Oral Answers

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Crown Dependencies123
Domestic Violence121
FOI Request124
Indeterminate Sentences for Public Protection125
Libel Tourism120
Members of Parliament (Recall)118
Prisoners Released in Error125
Prisoners (Republic of Ireland Nationals)124
Prisons (Muslim Gangs)122
Retail Crime113
Service Personnel (Voting)116
Settlements out of Court119
Short Custodial Sentences111
Topical Questions126

Written Ministerial Statements

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills25WS
Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 200927WS
Companies House25WS
Debt Relief Orders26WS
UK Space Agency25WS
Children, Schools and Families29WS
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults29WS
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs30WS
Agriculture and Fisheries Council30WS
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science30WS
Bilateral Healthcare Agreement (UK and Isle of Man)32WS
People with Learning Difficulties (Health Care)31WS
Law on Libel33WS
Out-of-Court Disposals32WS
Work and Pensions34WS
Child Maintenance Disregard34WS
Workplace Pension Reform36WS


Tuesday 23 March 2010

Children, Schools and Families3P
Badman Report (Gosport)3P
Badman Report (North Devon)3P
Communities and Local Government4P
Regional Spatial Strategies (Irchester)4P
Disrepair (Felstead Road, Castle Point)6P

Written Answers

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills252W
Adult Education252W
Departmental Food254W
Departmental Languages254W
Departmental Pay255W
Departmental Publications255W
Departmental Written Questions255W
Estate Agents256W
Government Assistance256W
Higher Education: Anti-Semitism257W
Housing: Sales258W
Insolvency: Leeds258W
Learning and Skills Council259W
Learning Disability259W
Non-Domestic Rates: Ports260W
Research: Diabetes260W
RRS Discovery260W
Sheffield Forgemasters: Loans261W
Written Questions: Government Responses261W
Cabinet Office220W
Civil Servants: Redundancy Pay224W
Deaths: Arthritis224W
Deaths: Diabetes225W
Departmental Computer Software225W
Government Departments: ICT227W
Government Departments: Publications228W
Older People231W
UK Statistics Authority: Finance234W
UK Youth Parliament235W
Unemployment: Rural Areas235W
Children, Schools and Families172W
Children: Day Care172W
Departmental Consultants172W
Departmental Official Hospitality173W
Teachers: City of York173W
Teachers: Licensing174W
Communities and Local Government261W
Aerials: Planning Permission261W
Affordable Housing262W
Audit Commission: Consolidated Communications262W
Council Tax263W
Council Tax: Greater London263W
Council Tax: Yorkshire and the Humber264W
Councillors: Codes of Practice264W
Departmental Internet264W
Departmental Manpower266W
Departmental Publications265W
Departmental Senior Civil Servants267W
Departmental Surveys267W
Departmental Theft267W
Departmental Written Questions268W
Domestic Waste: Waste Disposal268W
Empty Dwelling Management Orders269W
Energy Performance Certificates269W
Fire Services: Greater London269W
Government Offices for the Regions269W
Government Offices for the Regions: Finance270W
Green Belt271W
Home Information Packs271W
Housing: Conferences271W
Housing: Construction272W
Housing: Regeneration273W
Local Authority Business Growth Incentive Scheme273W
Local Government: Bank Services274W
Local Government Finance273W
Local Government: Standards274W
Mortgages: Government Assistance275W
Multiple Occupation: Licensing276W
Non-Domestic Rates276W
Non-Domestic Rates: Empty Property279W
Non-Domestic Rates: Ports279W
Non-Domestic Rates: York281W
Public Footpaths284W
Public Sector284W
Regional Planning and Development285W
Social Rented Housing: Databases285W
Social Rented Housing: Tenants Rights285W
Standards Board for England: Public Relations286W
Tenancy Deposit Schemes287W
Travelling People: Caravan Sites288W
Written Questions: Government Responses288W
Culture, Media and Sport159W
Departmental Legal Costs159W
Departmental Publications159W
Television: Smoking160W
Tourism: Finance160W
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations168W
Animal Experiments168W
Armed Forces: Training168W
Armoured Fighting Vehicles169W
Energy and Climate Change288W
Boilers: Government Assistance288W
Carbon Emissions: Buildings289W
Carbon Emissions: Housing290W
Carbon Emissions: Trees290W
Departmental Consultants290W
Departmental Energy291W
Departmental Publications291W
Domestic Appliances: Carbon Emissions291W
Energy: Meters293W
Energy Supply293W
Government Car and Despatch Agency293W
Warm Front Scheme293W
Wind Power294W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs166W
Community Development: Finance166W
Environment Protection: Seas and Oceans166W
Fish: Conservation166W
Rural Development Programme: North West167W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office213W
Afghanistan: Drugs213W
Afghanistan: Elections213W
Afghanistan: Politics and Government214W
Burma: Nuclear Power214W
China: Religious Freedom214W
Departmental Buildings215W
Departmental Pay215W
India: Christianity216W
Middle East: Armed Conflict217W
Sri Lanka218W
Tibet: Politics and Government218W
Togo: Politics and Government219W
Zimbabwe: Human Rights219W
Cancer: Drugs236W
Cancer: Nurses236W
Contraceptives: Health Education236W
Departmental Consultants237W
Departmental Written Questions237W
Direct Payments238W
Eating Disorders239W
General Practitioners: Leeds239W
Health Centres: Finance240W
Home Care Services: Birmingham241W
Hospitals: Consultants242W
Hospitals: Waiting Lists243W
Mental Health Services: Older People244W
Methadone: Gloucestershire244W
NHS: Compensation245W
NHS: Crimes of Violence246W
NHS: Parking247W
NHS: Private Finance Initiative248W
Primary Care Trusts248W
Respite Care: Finance251W
Respite Care: Leeds251W
Skin Cancer: Greater London251W
Stem Cells252W
Written Questions: Government Responses252W
Home Department160W
Crime: York161W
Crimes of Violence: Crime Prevention161W
Criminal Records: Vetting162W
Departmental Publications162W
Dogs: Crime160W
Domestic Violence: Crime Prevention163W
Immobilisation of Vehicles: Fees and Charges163W
Independent Police Complaints Commission163W
Police: Harassment164W
Terrorism: Detainees165W
House of Commons Commission169W
Illegal Immigrants169W
Speaker's Adviser171W
International Development171W
Bangladesh: Water171W
Burma: Health Services171W
Burma: International Assistance172W
Antisocial Behaviour183W
Courts: Video Conferencing183W
Departmental Food183W
End of Custody Licence Scheme182W
George Kelly184W
Jury Selection182W
Lands Tribunal184W
Prison Accommodation: Wales185W
Prisoners: Literacy and Numeracy183W
Prisons: Drugs185W
Probation: Per Capita Costs185W
Sexual Offences Act 2003186W
Vetting: Charities187W
Voting Rights: Armed Forces187W
Voting Systems188W
Witness Protection182W
Young Offenders181W
Youth Justice: Finance188W
Youth Offending181W
Northern Ireland174W
Departmental Food174W
Olympic Games 2012: Cycling159W
Prime Minister252W
Sir David Omand252W
Departmental Publications165W
Departmental Theft165W
Airports: Security175W
Bus Services: Lancashire175W
Channel Tunnel Railway Line: Construction175W
Departmental Location176W
Driving: Licensing176W
Heathrow Airport: Aircraft176W
Heathrow Airport: Passengers178W
Heathrow Airport: Railways177W
Immobilisation of Vehicles177W
Maidstone East Railway Line178W
Motorcycles: Driving Tests178W
Parking Offences: Closed Circuit Television179W
Railways: Construction179W
Railways: Fares180W
Railways: Fixed Penalties180W
Railways: Freight180W
Railways: Greater London181W
Boilers: Government Assistance188W
Departmental Computer Software189W
Departmental Food189W
Departmental Information Officers189W
Departmental Publications190W
Departmental Visits Abroad190W
Equitable Life Assurance Society190W
Industry: Private Sector Investment191W
Infrastructure UK: Legal Opinion191W
Members: Correspondence191W
Non-Domestic Rates: Ports192W
Non-Domestic Rates: Valuation192W
Public Sector: Pensions193W
Revenue and Customs: Chorley193W
Revenue and Customs: Debt Collection195W
Smuggling: Tobacco196W
Tax Allowances: Housing195W
Taxation: Alcoholic Drinks196W
Taxation: Self-assessment196W
Valuation: Caravan Sites197W
Valuation Office Agency: Contracts197W
Out of Area Treatment169W
Work and Pensions198W
Departmental Food198W
Departmental Legal Costs198W
Departmental Lost Property199W
Departmental Telephone Services199W
Disability Living Allowance199W
Greater Manchester200W
Housing Benefit202W
Jobcentre Plus: Redundancy Pay202W
Jobseeker's Allowance203W
National Employment Savings Trust204W
Pension Protection Fund205W
Poverty: Children206W
Poverty: Milton Keynes207W
Remploy: Factories209W
Social Security Benefits209W
Social Security Benefits: Disabled210W

Ministerial Corrections

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Driving Instruction1MC

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