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Department for Children, Schools and Families

Resource DEL

The increase in the resource element of the DEL of £496,825,000 arises from an increase in the voted element of the resource DEL of £368,992,000 and an increase of £127,833,000 in the non-voted element of resource DEL.

Voted Resource DEL

The £368,992,000 increase in the voted element of the resource DEL arises from:


A take up of End Year Flexibility of £8,800,000 for Administration costs.

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A take up of End Year Flexibility of £363,221,000 for Programme costs. Transfers from the Department for Work and Pensions of £14,803,000 for Apprentices, Child Poverty, School Gates Project and for the Joint Birth Registration.

A transfer from the Cabinet Office of £529,000 for Parliamentary Counsel.

A draw down from central funds of £819,000 for implementing International Financial Reporting Standards.

A movement of £4,750,000 from RfR2 to support National Training.

A take up of Departmental Reserves of £64,105,000 for Youth programmes.

A movement of £144,667,000 to Non-voted resource DEL to support Non-Departmental Public Bodies.

A transfer to the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills of £8,100,000 for Early Years Foundation Stage inspections.

A movement of £11,028,000 to non-voted resource DEL for Partnerships for Schools.

A transfer to the Scottish Office of £642,000 for the Family Fund Trust.

A transfer to the Welsh Assembly of £372,000 for the Family Fund Trust.

A transfer to the Northern Ireland Executive of £220,000 for the Family Fund Trust.

An increase in receipts of £47,000 for Interest on 105 Loans.


A take up of End Year Flexibility of £82,241,000 for Programme Costs.

A movement of £50,000 from non-voted resource DEL for Sure Start programmes.

A movement of £4,750,000 to RfR 1 to support National Training.

A movement of £500,000 to non-voted resource DEL for the Children's Workforce Development Council.

Non-voted resource DEL

The £127,833,000 increase in Non-voted resource DEL arises from:

A take up of End Year Flexibility of £2,017,000 to support the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency.

A take up of End Year Flexibility of £21,584,000 to support the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.

A take up of End Year Flexibility of £5,511,000 to support the Training and Development Agency for Schools.

A take up of End Year Flexibility of £12,111,000 to support the Children's Workforce Development Council.

A movement of £144,667,000 from voted resource DEL to support Non-Departmental Public Bodies.

A movement of £11,028,000 from voted resource DEL for Partnerships for Schools.

A transfer of £2,854,000 from the Home Office for the Migration Impact Fund.

A take up of £64,105,000 from Departmental Reserves for Youth programmes. An increase of £550,000 for Consolidated Fund extra Receipts collected by the Department.

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A transfer of £7,734,000 to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills for the UKCES Levy. A movement of £50,000 from non-voted resource DEL for Sure Start programmes.


A movement of £500,000 from voted resource DEL for the Children's Workforce Development Council.

Capital DEL

The increase in the capital element of the DEL of £199,686,000 arises from a £2,316,354,000 decrease in the voted element of capital DEL and an increase of £2,516,040,000 in the non-voted element of capital DEL.

Voted Capital DEL

The £2,316,354,000 decrease in the voted element of the capital DEL arises from:


A take up of End Year Flexibility of £16,108,000 for the purchase of the Sheffield Head Office replacement.

A take up of End Year Flexibility of £55,185,000 for Children's Services through Local Authorities.

A take up of End Year Flexibility of £2,900,000 for 14-19 year olds through the Learning and Skills Council.

A take up of End Year Flexibility of £5,981,000 for Devolved Grants.

A take up of End Year Flexibility of £25,419,000 for Building Schools for the Future.

A take up of End Year Flexibility of £20,763,000 for Targeted Grants through Local Authorities.

A take up of £33,792,000 from Departmental Reserves for Children's programmes not through Local Authorities.

A take up of £15,000,000 from Departmental Reserves for Children's programmes through Local Authorities.

A take up of £6,700,000 from Departmental Reserves for the purchase of the Sheffield Head Office replacement.

A movement of £2,567,288,000 to non-voted resource DEL

A transfer of £161,000 to the Scottish Office for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

A transfer of £93,000 to the Welsh Assembly for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

A transfer of £55,000 to the Northern Ireland Executive for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

An increase in receipts of £5,000 for the disposal of vehicles.


A take up of End Year Flexibility of £69,400,000 for Sure Start programmes through Local Authorities.

Non-voted Capital DEL

The £2,516,040,000 increase in the non-voted element of capital DEL arises from:


A take up of End Year Flexibility of £4,244,000 for the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.

A transfer of £6,700,000 from Departmental Reserves to voted capital DEL for the purchase of the Sheffield Head Office replacement.

A movement of £2,567,288,000 to non-voted resource DEL.

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A take up of £33,792,000 from Departmental Reserves to voted capital DEL for Children's programmes not through Local Authorities.

A take up of £15,000,000 from Departmental Reserves to voted capital DEL for Children's programmes through Local Authorities.


The £10,520,000 increase in the voted element of resource DEL arises from:

A take up of End Year Flexibility of £8,800,000 to cover net pressure on departmental administration costs.

A draw down from central funds of £819,000 for implementing International Financial Reporting Standards.

A transfer from the Cabinet Office of £529,000 for Parliamentary Counsel.

Transfers from the Department for Work and Pensions of £372,000 for Child Poverty and the Joint Birth Registration.

Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills

Resource DEL

The increase in the resource element of the DEL of £10,318,000 arises from an increase in the voted element of the resource DEL of £13,833,000 and a decrease of £3,515,000 in the non-voted element of resource DEL.

Voted Resource DEL

The £13,833,000 increase in the voted element of the resource DEL arises from:

A transfer from the Department for Children, Schools and Families of £8,100,000 for Early Years Foundation Stage inspections.

A movement from non voted Departmental Unallocated Provision of £3,515,000 to invest in change projects to deliver long term efficiency.

An increase of £2,618,000 relating to IFRS treatment of a lease.

A transfer of resource to capital of £400,000 to cover changes related to IFRS treatment of a lease.

Non Voted Resource DEL

The £3,515,000 decrease in the non voted element of the resource DEL arises from:

A movement to voted resource from non voted Departmental Unallocated Provision of £3,515,000 to invest in change projects to deliver long-term efficiency.

Voted Capital DEL

The £400,000 increase in the voted element of the capital DEL arises from:

A transfer of resource to capital of £400,000 to cover changes related to IFRS treatment of a lease.


Government Actuary's Department (DEL)

The Economic Secretary to the Treasury (Ian Pearson): Subject to parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Government Actuary's Department total DEL will be increased by £22,000
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from £403,000 to £425,000. Within the total DEL change the impact on resources and capital is set out in the following table:

ChangeNew DEL


Resource DEL






Of which:

Administration Budget(*)






Near-cash in RDEL(*)






Capital DEL(**)






Less Depreciation(***)






Total DEL






(*)The total of the 'Administration budget' and 'Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping.
(**)Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets.
(***)Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.

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