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25 Feb 2010 : Column 740W—continued

Unemployment Benefits

Mr. Harper: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many customers who have made successful claims for (a) jobseekers' allowance and (b) income support had previously made an unsuccessful claim for employment and support allowance in each quarter since the introduction of that allowance. [317037]

Jim Knight [holding answer 22 February 2010]: The information is not available as records of unsuccessful claims are not included in the National Statistics datasets which underpin routine publication of benefit statistics.

Mr. Harper: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what estimate has her Department made of the additional on flows to (a) jobseekers' allowance and (b) income support attributable to the introduction of employment and support allowance in each quarter since October 2008. [317039]

Jim Knight [holding answer 22 February 2010]: The requested information is not available.

Mr. Harper: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what estimate her Department has made of the projected caseloads for (a) jobseekers' allowance
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and (b) income support not reckoning the introduction of employment and support allowance in each quarter since October 2008. [317040]

Jim Knight [holding answer 22 February 2010]: The requested information is not available. No estimate has been made of caseloads for jobseeker's allowance or income support based on the employment and support allowance not having been introduced.

Unemployment Benefits: Medical Examinations

Mr. Carmichael: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what contracts her Department has with external companies to conduct work capability assessments; and when each such contract is due to expire. [317750]

Jonathan Shaw: The DWP has one contract for the provision of medical services which is delivered on a national basis. The current medical services contract to conduct work capability assessments was awarded to Atos Healthcare, a subsidiary company of Atos Origin.

The contract commenced on 1 September 2005 and is due to expire on 31 August 2012. The Department has options to extend the contract for a further five years up to 31 August 2017.

Mr. Carmichael: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many appeals against the outcomes of assessments for employment support allowance in (a) the UK and (b) Scotland there have been since 27 October 2008; in how many such cases the appeal has been upheld; and how many of the upheld appeals related to the outcomes of assessments undertaken in respect of a serious illness. [317755]

Jonathan Shaw: The Department publishes detailed information relating to the work capability assessment for employment and support allowance claims in Great Britain. Information is not available at a lower level. The report can be found at:

A copy is available in the Library. This report contains details of the number of initial assessments carried out since the introduction of employment and support allowance, a breakdown of the result of the assessment, including the fit for work decision and separate information relating to work capability assessment appeals.

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Information about the number of work capability assessment appeals is in the table.

Work capability assessment appeals heard on 'Fit for Work' decisions: employment and support allowance claims to December 2008/appeals heard by end of December 2009


Appeals heard


1. Includes clerical assessments.
2. Volumes will increase in the coming months as more appeals are processed giving a more robust picture of appeal volumes and outcomes. It will then be possible to link this information to the work capability assessment data and provide information on proportions appealing.
3. Figure rounded to the nearest 100.

Data by medical conditions are not yet available for employment and support allowance. Information on appeal outcomes falls to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Justice.

Woolworths: Redundancy

Mrs. May: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what information her Department holds on the number of former Woolworth workers who (a) have received help through Jobcentre Plus, (b) are in employment and (c) are out of work. [304393]

Jim Knight: The information requested is not available.


Accident and Emergency Departments

Jeremy Corbyn: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what information his Department holds on the use of accident and emergency departments at (a) University College Hospital, (b) the Royal Free Hospital, (c) Whittington Hospital, (d) Barnet General Hospital, (e) North Middlesex Hospital and (f) Chase Farm Hospital in each year since 2000. [318019]

Mr. Mike O'Brien: Information is collected on first attendances in accident and emergency (A and E) departments. This excludes follow-up visits for the same condition, but counts each attendance by the same patient for different conditions separately. The following table shows reported first attendances for north central London by national health service trust.

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25 Feb 2010 : Column 744W
First attendances at accident and emergency (A&E) departments, minor injury units and walk-in centres, Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals, North Middlesex University Hospital, Royal Free Hampstead, The Whittington Hospital, University College London Hospitals
First attendances
OrgID Name 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09


Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust











North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust











Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust











The Whittington Hospital NHS Trust











University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation










Notes: 1. These data are subject to our formal revision policy. 2. A&E attendances were collected annually from 1987-88 to 2002-03 on the KH09 as A&E/MIU. 3. WiC attendances were added in Ql 2003-04. 4. A&E attendances were first collected in Ql 2002-03 on the QMAE. 5. IS provided services were added in Ql 2007-08. These data were collected retrospectively at the end of 2007-08. They were added to the QMAE from Ql 2008-09. 6. North Middlesex reported a WiC between 2004-05 and 2006-07. 7. The Whittington reported a WiC from 2004-05 to 2008-09. Source: Department of Health dataset KH09, QMAE.

Cancer: Health Services

Miss McIntosh: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the change has been in the average level of NHS expenditure on an individual cancer patient in the last five years. [318697]

Ann Keen: This information is not held in the requested format. We are not able to provide information on what change there has been in the average level of national health service expenditure on an individual cancer patient in the last five years. We are able to provide information on gross expenditure per capita on cancers and tumours in England.

Gross expenditure per capita on cancers and tumours in England

Total spend (£000) England populations Spend per head (£)

























1. Expenditure figures are from estimated England level programme budgeting data, which are calculated using primary care trust (PCT) and strategic health authority programme budgeting returns and Department of Health Resource Accounts data. Figures will include an estimation of special health authority expenditure.
2. In order to improve data quality, continual refinements have been made to the programme budgeting data calculation methodology since the first collection in 2003-04. The underlying data which support programme budgeting data are also subject to yearly changes. Caution is therefore advised when using programme budgeting data to draw conclusions on changes in PCT spending patterns between years.
3. Figures do not include expenditure on cancer screening, health promotion programmes or general practitioner expenditure. Populations are those used for PCT resource allocations.

Cancer: Nurses

Mr. Lansley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what estimate he has made of the cost to the public purse of the Prime Minister's plans to provide specialist cancer nurses for all people in England who (a) have and (b) have had cancer; how many new nurses such additional funding would provide; and from which budget it will be taken; [318891]

(2) what estimate he has made of the number of specialist cancer nurses required to provide support at home for all in England who (a) have and (b) have had cancer; how many such nurses would be newly-trained nurses; and how many hours of support per week on average he estimates each such person would need. [318892]

Ann Keen: We are investing £20 million in 2011-12 to work with Macmillan to introduce more specialist cancer nurse posts. The £20 million has been found from funding released from programmes launched by the Next Stage review, which will either have been implemented fully by 2011-12, or which funded development activities which are now reaching a planned conclusion.

Current estimates are that up to half of cancer patients do not have one-to-one support, which could mean that we would need to double the number of people who provide such support. We are currently carrying out a detailed assessment of work force needs. This includes considering different possible models and levels of support, which may vary according to where someone is on the patient pathway.

It is likely that most of the additional work force will need to receive training, and we will be looking at what needs to be done to ensure that the work force is appropriately trained.

Departmental Finance

Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what his plans are in respect of (a) resource and (b) capital expenditure for (i) his Department and (ii) the NHS budget in 2010-11. [318185]

Mr. Mike O'Brien: Expenditure plans for 2010-11 are set out in the Departmental Report 2009:

(a) Resource in Figure A5: Page 219

(b) Capital expenditure in Figure A7: Page 221.

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These tables include a split of expenditure that shows departmental expenditure, and overall expenditure in the national health service.

Departmental Statistics

Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will place in the Library a copy of his Department's latest statistics on the percentage of courses of dental treatment for the same patient re-attending within (a) three months and (b) three to nine months in each primary care trust. [318173]

Ann Keen: The information requested is contained in a table, which has been placed in the Library.

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