23 Feb 2010 : Column 7WS

23 Feb 2010 : Column 7WS

Written Ministerial Statements

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills

Departmental Expenditure Limits

The Minister for Business, Innovation and Skills (Mr. Pat McFadden): Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills' DEL will be increased by £1,240,523,000 from £21,829,701,000 to £23,070,224,000 and the Administration budget will be increased by £1,220,000 from £357,473,000 to £358,693,000.

Within the DEL change, the impact on Resources and Capital is as set out in the following table:

ChangeNew DEL

Resource (£000)






of which:

Administration budget(*)




Near cash in Resource DEL(**)






Capital (£000)














Total (£000)






The total of the 'Administration Budget' and 'Near Cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total Resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping.
(**)Capital DEL includes items treated as Resource in Estimates and Accounts, but which are treated as Capital DEL in Budgets.
(***)Depreciation, which forms part of Resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since Capital DEL includes Capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.

The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:


i) a Reserve claim of £85,000,000 of voted non-cash for the Automotive Assistance Programme;

ii) a Reserve claim of £48,500,000 for Enterprise Fund Guarantees;

iii) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £21,004,000 for Automotive Assistance Programme non-cash;

iv) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £41,500,000 for Enterprise Fund Guarantees on-cash;

v) transfer of £500,000 to United Kingdom Trade and Investment in respect of an inward investment conference;

vi) transfer of £450,000 of non-voted expenditure to the Office of Fair Trading in respect of the Consumer White Paper;

vii) reclassification of £6,300,000 from Strategic Investment Fund capital to resource in elation to the New Industries, New Jobs agenda;

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viii) virement of £1,100,000 from the non-voted RfRl Departmental Unallocated Provision to RfR3 for increasing the number of apprenticeships by 35,000;

ix) virement of £11,700,000 from the non-voted RfRl Departmental Unallocated Provision to non-voted expenditure by the Learning and Skills Council for increasing the number of apprenticeships by 35,000;

x) virement of £4,000,000 from support for the Post Office to non-voted expenditure by the Learning and Skills Council (RfR3);

xi) virement of £3,144,000 from Enterprise Fund Guarantees to non-voted expenditure by the Learning and Skills Council (RfR3);

xii) virement of £10,000,000 from Enterprise Fund Guarantees to Student Support (RfR3);

xiii) utilisation of £16,000,000 from the non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision for voted Student Maintenance Grants (RfR3);

xiv) utilisation of £5,632,000 from the non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision for non-voted expenditure by the Learning and Skills Council (RfR3);

xv) virement of £13,000,000 from non-voted expenditure by the Technology Strategy Board to the RfR2 Science Research Councils;

xvi) virement of £188,000 Government Skills and £46,000 Further Education Improvement (both RfR3) to the non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision;

xvii) reclassification changes resulting from the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards of £800,000 in non-voted expenditure for the Regional Development Agencies;

xviii) reclassification changes resulting from the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards of £400,000 in non-voted expenditure for the Competition Commission;

xix) reclassification changes resulting from the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards of £90,000 for Acas;

xx) reclassification changes resulting from the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards of £12,427,000 for Capital for Enterprise Fund;

xxi) reclassification changes resulting from the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards of £912,000 for the National Measurement Office;

xxii) reclassification changes resulting from the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards of £2,000,000 for the Insolvency Service;

Also within the change to resource DEL, the changes to the Administration budget are (RfR1):

xxiii) transfer of £1,020,000 from the Cabinet Office in respect of the Parliamentary Counsel Office;

xxiv) transfer of £25,000 from the Cabinet Office in respect of the Skills Strategy;

xxv) reclassification changes resulting from the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards of £175,000 for UK Trade and Investment;


i) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £45,464,000 for non-voted expenditure by the Medical Research Council;

23 Feb 2010 : Column 9WS

ii) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £20,536,000 for non-voted expenditure by the Natural Environment Research Council;

iii) virement of £100,000 from RfR3 to non-voted expenditure by the Research Councils in respect of the wellbeing project;

iv) virement of £50,000 from non-voted expenditure by Research Councils to voted Research-based Initiatives;

v) virement of £250,000 from voted Public Sector Research Establishments expenditure to non-voted expenditure by Research Councils;

vi) virement of £594,000 from voted Science and Society expenditure to non-voted expenditure by Research Councils.

vii) virement of £13,000,000 from the Technology Strategy Board (RfRl) to non-voted expenditure by the Research Councils;

viii) reclassification changes resulting from the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards of £1,406,000 in non-voted expenditure for the Science Research Councils.


i) a Reserve Claim of £50,000,000 non-cash for Tuition Fee Loans;

ii) a Reserve Claim of £83,000,000 non-cash for Maintenance Fee Loans;

iii) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £22,800,000 for the 6 month training offer to unemployed via non-voted expenditure of the Learning and Skills Council;

iv) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £225,376,000 to meet student support pressures;

v) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £20,000,000 for the delivery of the Level 3 training entitlement to young people via non-voted expenditure of the Learning and Skills Council;

vi) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £11,700,000 to provide 35,000 additional apprenticeships via non-voted expenditure of the Learning and Skills Council;

vii) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £15,000,000 for voted non-cash relating to Career Development Loans;

viii) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £64,000,000 for non-voted non-cash relating to the Learning and Skills Council;

ix) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £3,000,000 for expansion of the Personal Career Development Loans scheme via non-voted expenditure of the Learning and Skills Council;

x) utilisation of End Year Flexibility of £4,624,000 for Aim Higher Challenge Initiative;

xi) utilisation of £16,000,000 from the non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision for voted Student Maintenance Grants;

xii) increase in voted receipts for the Learning and Skills Council of £338,877,000 from the Department for Children, Schools and Families for 6th Forms, apprenticeships, Entry to Employment, Education Maintenance Allowance, offset by an increase in the Learning and Skills Council non-voted resource DEL;

xiii) increase in voted receipts for the Higher Education Funding Council for England of £895,000 from the Department for Children, Schools and Families to help kick start activity on Shared Services initiatives within
23 Feb 2010 : Column 10WS
the HE Sector, offset by an increase in the Higher Education Funding Council for England non-voted resource DEL;

xiv) increase in voted receipts for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills of £258,000 from the Department for Children, Schools and Families, offset by an increase in the UK Commission for Employment and Skills non-voted resource DEL;

xv) increase in voted receipts for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills of £200,000 from the Department for Work and Pensions, offset by an increase in the UK Commission for Employment and Skills non-voted resource DEL;

xvi) transfer of £2,624,000 from the Ministry of Justice in respect of Offender Learning;

xvii) transfer of £500,000 of non-voted expenditure from the Department of Energy and Climate Change to the Learning and Skills Council in respect of the National Skills Academy for Power;

xviii) transfer of £7,734,000 of non-voted expenditure from the Department for Children, Schools and Families to the UK Commission for Employment and Skills in respect of the National Vocational Qualifications Levy;

xix) transfer of £6,381,000 (of which £581,000 voted and £5,800,000 non-voted) from the Department for Work and Pensions in respect of graduate internships;

xx) virement of £15,668,000 from voted Aim Higher Challenge Initiative to non-voted expenditure;

xxi) virement of £30,876,000 from non-voted expenditure by the Learning and Skills Council to voted expenditure for the Young Person's Guarantee;

xxii) virement of £14,457,000 from Aim Higher Challenge Initiative and other Higher Education resources to non-voted expenditure;

xxiii) virement of £14,999,000 from non-voted expenditure to Maintenance Grants;

xxiv) virement of £4,310,000 from Adult Guidance and Leith Implementation to non-voted expenditure;

xxv) virement of £20,636,000 from Offender Learning to non-voted expenditure;

xxvi) transfer of £5,371,000 from the Home Office for Migration Impact Funding;

xxvii) virement of £100,000 voted expenditure to non-voted expenditure by the Science Research Councils in respect of the Wellbeing project;

xxviii) utilisation of £5,632,000 from the non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision (RfRl) for non-voted expenditure by the Learning and Skills Council;

xxix) virement of £4,000,000 from RfRl support for the Post Office to non-voted expenditure by the Learning and Skills Council;

xxx) virement of £11,700,000 from the non-voted RfRl Departmental Unallocated Provision to non-voted expenditure by the Learning and Skills Council for increasing the number of apprenticeships by 35,000;

xxxi) virement of £1,100,000 from the non-voted RfRl Departmental Unallocated Provision to voted expenditure on increasing the number of apprenticeships by 35,000;

xxxii) virement of £3,144,000 from Enterprise Fund Guarantees RfRl to non-voted expenditure by the Learning and Skills Council;

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