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29 Mar 2010 : Column 609W—continued

Marine Conservation Zones

Paddy Tipping: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) what steps he plans to take to ensure scientific evidence is taken into account in identifying marine conservation zones under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009; [324272]

(2) what socio-economic criteria will be taken into account in (a) the selection of individual sites and (b) the design of an ecologically cohesive network of marine conservation zones; [324273]

(3) whether the seven principles of ecological cohesion will be adhered to in the designation of marine conservation zones; [324274]

(4) whether the minimum conservation objectives for marine conservation zones will be a favourable condition used in designating sites of special scientific interest. [324275]

Huw Irranca-Davies: Designations of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs), by necessity, must be based on science to identify the case for conserving habitats, flora and fauna in accordance with the provisions set out in the Marine and Coastal Access Act. The Government have established an independent Science
29 Mar 2010 : Column 610W
Advisory Panel who will advise both the regional projects and Government on the science. In our statement of 11 March to Parliament, the Government set out the seven principles of ecological coherence it will apply. The development of the ecological guidance to be issued by the SNCBs is being informed by research that has been subject to peer review.

It will be the responsibility of the Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies, working with four regional stakeholder projects, to set out the rationale in its advice to Government on where to create MCZs and the conservation objectives to be achieved. A key part of this will involve assembling evidence, including scientific and socio-economic data. We consider that the concept of Good Environmental Status-which will be defined through implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive-should guide the minimum level acceptable for MCZ objectives, as far as that is an appropriate measure for a site-based conservation tool. Government expect that scientific uncertainty will be explicitly recognised in that advice. For example, our understanding of the connectivity principle is still evolving and while not unimportant it will be a secondary consideration.

There will be choices to be made, for example between replicate features, or site management measures, or how to support both development and conservation policies. We expect socio-economic considerations to be taken into account at all stages to inform these choices. These considerations will include opportunity costs. The criteria to be applied will be ones that provide confidence that decisions will result in an ecologically coherent network that is well supported, understood and can be managed to contribute to our vision for clean, healthy, safe, productive, and biologically diverse oceans and seas.

Nature Conservation: West Midlands

Mr. Jim Cunningham: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what recent steps he has taken to protect wildlife in the West Midlands. [324278]

Huw Irranca-Davies: Natural England is the lead delivery body for the Government's strategy to conserve wildlife in England. Examples of Natural England's action in the West Midlands include:

29 Mar 2010 : Column 611W

Recycling: West Midlands

Mr. Jim Cunningham: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what recent steps he has taken to encourage recycling in the West Midlands. [324280]

Dan Norris: Local authorities are best placed to make decisions on the waste management strategy for their communities, although the Government strongly encourage recycling through a range of measures. Local authorities are required by law to provide every household with a kerbside collection of at least two materials by December 2010 as part of a strategy to increase recycling.

Through the Waste Resources Action programme (WRAP) we are providing tailored support to local authorities to facilitate and encourage recycling.

Over the last five years, WRAP has provided advice and support to every local authority in the West Midlands. Three authorities (Stratford on Avon, Newcastle under Lyme and Shropshire council) are already signatories to the recently launched Waste Collection Commitment, developed by WRAP and the Local Government Association. This sets out the principles of a good recycling service, one of which is that local authorities should collect as many materials for recycling as possible and then explain clearly what happens to them.

WRAP is working with the Regional Development Agency, Advantage West Midlands, to deliver a £5.4 million programme to increase collections of waste material, develop recycling infrastructure and increase the use of recycled materials. The support will be a mixture of capital funding and business development support.

Prime Minister

Building Resilience

Mr. Jenkin: To ask the Prime Minister pursuant to the answer of 22 March 2010, Official Report, column 2W, on community relations, when the paper was classified; what level of classification it has; what assessment has been made of that classification in the last 12 months; and what the reasons are for its classification. [324578]

The Prime Minister: I have nothing further to add to the answer I gave on 22 March 2010, Official Report, column 2W.

Tony Blair

Norman Baker: To ask the Prime Minister if he will place in the Library a copy of (a) the memorandum written by David Manning on 30 January 2003 and (b) the minutes of the meeting which took place between Tony Blair and President Bush in Crawford, Texas, on 22 February 2003. [323269]

Tessa Jowell: I have been asked to reply.

The Government do not publish classified documents in the Libraries of the House.

29 Mar 2010 : Column 612W



Sir Menzies Campbell: To ask the Solicitor-General whether the Director of the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has classified MW Kellogg as a self-reporting company under the SFO's Approach to Dealing with Overseas Corruption issued in July 2009. [324647]

The Solicitor-General: The Serious Fraud Office does not confirm or deny the existence of such classification in any particular case it may be investigating.

Government Departments: Judicial Review

Mr. Stewart Jackson: To ask the Solicitor-General with reference to the answer to the right hon. Member for Horsham of 1 March 2009, Official Report, column 943W, on Government departments: judicial review, in respect of what cases each Department was a first defendant and the judicial review was granted following a substantive hearing between 2007 and 2009. [323694]

Bridget Prentice: I have been asked to reply.

The cases where challenges by way of judicial review were upheld against Government Departments following substantive hearings, as set out in the answer to the right hon. Member for Horsham (Mr. Maude) of 1 March 2010, are as follows:


Secretary of State for Defence

Secretary of State for Home Department (SSHD)


Secretary of State for Justice (SSJ)




Secretary of State for Communitie s and Local Government (SSCLG)



29 Mar 2010 : Column 613W

Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (SSTI)


Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

















29 Mar 2010 : Column 614W



Women and Equality

Equality and Human Rights Commission: Industrial Disputes

Mr. Stewart Jackson: To ask the Minister for Women and Equality pursuant to the answer of 25 January 2010, Official Report, column 556W, on Equality and Human Rights Commission: industrial disputes, how much was paid out of public funds to settle the dispute in each of the 12 cases. [319749]

Maria Eagle: EHRC is independent and it manages its own affairs; the following is based on information it has provided.

Of the 12 cases concerned two have been settled for a monetary sum. The total amount paid in these cases was £25,000. The other 10 cases were settled without a monetary payment.

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