Oral Answers

Monday 25 January 2010

Children, Schools and Families531
Badman Report539
Children's Centres545
Christian Worship539
Education Maintenance Allowance533
Educational Psychologists544
GCSE Grades531
Integrated Qualifications534
Lyndale School543
Permanent Exclusion540
Secondary Head Teachers542
Severe Weather545
Sex Education (Faith Schools)534
Special Educational Needs541
Topical Questions546

Written Ministerial Statements

Monday 25 January 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills37WS
Minimum Wage (Economic Evidence)37WS
Communities and Local Government38WS
Connecting Communities38WS
Energy and Climate Change39WS
EU Informal Energy Council39WS
EU Informal Environment Council39WS
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs40WS
Draft Animal Health Bill40WS
Foreign and Commonwealth Office41WS
Scrutiny Overrides41WS
Home Department41WS
Identity Cards41WS
International Development42WS
Haiti Earthquake42WS
Sale of Trust Ports44WS
Northern Rock PLC37WS
Women and Equality46WS
The Equality Duty46WS


Monday 25 January 2010

Presented Petition9P
Badman Report (Northampton South)9P

Written Answers

Monday 25 January 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills668W
Apprentices: Costs671W
Apprentices: Per Capita Costs671W
Child Care Facilities: Yorkshire and the Humber672W
Construction: Standards673W
Departmental Billing673W
Departmental Health and Safety673W
Departmental Information and Communication Technology673W
Departmental Internet673W
Departmental Trade Unions674W
Digital Broadcasting: Radio674W
English Language675W
Further Education: Government Assistance676W
Garages and Petrol Stations677W
Higher Education677W
Higher Education: Admissions678W
Higher Education: Finance677W
Higher Education: Free School Meals679W
Higher Education: Overseas Students679W
Higher Education: Research680W
Higher Education: Torbay680W
Higher Education: Wirral681W
Industrial Relations: Former Commissioners681W
Jobcentre Plus: Vocational Guidance681W
Minimum Wage: Lancashire682W
Motor Vehicles: Manufacturing Industries682W
National Physical Laboratory683W
Origin Marking684W
Overseas Students684W
Radio Frequencies685W
Regional Development Agencies: Property686W
Royal Mail: Snow and Ice686W
Students: Gloucestershire686W
Supermarkets: Competition688W
Training: Autism689W
Cabinet Office652W
Charities: Complaints652W
Charities: Finance653W
Civil Servants: Manpower654W
Civil Servants: Personnel Management654W
Civil Servants: Recruitment654W
Civil Servants: Surveys655W
Death: Obesity655W
Departmental Internet655W
Departmental Legislation656W
Departmental Manpower656W
Departmental Public Expenditure656W
Departmental Reprography656W
Departmental Responsibilities657W
Disclosure of Information: Home Office657W
Employment: Portsmouth657W
Government Departments: Disclosure of Information659W
Government Departments: ICT660W
Government Departments: Information Officers660W
Government Departments: Manpower660W
Health: Torbay661W
Intelligence Services: ICT662W
Job Creation662W
Life Expectancy: South West663W
Ministers: Meetings663W
National Security663W
Non-departmental Public Bodies: Expenditure664W
Private Sector: Productivity665W
Public Sector: Productivity668W
Public Services Forum Task Group667W
Third Sector: Codes of Practice667W
Children, Schools and Families612W
Adoptive Placements613W
CAFCASS: Finance614W
Children: Homelessness614W
Children's Centres614W
Children's Rights Director615W
Classroom Assistants: Stroud615W
Departmental Assets616W
Departmental Drinking Water616W
Departmental Travel616W
Free School Meals617W
Gifted Children: Birmingham620W
Home Education621W
Literacy: Finance621W
National Challenge for Schools613W
National Curriculum Tests621W
National Safeguarding Delivery Unit: Finance622W
Physical Education: Birmingham622W
Pupils: Absenteeism623W
Pupils: Attendance625W
Pupils: Epilepsy625W
Schools: ICT626W
Schools: Snow and Ice626W
Secondary Schools: Manpower627W
Sex Education612W
Specialist Schools and Academies Trust: Income628W
Teacher Recruitment612W
Vetting: Local Education Authorities628W
Communities and Local Government560W
Affordable Housing: Islington560W
Audit Commission: Procurement561W
Audit Commission: Public Relations562W
Departmental Co-ordination562W
Domestic Waste: Waste Disposal562W
Energy Efficiency563W
Floods: Greater London563W
Housing: Construction563W
Housing: Leaseback Arrangements564W
Housing: Parking564W
Housing: Standards564W
Local Government: Publicity565W
Local Government: Reorganisation565W
Local Government Services564W
Natural Gas: Storage565W
Non-Domestic Rates566W
Non-Domestic Rates: Charities566W
Non-Domestic Rates: Ports567W
Non-Domestic Rates: Valuation567W
Parks: Merseyside568W
Regional Assemblies568W
Sustainable Development569W
Culture, Media and Sport534W
Advertising Standards Authority534W
Archaeological Sites534W
Compulsory Purchase: Archaeological Sites535W
Culture: Finance536W
Departmental Carbon Emissions536W
Departmental Pay536W
Departmental Public Expenditure537W
Digital Broadcasting: Scotland537W
Gambling: Internet537W
Licensed Premises: Birmingham538W
Listed Buildings: Conservation539W
Museums and Galleries: Educational Visits539W
Royal Parks Agency: Taxation539W
Royal Parks: Parking540W
Sports: National Lottery540W
Swimming: Lincolnshire540W
Television: Licensing540W
Tourism: Torbay542W
Visits Abroad: Olympic Games542W
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations516W
Aircraft Carriers: Northern Ireland517W
Armed Conflict517W
Armed Forces: Housing517W
Defence: Finance518W
Departmental Consultants518W
Departmental Electronic Equipment518W
Departmental Finance518W
Departmental Public Expenditure519W
EU Battlegroups519W
European Fighter Aircraft: Falkland Islands520W
Military Aircraft520W
Military Decorations521W
RAF Menwith Hill521W
RAF Menwith Hill and RAF Fylingdales521W
Submarines: Females521W
Trident Submarines522W
Electoral Commission Committee515W
Electoral Register: Second Homes515W
General Election515W
General Election 2010516W
Energy and Climate Change556W
Liquefied Petroleum Gas: Distribution556W
Natural Gas: Storage556W
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: Finance557W
Renewable Energy557W
Renewables Obligation558W
Wind Power558W
Wind Power: Job Creation559W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs652W
Genetically Modified Organisms: Nature Conservation652W
Wind Power: Planning Permission652W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office584W
Afghanistan: Corruption584W
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations584W
Bi-Communal Civil Society Links584W
Cyprus: Politics and Government584W
Cyprus: Property585W
Departmental Billing585W
Departmental Food586W
Departmental Waste586W
EU Debate Programme586W
European External Action Service586W
G20: Greater London587W
International Commission on Missing Persons587W
International Summit and Conference587W
Isle of Man: Health Services587W
Kazakhstan: Foreign Relations588W
Mexico: Foreign Relations588W
Palestinians: International Assistance589W
South Africa589W
Southern Africa: Travel Information589W
Sri Lanka: EU External Trade589W
Turkmenistan: Foreign Relations590W
Accidents: Snow and Ice543W
Ambulance Services: Snow and Ice543W
Carers: Chesterfield544W
Dementia: Health Services544W
Departmental Pay544W
Departmental Public Expenditure545W
Departmental Written Questions547W
Eating Disorders: Young People548W
Health Services: Isle of Man548W
Hospitals: Admissions549W
Industrial Health and Safety550W
Mentally Ill551W
Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Inquiry551W
Monitor: Pay551W
NHS: Finance551W
NHS: Negligence552W
Non-profit Making Associations: Finance552W
Prescription Drugs553W
Screening: EU Law554W
Snow and Ice554W
Swine Flu: Vaccination555W
Home Department629W
Antisocial Behaviour: Greater London629W
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Birmingham629W
Arrests: Passports and Fireworks630W
Asylum: Housing630W
British Crime Survey: Wales634W
Burglary: Birmingham635W
Crime: Birmingham638W
Crime: Houghton-le-Spring639W
Crimes of Violence: Birmingham640W
Departmental Conferences641W
Departmental Internet641W
Departmental Press Releases641W
Departmental Telephone Services641W
DNA: Databases642W
Driving Offences643W
Drugs: Crime643W
Drugs: Police Cautions644W
Emergency Services: Crimes of Violence645W
Entry Clearances: Overseas Students645W
Exclusion Orders: Overseas Students646W
Fixed Penalties: Chelmsford646W
Identity and Passport Service: Internet647W
Identity and Passport Service: Legal Costs647W
Identity Cards647W
Identity Cards: Children648W
National Identity Register648W
National Identity Scheme Commissioner: Manpower649W
Police: Greater Manchester650W
Serious Organised Crime Agency: Expenditure649W
Theft: Wales650W
House of Commons Commission533W
14 Tothill Street533W
International Development609W
China: Overseas Aid609W
Departmental Carbon Emissions609W
Departmental Electronic Equipment610W
Departmental Internet610W
Departmental Waste610W
Developing Countries: Malaria611W
Developing Countries: Schools611W
Overseas Aid612W
Burges Salmon Solicitors689W
Convictions: Video Recordings Act 1984690W
Debt Collection691W
Debts: Credit Cards691W
Departmental Electronic Equipment692W
Departmental Pay692W
Driving Offences697W
Electoral Register698W
Housing: Sales698W
Hunting Act 2004: Prosecutions699W
Land Registry: Labour Turnover699W
Land Registry: Resignations700W
Magistrates Courts: Fines700W
Members: Correspondence703W
Monarchy: Succession703W
Multiple Publication Rule704W
National Standards for Enforcement Agents704W
Parole Board704W
Pleural Plaques704W
Prisoners on Remand704W
Prisoners Release705W
Prisoners: Voting Rights707W
Prisons: Parking708W
Privacy: Impact Assessments708W
Public Sector: Disclosure of Information708W
Red Hook Project709W
Reparation by Offenders709W
Road Traffic Offences: Fines709W
Standards Board for England: Finance710W
Voting Methods710W
Young Offenders: Sentencing710W
Youth Custody711W
Youth Justice Board712W
Leader of the House534W
Internet: Expenditure534W
Northern Ireland509W
Civil Service: Pay509W
Crimes of Violence: Children510W
Departmental Food510W
Departmental Public Expenditure510W
Departmental Surveys511W
Domestic Violence511W
Driving Offences511W
Racial Violence512W
Sexual Offences512W
Prime Minister509W
10 Downing Street: Shops509W
Government Departments: Security509W
Departmental Public Expenditure513W
Law Officers' Departments: Public Appointments559W
Bus Services: Bankruptcy526W
Bus Services: Working Hours526W
Departmental Electronic Equipment526W
Departmental Waste526W
Highways Agency: Contracts527W
Motor Vehicles: Registration527W
Parking Offences: Closed Circuit Television528W
Parliamentary Questions: Administrative Delays529W
Railways: Bankruptcy529W
Railways: Finance529W
Railways: Snow and Ice530W
Road Traffic530W
Roads: Accidents530W
Roads: Birmingham531W
Roads: Repairs and Maintenance531W
Roads: Safety531W
Roads: Snow and Ice531W
SS Richard Montgomery533W
Transport: Infrastructure533W
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations590W
Banks: Iceland590W
British Bankers' Association: Finance591W
Child Benefit592W
Child Benefit and Child Tax Credit592W
Child Benefit: Complaints593W
Child Care Vouchers593W
Departmental Billing593W
Departmental Coordination594W
Departmental Internet594W
Departmental Public Expenditure594W
Economic and Monetary Union595W
Equitable Life Ex-gratia Payment Scheme Review595W
Excise Duties: Whisky595W
Government Departments: Procurement596W
Holiday Accommodation596W
Housing: Finance597W
Housing: Valuation597W
Imports: Morocco597W
Income Tax: Low Incomes598W
Local Government: Cost Effectiveness598W
Mortgages: Repossession Orders599W
Portsmouth Gunwharf: Repayments600W
Private Finance Initiative: Hertfordshire600W
Public Expenditure601W
Revenue and Customs: Banbury601W
Revenue and Customs: Complaints601W
Revenue and Customs: Elgin601W
Revenue and Customs: Surveys603W
Revenue and Customs: Telephone Services604W
Social Security Benefits605W
Tax Allowances606W
Taxation: Holiday Accommodation608W
Taxation: Property608W
Valuation Office608W
Valuation Office: Pay608W
Welfare Tax Credits: Overpayments609W
Departmental Carbon Emissions513W
Departmental Mobile Phones513W
Departmental Public Expenditure514W
Tomorrow's Wales514W
Women and Equality555W
Equality and Human Rights Commission: Industrial Disputes555W
Prisoners: Voting556W
Work and Pensions569W
Action for Employment569W
Carer's Allowance569W
Cold Weather Payments570W
Departmental Correspondence570W
Departmental Data Protection571W
Departmental Fines571W
Departmental Waste572W
Electronic Government: Publicity573W
Employment and Support Allowance573W
Future Jobs Fund573W
Housing Benefit574W
Housing Benefit: Young People574W
Members: Correspondence574W
Pensioners: Council Tax Benefits574W
Pensioners: Crisis Loans575W
Pensions: Temporary Employment575W
Roads: Snow and Ice576W
Social Security Benefits: Autism577W
Social Security Benefits: Debts578W
Social Security Payments: Overpayments578W
Social Security (Students and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2008577W
State Retirement Pensions: Payments580W
Winter Fuel Payments: Birmingham580W
Winter Fuel Payments: Scotland580W
Work Capability Assessment581W
Working Tax Credit: Disabled583W

Ministerial Correction

Monday 25 January 2010

Topical Questions3MC

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