Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen

Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers


Written Answers for 24 February 2010


Manufacturing Industries


Computer Games Industry
Social Deprivation: Ayrshire
Economic Performance
Common Agricultural Policy
Departmental Energy
Future Jobs Fund

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Dubai: Death
Nigeria: Human Rights

Home Department

Drugs: Crime
Powers of Entry
UK Border Agency: Overtime
Vetting: Compensation
Work Permits
Written Questions: Government Responses

House of Commons Commission

Members: Email
Nurseries: Costs

Culture, Media and Sport

Castle Point
Departmental Energy
Departmental Internet
Departmental Temporary Employment
Holiday Accommodation
Theatre: Young People


Departmental Written Questions
Olympic Games 2012: Construction
Olympic Games 2012: Recruitment

Work and Pensions

Children: Maintenance
Departmental ICT
Departmental Surveys
Employment Schemes: Financial Services
Employment Schemes: Young People
Future Jobs Fund
Jobcentre Plus: Racism
Mining: Industrial Diseases
Mortgages: Government Assistance
New Deal Schemes
New Deal Schemes: Feltham
Pension Credit: Kingston
Pensioners: Per Capita Costs
Post Office Card Account
Social Security Benefits: Students
Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment Benefits: Appeals
Unemployment Benefits: Cancer
Unemployment Benefits: Glasgow East
Unemployment Benefits: Medical Examinations
Vocational Training: Disabled
Winter Fuel Payments
Winter Fuel Payments: Rotherham
Winter Fuel Payments: Stroud


Drugs: Sussex
Family Conciliation Services
National Offender Management Service: Manpower
Prison Sentences
Prisoner Escapes
Prisoners' Discharge Grants
Prisoners Release: Reoffenders
Prisons: Construction
Terrorism: Compensation
Victim Support: Hounslow
Young Offenders

Northern Ireland

Departmental Energy


Defence Medical Services: Manpower
Departmental Manpower
Departmental Public Expenditure
Nuclear Submarines: Decommissioning

International Development

Developing Countries: Overseas Aid


Crimes of Violence: Females
Health Protection Agency
Health Protection Agency: Location
Health Protection Agency: Porton Down
Muscular Dystrophy
Prostate Cancer: Medical Treatments
Swine Flu: Musgrove Park Hospital Taunton
Turning Point

Cabinet Office

Central Office of Information: Contracts
Departmental Computer Software
Departmental Freedom of Information
Government Departments: Advertising
Government Departments: Marketing
Iraq Committee of Inquiry
Non-profit Making Organisations
Social Mobility Commission
Voluntary Organisations: Finance

Communities and Local Government

Community Development: Business
Community Development: Expenditure
Council Housing: Property Transfer
Empty Dwelling Management Orders: North East
Energy Performance Certificates
Government Offices for the Regions: Finance
Home Information Packs
Housing: Construction
Local Government Finance
Local Government: Inspections
Mortgages: Government Assistance
Neighbourhood Renewal Fund
New Communities Fund
New Deal for Communities
Non-profit Making Associations
Property Development: Floods
Second Homes
Social Rented Housing: Feltham
Social Rented Housing: Tenants
Travelling People: Caravan Sites

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Agriculture: Manpower
Clothing: Recycling
Departmental Communication
Departmental Energy
Departmental Housing
Departmental ICT
Departmental NDPBs
Departmental Temporary Employment
Food: Schools
Newspaper Licensing Agency
Rats: Greater London
Rural Payments Agency: Pay
Textiles: Waste Disposal


Bank Services: Local Government
Bankruptcy: Business
Banks: Pay
Economic and Monetary Union
Inheritance Tax: Moray
Local Government: Cost Effectiveness
Maternity Benefits
Tax Collection
Welfare Tax Credits: Overpayments

Business, Innovation and Skills

Adult Education
Apprentices: Essex
Apprentices: Per Capita Costs
Business: Regulation
Departmental Advertising
Economic Participation Programme

Energy and Climate Change

Carbon Emissions
Fuel Poverty: South West
Government Departments: Carbon Emissions
Natural Gas: Storage
Warm Front Scheme

Women and Equality

Departmental Communication
Equality and Human Rights Commission: Business Interests
Faith Schools

Children, Schools and Families

Building Schools for the Future Programme
Citizenship: Hemsworth
Class Sizes: Milton Keynes
Departmental Accountancy
Departmental Buildings
Departmental Carbon Emissions
Departmental Consultants
Departmental Cost Effectiveness
Departmental Pay
Departmental Responsibilities
Education Maintenance Allowance
Free School Meals
Gifted Children: Salford
Learning Disability: Salford
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
Primary Education: Pupils
School Meals: Finance
Schools: Health Hazards
Schools: Standards
Sure Start Programme
Truancy: Gifted Children
Youth Taskforce

This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
24 February 2010


Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

Column: 551W

Wales [24 February 2010]

Manufacturing Industries [24 February 2010]

Mrs. Gillan:

Mr. Hain:

Ports [24 February 2010]

Mrs. Gillan:

Mr. David:

Scotland [24 February 2010]

Computer Games Industry [24 February 2010]

Mr. McGovern:

Column: 552W

Ann McKechin:

Social Deprivation: Ayrshire [24 February 2010]

Ms Katy Clark:

Mr. Jim Murphy:

Economic Performance [24 February 2010]

Mr. Bain:

Mr. Jim Murphy:

Common Agricultural Policy [24 February 2010]

Mr. Moore:

Ann McKechin:

Departmental Energy [24 February 2010]

Andrew Stunell:

Ann McKechin:

Future Jobs Fund [24 February 2010]

Mark Lazarowicz:

Mr. Jim Murphy:

Column: 553W

Foreign and Commonwealth Office [24 February 2010]

Dubai: Death [24 February 2010]

Mr. Galloway:

Chris Bryant:

Mr. Galloway:

Chris Bryant:

Nigeria: Human Rights [24 February 2010]

Paul Rowen:

Chris Bryant:

Home Department [24 February 2010]

Drugs: Crime [24 February 2010]

Mr. Jim Cunningham:

Column: 554W

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Mr. Jim Cunningham:

Mr. Alan Campbell:

Powers of Entry [24 February 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Mr. Hanson:

Column: 555W

Column: 556W

Column: 557W

Column: 558W

Column: 559W

Column: 560W

Column: 561W

Column: 562W

UK Border Agency: Overtime [24 February 2010]

Damian Green:

Mr. Woolas:

Vetting: Compensation [24 February 2010]

Tim Loughton:

Meg Hillier:

Work Permits [24 February 2010]

Chris Grayling:

Alan Johnson:

Written Questions: Government Responses [24 February 2010]

Dr. Cable:

Mr. Woolas:

Chris Huhne:

Column: 563W

Alan Johnson

House of Commons Commission [24 February 2010]

Members: Email [24 February 2010]

Mr. Maude:

Nick Harvey:

Nurseries: Costs [24 February 2010]

Michael Fabricant:

Nick Harvey:

Culture, Media and Sport [24 February 2010]

Castle Point [24 February 2010]

Bob Spink:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Column: 564W

Departmental Energy [24 February 2010]

Andrew Stunell:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Column: 565W

Departmental Internet [24 February 2010]

Mr. Heald:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Departmental Temporary Employment [24 February 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Holiday Accommodation [24 February 2010]

Richard Younger-Ross:

Column: 566W

Margaret Hodge:

Theatre: Young People [24 February 2010]

Mr. Jenkins:

Margaret Hodge:

Mr. Hunt:

Margaret Hodge:

Olympics [24 February 2010]

Departmental Written Questions [24 February 2010]

David Simpson:

Tessa Jowell:

Column: 567W

Olympic Games 2012: Construction [24 February 2010]

Jim Cousins:

Tessa Jowell:

Olympic Games 2012: Recruitment [24 February 2010]

Mr. Frank Field:

Tessa Jowell:

Column: 568W

Work and Pensions [24 February 2010]

Children: Maintenance [24 February 2010]

Pete Wishart:

Helen Goodman:

Departmental ICT [24 February 2010]

Mrs. Curtis-Thomas:

Column: 569W

Jim Knight:

Departmental Surveys [24 February 2010]

Mrs. May:

Jonathan Shaw:

Employment Schemes: Financial Services [24 February 2010]

Andrew Rosindell:

Jim Knight:

Column: 570W

Employment Schemes: Young People [24 February 2010]

Andrew Stunell:

Jim Knight:

Future Jobs Fund [24 February 2010]

Mrs. May:

Jim Knight:

Mrs. May:

Jim Knight:

Jobcentre Plus: Racism [24 February 2010]

Jenny Willott:

Column: 571W

Jim Knight:

Mining: Industrial Diseases [24 February 2010]

Mr. Kemp:

Helen Goodman:

John Mann:

Helen Goodman:

Mortgages: Government Assistance [24 February 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Column: 572W

Helen Goodman:

Grant Shapps:

Helen Goodman:

New Deal Schemes [24 February 2010]

Mrs. May:

Jim Knight:

New Deal Schemes: Feltham [24 February 2010]

Alan Keen:

Helen Goodman:

Pension Credit: Kingston [24 February 2010]

Mr. Davey:

Angela Eagle:

Column: 574W

Pensioners: Per Capita Costs [24 February 2010]

Mr. Hepburn:

Angela Eagle:

Column: 575W

Pensions [24 February 2010]

Steve Webb:

Angela Eagle:

Post Office Card Account [24 February 2010]

Mark Lazarowicz:

Helen Goodman:

Social Security Benefits: Students [24 February 2010]

Mrs. Dean:

Column: 576W

Helen Goodman:

Unemployment Benefits [24 February 2010]

Mrs. May:

Jim Knight:

Column: 577W

Unemployment Benefits: Appeals [24 February 2010]

Mr. Carmichael:

Jonathan Shaw:

Column: 578W

Unemployment Benefits: Cancer [24 February 2010]

Mr. Carmichael:

Jonathan Shaw:

Unemployment Benefits: Glasgow East [24 February 2010]

John Mason:

Jonathan Shaw:

Unemployment Benefits: Medical Examinations [24 February 2010]

Mr. Carmichael:

Jonathan Shaw:

Vocational Training: Disabled [24 February 2010]

Mr. Harper:

Column: 579W

Jonathan Shaw:

Winter Fuel Payments [24 February 2010]

Steve Webb:

Column: 580W

Jonathan Shaw:

Winter Fuel Payments: Rotherham [24 February 2010]

Mr. MacShane:

Angela Eagle:

Winter Fuel Payments: Stroud [24 February 2010]

Mr. Drew:

Angela Eagle:

Mr. Drew:

Angela Eagle:

Column: 581W

Justice [24 February 2010]

Drugs: Sussex [24 February 2010]

Norman Baker:

Claire Ward:

Family Conciliation Services [24 February 2010]

Margaret Moran:

Bridget Prentice:

Column: 582W

Margaret Moran:

Bridget Prentice:

Column: 583W

National Offender Management Service: Manpower [24 February 2010]

Kelvin Hopkins:

Maria Eagle:

Paedophilia [24 February 2010]

Margaret Moran:

Maria Eagle:

Prison Sentences [24 February 2010]

Alan Duncan:

Maria Eagle:

Column: 584W

Prisoner Escapes [24 February 2010]

Chris Grayling:

Maria Eagle:

Prisoners [24 February 2010]

Mr. Evans:

Maria Eagle:

Column: 585W

Prisoners' Discharge Grants [24 February 2010]

Mr. Grieve:

Mr. Straw:

Prisoners Release: Reoffenders [24 February 2010]

Alan Duncan:

Column: 586W

Maria Eagle:

Prisons: Construction [24 February 2010]

Alan Duncan:

Maria Eagle:

Column: 587W

Terrorism: Compensation [24 February 2010]

Mr. Ellwood:

Claire Ward:

Column: 588W

Victim Support: Hounslow [24 February 2010]

Alan Keen:

Claire Ward:

Young Offenders [24 February 2010]

Mr. Burrowes:

Column: 589W

Maria Eagle:

Column: 590W

Column: 591W

Column: 592W

Column: 593W

Column: 594W

Northern Ireland [24 February 2010]

Departmental Energy [24 February 2010]

Andrew Stunell:

Paul Goggins:

Column: 595W

Weapons [24 February 2010]

David Simpson:

Paul Goggins:

Column: 596W

Defence [24 February 2010]

Defence Medical Services: Manpower [24 February 2010]

Sir Menzies Campbell:

Mr. Kevan Jones:

Departmental Manpower [24 February 2010]

Mr. Philip Hammond:

Mr. Bob Ainsworth:

Departmental Public Expenditure [24 February 2010]

Dr. Fox:

Mr. Bob Ainsworth:

Column: 597W

Nuclear Submarines: Decommissioning [24 February 2010]

Willie Rennie:

Mr. Quentin Davies:

Willie Rennie:

Mr. Quentin Davies:

Willie Rennie:

Mr. Quentin Davies:

Column: 598W

Willie Rennie:

Mr. Quentin Davies:

International Development [24 February 2010]

Developing Countries: Overseas Aid [24 February 2010]

Andrew Stunell:

Mr. Michael Foster:

Andrew Stunell:

Column: 599W

Mr. Michael Foster:

Remittances [24 February 2010]

Mrs. Curtis-Thomas:

Mr. Thomas:

Health [24 February 2010]

Blood [24 February 2010]

Mr. Gerrard:

Gillian Merron:

Crimes of Violence: Females [24 February 2010]

Mrs. May:

Ann Keen:

Column: 600W

Health Protection Agency [24 February 2010]

Robert Key:

Gillian Merron:

Health Protection Agency: Location [24 February 2010]

Jim Cousins:

Gillian Merron:

Health Protection Agency: Porton Down [24 February 2010]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Gillian Merron:

Muscular Dystrophy [24 February 2010]

Richard Younger-Ross:

Ann Keen:

Column: 601W

Prostate Cancer: Medical Treatments [24 February 2010]

Christopher Fraser:

Ann Keen:

Christopher Fraser:

Ann Keen:

Swine Flu: Musgrove Park Hospital Taunton [24 February 2010]

Mr. Liddell-Grainger:

Column: 602W

Gillian Merron:

Turning Point [24 February 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Phil Hope:

Cabinet Office [24 February 2010]

Central Office of Information: Contracts [24 February 2010]

Mr. Hurd:

Tessa Jowell:

Mr. Hurd:

Column: 603W

Tessa Jowell:

Mr. Hurd:

Tessa Jowell:

Departmental Computer Software [24 February 2010]

Mr. Maude:

Angela E. Smith:

Departmental Freedom of Information [24 February 2010]

Mr. Maude:

Column: 604W

Tessa Jowell:

Government Departments: Advertising [24 February 2010]

Anne Main:

Tessa Jowell:

Government Departments: Marketing [24 February 2010]

Mr. Hurd:

Mr. Byrne:

Homeworking [24 February 2010]

Greg Mulholland:

Angela E. Smith:

Column: 605W

Iraq Committee of Inquiry [24 February 2010]

Mr. Dai Davies:

Tessa Jowell:

Non-profit Making Organisations [24 February 2010]

Margaret Moran:

Angela E. Smith:

Self-employed [24 February 2010]

Greg Mulholland:

Column: 606W

Angela E. Smith:

Social Mobility Commission [24 February 2010]

Mr. Maude:

Angela E. Smith:

Voluntary Organisations: Finance [24 February 2010]

Mr. Maude:

Angela E. Smith:

Communities and Local Government [24 February 2010]

Community Development: Business [24 February 2010]

Justine Greening:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 607W

Community Development: Expenditure [24 February 2010]

Justine Greening:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Justine Greening:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 608W

Column: 609W

Council Housing: Property Transfer [24 February 2010]

Margaret Moran:

Column: 610W

Mr. Ian Austin:

Disadvantaged [24 February 2010]

Justine Greening:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 611W

Empty Dwelling Management Orders: North East [24 February 2010]

Jim Cousins:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Energy Performance Certificates [24 February 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Government Offices for the Regions: Finance [24 February 2010]

Julia Goldsworthy:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 612W

Home Information Packs [24 February 2010]

Robert Neill:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Column: 613W

Homelessness [24 February 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Column: 614W

Housing [24 February 2010]

Julia Goldsworthy:

John Healey:

Housing: Construction [24 February 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Column: 615W

Mr. Ian Austin:

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Immigration [24 February 2010]

Mr. Frank Field:

John Healey:

Landlords [24 February 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Column: 616W

Local Government Finance [24 February 2010]

Robert Neill:

Barbara Follett:

Local Government: Inspections [24 February 2010]

Julia Goldsworthy:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 617W

Mining [24 February 2010]

Mr. Todd:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Mortgages: Government Assistance [24 February 2010]

Bob Spink:

John Healey:

Neighbourhood Renewal Fund [24 February 2010]

Justine Greening:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

New Communities Fund [24 February 2010]

Julia Goldsworthy:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 618W

Julia Goldsworthy:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

New Deal for Communities [24 February 2010]

Julia Goldsworthy:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Non-profit Making Associations [24 February 2010]

Margaret Moran:

Barbara Follett:

Property Development: Floods [24 February 2010]

Martin Horwood:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Column: 619W

Second Homes [24 February 2010]

Sarah Teather:

Barbara Follett:

Social Rented Housing: Feltham [24 February 2010]

Alan Keen:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Social Rented Housing: Tenants [24 February 2010]

Robert Neill:

Column: 620W

Mr. Ian Austin:

Travelling People: Caravan Sites [24 February 2010]

Robert Neill:

Mr. Ian Austin:

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [24 February 2010]

Agriculture: Manpower [24 February 2010]

Mrs. Gillan:

Column: 621W

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Clothing: Recycling [24 February 2010]

Jo Swinson:

Dan Norris:

Column: 622W

Departmental Communication [24 February 2010]

Mr. Hurd:

Dan Norris:

Departmental Energy [24 February 2010]

Andrew Stunell:

Dan Norris:

Column: 623W

Column: 624W

Departmental Housing [24 February 2010]

Sarah Teather:

Dan Norris:

Departmental ICT [24 February 2010]

Mr. Hurd:

Dan Norris:

Departmental NDPBs [24 February 2010]

Bob Spink:

Dan Norris:

Departmental Temporary Employment [24 February 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Dan Norris

Column: 625W

Column: 626W

Food: Schools [24 February 2010]

Tim Farron:

Column: 627W

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Newspaper Licensing Agency [24 February 2010]

Mr. Hurd:

Dan Norris:

Rats: Greater London [24 February 2010]

Robert Neill:

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Rural Payments Agency: Pay [24 February 2010]

Sammy Wilson:

Column: 628W

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Textiles: Waste Disposal [24 February 2010]

Jo Swinson:

Dan Norris:

Treasury [24 February 2010]

Bank Services: Local Government [24 February 2010]

John Mann:

Sarah McCarthy-Fry:

Bankruptcy: Business [24 February 2010]

Mr. Binley:

Mr. Timms:

Banks: Pay [24 February 2010]

Lynne Jones:

Mr. Timms:

Column: 629W

Economic and Monetary Union [24 February 2010]

Mr. Maude:

Mr. Timms:

Inheritance Tax: Moray [24 February 2010]

Angus Robertson:

Mr. Timms:

Local Government: Cost Effectiveness [24 February 2010]

Robert Neill:

Mr. Byrne:

Robert Neill:

Mr. Byrne:

Maternity Benefits [24 February 2010]

Mrs. Maria Miller:

Column: 630W

Mr. Timms:

Tax Collection [24 February 2010]

Mr. Duncan Smith:

Mr. Byrne:

Taxation [24 February 2010]

Mr. Liddell-Grainger:

Mr. Timms:

Welfare Tax Credits: Overpayments [24 February 2010]

Steve Webb:

Mr. Timms:

Column: 631W

Mr. Duncan Smith:

Mr. Timms:

Column: 632W

Mr. Duncan Smith:

Mr. Timms:

Mr. Duncan Smith:

Mr. Timms:

Business, Innovation and Skills [24 February 2010]

Adult Education [24 February 2010]

Mr. Hancock:

Kevin Brennan:

Column: 633W

Mr. Hancock:

Kevin Brennan:

Apprentices: Essex [24 February 2010]

Bob Spink:

Kevin Brennan:

Column: 634W

Apprentices: Per Capita Costs [24 February 2010]

David Davis:

Kevin Brennan:

Business: Regulation [24 February 2010]

John Penrose:

Column: 635W

Ian Lucas:

Departmental Advertising [24 February 2010]

Pete Wishart:

Mr. McFadden:

Column: 636W

Directgov [24 February 2010]

John Penrose:

Kevin Brennan:

Economic Participation Programme [24 February 2010]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 637W

Innovation [24 February 2010]

Greg Mulholland:

Ian Lucas:

Students [24 February 2010]

Greg Mulholland:

Mr. Lammy:

Column: 638W

Column: 639W

Column: 640W

Column: 641W

Energy and Climate Change [24 February 2010]

Carbon Emissions [24 February 2010]

Derek Wyatt:

Joan Ruddock:

Fuel Poverty: South West [24 February 2010]

Nick Harvey:

Mr. Kidney:

Column: 642W

Government Departments: Carbon Emissions [24 February 2010]

Derek Wyatt:

Joan Ruddock:

Natural Gas: Storage [24 February 2010]

John Hemming:

Mr. Kidney:

Column: 643W

Column: 644W

Warm Front Scheme [24 February 2010]

John Mann:

Mr. Kidney:

Women and Equality [24 February 2010]

Departmental Communication [24 February 2010]

Mr. Hurd:

Maria Eagle:

Equality and Human Rights Commission: Business Interests [24 February 2010]

Philip Davies:

Column: 645W

Maria Eagle:

Faith Schools [24 February 2010]

Andrew Mackinlay:

Maria Eagle:

Column: 646W

Andrew Mackinlay:

Maria Eagle:

Children, Schools and Families [24 February 2010]

Building Schools for the Future Programme [24 February 2010]

Michael Gove:

Mr. Coaker:

Citizenship: Hemsworth [24 February 2010]

Jon Trickett:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Column: 647W

Class Sizes: Milton Keynes [24 February 2010]

Mr. Lancaster:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Departmental Accountancy [24 February 2010]

Mr. Hurd:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Departmental Buildings [24 February 2010]

Mr. Graham Stuart:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Departmental Carbon Emissions [24 February 2010]

Kelvin Hopkins:

Column: 648W

Mike Wood:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Departmental Consultants [24 February 2010]

Mr. Weir:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Departmental Cost Effectiveness [24 February 2010]

Mr. Laws:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Departmental Pay [24 February 2010]

Mr. Scott:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Column: 649W

Mr. Leech:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Column: 650W

Departmental Responsibilities [24 February 2010]

John Mason:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Education Maintenance Allowance [24 February 2010]

Mr. Oaten:

Mr. Iain Wright

Free School Meals [24 February 2010]

Andrew Rosindell:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Column: 651W

Column: 652W

Gifted Children: Salford [24 February 2010]

Hazel Blears:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Learning Disability: Salford [24 February 2010]

Hazel Blears:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Column: 653W

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education [24 February 2010]

Robert Key:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Primary Education: Pupils [24 February 2010]

Michael Gove:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Column: 654W

School Meals: Finance [24 February 2010]

Mr. Hurd:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Schools: Health Hazards [24 February 2010]

Tom Brake:

Mr. Coaker:

Schools: Standards [24 February 2010]

Michael Gove:

Mr. Coaker:

Column: 655W

Michael Gove:

Mr. Coaker:

Sure Start Programme [24 February 2010]

Dr. Starkey:

Dawn Primarolo:

Column: 656W

Taxis [24 February 2010]

Grant Shapps:

Ms Diana R. Johnson:

Truancy: Gifted Children [24 February 2010]

Michael Gove:

Mr. Coaker:

Column: 657W

Youth Taskforce [24 February 2010]

James Brokenshire:

Column: 658W

Dawn Primarolo:

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