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The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
(i) draw down of End of Year Flexibility of £21,000,000, comprising:
(a) £20,000,000 for the Mortgage Rescue Scheme to help vulnerable families at risk of repossession to stay in their homes;
(b) £1,000,000 for Central Administration in respect of the Enhanced Local Government Accrued Reporting project.
(ii) a reduction of £17,500,000, from the Departmental Unallocated Provision, to partly offset increased Fire pensions costs that resulted from backdating the revised commutation rate.
(iii) a transfer in of £3,673,000 from other government departments, comprising:
(a) £2,854,000 from the Home Office in respect of their contribution to the Migration Impact Fund;
(b) £819,000 from the Cabinet Office for the work of Parliamentary Counsel.
Items (iv) and (v) below have a net nil effect on the Departmental Expenditure Limit:
(iv) a net decrease in receipts of £1,549,000 comprising offsetting:
(a) £10,000,000 for Central Administration following surrender of the Ashdown House lease.
offset by increases in provision of:
(b) £3,580,000 for the Ordnance Survey Trading Fund as a result of changes in the targeted rate of return and value of net assets employed;
(c) £1,800,000 for Central Administration (Other Current) for staff on loan to the Homes and Communities Agency;
(d) £1,768,000 for the Government Offices for work being undertaken on behalf of sponsor departments;
(e) £1,200,000 for the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre Agency as a result of a change in the target rate of return and value of net assets employed;
(f) £103,000 for Fire Control Rooms for the recovery of accommodation costs for the maintenance of the newly built Regional Control Centres from the relevant Fire Authorities.
(v) a net transfer of £26,419,000 from non-voted to voted provision comprising:
from voted to non-voted provision
(a) £7,117,000 to the Homes and Communities Agency from Growth Areas, New Growth Points and Eco-towns in respect of:
(i) Eco-towns, to make funding awards to the four Eco-town authorities (£6,617,000);
(ii) the Advisory Team on Large Applications (ATLAS) funding (£500,000);
(b) £3,225,000 to Thames Gateway Thurrock Urban Development Corporation from FireLink (£1,508,000) and Fire Control Rooms (£1,717,000) for fixed assets' depreciation and interest costs.
(c) a transfer of £105,493,000 from various voted programmes to the Departmental Unallocated Provision.
from non-voted to voted provision
(d) a transfer of £142,254,000 from the Departmental Unallocated Provision comprising:
(i) European Regional Development Fund (£111,000,000)
(ii) Community Empowerment (£10,000,000) in respect of anti-social behaviour
(iii) Community Policy (£7,500,000) in respect of Connecting Communities
(iv) Renewing Neighbourhoods (£2,632,000) in respect of Town Centre funding
(v) Area Based Grant (£2,241,000)
(vi) Cumbria Floods Recovery (£1,000,000)
(vii) Regeneration Strategy (£441,000)
(viii) Migration Impact Fund (£400,000)
(ix) Housing Management (£200,000)
(x) Ordnance Survey Trading Fund (£3,580,000)
(xi) Residential Property Tribunal Service (£3,000,000)
(xii) Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre Agency (£260,000)
The change in the administration budget arises from a draw down of End of Year Flexibility of £1,000,000-see above section (i) and a transfer of £891,000 from the Cabinet Office-see above section (iii)).
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from
(vi) a reduction of £35.000,000 comprising
(a) £4,000,000 (part of £44,000,000) in respect of Support for Mortgage Interest, as agreed in the 2009 Pre-Budget Report. The balance of this (£40,000,000) will be effected by HM Treasury reducing the Department's End of Year Flexibility stock in the Public Expenditure Provisional Outturn 2009-10 White Paper; and
(b) £31,000,000 to offset increased prudential borrowing cover for the Local Authority New Build programme as agreed at the 2009 Budget and extended in "Building Britain's Future."
Items (vii) and (viii) below have a net nil effect on the Departmental Expenditure Limit:
(vii) an increase in receipts of £15,937,000 offsetting increases in provision of: £10,000,000 for Capital Pooled Housing Receipts; £5,000,000 for Support for the Voluntary and Community Sector in respect of the Community Builders project and £937,000 for Central Administration for the purchase of carbon reduction efficient lighting systems and reimbursement by reclaim to Department of Energy and Climate Change.
(viii) a net transfer of £15,277,000 from voted to non-voted provision comprising
from voted to non-voted provision
(a) £15,500,000 from Growth Areas, New Growth Points and Eco-Towns to the Homes and Communities Agency to enable it to make funding awards to the four Eco-town authorities.
(b) a transfer of £25,057,000 to the Departmental Unallocated Provision comprising Support for Voluntary & Community Sector Sustainability (£12,784,000); Capital Pooled Housing Receipts (£10,000,000); Fire and Rescue Service Improvement Programme (£2,139,000); and Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (£134,000).
from non-voted to voted provision
(c) transfers from the Departmental Unallocated Provision of £25,280,000 comprising:
(i) Fire Control Rooms (£24,963,000). The additional funding is required due to the delay in the transfer of the Regional Control Centre leases for the West Midlands and East of England;
(ii) Fire and Rescue Service Improvement Programme (£315,000) for replacement of assets lost and damaged in the fire at the Fire Service College and
(iii) European Regional Development Fund (£2,000) for token subhead to reinstate central and local authority spending from the European Regional Development Fund.
(2) The Department for Communities and Local Government's Local Government DEL will be increased by £30,000,000 from £25,761,145,000 to £25,791,145,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
(i) a transfer of £300,000 from voted to non-voted comprising a transfer from Improvement, Transformation and Efficiency to the Standards Board for England to meet restructuring costs.
(ii) a switch of £32,000,000 from Resource to Capital for the Local Government Public Service Agreement Performance Fund to meet commitments.
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:
(i) a draw down of End Year Flexibility of £30,000,000 to meet commitments for the Local Government Public Service Agreement Performance Fund.
(ii) a switch of £32,000,000 to Capital from Resource for the Local Government Public Service Agreement Performance Fund to meet commitments.
The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (Mr. Ben Bradshaw): Subject to Parliamentary approval, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport's total Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be increased by £78,600,000 from £2,060,368,000 to £2,138,968,000. Within the DEL change the impact on resource and capital are set out in the following table:
Departmental Expenditure Limits
Change | New | DEL | £'000 | ||
Voted | Non-voted | Voted | Non-voted | Total | |
(*)The total of' 'Administration budget' and 'Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures are greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. (* *)Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. (***)Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting. |
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