Oral Answers

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Northern Ireland229
Fuel Smuggling235
National Security Protocols234
Per Capita Expenditure236
Presbyterian Mutual Society232
Saville Inquiry237
Security Situation229
Prime Minister238
Mental Health Units245

Written Ministerial Statements

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Children, Schools and Families37WS
Parliamentary Answer (Correction)37WS
Communities and Local Government38WS
Local Government38WS
Culture, Media and Sport41WS
The Wreck of HMS Victory41WS
Energy and Climate Change41WS
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (Springfields Site)42WS
Renewables Obligation Order Debate (Correction)41WS
Courts and Tribunals42WS
Prime Minister43WS
Public Sector Senior Remuneration43WS
Debt and Reserves Management Report (2010-11)37WS


Wednesday 24 March 2010

Presented Petition9P
Business Rates9P
Communities and Local Government9P
Mobile Telephone Mast (West Midlands)9P

Written Answers

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills401W
Business: Government Assistance401W
Further Education: Procurement401W
Future Large Aircraft402W
Higher Education: Admissions402W
Illegal Immigrants403W
Office of Fair Trading: Telephone Services404W
Post Offices: Closures404W
Post Offices: National Lottery405W
Sector Skills Development Agency: Public Relations405W
Students: Disabled405W
Students: Fees and Charges406W
Teesside Cast Products406W
Unemployment: Leeds406W
Union Modernisation Fund408W
Cabinet Office365W
10 Downing Street: Repairs and Maintenance365W
Civil Servants: Pay366W
Civil Servants: Recruitment366W
Departmental Location366W
Government Departments: Aviation366W
Children, Schools and Families354W
Building Schools for the Future Programme355W
Children: Day Care355W
Children: Diabetes357W
Class Sizes: Primary Education357W
Departmental Food357W
Departmental Publicity358W
Departmental Recruitment358W
Faith Schools: Islam359W
Free School Meals: Leeds359W
Government Car and Despatch Agency360W
Learning Disability360W
Primary Education: Standards361W
Pupils: Clothing361W
School Catchment Areas361W
Schools: Bexley362W
Teachers TV: Finance362W
Communities and Local Government389W
Affordable Housing389W
Agriculture: Planning Permission389W
Council Housing: Immigrants389W
Disabled Facilities Grants: Hyndburn390W
Eco-Towns: Construction391W
Energy Performance Certificates391W
Green Belt392W
Homelessness: Leeds393W
Homelessness: Young People393W
Housing: Databases394W
Local Authorities: Expenditure394W
Local Government: East of England397W
Local Government: Fraud397W
Mortgages: Government Assistance398W
Non-Domestic Rates: Appeals398W
Parish Councils: Cost Effectiveness399W
Parking: Fees and Charges399W
Social Rented Housing: Rents399W
Special Protection Areas: Pets400W
Temporary Accommodation400W
Tenancy Deposit Schemes400W
Written Questions: Government Responses401W
Culture, Media and Sport328W
Departmental Buildings328W
Departmental Written Questions328W
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations297W
Animal Experiments298W
Armed Forces: Equipment298W
Armed Forces: Officers298W
Armed Forces: Pensions299W
Departmental Location300W
Departmental Publications300W
Electoral Commission Committee295W
Labour Party: Donors295W
Political Parties: Finance295W
Energy and Climate Change329W
Departmental Food329W
Fossil Fuels329W
Gas and Electricity Markets Authority: Finsbury329W
Radioactive Waste: Waste Management330W
Wind Power330W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs302W
Agriculture: Subsidies302W
Carbon Emissions: Waste Disposal302W
Departmental Correspondence303W
Departmental Disciplinary Proceedings303W
Departmental Internet304W
Departmental Publications304W
Departmental Surveys304W
Departmental Theft305W
Departmental Travel305W
Domestic Waste: Waste Disposal307W
National Fly-Tipping Prevention Group307W
Reptiles: Smuggling309W
Trade Unions310W
Waste Disposal: Fees and Charges310W
Waste Disposal: Public Opinion311W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office300W
Burma: Asylum300W
Burma: United Nations301W
Israel: Foreign Relations301W
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development: Israel301W
Sudan: Politics and Government301W
Accident and Emergency Departments: Children367W
Cancer: Drugs371W
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome371W
Community Care: Mentally Ill372W
Departmental Mass Media372W
Departmental Publications373W
Departmental Responsibilities373W
Health Services375W
Health Services: Training376W
Home Care Services376W
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority: Consultants377W
Incontinence: Medical Equipment377W
Infectious Diseases378W
Medical Records: Children381W
NHS: Procurement384W
Northwick Park Hospital: Accident and Emergency Departments384W
Respite Care: Staffordshire385W
Social Services: Complaints386W
Treatment Centres: Finance386W
Tuberculosis: Offenders387W
Tuberculosis: Screening388W
Vaccination: Children388W
Home Department335W
Animal (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986335W
Animal Welfare: EC Action335W
Asylum: Housing336W
British Nationality336W
Departmental Buildings338W
Departmental Disciplinary Proceedings338W
Departmental Food339W
Departmental ICT339W
Departmental Languages340W
Departmental Location340W
Departmental Ministerial Policy Advisers341W
Departmental Surveys342W
Detention Centres343W
DNA: Databases343W
Drugs: Colombia344W
Electronic Warfare344W
Entry Clearances: Biometrics345W
Entry Clearances: Pakistan346W
Identity Cards346W
Illegal Immigrants: Car Washes346W
Immigrants: Detainees346W
National Bullying Helpline348W
Powers of Entry348W
Raja Petra Kamarudin349W
Smuggling: Birds349W
UK Border Agency349W
UK Border Agency: Correspondence350W
UK Border Agency: Stress350W
UK Border Agency: Travel350W
UK Border Agency's War Crimes Unit351W
Work Permits: Africa352W
Young Offenders: Greater London353W
House of Commons Commission295W
Charlie Whelan295W
Members: Allowances296W
International Development327W
Departmental Written Questions327W
Developing Countries: Tuberculosis327W
Iraq: Depleted Uranium328W
Alcoholic Drinks: Young People331W
Children in Care: Child Trust Fund332W
Prison Sentences332W
Training: Finance333W
Northern Ireland362W
Departmental Publications363W
Departmental Travel363W
Dissident Paramilitaries363W
Press and Communications Officers363W
Prison Sentences364W
Queen's Diamond Jubilee362W
Saville Inquiry362W
Security Situation362W
Olympic Games 2012: Construction364W
Departmental Written Questions297W
Departmental Buildings312W
Departmental Food312W
Departmental Publications313W
Departmental Theft313W
Electronic Warfare313W
High Speed Two314W
High Speed Two: Job Creation314W
Network Rail: Industrial Accidents315W
Network Rail: Manpower315W
Railway Signals316W
Railway Signals: Accidents316W
Railways: Accidents316W
Railways: Fares319W
Road Traffic: Severn Bridge319W
Roads: Tolls321W
Speed Limits321W
Transport Innovation Fund: Reading Berkshire321W
Departmental Written Questions333W
Government Departments: Bank Cards333W
Revenue and Customs: Debt Collection334W
Tax Allowances: Part-time Employment335W
Departmental Buildings297W
Departmental Surveys297W
Work and Pensions322W
Departmental Recruitment322W
Departmental Telephone Services322W
Departmental Written Questions322W
Newspaper Licensing Agency323W
Unemployment Benefits325W
Vocational Training326W

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