1. To protect patient confidentiality, figures between 1 and 5 have been replaced with "*" (an asterisk). Where it was still possible to identify numbers from the total an additional number (the next smallest) has been replaced.
2. This data only covers patients admitted as an in-patient. Accident and emergency attendances are not included as it is not possible to identify from the data provided those bitten or struck by a dog.
3. The data should not be described as a count of people as the same person may have been admitted on more than one occasion during the year.
4. A finished admission episode (FAE) is the first period of in-patient care under one consultant within one health care provider. FAEs are counted against the year in which the admission episode finishes. Admissions do not represent the number of in-patients, as a person may have more than one admission within the year.
5. The SHA or PCT containing the patient's normal home address has been used in the data to provide this answer. This does not necessarily reflect where the patient was treated as they may have travelled to another SHA or PCT area for treatment. Source:
Hospital Episode Statistics-The NHS Information Centre for health and social care