iran: Baha'i Faith
Iran: Nuclear Power
Mongolia: Capital Punishment
North Korea: Financial Services
Pakistan: Foreign Relations
Palestinians: International Assistance
Palestinians: Journalism

Women and Equality

Government Equalities Office
Ministers of Religion: Females



Home Department

Animal Experiments: Birds
Crime: Gloucestershire
Drugs: Preston
Incitement: Publications
Independent Safeguarding Authority
Police: Pay
Thames Valley Police: Finance
Unpaid Fines: Local Government
Vetting: Councillors


Air Traffic Control
Bus Services: Concessions
Departmental Correspondence
Departmental Internet
Departmental Public Expenditure
Departmental Training
Heathrow Airport
London-Glasgow Railway Line
M1: East Midlands
Olympic Games: Canada
Railways: Capital Allowances
Railways: Timetables
Roads: Accidents
Roads: Snow and Ice


Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations
Armed Forces: Housing
Departmental Taxis
HMS Sheffield
UK Defence Academy: Admissions
Watan Risk Management: Contracts
Written Questions: Government Responses

Work and Pensions

Attendance Allowance: Chesterfield
Attendance Allowance: Lewes
Departmental Pay
Disability Living Allowance: Stroud
EU Law
Pathways to Work
Pensions: Financial Assistance Scheme
Unemployed: Health Services
Winter Fuel Payments: Lewes
Winter Fuel Payments: Salford


Accident and Emergency Departments: Greater Manchester
Attendance Allowance: Stroud
Breast Cancer: Preston
Cancer: Health Services
Cancer: Preston
Dental Services: Lancashire
Departmental Carbon Emissions
Departmental Electronic Equipment
Departmental Internet
Eyesight: Testing
Health Centres: Greater London
Health Services: Isle of Man
Health Services: Preston
Health Services: Salford
Heart Diseases and Cancer: Preston
Hospitals: Greater London
Hospitals: Waiting Lists
Injuries: Snow and Ice
NHS Foundation Trusts
NHS Foundation Trusts: Pay
NHS: Finance
Patients: Surveys

Communities and Local Government

Audit Commission: Internet
Audit Commission: National Fraud Authority
Audit Commission: Political Activities
Audit Commission: Public Opinion
Buildings: Energy
Council Tax
Departmental Pay
Departmental Training
Departmental Waste
Domestic Waste: Waste Disposal
Fire Services: Disadvantaged
Government Departments: Energy
Local Government Services: Complaints
Local Government: Cornwall
Local Government: Cost Effectiveness
Local Government: Elections
Local Government: Publicity
Neighbourhood Renewal Fund
Non-domestic Rates
Non-domestic Rates: Garages and Petrol Stations
Non-domestic Rates: Homeworking
Non-Domestic Rates: Ports
Non-domestic Rates: Shops
Non-domestic Rates: Supermarkets
Parking: Fees and Charges
Public Sector
Regional Planning and Development


Council Tax
Departmental Electronic Equipment
Housing: Leaseback Arrangements
Inheritance Tax
Landfill Tax
Share Fisherman's Scheme: Duty
Taxation: Debts
Taxation: Gaming Machines
Valuation Office: Local Government
Valuation Office: Pay
Welfare Tax Credits: Lewes
Welfare Tax Credits: Overpayments

Cabinet Office

Central Office of Information: Contracts
Departmental Advertising
Employment: Wales
Government Departments: ICT
Government Departments: Internet
Iraq Committee of Inquiry
Personation: Financial Services
Post Offices
Private Life: Statistics
Public Houses
Public Sector: Advertising
Sir Christopher Kelly

Energy and Climate Change

Climate Change: Sea
Fuel Poverty
Fuel Poverty: Bexley
Winter Fuel Payments: Disabled

Business, Innovation and Skills

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
Business Council for Britain
Communication Service Providers
Departmental Manpower
Electric Vehicles: Motorcycles
Higher Education: Admissions
Higher Education: Finance
Higher Education: Lewes
Higher Education: Preston
Higher Education: Research
Learning and Skills Council for England: Pay
Postgraduate Education
Vocational Training: Finance

Children, Schools and Families

Child Care Vouchers
Child Trust Fund
Primary Education: Finance
Pupil Exclusions: Disadvantaged
Pupils: Attendance
School Leaving
Schools: Leeds
Schools: Snow and Ice
Young People: Unemployment

International Development

People Trafficking
Sri Lanka
EU: Aid
St. Helena: Airport
Overseas Development Assistance
Iraq: Overseas Aid

This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
20 January 2010


Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

Column: 321W

Culture, Media and Sport [20 January 2010]

Alcoholic Drinks: Young People [20 January 2010]

Chris Grayling:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Arts Council of England [20 January 2010]

Mr. Watson:

Margaret Hodge:

Column: 322W

Casinos: Gambling Machines [20 January 2010]

Philip Davies:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Column: 323W

Philip Davies:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Casinos: Licensing [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Cricket: Facilities [20 January 2010]

Mr. Bone:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Gambling Commission: Public Appointments [20 January 2010]

Mr. Don Foster:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Column: 324W

Gambling: Advertising [20 January 2010]

Mr. Don Foster:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Justice [20 January 2010]

Crimes of Violence [20 January 2010]

Mr. Grieve:

Maria Eagle:

Land Registry [20 January 2010]

John McDonnell:

Mr. Wills:

Column: 325W

Powers of Entry [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Bridget Prentice:

Prison Accommodation [20 January 2010]

Paul Holmes:

Maria Eagle:

Prisoners: Mothers [20 January 2010]

Paul Holmes:

Maria Eagle:

Column: 326W

House of Commons Commission [20 January 2010]

Bars [20 January 2010]

Michael Fabricant:

Nick Harvey:

House of Commons: Taxation [20 January 2010]

Sir Nicholas Winterton:

Nick Harvey:

Members: Allowances [20 January 2010]

Sir Nicholas Winterton:

Column: 327W

Nick Harvey:

Olympics [20 January 2010]

Olympic Games 2012: West Midlands [20 January 2010]

Mr. Jenkins:

Tessa Jowell:

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [20 January 2010]

Batteries: Waste Disposal [20 January 2010]

Andrew Rosindell:

Ian Lucas:

Column: 328W

Departmental Food [20 January 2010]

Mr. Paice:

Dan Norris:

Waste Management [20 January 2010]

Norman Baker:

Dan Norris:

Column: 329W

Ms Katy Clark:

Dan Norris:

Northern Ireland [20 January 2010]

Offensive Weapons and Drugs: Schools [20 January 2010]

David Simpson:

Paul Goggins:

Terrorism [20 January 2010]

Philip Davies:

Column: 330W

Mr. Woodward:

Scotland [20 January 2010]

Departmental Billing [20 January 2010]

John Mason:

Ann McKechin:

Departmental Internet [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Ann McKechin:

Foreign and Commonwealth Office [20 January 2010]

Afghanistan: Reconstruction [20 January 2010]

Daniel Kawczynski:

Column: 331W

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Daniel Kawczynski:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Daniel Kawczynski:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 332W

Daniel Kawczynski:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Daniel Kawczynski:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 333W

Africa: Travel Information [20 January 2010]

Mr. Watson:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

China: Falun Gong [20 January 2010]

Mr. Drew:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Iran: Baha'i Faith [20 January 2010]

Mr. Drew:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 334W

Iran: Nuclear Power [20 January 2010]

Mr. Dai Davies:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Mongolia: Capital Punishment [20 January 2010]

Mr. Carmichael:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

North Korea: Financial Services [20 January 2010]

Mr. Moore:

Column: 335W

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Pakistan: Foreign Relations [20 January 2010]

Mr. Soames:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Palestinians: International Assistance [20 January 2010]

Dr. Starkey:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Mr. Soames:

Column: 336W

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Palestinians: Journalism [20 January 2010]

Mr. Soames:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Women and Equality [20 January 2010]

Government Equalities Office [20 January 2010]

Chris Huhne:

Michael Jabez Foster:

Ministers of Religion: Females [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Michael Jabez Foster:

Column: 337W

Solicitor-General [20 January 2010]

Israel [20 January 2010]

Dr. Starkey:

The Solicitor-General:

Home Department [20 January 2010]

Animal Experiments: Birds [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hancock:

Meg Hillier:

Crime: Gloucestershire [20 January 2010]

Mr. Drew:

Column: 338W

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Column: 339W

Drugs: Preston [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hendrick:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Incitement: Publications [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Hanson:

Independent Safeguarding Authority [20 January 2010]

Tim Loughton:

Meg Hillier:

James Brokenshire:

Column: 340W

Meg Hillier:

Police: Pay [20 January 2010]

Mr. Amess:

Mr. Hanson:

Column: 341W

Thames Valley Police: Finance [20 January 2010]

Dr. Starkey:

Mr. Hanson:

Unpaid Fines: Local Government [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Vetting: Councillors [20 January 2010]

Mr. Drew:

Column: 342W

Meg Hillier:

Transport [20 January 2010]

Air Traffic Control [20 January 2010]

Graham Stringer:

Paul Clark

Bus Services: Concessions [20 January 2010]

Hazel Blears:

Mr. Khan:

Departmental Correspondence [20 January 2010]

Justine Greening:

Chris Mole:

Column: 343W

Departmental Internet [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Chris Mole:

Departmental Public Expenditure [20 January 2010]

Norman Baker:

Chris Mole:

Departmental Training [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Column: 344W

Chris Mole:

Heathrow Airport [20 January 2010]

Justine Greening:

Paul Clark:

London-Glasgow Railway Line [20 January 2010]

Ms Katy Clark:

Chris Mole:

M1: East Midlands [20 January 2010]

Mr. Greg Knight:

Chris Mole:

Mr. Greg Knight:

Chris Mole:

Column: 345W

Mr. Greg Knight:

Chris Mole:

Olympic Games: Canada [20 January 2010]

Mr. Don Foster:

Mr. Khan:

Railways: Capital Allowances [20 January 2010]

Norman Baker:

Chris Mole:

Column: 346W

Railways: Timetables [20 January 2010]

Alun Michael:

Chris Mole:

Alun Michael:

Chris Mole:

Roads: Accidents [20 January 2010]

Chris Ruane:

Paul Clark:

Roads: Snow and Ice [20 January 2010]

Mr. Jim Cunningham:

Mr. Khan:

Column: 347W

Mr. Jim Cunningham:

Mr. Khan:

Mr. Jim Cunningham:

Mr. Khan:

Geraldine Smith:

Mr. Khan

Column: 348W

Defence [20 January 2010]

Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations [20 January 2010]

Andrew Mackinlay:

Mr. Bob Ainsworth:

Armed Forces: Housing [20 January 2010]

Willie Rennie:

Mr. Kevan Jones:

Column: 349W

Column: 350W

Departmental Taxis [20 January 2010]

Ian Stewart:

Mr. Kevan Jones:

Willie Rennie:

Column: 351W

Mr. Kevan Jones:

HMS Sheffield [20 January 2010]

Mr. Arbuthnot:

Bill Rammell:

UK Defence Academy: Admissions [20 January 2010]

Robert Key:

Bill Rammell:

Column: 352W

Watan Risk Management: Contracts [20 January 2010]

Mr. Breed:

Mr. Quentin Davies:

Written Questions: Government Responses [20 January 2010]

Willie Rennie:

Mr. Kevan Jones

Work and Pensions [20 January 2010]

Attendance Allowance: Chesterfield [20 January 2010]

Paul Holmes:

Jonathan Shaw:

Attendance Allowance: Lewes [20 January 2010]

Norman Baker:

Column: 353W

Jonathan Shaw:

Departmental Pay [20 January 2010]

Dr. Cable:

Jim Knight:

Column: 354W

Disability Living Allowance: Stroud [20 January 2010]

Mr. Drew:

Jonathan Shaw:

EU Law [20 January 2010]

Gregory Barker:

Jonathan Shaw:

Column: 355W

Column: 356W

Pathways to Work [20 January 2010]

Miss Begg:

Jonathan Shaw:

Pensions [20 January 2010]

Steve Webb:

Column: 357W

Angela Eagle:

Pensions: Financial Assistance Scheme [20 January 2010]

Mr. Cash:

Angela Eagle:

Mr. Cash:

Angela Eagle:

Column: 358W

Unemployed: Health Services [20 January 2010]

Mr. Harper:

Jonathan Shaw

Winter Fuel Payments: Lewes [20 January 2010]

Norman Baker:

Angela Eagle:

Winter Fuel Payments: Salford [20 January 2010]

Hazel Blears:

Angela Eagle:

Column: 359W

Health [20 January 2010]

Accident and Emergency Departments: Greater Manchester [20 January 2010]

Mr. Leech:

Mr. Mike O'Brien:

Attendance Allowance: Stroud [20 January 2010]

Mr. Drew:

Jonathan Shaw:

Column: 360W

Breast Cancer: Preston [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hendrick:

Ann Keen:

Column: 361W

Column: 362W

Cancer: Health Services [20 January 2010]

Dr. Starkey:

Ann Keen:

Column: 363W

Cancer: Preston [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hendrick:

Ann Keen:

Column: 364W

Dental Services: Lancashire [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hoyle:

Ann Keen:

Column: 365W

Departmental Carbon Emissions [20 January 2010]

Mr. Gerrard:

Phil Hope:

Departmental Electronic Equipment [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hands:

Phil Hope:

Departmental Internet [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Phil Hope:

Column: 366W

Eyesight: Testing [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hendrick:

Ann Keen:

Health Centres: Greater London [20 January 2010]

Mr. Davey:

Mr. Mike O'Brien:

Health Services: Isle of Man [20 January 2010]

Andrew Mackinlay:

Column: 367W

Gillian Merron:

Sir Nicholas Winterton:

Gillian Merron:

Health Services: Preston [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hendrick:

Ann Keen:

Column: 368W

Mr. Hendrick:

Ann Keen:

Mr. Hendrick:

Ann Keen:

Column: 369W

Column: 370W

Health Services: Salford [20 January 2010]

Hazel Blears:

Mr. Mike O'Brien:

Heart Diseases and Cancer: Preston [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hendrick:

Ann Keen:

Column: 371W

Column: 372W

Mr. Hendrick:

Ann Keen:

Mr. Hendrick:

Ann Keen:

Hospitals: Greater London [20 January 2010]

Mr. Davey:

Mr. Mike O'Brien:

Hospitals: Waiting Lists [20 January 2010]

Hazel Blears:

Mr. Mike O'Brien:

Column: 373W

Influenza [20 January 2010]

Norman Lamb:

Mr. Mike O'Brien:

Injuries: Snow and Ice [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hoyle:

Ann Keen:

NHS Foundation Trusts [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hoyle:

Mr. Mike O'Brien:

Column: 374W

NHS Foundation Trusts: Pay [20 January 2010]

Mr. Amess:

Mr. Mike O'Brien:

NHS: Finance [20 January 2010]

Mr. Crabb:

Phil Hope:

Column: 375W

Mr. Crabb:

Phil Hope:

Mr. Crabb:

Phil Hope:

Mark Hunter:

Phil Hope:

Patients: Surveys [20 January 2010]

Mr. Drew:

Mr. Mike O'Brien:

Column: 376W

Communities and Local Government [20 January 2010]

Audit Commission: Internet [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Audit Commission: National Fraud Authority [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Audit Commission: Political Activities [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 377W

Audit Commission: Public Opinion [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Buildings: Energy [20 January 2010]

Mr. Don Foster:

John Healey:

Column: 378W

Council Tax [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Barbara Follett:

Departmental Pay [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 379W

Departmental Training [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Barbara Follett:

Departmental Waste [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Barbara Follett:

Domestic Waste: Waste Disposal [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Column: 380W

Barbara Follett:

Fire Services: Disadvantaged [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Michael Jabez Foster:

Government Departments: Energy [20 January 2010]

Mr. Don Foster:

John Healey:

Column: 381W

Local Government Services: Complaints [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Barbara Follett:

Local Government: Cornwall [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Barbara Follett:

Local Government: Cost Effectiveness [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 382W

Local Government: Elections [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Barbara Follett:

Local Government: Publicity [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Neighbourhood Renewal Fund [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Column: 383W

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Non-domestic Rates [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Barbara Follett:

Non-domestic Rates: Garages and Petrol Stations [20 January 2010]

Sir Paul Beresford:

Barbara Follett:

Sir Paul Beresford:

Column: 384W

Barbara Follett:

Sir Paul Beresford:

Barbara Follett:

Sir Paul Beresford:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 385W

Sir Paul Beresford:

Barbara Follett:

Sir Paul Beresford:

Barbara Follett:

Sir Paul Beresford:

Column: 386W

Barbara Follett:

Sir Paul Beresford:

Barbara Follett:

Non-domestic Rates: Homeworking [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Column: 387W

Barbara Follett:

Non-Domestic Rates: Ports [20 January 2010]

Mr. Austin Mitchell:

Barbara Follett:

Mr. Austin Mitchell:

Barbara Follett:

Non-domestic Rates: Shops [20 January 2010]

Sir Paul Beresford:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 388W

Non-domestic Rates: Supermarkets [20 January 2010]

Sir Paul Beresford:

Barbara Follett:

Paper [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Barbara Follett:

Parking: Fees and Charges [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Barbara Follett:

Column: 389W

Public Sector [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Regional Planning and Development [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 390W

Treasury [20 January 2010]

Budgets [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Council Tax [20 January 2010]

Lindsay Roy:

Mr. Byrne:

Departmental Electronic Equipment [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hands:

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Column: 391W

Mr. Hands:

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Housing: Leaseback Arrangements [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Inheritance Tax [20 January 2010]

Mr. Gauke:

Mr. Timms

Landfill Tax [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Opposition [20 January 2010]

Mr. Philip Hammond:

Column: 392W

David Howarth:

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Share Fisherman's Scheme: Duty [20 January 2010]

Mr. Salmond:

Mr. Timms:

Taxation: Debts [20 January 2010]

John Penrose:

Mr. Timms:

Taxation: Gaming Machines [20 January 2010]

Mr. Ellwood:

Column: 393W

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Valuation Office: Local Government [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Ian Pearson:

Valuation Office: Pay [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Ian Pearson:

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Ian Pearson:

Welfare Tax Credits: Lewes [20 January 2010]

Norman Baker:

Mr. Timms:

Column: 394W

Welfare Tax Credits: Overpayments [20 January 2010]

Mr. Benyon:

Mr. Timms:

Cabinet Office [20 January 2010]

Central Office of Information: Contracts [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Angela E. Smith:

Column: 395W

Cinemas [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Angela E. Smith:

Departmental Advertising [20 January 2010]

Jenny Willott:

Angela E. Smith:

Column: 396W

Employment: Wales [20 January 2010]

Chris Ruane:

Angela E. Smith:

Government Departments: ICT [20 January 2010]

Mr. Maude:

Angela E. Smith:

Column: 397W

Government Departments: Internet [20 January 2010]

Mr. Pelling:

Angela E. Smith:

Iraq Committee of Inquiry [20 January 2010]

Jenny Willott:

Tessa Jowell:

Personation: Financial Services [20 January 2010]

Jenny Willott:

Column: 398W

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Post Offices [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Angela E. Smith:

Private Life: Statistics [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Angela E. Smith:

Column: 399W

Public Houses [20 January 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Angela E. Smith:

Public Sector: Advertising [20 January 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Angela E. Smith:

Column: 400W

Sir Christopher Kelly [20 January 2010]

Sir Nicholas Winterton:

Tessa Jowell:

Energy and Climate Change [20 January 2010]

Climate Change: Sea [20 January 2010]

Mr. Cash:

Joan Ruddock:

Column: 401W

Fuel Poverty [20 January 2010]

Mr. Drew:

Mr. Kidney:

Fuel Poverty: Bexley [20 January 2010]

Mr. Evennett:

Mr. Kidney:

Temperature [20 January 2010]

David T.C. Davies:

Joan Ruddock:

Winter Fuel Payments: Disabled [20 January 2010]

Mr. Sanders:

Column: 402W

Jonathan Shaw:

Business, Innovation and Skills [20 January 2010]

Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement [20 January 2010]

Mr. Watson:

Mr. Lammy:

Mr. Watson:

Mr. Lammy

Mr. Watson:

Mr. Lammy:

Column: 403W

Mr. Watson:

Mr. Lammy:

Business Council for Britain [20 January 2010]

Mr. Prisk:

Ian Lucas:

Communication Service Providers [20 January 2010]

Mr. Watson:

Mr. Timms:

Column: 404W

Mr. Watson:

Mr. Timms:

Departmental Manpower [20 January 2010]

Mr. Watson:

Mr. Lammy:

Electric Vehicles: Motorcycles [20 January 2010]

Lembit Öpik:

Mr. Khan:

Higher Education: Admissions [20 January 2010]

Stephen Williams:

Mr. Lammy:

Column: 405W

Dr. Richard Taylor:

Mr. Lammy:

Higher Education: Finance [20 January 2010]

Mrs. Moon:

Column: 406W

Mr. Lammy:

Higher Education: Lewes [20 January 2010]

Norman Baker:

Mr. Lammy:

Higher Education: Preston [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hendrick:

Mr. Lammy:

Higher Education: Research [20 January 2010]

Dr. Iddon:

Mr. Lammy:

Column: 408W

Dr. Iddon:

Mr. Lammy:

Learning and Skills Council for England: Pay [20 January 2010]

Mr. Willetts:

Kevin Brennan:

Postgraduate Education [20 January 2010]

Mr. Cash:

Mr. Lammy:

Vocational Training: Finance [20 January 2010]

Mr. Hayes:

Kevin Brennan:

Column: 409W

Children, Schools and Families [20 January 2010]

Child Care Vouchers [20 January 2010]

Chloe Smith:

Mr. Timms:

Child Trust Fund [20 January 2010]

Mr. Dai Davies:

Column: 410W

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

GCSE [20 January 2010]

Mr. Frank Field:

Mr. Coaker:

Column: 411W

Primary Education: Finance [20 January 2010]

Michael Gove:

Mr. Coaker

Pupil Exclusions: Disadvantaged [20 January 2010]

Tim Loughton:

Mr. Coaker

Pupils: Attendance [20 January 2010]

Richard Burden:

Mr. Coaker:

Column: 412W

School Leaving [20 January 2010]

Mr. Frank Field:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Schools: Leeds [20 January 2010]

Mr. Truswell:

Mr. Coaker

Column: 413W

Schools: Snow and Ice [20 January 2010]

Bob Russell:

Mr. Coaker

Young People: Unemployment [20 January 2010]

Michael Gove:

Mr. Iain Wright

Column: 414W

International Development [20 January 2010]

People Trafficking [20 January 2010]

Mr. Steen:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Sri Lanka [20 January 2010]

Mr. Pelling:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Haiti [20 January 2010]

Mr. Bellingham:

Mr. Douglas Alexander:

EU: Aid [20 January 2010]

Andrew Rosindell:

Mr. Thomas:

St. Helena: Airport [20 January 2010]

Malcolm Bruce:

Column: 415W

Mr. Michael Foster:

Overseas Development Assistance [20 January 2010]

Chloe Smith:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Column: 416W

Iraq: Overseas Aid [20 January 2010]

Mr. Breed:

Mr. Douglas Alexander:

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